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35th Virginia Commonwealth Games Preview



35th Virginia Commonwealth Games Preview

LYNCHBURG, Va. (WFXR) — The 2024 Virginia Commonwealth Games are just around the corner, with the weekend taking place from July 19-21 set to ignite the City of Lynchburg and Liberty University with a celebration of sportsmanship and talent.

Athletes from across the state are gearing up to showcase their skills in a wide range of sports.

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Virginia cattle farmers pivot to deal with hot, dry weather



Virginia cattle farmers pivot to deal with hot, dry weather

MONTVALE, Va. (WFXR) — Hot, dry weather is having an impact on livestock farmers in the Roanoke and Lynchburg regions.

“We base on pasture management and grazing cattle 300 days out of the year,” said Johnny Divers of Chapel Creek Farms near Montvale. “Weather is one thing we can not control.”

Farmers like Divers have had to pivot to work around the problems dry pastures can create. In Divers’ case, that means rotating herds from pasture to pasture, and leaving some fields uncut or untouched. In addition, Divers says preparations and actions taken in the spring, like limiting the number of cattle in certain pastures, are paying off now.

“We don’t overstock our pastures for this reason,” Divers said. “If you overstock in early spring, you can pretty much guarantee yourself that you will run out of pasture in the summertime if you go into any sort of a drought.”


Divers also says keeping some fields untouched helps the soil in those pastures to retain moisture. That will extend their life and keep them viable for grazing later in the summer.

Pastures are just one concern. Herd hydration is another. Divers says each head of cattle can drink up to 40 gallons of water a day. He always makes sure his herds have two water sources wherever they are pastured.

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Trump steps up ground game in Virginia after Biden’s shaky debate



Trump steps up ground game in Virginia after Biden’s shaky debate

Former President Trump is ramping up his efforts in Virginia in a sign that Republicans are viewing the state as winnable in November. While President Biden headed to battleground North Carolina for his post-debate rally, Trump traveled to Chesapeake, Va., to share the stage for the first time with Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R). The governor…

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Youngkin looks to unify GOP at massive Trump rally: ‘Virginia is in play’ – Washington Examiner



Youngkin looks to unify GOP at massive Trump rally: ‘Virginia is in play’ – Washington Examiner

Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA) joined former President Donald Trump for a massive rally in Virginia as the vice presidential hopeful makes a bid to flip his state red this November. 

“It is time to elect strength back into the White House,” the Virginia governor proclaimed to thousands of enthusiastic rally attendees as he introduced the president. “Let’s join together and welcome the next president of the United States, Donald J. Trump!”

Trump, freshly victorious from a debate deemed a disaster for his opponent President Joe Biden, beamed as Youngkin doled out glowing words for his former rival. 

“Mr. President, this is the best Trump rally that you’ve ever had, and you’re doing it in Virginia,” Youngkin told the presumptive GOP nominee Friday. “And yes, on behalf of 8.7 million Virginians, Mr. President, we are going to go to work and get you back in the White House!”

Youngkin shakes hands with Trump at a rally in Chesapeake, Virginia. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)

Massive crowds roared as the two shook hands, cementing a show of goodwill over a past mired in conflict.

“He’s got the policies that made America great,” Trump said of Youngkin, widely rumored to be on the vice presidential short list. “We’re proud of him. He’s done a great job.” 

The joint appearance comes as the GOP convention looms. Trump is expected to announce his running mate before then.


In 2020, Biden claimed Virginia by a solid 10%. Recent polls showing the president in a dead heat with Trump has shocked the GOP into action to capitalize on Republican gains. While Trump and Youngkin have had a fractured relationship, with Youngkin toying with mounting a presidential challenge to Trump and declining to speak at multiple rallies, their joint appearance is intended to signal to Virginians that a unified GOP could flip the state red this November. 


As the Virginia governor told Fox News just hours before the rally, “The president coming to Virginia today … is reflective of the fact that Virginia is in play.”

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