On May 19, I sent the following email to NID Administration after observing two NID employees spraying RoundUp along the ditch that passes through my property. I am appalled that NID is still using RoundUP which is contaminating soil and water in Nevada County. RoundUp’s glyphosate is a known carcinogen.
To: <admindepartment@nidwater.com>, <division5@nidwater.com>, <division1@nidwater.com>
Recently, I passed 2 ditch workers spraying along the ditch that passes through my property on Tiger Lily Lane. I asked them what they were spraying and was told Roundup. I am OUTRAGED that NID is still using Roundup to kill plants along the ditches!
I thought that Roundup had been discontinued but it seems it hasn’t. Studies have shown that it is toxic to everything, including plants. The toxic glyphosate NID water provides drinking water for animals, as well as to homes along the ditches that do not have wells. Some people use it for agriculture, which means that it is poisoning their crops! Others drink it after filtering but you can’t filter out glyphosate. NID is poisoning everyone and everything along all of its ditches!!!
From the toxicity of glyphosate many people develop cancers from being around it, let alone drinking water that contains it. Remember Agent Orange and how many vets developed cancer from being around it in Vietnam? Now landscapers are developing cancer. I have a number of landscaping friends who developed cancer and quit when they found out the cause.
Countries in Europe & around the world have banned the use of Round-up or any other glyphosate containing pest killer. Why is NID still using it?
BTW, here is a recipe for killing weeds with white vinegar!
DIY 3-Ingredient Weed Killer
- 1 gallon white vinegar
- 2 cups Epsom salt (or table salt)
- 1/4 cup Dawn dishwashing soap
Pour the vinegar, dish soap, and Epsom salt into a spray bottle. Shake well until combined.
Let the mixture settle for 2 minutes, then spray the weeds. Make sure to soak the entire weed with the formula.
Let it sit for a day, then come back and see the dead weeds!
Note: This recipe is a natural and non-toxic way to kill weeds. However, it may not be as effective as commercial herbicides, and you may need to repeat the application a few times to get the desired results.
Use a high-quality white vinegar with a high acetic acid content (around 20-30%) for better results.
Avoid using kitchen vinegar, as it may not be strong enough to kill weeds effectively.
Be cautious when using this recipe, as the acidity of the vinegar can damage some plants or surfaces. Test it on a small area first to ensure it doesn’t harm anything.
This recipe is best used for small areas of weeds, such as cracks in sidewalks or driveways. For larger areas, you may need to use a commercial herbicide or repeat the application multiple times.
This may not kill as quickly as Round-up but it won’t be toxic to human and animal life!
Miller & Zois is a law firm handling hundreds of lawsuits against Bayer/Monsanto for Roundup’s cancer producing properties1