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Trump-backed House candidate rips Biden's 'joke' border policy for inviting gang violence to swing state



Trump-backed House candidate rips Biden's 'joke' border policy for inviting gang violence to swing state

PHOENIX – Abe Hamadeh, a Republican running for Congress in Arizona’s 8th Congressional district, told Fox News Digital that ‘radical’ Biden-Harris immigration policies are leading to increased gang violence in the key swing state of Arizona that is driving voters toward former President Trump.

“The border is the number one issue for everybody,” Hamadeh told Fox News Digital. “Every time I’m in my district, it’s the number one issue people talk about because they see the effects of the border crisis every single day, and we’ve had nighttime burglary, robberies happening in Arizona, in Maricopa County, particularly, these Chilean, illegal immigrants from Chile, this Chilean gang that were breaking into people’s homes.”

Hamadeh continued,So you’re starting to see it’s not just crime on the streets, in the inner cities, but now it’s going into the sort of suburbs and that’s why the border, everywhere I go, it’s the number one issue.”

Earlier this year, Fox News Digital reported on a home theft ring operated by members of a South American criminal gang that has been targeting high-end homes in the Phoenix area, resulting in the arrest of three Chilean citizens living illegally in the United States, authorities said. 



Abe Hamadeh is running for Congress as a Republican in AZ-08 (Fox News)

The gang, which has been referred to as “tourist burglars” and the “dinnertime thieves”, has committed crimes all across Phoenix, and the suburbs of Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Chandler, Gilbert and Peoria.

“People are concerned, rightfully so,” Arizona GOP Chairwoman Gina Swoboda told Fox News Digital. “Take Scottsdale as an example. Scottsdale is a nice little suburb in Maricopa County and there is this huge increase in homelessness. There was a series of home robberies and the police said it was a Chilean gang. So a gang from Chile came and started hitting houses in Scottsdale on a pretty routine basis and they were calling them like dinnertime robberies and you’re sitting down to dinner after you worked all day and now here comes the Chilean gang to rob your house.”

“This is crazy.”


Hamade, Lake

Republican Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake and Republican Arizona House candidate Abe Hamadeh. (Abe for Arizona)

Migrant gangs have garnered national attention in recent months, particularly in Aurora, Colorado, where a Venezuelan gang has been tied to numerous crimes in the city. 

Hamadeh told Fox News Digital that the “radical” immigration policies of the Biden-Harris administration are playing a major role in the increase of gang activity in Maricopa County.

“Everybody knows it’s a joke,” Hamadeh said about the immigration policy put forward by Harris during her recent speech along the southern border. “We can’t escape the commercials that are on constantly, she’s walking on our southern border with Trump’s border wall which we all know she opposed. She’s the most radical person ever to run for president.”

“Everybody who’s law enforcement, Border Patrol, anybody who knows what’s going on is supporting President Trump because Kamala Harris is in a position of power and has done nothing about it. So we all know that this is her attempt at trying to just, you know, get votes. But we know that the radical left is adamant about keeping our border open, and it’s creating a national security risk.”

Abe Hamadeh

Former President Trump endorsed Republican Abe Hamadeh to represent Arizona’s 8th Congressional District. (Abe for Arizona)

That national security threat, Hamadeh told Fox News Digital, will ultimately result in voters supporting Trump in a key swing state where 11 electoral votes could decide the election.

In my district, particularly, you know, we have all these Taiwanese companies moving into my district for the microchip industry, it’s 50 to $100 billion. That’s creating a national security risk,” Hamadeh said. “It’s great for economic development, but we have an open border, and you’ve got 30,000 Communist Chinese who have crossed our southern border last year. Unvetted.”

“That’s a prime intelligence target. I’m a former military intelligence officer in the U.S. Army Reserve and we’re putting a target right now here in Arizona for some of these foreign adversaries to take advantage of. Just last week, we discovered that Iran or somebody may have snuck through ten shoulder-fired missiles possibly. I mean, we’re talking about the United States. How are we not securing our border? It seems like the easiest concept for everybody to understand and that’s where, in my district that’s why it is the number one issue and Kamala Harris is failing at it and that’s why she’s going to lose the election.”

Fox News Digital’s Louis Casiano contributed to this report


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Texas death row inmate's lawyer says 'there was no crime' as she makes last-ditch effort to save his life



Texas death row inmate's lawyer says 'there was no crime' as she makes last-ditch effort to save his life

EXCLUSIVE: A Texas death row inmate is scheduled to be executed next week for his conviction of killing his 2-year-old daughter in 2002, but his lawyer argues that not only is her client innocent, nobody is responsible for the little girl’s death.

Robert Roberson is scheduled to be executed by lethal injection on Oct. 17. Prosecutors said his daughter, Nikki Curtis, was killed after sustaining injuries caused by being violently shaken, known as shaken baby syndrome. Roberson would be the first person in the U.S. to be executed based on shaken baby syndrome.

More than 80 Texas state lawmakers, as well as the detective who helped the prosecution, medical experts, parental rights groups, human rights groups, bestselling novelist John Grisham and other advocates have called for the state to grant Roberson clemency over the belief that he is innocent. A group of state lawmakers even visited him in prison to encourage him.

In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, his longtime lawyer, Gretchen Sween, says shaken baby syndrome has been debunked and that Nikki’s actual cause of death has been revealed to be from other health issues such as pneumonia, which is a lung infection.



Robert Roberson is scheduled to be executed by lethal injection on Oct. 17. (Roberson Family)

Roberson, who has maintained his innocence, took his daughter to the hospital in 2002 after he woke up and found her unconscious with blue lips. Doctors at the time were skeptical of Roberson’s claim that his daughter had fallen off the bed while they were sleeping, with some testifying at trial that her symptoms were consistent with the signs of shaken baby syndrome.

“I believe he is innocent for two distinct reasons,” Sween told Fox News Digital. “The theory that there was a crime that was used to convict him, which was then known as the shaken baby syndrome hypothesis, has been thoroughly discredited. There is no one now who would say the version of that hypothesis that was put before his jury as if it were scientific fact is legitimate.”

“Also, I know from the experts that had dug into his daughter’s medical records and examined the evidence that this exceedingly ill child died from undiagnosed pneumonia that was [ravaging] her lungs, combined with very dangerous prescription medications she was given in the last few days of her life,” she continued. “And it’s not to suggest that doctors did this intentionally. It’s just they didn’t know about the pneumonia.”

The doctors, she says, observed Nikki’s symptoms and believed they suggested a cold or flu, and they gave her an antihistamine and codeine, medications that suppress breathing.


“Pneumonia is a disease of the lungs,” Sween said. “You have this child struggling to breathe given these medications, and she collapses and ceases breathing in the night. We now know what happened to this child, and we know what the state said happened 20-something years ago is just not true.”

Many medical professionals, including those from Stanford University Medical Center, University of Pennsylvania and Children’s Minnesota Hospital, now say that doctors diagnose shaken baby syndrome too soon before taking into account a child’s medical history.

Sween said it is “maddening” that there is what she believes is “overwhelming” and “compelling” evidence that the courts have yet to examine.

The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals previously halted his execution in 2016. However, last year the court allowed the case to resume, and a new date was set to carry out Roberson’s death.

On Monday, Roberson’s lawyers asked a Texas court to stay his execution and reconsider his innocence based on new scientific evidence. His lawyers also urged the court to reconsider its previous denial of habeas relief based on new evidence that further shows how a groundbreaking state law designed to prevent wrongful convictions was not applied as intended in his case.


Sween says she will make every appeal she knows to make to help spare her client’s life, up to and including the U.S. Supreme Court.

Texas law allows the governor to grant a one-time, 30-day reprieve from execution. But full clemency requires a recommendation from the majority of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, which is appointed by the governor.

Robert Roberson III

Robert Roberson III was convicted of killing his 2-year-old daughter in 2002. (Texas Department of Criminal Justice via AP)

Since GOP Gov. Greg Abbott was sworn into office in 2015, he has granted clemency in only one death row case, when he commuted Thomas Whitaker’s death sentence to life in prison an hour before his scheduled execution in 2018. Whitaker had been convicted of arranging a plot that left his mother and brother fatally shot and his father wounded.

But Sween says Roberson’s case is different from previous death penalty cases because it is an “actual innocence case,” where not only was Roberson wrongly accused, but there was no crime at all.

“If that doesn’t merit a use of executive power, I don’t know what does,” Sween said.


Abbott’s office and the Board of Pardons and Paroles did not respond to Fox News Digitals’ requests for comment.

Prosecutors maintain that the evidence against Roberson remains sound and that the science of shaken baby syndrome has not changed as much as his defense argues.

“That’s just not defensible,” Sween said of prosecutors’ claims the science has not changed. She also noted that the American Academy for Pediatrics, which she says is responsible for the shaken baby syndrome becoming widely known, states in its current consensus statement that abuse must not be diagnosed until every other possible cause of the same conditions is eliminated.

She also said there is no proof that shaking caused Nikki’s symptoms and cited multiple studies showing that there are several other possible explanations for the child’s death. She also pointed to studies showing that there has never been a case where shaking can cause internal bleeding outside the brain or a brain injury.

Sween also pointed out that Nikki, at2-years-old, was not a baby and the anatomy of a 2-year-old is different from that of a baby.


Shaken baby syndrome was theorized years ago as a possible explanation for mysterious deaths of infants who suffered internal head conditions, subdural bleeding, brain swelling and sometimes retinal hemorrhages. But Sween says the theory was never tested and was still treated as established fact.

“Now we know all these medical conditions can cause the same symptoms,” she said. “So how can you say abuse can be diagnosed when something like pneumonia can cause the same internal condition? So, I think respectfully, the state is simply wrong in this.”

Sween also cited a similar case in a different part of Texas that was tried a couple of years before Roberson’s. In that case in Dallas, which featured the same child abuse expert that was used in Roberson’s case in Palestine, Texas, prosecutors representing the state conceded the science has changed and agreed that that man deserves a new trial.

Roberson’s attorneys have also argued that his demeanor was wrongfully used against him, as he is autistic. He did not seem like a distraught parent, which Sween says can be attributed to his autism.

“This started when he brought his child to the hospital,” Sween said. “She was comatose. He didn’t know how to explain her condition. His demeanor, from the outset, was judged as just odd, off, weird. There are all these judgments made that then became part of the trial testimony. Multiple witnesses told the jury that this was a reason to suspect him, his off demeanor. Now, of course, none of these doctors or nurses or law enforcement knew that Robert had autism.”


Part of autism, Sween says, is that a person may often shut down when they have a crisis of emotion and do not show the emotions they feel on the inside. She said this was the case with Roberson, who was not diagnosed with autism until 2018.

“And that was his condition, and it stayed, but there are even references to this in his records way before this happened with Nikki,” she said. “But he’d never been properly diagnosed. He’d been, you know, a special needs kid, poor kid, living on the edge of town, got some help through Medicaid, was put in special ed classes, but he was never given a thorough diagnosis, a workup to figure out what was going on.”

Roberson said the outpouring of support from various people and groups who believe he is innocent has made a difference to him, according to Sween, who said he had not felt “as human,” as he described, in a long time as he did when state lawmakers visited him and expressed solidarity with him.

Texas Senate Bill 1578, enacted in 2021, allows parents accused of child abuse by a medical professional to seek a second medical opinion from an independent doctor who specializes in the child’s specific medical condition. But Roberson did not benefit from this law, since it came nearly 20 years after his conviction.



Since GOP Gov. Greg Abbott was sworn into office in 2015, he has granted clemency in only one death row case. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki, File)

Sween also said Roberson’s case should raise concerns about capital punishment, even among people who support the death penalty, given the “really irrefutable evidence from experts with decades of experience pointing out the pneumonia in this child’s lungs.”

“If no court can hear that, and that is a reason then to kill somebody, I think it becomes hard to feel confident that Texas doesn’t frequently risk executing the innocent,” she said. “And I don’t know of anyone who would take the moral position that executing people for crimes that did not occur is somehow legitimate.”

As for Roberson’s mindset ahead of his scheduled execution, Sween said he seems to be fluctuating between being scared and being happy that people are concerned about the case.

“Every time he learns there are new people that care about the case, he gets this sort of childlike enthusiasm and feels hopeful again,” she said. “So it’s a kind of byproduct of his disability. And one of the things that I think helps him is that if you tell him, you know, we still have things to try and do, then he gets optimistic again. So he doesn’t go into complex philosophical thinking about this. He just doesn’t understand why he hasn’t already gone home.”


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Los Angeles, Ca

Beverly Hills restaurant responds to viral fight video



Beverly Hills restaurant responds to viral fight video

A Beverly Hills restaurant responded Wednesday to viral videos of a person getting punched out during an altercation earlier this year.

The incident occurred when a group of people were harassing patrons dining outside the Porta Via location on North Canon Drive on April 26, a statement posted by the restaurant on Instagram read.

One video recorded by streeetpeoplemedia and shared with KTLA shows someone in a hooded sweatshirt taking a swing at the patron, who then punches back, striking the individual and sending the person to the ground. 

Video shows an altercation at Porta Via in Beverly Hills on April, 26, 2024. (streetpeoplemedia)

The restaurant issued a statement about the incident after word spread that a manager, and not a patron, knocked out the person from the group.

“He was not an employee nor a manager as has been recently falsely reported. At the time, police were called and charges were not pressed by anyone involved, and while unfortunate, the matter was closed,” a portion of Porta Via’s statement read. 


Porta Via said misinformation was being spread on social media after videos from bystanders were posted.

They also said they “deplore violence and harassment of any kind” and that all patrons deserve an enjoyable dining experience.

Several people commented on the restaurant’s Instagram post expressing gratitude toward the patron.

“He’s been harassing your patrons for months. You should be thanking that man for actually doing something about it,” hilalove said.

“you should still hire the man, he did the work. lol,” rachelamazing posted.


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Los Angeles, Ca

Prosecutors reviewing 'new evidence' in Marilyn Manson sexual abuse probe



Prosecutors reviewing 'new evidence' in Marilyn Manson sexual abuse probe

The sex crimes division of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office is reviewing new leads and evidence in the investigation into shock rocker Marilyn Manson, accused by multiple women, including “Westworld” actor Evan Rachel Wood, of sexual abuse, rape and torture, officials announced Wednesday.  

The musician and artist, whose real name is Brian Warner, has vehemently denied the allegations, though he has settled at least two such lawsuits.  

One of those was in 2023 with “Game of Thrones” actor Esme Bianco who alleged sexual assault, sexual battery and human trafficking. That same year, according to reporting by the Los Angeles Times, he also settled with a Jane Doe who claimed she was orally and vaginally raped by him.  

At least a dozen women have come forward with claims against Manson since 2021, the same year his West Hollywood home was raided by investigators with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.  

FILE – Marilyn Manson arrives at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party, Feb. 9, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. On Tuesday, May 9, 2023, a California judge threw out key sections of Manson’s lawsuit against his former fiancée, “Westworld” actor Evan Rachel Wood, claiming she fabricated public allegations that he sexually and physically abused her during their relationship and encouraged other women to do the same. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP, File)

In response to the accusations, Howard King, Manson’s attorney, told The Times that all the allegations have three things in common: 


“They are false, alleged to have taken place more than a decade ago and [are] part of a coordinated attack by former partners and associates of Mr. Warner who have weaponized the otherwise mundane details of his personal life and their consensual relationships into fabricated horror stories.”  

LASD’s Special Victims Bureau, which handles investigations into physical and sexual abuse, turned their 19-month-long investigation into Manson over to the district attorney’s office in 2022, The Times reported.  

In a statement released Wednesday, the DA’s office, which has yet to file any charges against Manson, said prosecutors are carefully reviewing “new leads and additional evidence.”  

“New evidence has emerged in the last few weeks, adding to an already extensive case file presented to our office by the LASD,” L.A. County DA George Gascón said. “It is our office’s responsibility to ensure that we have a complete picture of the admissible evidence available before making a filing decision.” 

Gascón added that his office anticipates making a filing decision on the matter soon. 

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