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These teens were getting gender-affirming care before the Utah Legislature banned it. Here’s what has happened to them since.



These teens were getting gender-affirming care before the Utah Legislature banned it. Here’s what has happened to them since.

Every school day, Jacob says, he makes choices: Limit how much water he drinks to avoid using the bathroom, stay quiet or risk his voice giving him away, eat or starve.

Liam’s day is filled with microaggressions, his father says — such as no one sitting by him on the school bus, or someone giving him a note that said “gay people should die.”

In January, both boys, transgender teens in Utah, were in the process of receiving gender-affirming medical care. That’s when Gov. Spencer Cox signed SB16, making Utah the first state in the country to ban all access to this care for minors.

As Utah and the nation celebrate Pride Month in June, transgender youths like Jacob and Liam navigate the day-to-day consequences of SB16 and similar bans that, according to the LGBTQ advocacy group Human Rights Campaign, have since passed in 18 other states.


To protect the safety of the children and their families, The Salt Lake Tribune has agreed to not identify the boys. “Jacob” and “Liam” are pseudonyms the boys chose.

Jacob, now 15, was taking gender-affirming hormones and using testosterone gel, and had his first appointment for plastic surgery days before Cox signed the bill. The ban, he said, crushed his hopes for getting “top” surgery in Utah.

Liam, 13, was receiving puberty blockers, which prevent changes that don’t match someone’s gender identity. His next shot was delayed, his mom said, because they had to find a new care provider. His original doctor feared litigation, she said, and stopped giving gender-affirming care to anyone under 18 — even though the law includes a “grandfather clause” for teens already in treatment, like Liam.

Sen. Mike Kennedy, R-Alpine, said in January that he sponsored SB16 to protect children from making irreversible changes to their bodies. “Our country is witnessing a radical and dangerous push for children to enter this version of health care,” he said. Kennedy did not respond to requests for comment for this article.

The law also directs the Utah Department of Health and Human Services to study hormone treatments for transgender youth and make recommendations about when such treatments should be allowed. Caring for children, Kennedy argued, means “asking some tough, complex questions.”


After signing SB16 in January, Cox defended his action on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” saying Utah would “push pause until we get better data. … If there is potential long-term harm for our kids, we need to find that.” Cox’s office did not provide comment for this article when requested.

But Jacob said he feels lawmakers who passed SB16 “don’t see you as a person, they don’t see how these bills impact you, or how this can affect your life or how you see yourself. They just see you as a hypothetical. It’s really hard to know that my government feels that way about me.”

(Leah Hogsten | The Salt Lake Tribune) Jacob, a 15-year-old transgender male, pictured at home on April 26, 2023 is looking forward to top surgery this summer.

Confidence to speak up

When Jacob was young, his mother remembered, he “was a really happy kid. Silly and goofy and smart.”

As soon as puberty hit, Jacob changed.


”There was more and more closing down. My child closed down, to the point of stopping eating and stopped participating in life,” she said. “… I didn’t know why my kid was so sad, wouldn’t talk to any of us, couldn’t just sit and be in our family and didn’t want pictures taken.”

Jacob, his mother said, would engage in self-harm before he came out, scratching and sometimes starving himself. He said his grades were horrible and he didn’t want to participate in extracurricular activities.

When Jacob told his mom that he was trans, the first thing the family did was take him to get a haircut. “I was finally able to look at a mirror and see myself for who I was,” Jacob said.

When he came out at school — with planning between the family and his school’s administration — Jacob’s mom recalled getting multiple calls a week from him, crying from the bathroom at school because somebody misgendered him.

Before he started on puberty blockers, his mom said, he wouldn’t speak to anyone outside of his house, “because then he would be automatically outed.”


Jacob’s mom noted that doctors ask the parent and child — together and separate — many questions before performing any gender-affirming care. His mom said she feels that SB16 goes against Utah’s reputation for supporting parental rights.

“It’s saying that we as parents don’t know what our kids need,” Jacob’s mom said, “[that] we are trying to push an agenda on our children that will hurt them, that these doctors and therapists have an agenda. I don’t think any of them have an agenda except for keeping these kids alive.”

Jacob began taking blockers before entering high school, and hormone therapy a short time after. When he took them, and people started accepting him as a boy, she said, he felt better and started speaking again.

”I can’t imagine what my life would be like if I couldn’t receive hormone therapy,” Jacob said.

“Just to know that people don’t perceive you and see you how you are and what you feel like — it makes you feel ostracized and alienated,” he said. “You feel like you just have no control over your body.”


Jacob said he now finds joy at a transgender summer camp he attends, and in small moments with his family, his friends and support groups. He cares for his pets — three rats, two dogs and a family cat — and he’s interested in music and language. The once-silent kid joined the debate team.

Jacob’s family members said they want people to know the daily realities of being a transgender teen. Once, when he went to a play, Jacob said, he heard people behind him arguing about transgender people.

”I’ll hear people around me a lot talking about whether or not I’m real, basically,” he said. “There’s some people who won’t talk to you, if they know you’re trans, and I’ve experienced that.”

And he can’t participate in physical activities without a chest binder, which can be compressive, causing shortness of breath and chest pain. Jacob can’t swim, and he said he had been looking forward to learning this summer, once he had his top surgery.

His surgery is now scheduled out of state, in mid-June. For a long time, he wanted to go to college at the University of Utah, but things have changed.


“I don’t want to live in Utah anymore, because it doesn’t feel safe for me,” he said. “I don’t want to live in a place where I might constantly have to deal with laws that are talking about whether or not I can simply exist.”

Finding his place

Liam, now 13, came out at age 9, after he and his family attended the 2019 LoveLoud Festival, the annual music event launched by Imagine Dragons frontman Dan Reynolds to show support for LGBTQ+ youth and their families. Liam said he recalls the sense of belonging he felt, especially when he heard the pop singer Kesha perform her hit “Tik Tok.”

“Sometimes you feel like you don’t belong in one place, and then you find a piece of yourself and it just kind of feels rewarding,” he said.

Looking back, his mom said, the biggest clue was when Liam had to draw a self-portrait as a school assignment in the second grade.

“At that time, he had super-long hair,” his mother said. In the portrait, though, “it was boy-cut hair, a collared shirt, the whole thing. … It’s probably because [he] did not have the vocabulary to be able to communicate how [he] felt differently.”


(Leah Hogsten | The Salt Lake Tribune) Liam, a 13-year-old transgender boy draws in his room, April 27, 2023. Liam came out at the age of 9 after attending a LoveLoud Festival in 2019 with his family.

These days, Liam enjoys anime and working on school theater productions. He is soft-spoken, but when he speaks about dark times he has been through, he sounds resilient, if not a little exhausted for a 13-year-old.

He doesn’t draw much any more, but his collection of drawings from early middle school are kept pristine. Many of them are full of rainbows and bright colors, and focus on themes of acceptance through the lens of his favorite anime and YouTube series characters.

Though Liam’s blocker injections are grandfathered in by SB16, Liam’s mom, who works in the medical field, said, “Grandfathering means nothing when you create this many obstacles for us to receive care.”

One such obstacle is finding a provider near them who’s supportive — not an easy task in Utah, the family noted. At one of Liam’s first appointments, a physician told the family, “‘Oh, this is just what kids do to fit in with the cool crowd.’”


“If you know that your child is trans, and they know that they’re trans,” Liam’s mom said, “forcing [them] to go through their biological puberty and to have those permanent changes — when you know that that is not who you are on the inside — that is absolutely cruel.”

Liam said he was happy to get on blockers, because “I didn’t really want to go through girl puberty. That’s not how I felt. I just want people to accept me for who I am.”

At his home, his siblings, parents and a grandparent have crafted a loving, supportive environment where Liam can just be himself. On their fireplace mantle sits the “Everyone Is Amazing” Lego set — which depicts minifigures in all the colors of the LGBTQ+ spectrum.

(Leah Hogsten | The Salt Lake Tribune) Liam, a 13-year-old transgender boy draws in his room, April 27, 2023. Liam came out at the age of 9 after attending a LoveLoud Festival in 2019 with his family.

The family said Liam’s school has tried to be accommodating and inclusive, but those accommodations are made to make others feel comfortable. When Liam is bullied, he is moved to different spaces, they said, forced to leave class early so he can make it safely to the next one.


Before Liam was living as a boy, his class was split before a field trip into two smaller groups — boys and girls, making the trip a gendered activity. The school said each child could choose from one of two stacks of papers, one pink and one blue. When Liam picked a blue paper, his classmates noticed and started spreading rumors.

“People believe kids like him don’t exist,” Liam’s mom said. “Most people go to school, and they just get to go there, learn and hang out with their friends. … Every day is a challenge for him at school.”

In their neighborhood, where the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints faith is dominant, the family struggles to feel accepted after leaving the church.

They live in an area settled by some of the family’s great-grandparents. When asked if they would move to another state, Liam’s dad said, “I have just as much of a stake here as anybody else. … Why do I have to leave? But then again, do we make my kid pay that price?”

Liam’s dad said that when Cox vetoed a ban on transgender athletes in high school sports in 2022, it felt like the governor was on their side. Now, he said, it’s like a “complete slap in the face.”


“They’re playing politics with my kid,” Liam’s father said.

(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune) People gather at a rally in support of transgender youth at the Capitol building in Salt Lake City on Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2023.

‘They just feel stuck’

C Meyer runs the transgender, nonbinary group at the Utah Pride Center, and is a clinical intern at Flourish Therapy. A majority of her clients are transgender, and she said she has seen a sense of hopelessness in them since Cox signed SB16.

“They don’t want to leave the house. They get bullied at school,” Meyer said. “Without hormones, they just feel stuck, hopeless. Their depression, self-harm, suicidal ideations increased.”

Some 1,400 Utahns between the ages of 13 and 17 identify as transgender — about 0.5% of the number of Utahns in that age group, said Dr. Nicole Mihalopolous, who runs the adolescent program for the Transgender Health Program at the University of Utah. She delivered the statistic to the Utah Legislature in written testimony during a 2021 interim committee session.


“Gender-affirming genital surgeries are NOT performed on minors under 18 years regardless of emancipation status,” Miahlopoulous wrote to the committee. “Top surgery, also called chest masculinization surgery, is rare. The average age is 17 years. These patients are the highest risk for serious mental health outcomes if they wait to have surgery until after 18 years of age.”

This type of affirming care has been happening for 60 years in the United States, and major medical associations — including the American Psychiatric Association, American Academy of Pediatrics and American Medical Association — show support for gender-affirming care.

As a therapist, Meyer said she feels helpless because there’s only so much “talk therapy” can do. “They just want to be how they feel on the inside and have that be presented,” she said.

Meyer said she thinks lawmakers don’t understand that “prohibiting this care doesn’t simply delay treatment, it generates lifetime consequences.”

In its 2022 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health, The Trevor Project — a nonprofit that focuses on suicide prevention among LGBTQ+ youth — found 93% of transgender and nonbinary youth expressed worry about trans people being denied access to gender-affirming care because of state or local laws.


In The Trevor Project’s 2023 survey, 65% of youth who were taking gender-affirming hormones were concerned about losing access to them.

Other research has found access to gender-affirming care saves lives, and lowers the risk of suicidality — thinking about or attempting suicide. One study found that during the first year of gender care, odds of self-harm fell by 73%.

At January hearings for SB16 in Utah Senate and House committees, lawmakers heard support for the ban from Chloe Cole, a California teen who transitioned from female to male, and then transitioned back. “My childhood was destroyed for the sake of medical experimentation,” said Cole, who later told her story to other state legislatures considering their own bans.

Lawmakers also heard from Utah transgender teens and parents of trans kids who testified against the ban — saying it would let the government interfere with a personal medical decision. During the House hearing, about 200 people rallied outside the Utah State Capitol, waving pink-white-and-blue flags in support of trans youth.

Shannon Minter, a lawyer and legal director of The National Center for Lesbian Rights, said his organization and the American Civil Liberties Union of Utah are planning to file a lawsuit against the state to challenge SB16.


Minter — a transgender man who has been involved in such high-profile cases in Utah as opposing conversion therapy and advocating for marriage equality — said he expects the ban, and ones like it across the country, to be declared unconstitutional. The U.S. Department of Justice in April filed a challenge against Tennessee’s ban, on the grounds that it violates the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause.

“If the Legislature truly believes this care is harmful, why do they allow children who are already diagnosed to continue receiving that?” Minter asked. “It’s completely contradictory.”

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Campgrounds evacuated, highway closed due to wildfire in Uinta Mountains



Campgrounds evacuated, highway closed due to wildfire in Uinta Mountains

WASATCH COUNTY, Utah — A wildfire in the Uinta Mountains has forced evacuations of campers in the area and has fully closed a nearby highway.

Officials with both Utah Wildfire Info and the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest said the fire is burning southeast of Mill Hollow Reservoir, with firefighting resources en route both on the ground and from the air.

The “Yellow Lake Fire” was estimated at 150 acres as of Sunday afternoon. All campers are being asked to leave the surrounding area, which includes Soapstone Basin, ill Hollow, Wolf Creek, and Duchesne Ridge.

State Route 35 has also been closed between mileposts 12 and 20. UDOT said they do not have an estimated time of reopening.



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Could a doping probe strip Salt Lake City of the 2034 Olympics? The IOC president says it's unlikely



Could a doping probe strip Salt Lake City of the 2034 Olympics? The IOC president says it's unlikely

PARK CITY, Utah (AP) — In his first visit back to Utah since awarding Salt Lake City the 2034 Winter Games, the International Olympic Committee president sought to ease worries that the city could lose its second Olympics if organizers don’t fulfill an agreement to play peacemaker between anti-doping authorities.

Thomas Bach on Saturday downplayed the gravity of a termination clause the IOC inserted into Salt Lake City’s host contract in July that threatens to pull the 2034 Games if the U.S. government does not respect “the supreme authority” of the World Anti-Doping Agency.

Olympic officials also extracted assurances from Utah politicians and U.S. Olympic leaders that they would urge the federal government to back down from an investigation into a suspected doping coverup.

Utah bid leaders, already in Paris for the signing ceremony, hastily agreed to the IOC’s conditions to avoid delaying the much anticipated announcement.


Bach characterized the contract language Saturday as a demonstration of the IOC’s confidence that the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency will fall in line with WADA. He implied that WADA, not the Olympic committee, would be responsible in the unlikely occasion that Salt Lake City loses the Winter Games.

“This clause is the advice to our friends in Salt Lake that a third party could make a decision which could have an impact on our partnership,” Bach said.

Tensions have grown between WADA and its American counterpart as the U.S. government has given itself greater authority to crack down on doping schemes at international events that involve American athletes. U.S. officials have used that power to investigate WADA itself after the global regulator declined to penalize nearly two dozen Chinese swimmers who tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs at the Tokyo Olympics in 2021.

With its contract curveball, the IOC attempted to use its little leverage to ensure that WADA would be the lead authority on doping cases in Olympic sports when the U.S. hosts in 2028 and 2034.

Salt Lake City’s eagerness to become a repeat host — and part of a possible permanent rotation of Winter Olympic cities — is a lifeline for the IOC as climate change and high operational costs have reduced the number of cities willing and able to welcome the Winter Games. The Utah capital was the only candidate for 2034 after Olympic officials gave it exclusive negotiating rights last year.


Utah bid leaders should have the upper hand, so why did they agree to the IOC’s demands?

Gene Sykes, chairman of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee, said he doesn’t view the late change to the host contract as a strong-arm tactic, but rather a “reasonable accommodation” that secured the bid for Utah and brought him to the table as a mediator between agencies.

He expects the end result will be a stronger anti-doping system for all.

“It would have been incredibly disturbing if the Games had not been awarded at that time,” Sykes told The Associated Press. “There were 150 people in the Utah delegation who’d traveled to Paris for the single purpose of being there when the Games were awarded. So this allowed that to happen in a way that we still feel very confident does not put Utah at any real risk of losing the Games.”

“The IOC absolutely does not want to lose Utah in 2034,” he added.


Sykes is involved in an effort to help reduce tensions between WADA and the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, while making sure the U.S. stands firm in its commitment to the world anti-doping system that WADA administers.

The White House’s own director of national drug control policy, Rahul Gupta, sits on WADA’s executive committee, but the global agency this month has tried to bar Gupta from meetings about the Chinese swimmers case.

For Fraser Bullock, the president and CEO of Salt Lake City’s bid committee, any friction between regulators and government officials has not been felt on a local level. His decades-long friendship with Bach and other visiting Olympic leaders was on full display Saturday as he toured them around the Utah Olympic Park in Park City.

“There’s no tension — just excitement about the future of the Games and the wonderful venues and people of Utah,” Bullock told the AP. “We are 100%.”


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Olympics President Thomas Bach visits with young athletes at venues across the state



Olympics President Thomas Bach visits with young athletes at venues across the state

For International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach, there’s little doubt he meant it when he said the best part about coming back to Utah was seeing the young athletes training at the state’s 2002 Winter Games facilities, many with hopes of competing here where the Olympics and Paralympics return in 2034.

During his two-day visit that ended Saturday, the leader of the Switzerland-based IOC made sure he had plenty of opportunities.

At the Utah Olympic Park near Park City on a hot Saturday afternoon, Bach marched up a steep, pebble-covered hillside to the massive 80-foot-by-180-foot inflatable airbag used by snowboarders to practice their big air moves in the summer, ignoring plans to briefly view it from a balcony.

Those fancy twists and turns ski jumpers practice at the nearby aerated pool? Bach didn’t want to watch poolside. Trailed by an entourage of staffers and journalists, he climbed up on the outer slippery, squishy jumps so he could be as close as possible to the action.

International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach watches an athlete practice as he checks out the facilities at the Spence Eccles Olympic Freestyle Pool within the Utah Olympic Park in Park City on Saturday, Sept. 28. 2024. | Isaac Hale, Deseret News

Same with skeleton, the headfirst sliding sport that shares a track with bobsled and luge. After hearing starts were being practiced on a concrete side track, he insisted on heading across the park to be there as the helmeted sliders jumped on their wheeled sleds.

At the Utah Olympic Oval earlier in the afternoon, Bach chatted with a group of young figure skaters in sparkling outfits, then joined them on the ice for a photo in his sneakers. He also spent time talking with some young speedskaters who’d been doing sprints around the oval’s running track, passing out heart-shaped enameled lapel pins with the five Olympic rings.

“You see a very happy man in front of you,” Bach told reporters, later explaining his favorite part of any travel is meeting with young athletes. His final term as IOC president will end next year and this could be his last trip to the United States in that role. His visit started with an address to the United Nations in New York City and will end in Los Angeles, host of the 2028 Summer Games.

International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach talks with Olympic speed skater Andrew Heo as they tour the U.S. Speedskating Speed Factory training center at the Utah Olympic Oval in Kearns on Saturday, Sept. 28. 2024. | Isaac Hale, Deseret News

Utah’s Olympic organizers encouraged to ‘think big’

Bach’s first trip to Utah since 2002 was also about the next steps for Utah’s successful Olympic bidders. The IOC voted to give Utah the 2034 Winter Games on July 24 in Paris, but bidders have been trying to bring another Olympics and Paralympics to the state for more than a decade.

The bar is already being set high for Utah’s second Winter Games, with comparisons to Paris’ successful 2024 Summer Games.

“You have it all,” Bach declared at a celebratory breakfast in the Grand America Hotel garden Saturday, citing the state’s strong public and private support for the Olympics. “You can be for the Winter Games what Paris was for the Summer Games. Paris, with the Summer Games, was the first Olympic Games organized according to our Olympic agenda reforms.”


Those reforms, put in place under Bach, focus on encouraging sustainability and gender parity along with a more youth-oriented and urban Games. “All these ingredients, you have also here in Salt Lake and in Utah. So make use of them,” he said, urging the audience of more than 150 community, business and elected leaders to “think big.”

What’s next for Olympic organizers

The Salt Lake City-Utah Committee for the Games that’s behind the bid has until Christmas Eve to make the transition to an organizing committee. There have been behind-the-scenes conversations during Bach’s visit about what that might look like, including with state lawmakers.

“That should now happen soon,” Bach told reporters, calling it “the first and very important step’ to form the committee that will be responsible for putting on what will add up to a $4 billion price tag, set to be paid for privately, largely through the sale of sponsorships, broadcast rights and tickets.

But with the next Summer Games also being held in the United States, Utah organizers won’t be able to sell domestic sponsorships for 2034 until after 2029. Bach said he’s been reassured that the state’s donor base is strong enough to ensure there’s enough money to cover organizing costs for the next five years. Private contributions paid for the bid process.

“Very much so. I’ve received very encouraging news here from the private sector. There is already a great engagement to do this kind of bridge financing,” Bach said. “I have no doubt after all the meetings we’ve had. Also, the public sector is very much behind the Games. So don’t worry.”


He was also asked about the last-minute addition to Utah’s host contract that allows the IOC to take back the 2034 Games if “the supreme authority of the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) in the fight against doping is not fully respected or if the application of the World Anti-Doping Code is hindered or undermined” by the United States.

The new language, sparked by a U.S. government investigation into allegations involving how failed doping tests by Chinese swimmers were handled, was added as “a matter of honesty. We had to advise Salt Lake that there is this risk because of a decision that may be taken by WADA. It isn’t our decision,” Bach said in some of his first public comments about the matter.

Utah “had nothing to do with this,” the IOC president said. “It’s not up to them to comply.” He said the action by the IOC is also “a matter of even greater confidence because we would not have allocated the Games to Salt Lake 10 years ahead if we would not have had full confidence that this matter will be resolved between WADA and USADA (the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency).”

It’s the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee that’s stepped up to help mend the rift between the international and U.S. anti-doping agencies at the heart of the controversy. USOPC Chair Gene Sykes, who is also an IOC member, told the Deseret News the head of USADA attended a dinner hosted for Bach in Colorado Springs this week.

“I have as much confidence as I’ve ever had that this is not going to have a bearing on Utah,” Sykes said.


“We’re in great hands,” Fraser Bullock, the bid committee’s president and CEO, said. “It’s not our issue.”

Bullock, who served as the chief operating officer of the 2002 Games, said the biggest challenge Utah’s Olympic organizers now face is maximizing the opportunity of hosting again.

“We have the venues. We have great people. We are very confident in our ability to host the Games,” he said. “But how can we level up and do something even more impactful for our communities, create unity in our communities, create unity in our state, inspire our entire country and eventually the whole world?”

Bach meets with leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

On Friday, Bach met with several leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Church Administration Building, including President Jeffrey R. Holland and Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, as well as emeritus General Authority Elder Donald L. Hallstrom.

From left, Fraser Bullock, president and CEO of the Salt Lake City-Utah Committee for the Games, Thomas Bach, president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), President Jeffrey R. Holland and Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles meet together at the Church Administration Building in Salt Lake City on Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. Church leaders presented Bach with a four-generation chart of his ancestors and a leather-bound copy of the Book of Mormon. Bach gave President Holland a set of Olympic rings. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

“No one will be more supportive of these Olympics than we will,” President Holland said. “We’re thrilled to contribute in any way we can. We want you to feel that there’s no more hospitable place in the United States — or on this planet — than you have here.”

Church leaders presented Bach with a four-generation chart of his ancestors and a leather-bound copy of the Book of Mormon. Bach gave President Holland a set of Olympic rings. Joining Bach at Temple Square were IOC Director General Christophe de Kepper and Olympic Games Executive Director Christophe Dubi.

Also at the meeting were Bullock and the bid committee chair, Catherine Raney Norman; Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall; Don Stirling of the Miller Group; and 2024 Summer Games silver medalist Kenneth Rooks.


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