The story revolves around Suriya’s character, a cursed warrior with a tragic fate. Suriya delivers an intense performance, but he alone cannot save the film with...
The celebrities are off to the races at the 2024 United States Grand Prix. The U.S. GP kicked off on Sunday, October 20, in Austin, Texas....
RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) – In the 1990s, Toadstool Jamboree was at the forefront of Rapid City’s downtown music scene. Their intoxicating swirl of music drew...
Lana Del Rey. Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images) Lana Del Rey and Jeremy Dufrene are reportedly married! The “Born To Die” singer, 39, and the alligator...
Miley Cyrus in ‘Hannah Montana’ Disney Channel Miley Cyrus pulled double duty as Hannah Montana and Miley Stewart on Hannah Montana — but her salary was...
A man undergoing chemotherapy treatment was physically assaulted by a Southwest gate agent after he tried to purchase a second seat for himself. He was reportedly...
Tyreek Hill Don Juan Moore/Getty Images Miami Dolphins’ star Tyreek Hill has broken his silence after being detained by police outside the Dolphins’ Hard Rock Stadium...
A lot of changes have happened over the last three decades, and it’s rare for filmmakers to recreate a classic without the burden of expectations. Beetlejuice...
I have always been fascinated with abandoned houses. What happened? Why is abandoned? Did something creepy happen here? There is a road trip you can take...
Director Janardhan Chikkanna, who created waves with his cybercrime thriller ‘Gultoo’ (2018), is back with his latest offering, ‘Powder’, a youthful dark comedy. A rib-tickling tale...