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Utah program takes used solar eclipse glasses from around nation to donate



Utah program takes used solar eclipse glasses from around nation to donate

PROVO The fun and excitement of the solar eclipse may now be fading, but one Provo business explains its now marking the start of a huge project for them.

They’re collecting used eclipse glasses, for a program that is putting them front and center around the nation.

Utahns who didn’t stick around in the Beehive State hunted for the best totality viewing spots, leading them to places like Danville, Arkansas.

“My son, 17 years old, said, ‘Let’s go to the solar eclipse,’” said Scott Hansen, who lives in the town of Elwood in Box Elder County.


He said he missed out on the eclipse in 2017, with totality just a hop, skip, and a jump from him at the time.

This time the zone of totality was quite a bit further, but a trek he and his family were willing to make.

“We started looking, where is it going to be clear, a good chance of it,” he said.

John Cope, another Utahn who found himself in Arkansas Monday, said the same thing.

“We drove all night to get here, so that was far enough,” he said.


As they and our own KSL team joined in on the eclipse-chasing, Roger Sarkis spent his day tracking a different phenomenon in Provo.

It was one he never saw coming.

“This is way more than I thought we’d ever get,” he said, looking at hundreds of emails in his inbox on his laptop.

The UVU earth science educator’s side business, Eclipse Glasses USA, runs a program to donate used certified eclipse glasses. Apparently, it went viral on social media in the last few days, leading to more than a thousand emails flooding his inbox on Monday, alone.

Provo family projected to sell half a million glasses for total solar eclipse


“We’re already pushing an estimated 10,000 pairs offered to us already,” he said.

Sarkis said the National Park Service, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Mastercard, universities, hospitals, and large U.S. cities including St. Louis reached out to ask about donating thousands of eclipse glasses no longer needed.

“‘We don’t want to throw these away, we want to do something with them,’” Sarkis said, of what everyone is expressing in their emails. “Which is really a cool thing to see.”

He plans to ship thousands of glasses to schools in Hawaii and Latin America in the next eclipse path in October. Sarkis said he reached out to the Hawaii Department of Education and plans to work with Astronomers Without Borders.

Sarkis explained that they focus on underserved communities and students, specifically Title I schools.


“As a teacher myself, my ethos is that I want students and adults everybody to have the opportunity to look at this really amazing event,” he said.

Sarkis noted that they only take certified glasses manufactured in the United States. That means the eclipse glasses cannot be made in China and need to include the American-based manufacturer business and address on the inside. There should also be an ISO logo stamped on the edge of the glasses.

As he goes through every email, replying with information on donating, Sarkis hopes to pass on the passion for the rare, spectacular, celestial sight.

“We all gathered to watch this eclipse for like this human moment,” Sarkis said, adding, “And now people are kind of gathering again to try and help these students.”

To learn more about how to donate used, certified eclipse glasses, click here.


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Local students stand out at Utah Tech



Local students stand out at Utah Tech

ST GEORGE, UT – Carlin Christensen, Justyn Hill-Hand and Krystal Jackson were among the 2,967 graduates at Utah Tech University’s 113th Commencement ceremonies held earlier this month. “Utah Tech University is excited to celebrate its 2024 graduating class,” Interim President Courtney White said. “We are so proud of our graduates’ accomplishments and can’t wait to […]

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Team from Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind competing in 48-hour row race



Team from Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind competing in 48-hour row race

TACOMA, Washington — In an inspiring display of determination, students from Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind will compete in Seventy48. That’s a 48-hour row race, which will have the students pushing the limits of endurance and spirit.

Coach Ryan Greene, with eight students who are blind and nine chaperones just touched down in Washington for the two-day row race challenge.

“We spent countless hours, you know, going over safety protocols,” Greene said.


Students like Charlie Sims from Park City are participating in the race.

“20 minutes right before the race, I’ll be freaking out (and) super nervous … But, I’m super excited,” said Sims. “I feel like we’re definitely ready to take on this challenge.”

The students and chaperones have prepared for the worst.

“We’ve capsized the boat in Willard Bay … in early May in that cold water,” Greene said.

48 hours, day and night on the waters of Washington’s Puget Sound. Why would they embark on such a dangerous journey? To prove that anything is possible.

“When you have a crew behind you, you can go a lot farther as you’re paddling as one,” Greene said. “Our students have embraced that, and they have embraced that they can do really hard things.”

It sounds dangerous, and it will be, but what the team will take home with them will forever make it worth it.

Click here to track the team’s progress and to see live updates on the race.

Devin Oldroyd contributed to this story.


Eric Cabrera is a reporter for KSL NewsRadio. You can follow him on Instagram.

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How the doctor running for Congress in Utah plans to heal America



How the doctor running for Congress in Utah plans to heal America

Editor’s note: This is the fifth in a series of articles looking at the Republican candidates for Utah’s open 3rd Congressional District seat.

The institutions of Washington, D.C., are sick, according to state Sen. Mike Kennedy. But the party-backed candidate for Utah’s 3rd District Republican primary claims the cure for Congress isn’t found in the shock therapy of partisan showdowns.

Kennedy, a practicing doctor and trained lawyer, is more likely to prescribe the attentive bedside manner and persuasive advocacy he says served him in the state legislature over the last decade. He believes building relationships, not bombastic rhetoric, is key to ending paralysis on issues like border security, national debt and inflation — and to healing the country.

But that doesn’t mean turning a blind eye to the extent of the nation’s ailments.


“We need to recognize there’s a problem,” Kennedy said. “And the problem is elected officials … that are unresponsive to the daily needs of our citizens in the form of buying and spending on things that are unnecessary, creating inflationary trends.”

Having “diagnosed” the problem, Kennedy said the best way to “treat” it is to send the right kind of problem-solver back to Washington, D.C., to replace outgoing Rep. John Curtis.

“We need a coalition of people that are willing to actually make a difference and not be grandstanding and fundraising and disagreeable about that approach they’re going to take,” Kennedy said.

As a family physician with a practice in Lindon, Kennedy says he knows what it takes to heal the individual. And as a former malpractice attorney, Kennedy said he’s seen how the law helps heal society.

The two qualifications can come together at a higher level, Kennedy says, if Republicans in the 3rd District send the only sitting lawmaker in the race to represent them in Washington, D.C., to try “to heal that place.”

Mike Kennedy, running for Utah’s 3rd Congressional District, is photographed during an interview with the Deseret News at the Deseret News office in Salt Lake City on Wednesday, May 29, 2024. | Megan Nielsen, Deseret News

Kennedy: Reform wasteful programs to begin healing America

Fittingly, Kennedy said a healthier lifestyle for the federal government begins with health care reform. While the fights on Capitol Hill often center around the budget, they rarely touch the mandatory spending programs that contribute most to the country’s deficits, Kennedy said.

“I know Medicare and Medicaid and how there are — over and over again — systems that I see as either redundant or unnecessary that are costing our taxpayers billions of dollars,” Kennedy said. “If I can build that coalition that I keep talking about with my legislative colleagues, … we can actually eliminate programs that don’t make any difference to the quality of care.”

One way Kennedy wants to improve Medicaid — government-provided health insurance for low income families — is to remove the incentive for states to grow Medicaid rolls while relying on the federal government to pick up additional costs. Instead, the state should be given funding through block grants for Medicaid that it will be more careful in distributing, Kennedy said.

“There are ways to full freight pay for the Medicaid needs, but then make the state use its innovative capacities to utilize Medicaid money in a more effective way,” Kennedy said.

Medicare, which provides health insurance to disabled individuals and those over 65, is rife with vendor programs that increase taxpayer costs without changing health care outcomes, Kennedy said. They do this by obtaining lists of Medicare recipients and offering them free, and “entirely unnecessary,” products that have been included in Medicare payment programs, according to Kennedy.


“That’s just one of many programs that are just the same way,” Kennedy said.

But Kennedy is no slash-and-burn libertarian.

He believes there is a place for smart government programs that “Give a hand up, not a hand out.” For example, he thinks a better use of Medicare funds could be to incentivize elderly people to go to the gym and exercise instead of “passively buying” products that vendors provide.

“The reality is we can move the ball forward just gently on this stuff,” Kennedy said. “I’m not expecting cancer chemotherapy and surgical treatments immediately right away for everything. Some of this is incremental, and we have to approach it that way.”

Kennedy’s legislative track record

This incremental approach, and a willingness to “work with all sorts of people with different opinions,” handed Kennedy one of his most notable legislative achievements, he said.


In 2023, after several failed attempts, Kennedy successfully sponsored a bill that banned transgender surgeries and treatments for Utah children.

“That bill is a good example of a thoughtful civil process, working with all parties on both sides of a variety of complicated issues,” Kennedy said.

Three months after the bill passed, Kennedy’s home was vandalized in retaliation.

Kennedy was first elected to the state legislature as a House representative in 2012. He left to run for U.S. Senate against Mitt Romney, where he won at the GOP nominating convention before losing in the primary.

Kennedy returned in 2020 by winning a special election for Utah Senate, where he represents roughly 20% of the 3rd District’s population in northern Utah County, Kennedy said.


Now that he’s turned his eyes toward Congress again, Kennedy promises potential constituents that he’ll pursue creative solutions to the country’s most difficult issues. But he says he can’t promise he’ll find willing partners.

Where does Mike Kennedy stand on border security, Ukraine?

Many of his would-be congressional colleagues are too preoccupied with fundraising and winning reelection to recognize common ground on issues like immigration, Kennedy said.

The sustained chaos at the southern border demands a national security response, Kennedy said, and he thinks he could unite a majority of lawmakers around heightened fentanyl detection measures and a policy that automatically bars migrants from entering the U.S. if they are found “with a trace of fentanyl on them.”

On foreign policy, Kennedy is supportive of selling military resources to Ukraine or forcing Russia to pay for it by seizing their assets. But Kennedy draws a line at sending U.S. troops to the embattled ally.

His willingness to back Ukraine in its defensive war against Russian President Vladimir Putin comes from statements by legislative leadership with top-secret briefings saying that if the U.S. doesn’t support Ukraine, then Putin’s expansionist ambitions will require a much greater American response later on.


“I’m very concerned we may be at the beginning of World War III,” Kennedy said. “Brutal dictators should be hit heavily early on to prevent them from continuing to expand and making the problem worse.”

Mike Kennedy, running for Utah’s 3rd Congressional District, is photographed during an interview with the Deseret News at the Deseret News office in Salt Lake City on Wednesday, May 29, 2024. | Megan Nielsen, Deseret News

Convention winner

Kennedy is the only candidate on the 3rd District primary ballot that did not attempt to qualify via signature gathering. Instead, he advanced to the primary after talking with all the state delegates he could and winning their support in a landslide at the state GOP nominating convention on April 27 with 61.5% in the final round of voting.

The victory makes him the party-backed candidate and has brought “wind to the sails” because of access to party resources, money and volunteers, Kennedy said. The candidate also counts on endorsements from Utah’s top legislative leadership, Utah Senate President Stuart Adams, R-Layton, and Utah House Speaker Mike Schultz, R-Hooper.

Before the convention, Kennedy had raised more money than any of his competition, with over $341,000 in total contributions — not including a $156,000 loan he gave his campaign. But some of his opponents have invested much more of their personal wealth into the race.

Former Sky Zone CEO Case Lawrence has poured nearly $1.3 million of his money into his campaign, making him the biggest dollar candidate in the race, with Roosevelt Mayor JR Bird close behind with a $1 million loan.

Voters will decide between five candidates in the June 25 Republican primary election, that includes Kennedy, Lawerence, Bird, State Auditor John Dougall and commercial litigator Stewart Peay.


On Nov. 5, the Republican nominee will face off against Democratic candidate Glenn Wright.

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