Exercise improves sleep quality and helps treat sleep disorders by regulating circadian rhythms, reducing stress, and enhancing physiological functions like melatonin production and autonomic balance. Review:...
Step it up. The health benefits of a daily walk are well established; a constitutional walk reduces the risk of heart disease, lowers blood pressure and...
A 2022 study suggesting that blocking a single molecule could protect against severe illness in COVID-19 has led to a $15 million federal grant supporting a...
Changing standard procedures for evaluating and treating patients with suspected stroke has led to improved access to lifesaving stroke surgery across the state of Delaware and...
Some families pay thousands of dollars to store their children’s stem cells with the hope of a healthier future for them. But Sarah Kliff, an investigative...
“The shooting tonight at President Trump’s campaign rally is nothing short of an outrage. For years, the Left has been peddling false information about President Trump,...
A study published in Nature Medicine journal describes how proteomic scores of cardiorespiratory fitness can help predict disease risk as well as all-cause and disease-specific mortality...
RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) – Alligators in South Dakota. Of course, there aren’t any gators roaming around in a nearby lake. However, alligators did once call...
The South Texas Blood and Tissue Center is running low on blood. Officials with the center say they are only at a two-day supply of blood....
IOWA CITY, Iowa (KCRG) – The holiday season can be a slow time for blood donations, and staff at the University of Iowa Health Care DeGowin...