This year marks the third year that New Jersey will celebrate Juneteenth as an official state holiday. However, while Juneteenth technically combines the words June and...
EWING, Ill. (KFVS) – Illinois Extension’s annual Agronomy Field Day at the Ewing Demonstration Center is set for next month. According to organizers, the event will...
JACKSON, Miss. (WJTV) – Tickets are now available online for the 165th Mississippi State Fair. “We are excited to announce that tickets to the Mississippi State...
Maine Pasture Walk Five events, all of which will start at 11 a.m., will be held PUBLISHED ON June 16, 2024 University of Maine Cooperative Extension...
Take on a new hobby this summer with micro-gardening, a great way to grow a cost-effective and adaptable garden in a small space. Check out a...
What is Juneteenth? The holiday’s history and significance, explained. Biden just signed legislation to make Juneteenth a federal holiday. Here’s why this once local celebration is...
BILOXI, Miss. (WJTV) – A Biloxi couple has been arrested in connection to the death of their five-month-old child. Biloxi police said they responded to Merit...
JACKSON, Miss. (WJTV) – Global warming is often regarded as a remote, long-term problem, but extensive research shows its impact currently affects the Magnolia State. Mississippi was...
(NEXSTAR) – El Niño has officially ended, NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center said Thursday, and its cooler counterpart could be just around the corner. La Niña conditions are...
Rhode Island will once again celebrate July 4th with fireworks and parades; check here for a list Many of Rhode Island’s cities and towns are planning fireworks...