Director Janardhan Chikkanna, who created waves with his cybercrime thriller ‘Gultoo’ (2018), is back with his latest offering, ‘Powder’, a youthful dark comedy. A rib-tickling tale...
Hip-hop legend Kurtis Blow emcees ‘The Hip Hop Nutcracker’ in Bethesda “The Hip Hop Nutcracker” is a contemporary version of the Christmas classic that combines dynamic...
“Scandal” star Kerry Washington appeared on the Democratic National Convention to offer a demonstration on how to pronounce Vice President Kamala Harris’s first name. On the...
Television host and megastar Oprah Winfrey spoke at the Democratic National Convention Wednesday night, calling on independents and undecideds to vote with their values and choose Vice...
Celerity hosts for each night of DNC announced Four celebrities, including Kerry Washington and Mindy Kaling, are coming to Chicago to host a night of the...
These are some of the best concerts around Milwaukee this fall 2024 From Noah Kahan to Pink, these are some of the top acts to see...
(Contains spoilers about a certain cameo.) A case could be made that Fede Alvarez’s Alien: Romulus is the third-best film of the nine movies to feature...
Rock bands roll into Minneapolis this weekend Some of the biggest names in rock and roll history are hitting downtown Minneapolis this weekend, with Metallica, Green...
PUEBLO, Colo. (KKTV) – The Colorado State Fair starts next Friday and this has some wondering how they can have fun and not spend too much...
Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry in The Union. Laura Radford/Netflix I’m no stranger to lament when it comes to the disintegration of quality in what passes...