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Opinion: Utah Inland Port wants 9K acres in Weber Co. You should weigh in.



Opinion: Utah Inland Port wants 9K acres in Weber Co. You should weigh in.

Residents have issued their own warning about what could be permanently lost.

(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune) Weber County property slated for an inland port on Friday, April 5, 2024.

Weber County has some of the most stunning lands and vistas in the state of Utah. Now the Utah Inland Port Authority is poised to turn almost 9,000 acres of largely undeveloped land, near the imperiled Great Salt Lake and the Harold Crane and Ogden Bay waterfowl management areas, into industrial concrete and asphalt projects.

More than 2,000 years ago in ancient Greece, the storyteller Aesop issued a warning that will be ignored at our peril. He told of a farmer who owned a wonderful goose that each day laid a golden egg. The farmer grew rich, but he just had to have more. One day, his greed and impatience got the best of him because he wasn’t getting rich fast enough. He killed the goose to dig out all the eggs inside her. Sadly, there were none, as she could only lay one a day. And now his lovely goose was dead.


Residents of western Weber County have beautiful golden eggs — wetlands, open spaces, wildlife habitat, clear skies, peace and quiet — riches by anyone’s definition. But UIPA and the Weber County Commission, which has voted to support UIPA’s plans, want their goose for different kinds of riches.

The residents are pushing back. They have issued their own warning about what could be permanently lost, requesting that the final decision be put on hold until the repercussions are fully studied, and more citizens are made aware of them.

The statement reads, “This project area cedes local control and budget authority to a state-appointed board. Various groups across the political spectrum are calling on Weber County to study the full impact, including the budget burden to local taxpayers, attracting heavy truck traffic to an area that does not have it now, bright lighting, destruction of wetlands, inestimable noise and attracting sources of air pollution.”

John Valentine, head of the Utah Tax Commission, spoke about a different kind of golden egg at a recent meeting of the Utah Taxpayer Association. This golden egg is our tax base that pays for schools, parks, road repairs, emergency services, fire and police protection.

According to Fox13 News, Valentine warned, “Some of the projects that we’ve passed in the state are eroding the tax base by sales tax diversions and tax increment financing.” He included the inland port as one example.


UIPA’s Weber County inland port project will keep 75% of all property and sales taxes it generates to be used at the board’s discretion and give back only 25% of those revenues to local governments.

In other words, UIPA and developers will build the port, but government entities will have only 25% to provide critical services. UIPA will build infrastructure, but they will not maintain it.

Rusty Cannon, president of the taxpayers’ association, issued his own warning about projects that have been adding up over decades.

“It’s just death by a thousand cuts. It’s been coming and it’s starting to hollow out our tax base.” he said.

This could lead to increased taxes for the part of the county that is not in the project area.


At a meeting in February, Weber County commissioners questioned whether 25% will be enough to provide all the services needed. Scott Wolford, Vice President of the Business Development Team for the Utah Inland Port Authority, stated, “We don’t have to get it right today. We’re just taking our best guess. We will adjust through the 25 years.”

He assured the commissioners that they can vote later to take a certain parcel out of the inland port project area if the tax structure doesn’t work. All they have to do, he said, is to ask the UIPA board, “Please remove this from the project area, and our board will take it out.”

Wolford admitted, however, there is no statutory protection for Weber County and that the five-member, appointed board has final authority. He made an unwritten promise, based on nothing but his word, that UIPA’s decisions can be easily reversed.

He also applied pressure for a quick decision by reporting that we have “a lot of communities stacked up for project areas,” so Weber County could lose its place in line.

If UIPA approves the project at its meeting on Monday, it looks like they and the taxpayer-subsidized developers will keep the miraculous goose. Once she’s dead, her bones will be tossed back to the people.


You can’t resurrect a dead goose, and you can’t restore acres and acres of land taken away from future generations and destroyed forever.

Aesop always gave us the moral of his stories for those of us who miss the point. “Those who have plenty want more and so lose all they have.”

Ann Florence taught English and journalism and now teaches therapeutic poetry at the Youth Resource Center for unsheltered young people. She finds solitude, healing and inspiration in nature.

Ann Florence teaches therapeutic poetry at the Youth Resource Center and believes that a connection to the land is essential for all of us, especially young people, to flourish.

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Participants run for charity during Utah Valley Marathon – The Daily Universe



Participants run for charity during Utah Valley Marathon – The Daily Universe

Runners approach the finish line in downtown Provo after completing the Utah Valley Marathon. Spectators lined the area by the finish line to cheer on the runners. (Emily May)

The Utah Valley Marathon invited thousands of runners to run various distances throughout Utah Valley on Saturday, June 1.

Runners participated in full marathons, half marathons, 10k races and 5k races. Children also participated in a 1k race.

A map shows the full marathon. Over a thousand runners ran along this entire 26.2-mile trail. (Utah Valley Marathon)

The 26.2-mile marathon began at 6 a.m. Saturday morning in Wallsburg, southeast of the Deer Creek Reservoir, according to the Utah Valley Marathon website. Runners traveled mostly downhill along the Provo River through Provo Canyon and Bridal Veil Falls. The race ended on University Avenue near the Utah County Courthouse Grounds in downtown Provo.

The first-place runner of the full marathon finished the race in just under 2 hours and 20 minutes, according to Utah Valley Marathon. Most runners completed the marathon in three and a half to five hours.

Utah Valley Marathon said this race has one of the fastest average finish times in the world.


The emcee at the marathon said many of the runners ran to qualify for the Boston Marathon while others ran to achieve their personal fitness goals.

“Each and every one of us can set goals and make magic happen,” the emcee said.

Tanner Pone and Hailey Fink, runners from Scottsdale, Arizona, completed the 26.2-mile marathon together.

“We did a half marathon in Tucson, and then we’re like, ‘The next step is go to Provo and do this marathon,’” Pone said. “We couldn’t be happier.”

Both runners expressed the sights they encountered during the marathon were beautiful.


“This was a great marathon,” Fink said. “We’ve been loving exploring the town of Provo.”

Two runners hug each other after crossing the finish line in downtown Provo. Thousand of runners crossed this finish line during the Utah Valley Marathon. (Emily May)

The 13.1-mile half marathon began on the U.S. 189 in Provo Canyon near Sundance, according to Utah Valley Marathon, and followed the same route as the full marathon until reaching the finish line in downtown Provo.

BYU law student Hannah Barnes participated in the half marathon. She said she signed up for two half marathons in the past but did not run either.

“I just wanted to prove to myself that I could do it and say that I did it,” Barnes said. “It’s just been like a bucket list item for a while. I’m just glad I finished it.”

The emcee and spectators cheer on runners as they approach the finish line in downtown Provo. Crowds cheered on thousands of runners during the Utah Valley Marathon. (Emily May)

The 10k began in North Provo and followed University Avenue until the finish line, while the 5k on Friday, May 31 looped through the Riverwoods in North Provo. The 1k race for children looped around a couple blocks of downtown Provo on Saturday.

Children and parents approach the finish line of the 1k race. This race was free for children, and parents could run with their children as well. (Emily May)

Runners in the marathon ran for charitable causes, including Charity Vision, Kids on the Move and the Stella H. Oaks Foundation, the emcee at the marathon said.


“Not only do they run for joy, they run for good,” the emcee said.

More information on these charities can be found on the Utah Valley Marathon website.

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Local students stand out at Utah Tech



Local students stand out at Utah Tech

ST GEORGE, UT – Carlin Christensen, Justyn Hill-Hand and Krystal Jackson were among the 2,967 graduates at Utah Tech University’s 113th Commencement ceremonies held earlier this month. “Utah Tech University is excited to celebrate its 2024 graduating class,” Interim President Courtney White said. “We are so proud of our graduates’ accomplishments and can’t wait to […]

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Team from Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind competing in 48-hour row race



Team from Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind competing in 48-hour row race

TACOMA, Washington — In an inspiring display of determination, students from Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind will compete in Seventy48. That’s a 48-hour row race, which will have the students pushing the limits of endurance and spirit.

Coach Ryan Greene, with eight students who are blind and nine chaperones just touched down in Washington for the two-day row race challenge.

“We spent countless hours, you know, going over safety protocols,” Greene said.


Students like Charlie Sims from Park City are participating in the race.

“20 minutes right before the race, I’ll be freaking out (and) super nervous … But, I’m super excited,” said Sims. “I feel like we’re definitely ready to take on this challenge.”

The students and chaperones have prepared for the worst.

“We’ve capsized the boat in Willard Bay … in early May in that cold water,” Greene said.

48 hours, day and night on the waters of Washington’s Puget Sound. Why would they embark on such a dangerous journey? To prove that anything is possible.

“When you have a crew behind you, you can go a lot farther as you’re paddling as one,” Greene said. “Our students have embraced that, and they have embraced that they can do really hard things.”

It sounds dangerous, and it will be, but what the team will take home with them will forever make it worth it.

Click here to track the team’s progress and to see live updates on the race.

Devin Oldroyd contributed to this story.


Eric Cabrera is a reporter for KSL NewsRadio. You can follow him on Instagram.

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