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Washington, D.C

Muriel Bowser Faces Scrutiny After Trips To Masters, Las Vegas



Muriel Bowser Faces Scrutiny After Trips To Masters, Las Vegas

The mayor’s trips to the council of shopping centers have received scrutiny since at least 2017.


Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser faced criticism over a pair of trips that are alleged to have taken place using taxpayer money during the month of May. Earlier in May, Bowser took a trip to The Masters that appeared on her public calendar of events as a “sports and economic development visit.” According to the mayor’s spokesperson, the mayor and her team were invited to the event by two women who are chairing a Gallery Place/Chinatown Task Force.

As Fox 5 reports, one of those chairs is a CEO for EDENS, Jodie McLean. EDENS does millions of dollars in business in Washington, D.C. When Fox 5 reporter Stephanie Ramirez asked Bowser for additional clarification, she bristled, telling Ramirez, “We tried to be transparent, so I don’t know what questions you have that remain. We disclosed – I don’t know what questions you have that remain; we expect an invoice if it hasn’t – we haven’t received it yet from EDENS… I believe that the estimated costs were in the range of $5-$6,000 and that’s for air travel … per person.”

Bowser continued, defending her trip to Augusta National Golf Course, “Listen, voters have placed their trust in me to make the best decisions for the District for the last 15 years, including three elections as mayor. We made no secret about the fact that we make sports investments. We are the sports capital, and we are going to promote the District in every corner of the world, and that has been my experience as mayor.”

When Fox 5 asked about why the trip had so much secrecy around it, Bowser replied, “You know the reason why you know about the trip? Because it was on my public schedule. That’s not a secret.”


According to the Mayor’s public calendar, the next trip is described as an “economic mission” to the International Council of Shopping Centers in Las Vegas, which is being held from May 19-21. “On Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, Mayor Bowser will attend the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) LAS VEGAS to attract retail to the District of Columbia. This economic mission is coordinated by the Washington, DC Economic Partnership, which has organized the District’s presence at ICSC since 2001.”

The mayor’s trips to the council of shopping centers have received scrutiny since at least 2017. At the time, D.C. Council member Jack Evans (D-Ward 2) defended the trip, telling the Washington Post, “It’s great. D.C. has changed, and we can make a different pitch than we could make years ago. It used to be that we had to tell them about the vision of what D.C. could become. Now, everybody wants to come open a store in the District. Frankly, if we weren’t here, we wouldn’t be doing our jobs.”

Others, like Monica Kamen, then the co-director of the DC Fair Budget Commission, believed there was a better way for taxpayer money to be allocated, given the gentrification concerns in the District. Kamen told the Post, “There’s been a lot of development in D.C. that has led to massive gentrification and a rise in the cost of living, and we need to be looking at how we continue development without further displacing people. A week before the budget vote, I would hope that that is where most of their focus was — on how to maximize spending for those in need . . . not in Las Vegas talking about giving away too many tax dollars to retailers.”

RELATED CONTENT: Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser: America is ‘Descending Into A Race War’


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Neighbors concerned about violence after double shooting in Alexandria



Neighbors concerned about violence after double shooting in Alexandria

Neighbors concerned about violence after double shooting in Alexandria – NBC4 Washington


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World Record pupusa in Washington, D.C.



World Record pupusa in Washington, D.C.

WASHINGTON (Gray DC) – One for the record books in Washington, D.C. as 40 chefs broke the Guinness World Record for largest pupusa.

Pupusas are a traditional dish from El Salvador. The previous world record was an 18-foot pupusa in El Salvador.

The chefs undertook the challenge during Fiesta DC — a street fair celebrating latin food and culture.

The prep and cooking process for the 20-foot dish took several hours.


Chef Ben Velasquez said there is an official process for certifying the giant pupusa.

“There is an inspector for Guinness World Record certifying that we are using first, all of the international ways of sanitary conditions, the way the food is, safe to eat, etcetera,” Velasquez said.

Velasquez said their final product can serve more than 2000 people.

The project took more than 3 months of planning.


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Suspect indicted in DC park ‘bias-motivated’ pepper spray attacks acquitted on all charges – WTOP News



Suspect indicted in DC park ‘bias-motivated’ pepper spray attacks acquitted on all charges – WTOP News

A former Prince George’s County, Maryland, elementary school teacher who was arrested on assault charges in Virginia and indicted for…

A former Prince George’s County, Maryland, elementary school teacher who was arrested on assault charges in Virginia and indicted for allegedly attacking people with pepper spray in a D.C. park was found not guilty.

Years after Michael Thomas Pruden, 50, was hit with seven federal assault charges related to “bias-motivated assaults” on men from 2018 to 2021 in Meridian Hill/Malcolm X Park, a jury of his peers in Washington D.C. acquitted him of all charges.

Initially, prosecutors argued before a grand jury that Pruden attacked victims because of their perceived sexual orientation, targeting a park known for cruising, or “a meeting place for men seeking consensual sex with other men,” according to charging documents.


The indictment identified a total of five victims who were assaulted during evening activities at the park in D.C., claiming Pruden pretended to be a member of law enforcement and attacked unsuspecting men.

“Before spraying the men, Pruden pretended to be a Park Police officer, shined a flashlight in the victims’ faces and gave the victims police-style directives,” the department said in a July 2022 press release.

Prosecutors also brought forth digital evidence from Pruden — “text or social media messages or profiles that reference ‘cruising,’ Meridian Hill Park or Malcolm X Park,” and social media activity on platforms like Jack’d and Grindr ahead of this week’s jury trial. Jurors began deliberation Thursday and reached their decision Friday afternoon.

Pruden’s acquittal comes more than two years after his arrest in Norfolk, Virginia, due in part to significant delays in the trial. Notable issues included changes in representation and motions to bifurcate the trial — separating the question of whether Pruden committed the offenses charged from deliberation on the reason being the victims’ espoused or assumed sexual orientation.

The jury’s decision also followed charges for attacks on two people at Daingerfield Island in Alexandria, Virginia, in 2021. The Alexandria case also concluded with Pruden being found not guilty verdict in both incidents.


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