Anatomy of a Fall is an uncommonly perceptive and thought-provoking procedural. Because the movie transpires in France and works using the rules of French jurisprudence, it...
Hey nonny nonny? One of the small pleasures in a romantic comedy replete with them (but generally lacking in what one might consider a “large pleasure”)...
The Boys in the Boat is an old-fashioned, uplifting story about the triumph of underdogs. The film radiates the same level of classiness often associated with...
There are a lot of things going on during the course of the two hours comprising the running time of Monster, but the most forceful is...
American Fiction is the best kind of satire – one that is full-throated in its message, which it delivers with a cutting edge, while simultaneously taking...
It’s-a here: The Super Mario Bros. Movie is watchable at home (now streaming on Netflix, in addition to streaming on VOD services like Amazon Prime Video),...
The dialogue-free action movie “Silent Night” is a fascinating experiment — but a failed one. As it turns out, modern action movies, though they can be...
John Woo directing a revenge-themed thriller…what could be more perfect? After all, Woo is a living legend for his acclaimed action films, The Killer and Hard...
Director: Walt DohrnWriters Elizabeth TippetStars: Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick, Eric André Synopsis: Poppy discovers that Branch was once part of the boy band ‘BroZone’ with his...
The minute I saw the three superheroines who are front and center in the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe blockbuster The Marvels getting to know each other...