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Oregon Coast Trail Shakedown on the Timberline Trail – The Trek



Oregon Coast Trail Shakedown on the Timberline Trail – The Trek

And just like that, I’ve blinked and I’m less than a couple weeks from trail again. I will be starting my thru-hike of the Oregon Coast Tail in mid-late August, which means it was time for a shakedown as I pack up my whole life to be on trail. I’ve been living in Oregon and guiding trips around the Mount Hood area all summer, so I chose the Timberline Trail as my shakedown hike.

Yes, I could’ve picked an easier trail. Even a one-night trip probably would’ve given me the answers I needed about my gear, but if there’s one thing about me, it’s that I don’t do anything halfway, so my shakedown would have to be a grand adventure in its own way.

What is the Timberline Trail?

The Timberline Trail is a 42-mile loop around Mount Hood and through the Mount Hood Wilderness. It intersects with part of the Pacific Crest Trail and has over 10,000 feet of vertical gain throughout the loop. This trail was going to challenge me no matter what, but I also knew that it would be the perfect test of my gear. The Timberline is much rougher terrain than the Oregon Coast Trail (OCT), so I figured, if my gear held up out here in the mountains, it would do just fine on the coast.


What gear did I bring on my shakedown?

Disclaimer: I am a Thru-Hike Syndicate ambassador, so a lot of my gear was gifted. However, this post is about unpacking (literally) what worked and what didn’t, and I will be making some changes to my gear list for my thru-hike. I wouldn’t talk about gear I didn’t honestly love and use on my personal adventures and for my work as a backcountry guide.

I really wanted to try to fit everything into my smaller pack for my thru-hike. I always see thru-hikers with smaller packs, so I know it’s possible to make it work with 40L or less. I chose my Osprey Kyte 38 for this reason, and all of my gear fit, which was so exciting! This is all of the big items that I brought with me on trail, rather than a complete gear list.

For my sleep system, I used my NEMO Hornet Elite Osmo 2 Person tent, NEMO Kayu 15 degree sleeping bag, and NEMO Tensor Sleep Pad.

My cook system was the same that I used on my Backbone Trail (BBT) thru-hike in February: my $5 Coleman butane stove.

For water, I used my trusty Sawyer Squeeze paired with two Smart water bottles (one dirty, one clean). I knew that water would be abundant on the Timberline (for the most part), and most people on the OCT only carry two liters anyway, so it felt like a good representation of what I might bring on trail.


What gear worked for me?

I absolutely love my cooking and water filtration systems, and I will not be changing anything about those for my thru-hike. As for my sleep system, I’m going to be sticking with the same tent and pad I brought on the Timberline, but I’m considering swapping the Kayu for my quilt that I used on the BBT for space and weight reasons. I also love my tech system, which feels small, but makes a big difference. I use a Biolite battery pack, and it did great at charging my phone fast on trail and gave me the security of being able to recharge my Garmin if I needed to.

Gear swaps?

The main swap that I’m going to be making, though, is my pack. While I absolutely love how the Kyte fits me, it was packed to the brim. I want a little bit of room to be able to pack out extra food and fit my OCT guidebook comfortably in my pack. Also, the Kyte tends to feel a little heavy because it’s more of a heavy-duty mountaineering pack. I will be switching out the Kyte for my Osprey Eja Pro (55L) for my OCT thru-hike, which will help me cut down on weight as well as give me a little more room to fit extra gear if needed.

What did I wear on my shakedown?

My hiking outfit usually doesn’t change much, but I did decide to switch things up a bit on the Timberline. I knew it was going to be hot, so I decided against pants, which is what I normally wear on trail, and opted for my Patagonia Baggies. I also brought a pair of lightweight leggings to sleep in. I wore a quick dry t shirt and my favorite 5 panel hat, and hiked out in my Melly, which I ended up shedding pretty quickly. On my feet I had Darn Tough socks, which are my favorites, and Vasque boots, which I’ve used for mountain expeditions all summer. Turns out, the boots are a bit too heavy, so I’m swapping them out for Altra Olympus 5s for my thru-hike. I also packed rain gear for the purposes of this being a shakedown.

Okay, here’s the trail details

I know we all love to learn about different trails here, so I couldn’t leave this post hanging without a little bit about the Timberline Trail itself. This trail was HARD. While I knew it would be difficult, I wasn’t expecting blowdowns, scree, fast moving rivers, detours, cow parsnip bushwacks, flies, and high temperatures all in one weekend. This trail is a true test to your skills in the outdoors, so while it was much different terrain than I’ll be taking on during my thru-hike, it really gave me quite a bit of confidence that I will be okay out there.

A few things to note about the Timberline Trail, if you’re suddenly inspired to take it on (based on a three-day clockwise hike):

  • Skip Yocum Ridge and take the PCT instead (it is nearly impassible due to blowdowns)
  • Bring gaiters for scree on sections two and three
  • Eliot Glacier River is a difficult river crossing–I don’t recommend attempting it alone
  • While dogs are allowed on the Timberline Trail, I wouldn’t recommend bringing a dog due to the current trail conditions

Overall, the Timberline was an amazing trail, but some of the hardest terrain I’ve ever taken on solo. I do think, though, that I’m more than prepared to get on the OCT soon, and I can’t wait to share my journey here!

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Oregon Ethics Commission nixes investigation into Gov. Kotek, First Lady



Oregon Ethics Commission nixes investigation into Gov. Kotek, First Lady

The commission said its analysis would be different if Aimee Kotek Wilson received a salary or other private benefits

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — The Oregon Government Ethics Commission has decided against launching a full investigation into complaints concerning Gov. Tina Kotek and her wife, Aimee Kotek Wilson.

At a meeting on Friday, the agency examined the preliminary report on the case involving a potential Office of the First Spouse before determining that the governor did not violate any ethics laws — including those on conflicts of interest or nepotism.


“We note that had the Governor unilaterally decided to provide the First Lady with a salary or other private benefits, the above analysis would be different,” the commission wrote in its preliminary review. “The analysis would also be different if there was any suggestion that the public duties of the First Lady could financially benefit a private business with which the First Lady was associated.”

In late March, news broke that Kotek Wilson had an office in the governor’s base of operations at the state library and an on-loan staffer from the Department of Administration Services. With a master’s degree in social work, the First Lady was also known to attend official meetings regarding behavioral health.

The following week, the governor clarified that her wife was solely an “unpaid volunteer with both lived and professional experience.” Kotek also announced she had asked the Ethics Commission for guidance on a potential Office of the First Spouse, but the commission later said it couldn’t advise her because of its plans to review complaints on the same matter.

Subsequently, the governor abandoned plans to create the First Lady’s office.

“After listening to and reflecting on the concerns of Oregonians who have contacted my office, as well as the advice of staff, I want to be clear about next steps: There will not be an Office of the First Spouse,” Kotek said.


The announcement came after her office released several emails from senior staff members who abruptly left their positions earlier in the year. In one email, Kotek’s former Chief of Staff Andrea Cooper said she was “asked not to attend” a meeting where events were added to Kotek Wilson’s calendar.

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U.S. Supreme Court sides with Oregon city, allows ban on homeless people sleeping outdoors • Maine Morning Star



U.S. Supreme Court sides with Oregon city, allows ban on homeless people sleeping outdoors • Maine Morning Star

The U.S. Supreme Court Friday sided with a local ordinance in Oregon that effectively bans homeless people from sleeping outdoors, and local governments will be allowed to enforce those laws.

In a 6-3 decision, Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote in the opinion that the enforcement of those local laws that regulate camping on public property does not constitute the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment.

“Homelessness is complex. Its causes are many. So may be the public policy responses required to address it,” he wrote. “The Constitution’s Eighth Amendment serves many important functions, but it does not authorize federal judges to wrest those rights and responsibilities from the American people and in their place dictate this Nation’s homelessness policy.”

The case originated in Grants Pass, a city in Oregon that argues its ordinance is a solution to the city’s homelessness crisis, which includes fines and potential jail time for repeat offenders who camp or sleep outdoors.


Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote a dissent arguing that the ordinance targets the status of being homeless and is therefore a violation of the Eighth Amendment.

“Grants Pass’s Ordinances criminalize being homeless,” she wrote. “The Ordinances’ purpose, text, and enforcement confirm that they target status, not conduct. For someone with no available shelter, the only way to comply with the Ordinances is to leave Grants Pass altogether.”

During oral arguments, the justices seemed split over ideological lines, with the conservative justices siding with the town in Oregon, arguing that policies and ordinances around homelessness are complex, and should be left up to local elected representatives rather than the courts.

The liberal justices criticized the city’s argument that homelessness is not a status protected under the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. The liberal justices argued the Grants Pass ordinance criminalized the status of being homeless.

The Biden administration took the middle ground in the case, and U.S. Deputy Solicitor General Edwin Kneedler offered partial support.


“It’s the municipality’s determination, certainly in the first instance with a great deal of flexibility, how to address the question of homelessness,” he said during oral arguments in late April.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.

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OHA: Oregon needs 3,700 mental health, substance abuse treatment beds, closing gap could cost $170 million a year – KTVZ



OHA: Oregon needs 3,700 mental health, substance abuse treatment beds, closing gap could cost $170 million a year – KTVZ

SALEM, Ore. (KTVZ) – Oregon needs up to 3,700 adult mental health and substance use treatment beds to close existing gaps and meet future service projections, according to a final Oregon Health Authority study of the state’s behavioral health continuum of care.

The findings are part of an assessment that Governor Tina Kotek directed the OHA to commission last year. The report was produced by Public Consulting Group, a public sector solutions implementation and operations improvement firm that has produced similar studies in Washington and other states.

The findings inform an ongoing funding and implementation effort that state leaders are committed to pursue, which could take several biennia to complete, according to OHA’s news release, which follows in full:

According to the final Behavioral Health Residential + Facility Study report, closing the gap could require investments of as much as $170 million per year over the next five years and the creation of approximately 650 new beds per year.


The final report includes a new five-year funding recommendation that recognizes the importance of:

  • Increasing the behavioral health workforce to support expanded capacity.
  • Improving access to mental health and substance use disorder support services to help individuals stay within their communities.
  • Expanding supportive and transitional housing opportunities.

State health officials will continue to work with Governor Kotek and the Legislature to apply the study’s findings and guide investments toward closing the gap in treatment services.

“We don’t get to choose between adding beds, and adding workforce. We must do both in order to make real change in our behavioral health system. It’s important to note that capacity in Oregon’s behavioral health system is dynamic, and the data in the report represent a point-in-time snapshot of one part of a broader continuum of care,” said OHA Behavioral Health Director Ebony Clarke.

“This report provides us with critical data to inform how we prioritize the creation of more treatment beds and it also underscores the broader understanding that we need to continue to invest in solutions that reduce the number of beds needed,” Clarke said. “We do this through investing in protective factors and earlier intervention – additional community-based programming, crisis and outpatient programs, in addition to other supportive services – to prevent people who are experiencing mental illness or substance use from progressing to a level of severity in their illnesses that would require treatment in a more acute setting.”

The final report follows the draft preliminary report released in February.

At the direction of OHA, the final report reflects updated data for the facilities within scope for this study. Although there is no perfect methodology for determining the appropriate number of high-acuity beds in a behavioral health system, PCG used state and national data sets, findings from peer-reviewed literature and surveys of treatment facilities to estimate mental health and SUD treatment bed capacity and needs within the continuum of care. PCG worked at the direction of OHA to include Oregon-specific data.


Even as the report was finalized, state officials were moving quickly to supplement capacity and have already identified several short-horizon “priority” projects, which are likely to bring community beds online within the next year or two and to address what are considered critical service gaps. OHA is working to publish a dashboard later this summer that will track and highlight progress toward new beds coming online.

Over the past four years, the Oregon Legislature has invested more than $1.5 billion to expand behavioral health treatment capacity, raise provider payment rates and stabilize the treatment workforce. Oregon’s current capacity shortfall would be even greater without these investments.

According to the report, recent legislative investments from HB 5202 (2022) and HB 5024 (2021) have supported the creation of 356 new licensed mental health residential beds (exclusive of adult foster homes), SUD residential, and withdrawal management beds, which are under construction and scheduled to open by the third quarter of 2025.

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