Tanna Clews | Portsmouth Herald There are currently several bills in the New Hampshire Legislature that seek to target and exclude our transgender friends and neighbors,...
Richard Burroughs | Guest columnist Richard Burroughs teaches in the Department of Marine Affairs at the University of Rhode Island. He has served as a member of...
Douglas Rooks | Columnist When the Legislature left town last week, it did so among confusion and a bevy of bills not acted on. The sun...
Heidi Carrington Heath | Guest Columnist On Friday nights at our offices in Portsmouth you’ll hear the sound of laughter coming from one of the many...
Homeowners insurance is a growing crisis in Louisiana. We know that bad weather is a part of the problem. What may be less obvious, but equally...
Joanne Giannini | Guest columnist Joanne Giannini is a freelance writer and a former state representative from Providence, 1994-2011. We can fight many things in life. ...
Rep. Patricia Morgan | Guest columnist Rep. Patricia A. Morgan, R-West Warwick, was elected to the House of Representatives in November 2020 after previously serving in...
Ken Dooley | Guest columnist Ken Dooley is a member of the board of directors of the Heritage Harbor Foundation. Her Irish friends would agree that...
Martha Schatz, Sue Groves, Karen Miller, Jim Holt, Linda Holt and Brenda Cologna | Springfield News-Leader We are writing to express our concerns regarding the recent...
Rep. Susan R. Donovan and Sen. Sandra Cano | Guest columnists Rep. Susan R. Donovan (D-District 69, Bristol, Portsmouth) is chairwoman of the House Health and...