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French Far-Right Candidate Vows to Fight for Identity as Prospects Fade



PARIS — With its immense forecourt opening onto a panoramic view of the Eiffel Tower, the Trocadéro Plaza in Paris presents a super setting to revive a flagging marketing campaign for the French presidency. Twice prior to now decade, tens of hundreds of individuals have flocked there, responding to calls from embattled right-wing contenders in search of assist.

A 3rd try got here on Sunday, when Éric Zemmour, the far-right pundit turned presidential candidate, held a large rally on the Trocadéro designed to halt his slide within the polls, precisely two weeks earlier than the primary spherical of voting.

“I’ll combat to reconquer our identification, I’ll combat to regain our prosperity,” Mr. Zemmour instructed tens of hundreds of supporters who waved a sea of French flags below a blazing solar.

Sunday’s rally, one of many greatest of this 12 months’s elections, had all the trimmings of a last-ditch try to revitalize a marketing campaign that began with a bang after which regularly stalled, as Mr. Zemmour, 63, acquired slowed down in controversies and struggled to broaden his voter base.

And shake it up he did. For months, by his lively presence on social and information media in addition to his frenzied rallies, he formed the general public debate by pushing it additional to the suitable. He popularized the idea of the “nice substitute” — a racist conspiracy idea stating that white Christian populations are being changed by nonwhite immigrants — rewrote a few of the worst episodes from France’s previous and promoted divisive concepts corresponding to a proposal to pressure dad and mom to provide their youngsters “conventional” French names.


His meteoric rise within the polls — he briefly ranked second in mid-February — turned him into an sudden runoff contender and a critical risk for Marine Le Pen, the longtime chief of the far proper, and Valérie Pécresse, the candidate of the mainstream proper.

However his scores have regularly slipped for a month, placing him in fourth or fifth place, after the conflict in Ukraine uncovered two of his greatest flaws: his previous sympathy for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and his neglect of the difficulty of financial inequalities.

In a 2018 interview, Mr. Zemmour stated he “would dream” of a French equal of Mr. Putin, praising his try to revive the grandeur of “an empire in decline” — phrases which have haunted him since Russia invaded Ukraine, severely denting his credibility on worldwide affairs. The candidate additionally provoked an outcry after he first opposed welcoming Ukrainian conflict refugees, saying it could additional “destabilize France, which is already overwhelmed — I do say overwhelmed — by immigration.”

However it’s his failure to reply to the financial hardship created by the conflict that has most affected his standing. Mr. Zemmour has lengthy defended liberal positions on the financial system, which have achieved little to allay voters’ fears about rising vitality costs. Against this, his rivals, Ms. Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, a far-left candidate, have benefited from this concern, having lengthy campaigned in opposition to financial inequality.

“He has centered a lot on identification, immigration and safety,” stated Bruno Cautrès, a political scientist on the Middle for Political Analysis at Sciences Po college in Paris, “that it has prevented him from embodying anything within the eyes of the voters.”


Within the fall, Mr. Zemmour had pinned his hopes on his capability to enchantment to “the patriotic bourgeoisie and the working lessons.” However attendance at Sunday’s rally instructed that he primarily attracted bourgeois voters.

“Sovereignty, grandeur, identification — this man thinks precisely like me,” stated Benoît Bergeron, a 68-year-old Zemmour supporter sporting a tweed jacket, who had crossed the Seine from his upscale Left Financial institution neighborhood to affix the rally.

Mr. Bergeron stated the final time he had joined an indication was to assist La Manif Pour Tous, a big motion opposing same-sex marriage that upended France in 2013. A number of supporters within the crowd stated Mr. Zemmour was one of the best consultant of a conservative era that emerged after that motion.

Mr. Cautrès stated Mr. Zemmour had a restricted voter base and scored properly primarily amongst segments of the higher center class, the aged and conservative Catholics. “It’s not one thing that propels you to the second spherical of the presidential election,” he stated.

In opposition to a backdrop of sinking ballot numbers, Mr. Zemmour has tried to refocus the talk round immigration by toughening his already polarizing stance. Warning that France will grow to be “a Muslim nation” by 2060 if present migration ranges persist, he promised final week to create a “Ministry of Remigration” and deport 100,000 “undesirable foreigners” annually, if elected.


However the proposal solely triggered additional controversy and accentuated his picture as an excessive politician. “He didn’t run a marketing campaign to convey individuals collectively, however he ran one which was extra divisive, extra provocative every single day,” stated Robert Ménard, a French radical right-wing mayor and longtime acquaintance of Mr. Zemmour who helps Ms. Le Pen.

On the rally, Mr. Zemmour’s speech was crammed with populist overtones, with assaults in opposition to the information media and the elites, who he stated the place making an attempt to undermine his candidacy. “Nothing and nobody will steal this election from us,” he instructed the roaring crowd.

The candidate’s radical messaging has additionally had the sudden impact of sanitizing the picture of his direct far-right competitor, Ms. Le Pen, a objective she has lengthy been pursuing. Ms. Le Pen is now polling at 20 % in voting intentions, about twice the speed for Mr. Zemmour, and seems on observe to achieve a runoff with the incumbent, President Emmanuel Macron.

“He has normalized Marine Le Pen,” Mr. Ménard stated.

Maybe the largest influence of Mr. Zemmour’s marketing campaign will probably be its lasting impact on French politics, which have more and more lurched to the suitable. Polls present that two-thirds of French individuals immediately are anxious concerning the “nice substitute.” Relying on his efficiency within the first spherical of voting, Mr. Zemmour may additionally pressure a whole reshuffle of the French proper. A number of leaders of Ms. Le Pen’s and Ms. Pécresse’s events have already joined his marketing campaign.


A number of supporters on the Trocadéro on Sunday stated they didn’t belief the polls. “We’re at a turning level,” stated Stéphanie Vitry, an organization supervisor, who was satisfied Mr. Zemmour would come out forward in two weeks. In any other case, she stated, “it’s the top of France.”

However some didn’t cover that they’d largely given up hope that the far-right candidate would attain a second spherical.

“I confess that I’m not very optimistic,” stated Oxana Herbeth, 23, a former Le Pen voter who had turned to Mr. Zemmour, attracted by his powerful line on immigration and safety.

It didn’t assist that the Trocadéro has additionally been symbolically related to the downfall of the French proper. The previous two presidential candidates of the center-right social gathering Les Républicains held huge rallies there — earlier than being defeated on Election Day.

“To assemble the suitable on the very place the place it has failed,” Mr. Ménard stated. “Unusual concept.”


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Maps: 7.2-Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Peru



Maps: 7.2-Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Peru

Note: Map shows the area with a shake intensity of 4 or greater, which U.S.G.S. defines as “light,” though the earthquake may be felt outside the areas shown. The New York Times

A major, 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck in the South Pacific Ocean off Peru on Friday, according to the United States Geological Survey.

The temblor happened at 12:36 a.m. Peru time about 5 miles west of Atiquipa, Peru, data from the agency shows. Follow our coverage here.

As seismologists review available data, they may revise the earthquake’s reported magnitude. Additional information collected about the earthquake may also prompt U.S.G.S. scientists to update the shake-severity map.

Aftershocks in the region

An aftershock is usually a smaller earthquake that follows a larger one in the same general area. Aftershocks are typically minor adjustments along the portion of a fault that slipped at the time of the initial earthquake.


Quakes and aftershocks within 100 miles

Aftershocks can occur days, weeks or even years after the first earthquake. These events can be of equal or larger magnitude to the initial earthquake, and they can continue to affect already damaged locations.

Source: United States Geological Survey | Notes: Shaking categories are based on the Modified Mercalli Intensity scale. When aftershock data is available, the corresponding maps and charts include earthquakes within 100 miles and seven days of the initial quake. All times above are Peru time. Shake data is as of Friday, June 28 at 1:53 a.m. Eastern. Aftershocks data is as of Friday, June 28 at 8:36 p.m. Eastern.

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US removes Gaza aid pier due to weather and may not put it back, officials say



US removes Gaza aid pier due to weather and may not put it back, officials say

The pier built by the U.S. military to bring aid to Gaza has been removed due to weather to protect it, and the U.S. is considering not re-installing it unless the aid begins flowing out into the population again, U.S. officials said Friday.

While the military has helped deliver desperately needed food through the pier, the vast majority of it is still sitting in the adjacent storage yard and that area is almost full. Aid agencies have had difficulty moving the food to areas further into Gaza where it is most needed because the humanitarian convoys have come under attack.


The U.N., which has the widest reach in delivering aid to starving Palestinians, hasn’t been distributing food and other emergency supplies arriving through the pier since June 9. The pause came after the Israeli military used an area near the pier to fly out hostages after their rescue in a raid that killed more than 270 Palestinians, prompting a U.N. security review over concerns that aid workers’ safety and neutrality may have compromised.

A U.S. Army soldier gestures as trucks loaded with humanitarian aid arrive at the U.S.-built floating pier Trident before reaching the beach on the coast of the Gaza Strip, Tuesday, June 25, 2024.  (AP Photo/Leo Correa)


U.N. World Food Program spokesman Steve Taravella said Friday that the U.N. participation in the pier project is still on pause pending resolution of the security concerns.

While always meant to be temporary and never touted as a complete solution to the problems getting humanitarian aid into Gaza, President Joe Biden’s $230 million project has faced a series of setbacks since aid first rolled ashore May 17 and has been criticized by relief groups and congressional Republicans as a costly distraction.

The pier has been used to get more than 19.4 million pounds, or 8.6 million kilograms, of food into Gaza, but has been stymied not only by aid pauses but unpredictable weather. Rough seas damaged the pier just days into its initial operations, forcing the military to remove it temporarily for repairs and then reinstall it. Heavy seas on Friday forced the military to remove it again and take it to the Israeli port at Ashdod.

Several U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss military movements, said the military could reinstall the pier once the bad weather passes in the coming days, but the final decision on whether to reinstall it hasn’t been made.

Sabrina Singh, a Pentagon spokeswoman, acknowledged that she doesn’t know when the pier will be reinstalled. “When the commander decides that it is the right time to reinstall that pier, we’ll keep you updated on that.,” she said.


She also said Friday that there is a need for more aid to come into Cyprus and be transported to the pier. She noted that the secure area onshore is “pretty close to full,” but that the intention is still to get aid into Gaza by all means necessary. She said the U.S. is having discussions with the aid agencies about the distribution of the food.


But, she added, “Of course, if there’s not enough room in the marshalling yard, then it doesn’t make sense to put our men or women out there when there’s nothing to do.”

Palestinians are facing widespread hunger because fighting in the nearly nine-month Israel-Hamas war, Israeli restrictions on border crossings that are far more productive than the sea route and the attacks on the aid convoys have severely limited the flow of food, medicine and other supplies.

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Meloni condemns antisemitism among ruling party's youth league



Meloni condemns antisemitism among ruling party's youth league

Left-wing news outlet Fanpage claimed it had video evidence of some National Youth members using racist slurs and making a Nazi salute.


Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has condemned racist and antisemitic remarks made by some members of the ruling Brothers of Italy party’s youth league.

Speaking to reporters in Brussels, Meloni said antisemitism and racism are incompatible with the party after two leading members of the National Youth resigned over alleged antisemtic remarks made against a Jewish Senator.

“I have said many times and repeat, I think that those who have racist, antisemitic or nostalgic feelings have simply got their home wrong, because these feelings are incompatible with the Brothers of Italy, they are incompatible with the Italian right, they are incompatible with the political line which we have clearly defined in recent years, and therefore I do not accept that there are ambiguities on this,” she said.

Meloni’s comments come after a report appeared in the left-wing online newspaper, Fanpage, which claimed it had video and audio recordings of some National Youth members using racist slurs and making Nazi salutes.

But Meloni also took a swipe at Fanpage’s reporting methods.


“I think that if we want to call it a journalistic investigation, the same attitude and the same investigation would be carried out in all the youth organisations of other political parties. We don’t know what could come out, we won’t know. You know why? Because in the history of the Italian Republic, what Fanpage did with Brothers of Italy is a first,” she said.

“It has never even been considered that they could infiltrate a political organisation, secretly record its meetings, also record the personal affairs of minors.”

The Fanpage investigation, entitled ‘Melonian Youth’, has sent shockwaves through the Brothers of Italy at the same time as Meloni has been seeking to cement a reputation as a moderate voice on the EU stage.

There has also been outrage from members of the Jewish Community of Rome, with some calling on Meloni to punish the youth wing members exposed in the investigation. 

“The Jewish Community of Rome condemns the shameful images of racism and antisemitism that emerged from the Fanpage investigation,” president Victor Fadlun posted on X.


He’s urged the party to take “appropriate action,” saying it was “imperative that society” reacts against discrimination.

Brothers of Italy has its roots in the Italian Social Movement (MSI), formed in 1946 as a successor to Benito Mussolini’s fascist movement that ruled Italy for more than 20 years.

Meloni has repeatedly condemned the racist, anti-Jewish laws enacted by Mussolini in 1938 in a bid to turn her party into a mainstream conservative force.

But she has also ignored calls to declare herself “anti-fascist”, prompting some of her critics to say she has failed to fully distance herself from neo-fascism.

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