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Senate Majority Rests on Nevada, Georgia as Results Trickle In



Senate Majority Rests on Nevada, Georgia as Results Trickle In

WASHINGTON—The battle over occasion management of each chambers of Congress was razor-tight on Saturday as extra ballots have been counted and the main focus turned to races within the Western U.S. that may decide the agenda in Washington for the subsequent two years.

Arizona Democratic Sen.

Mark Kelly

gained a hard-fought re-election bid towards Republican challenger


Blake Masters,

in keeping with the Related Press name on Friday night time, boosting Democrats’ prospects of sustaining their Senate majority.

With the Arizona race known as, Democrats have 49 seats and must win certainly one of two excellent Senate races in Nevada and Georgia to maintain their majority, whereas Republicans with 49 seats should win each races to take management of the chamber, as a result of the Democratic Get together controls the White Home and the vp casts a tiebreaking vote.

Nevada Democratic Sen.

Catherine Cortez Masto


trailed GOP challenger

Adam Laxalt

by fewer than a thousand votes Saturday because the state continued counting ballots and periodically releasing up to date outcomes.

The Georgia race between Democratic Sen.

Raphael Warnock


and Republican

Herschel Walker,

in the meantime, will likely be determined in a Dec. 6 runoff.


Republican Adam Laxalt was forward in Nevada’s Senate race by fewer than a thousand votes Saturday.


Mario Tama/Getty Pictures

Nevada Democratic Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto awaited the outcomes of the race because the state continued counting ballots Saturday.


Anna Moneymaker/Getty Pictures

Within the Home of Representatives, the GOP remained on observe towards successful a slim majority, exterior analysts mentioned, however the ultimate consequence hinged on races that have been too near name as of Friday, and each events have been girding for outcomes which may not be identified for days. Democrats clung to the opportunity of preserving the bulk.

A number of races in Arizona remained too near name, together with the gubernatorial race between Republican


Kari Lake

and Democrat

Katie Hobbs.

Ms. Hobbs was forward Saturday morning by over 1 share level, with hundreds extra ballots anticipated to be counted. A number of Home races have been additionally nonetheless being tallied within the state.

In Nevada, Republican


Joe Lombardo

gained the gubernatorial race. Three incumbent Home Democrats—Reps.

Dina Titus,

Susie Lee



Steven Horsford

—beat their Republican rivals in Nevada contests that have been extremely aggressive, in keeping with Related Press race calls. Republicans had spent closely in Nevada, hoping to win these seats that turned extra favorable to them in redistricting.

Republicans formally have 211 seats and Democrats have 201, in keeping with Related Press calls. Democrats are anticipated to prevail in a number of extra seats, however the odds seem slim that they will maintain on to the 218 wanted for almost all.

Dave Wasserman

of the nonpartisan Prepare dinner Political Report mentioned Saturday he noticed about six real tossup Home races the place the anticipated winner was unclear. Democrats must win all of these, in addition to a number of races the place he sees them having a bonus to maintain the bulk. Republicans may find yourself near Democrats’ present margin within the Home, which stands at 220-212, with three absences.


Mr. Wasserman recognized 11 seats in California that have been unresolved. Of these, Prepare dinner Political Report rated the GOP as favored in 4, Democrats favored in three, and 4 as tossups.

Democrats have picked up extra seats this yr in midterm once they have been anticipated to do poorly. Democrats are at present forward in an Arizona seat the place

Jevin Hodge

is main Rep.

David Schweikert,


who has served in Congress since 2011. In Washington state, Democrat

Marie Gluesenkamp Perez

is forward of Republican

Joe Kent

in a race that turned extra aggressive when the incumbent GOP Rep.


Jaime Herrera Beutler

was defeated in her main, partially for voting to question former President

Donald Trump.

In Oregon, former Pleased Valley, Ore., Mayor

Lori Chavez-DeRemer,


a Republican, is forward of Democrat

Jamie McLeod-Skinner

in a seat Democrats have held for years after the incumbent there, Rep.

Kurt Schrader,

was defeated in a main.


Republican Joe Lombardo gained a race for Nevada’s highest put up, in what polls indicated was one of many closest gubernatorial races within the nation.


Mario Tama/Getty Pictures

Over the previous two years, the slim Home majority and evenly divided Senate made it troublesome for Democrats to cross elements of President Biden’s agenda, however not unimaginable. In a Republican Home or Senate, it could be much more difficult. Home Republicans have promised to repeal elements of payments that Democrats handed up to now two years, and will use the bulk to push for their very own priorities on taxes, spending and immigration, amongst different points.

Even with out management of the chambers known as, bold lawmakers are already jockeying for management spots or weighing in on who would possibly lead their convention.

Republicans annoyed by the occasion’s weaker-than-expected efficiency within the midterm elections have been crucial of their management. Home Minority Chief


Kevin McCarthy

(R., Calif.) declared his intent to run for Home speaker, earlier than the bulk was known as for his occasion, and a few conservative members of his convention have voiced concern about whether or not he’s the appropriate individual to maintain main the GOP convention.

Home Republicans plan to carry management elections subsequent Tuesday and newly elected Home members from each events will come to orientation in Washington, D.C. If their races aren’t but known as, the candidates are sometimes invited to return anyway.

Within the Senate, a bunch of Republicans are asking for a delay in Senate GOP management elections which are anticipated to happen subsequent week, saying that “we’re all dissatisfied {that a} Crimson Wave didn’t materialize” and “must have critical discussions inside our convention as to why and what we are able to do to enhance our probabilities in 2024.”

The lawmakers wished the election delayed till after the Georgia runoff. Senate Minority Chief


Mitch McConnell

(R., Ky.), the longest-serving Republican Senate chief, has up to now been authorised because the chief on a routine foundation, with the inner elections occurring shortly after Election Day.

Amongst Democrats, Sen.

Chuck Schumer

(D., N.Y.), the present majority chief, is predicted to carry his place as chief of his occasion within the majority or minority. Home Speaker


Nancy Pelosi

(D., Calif.) hasn’t introduced her plans for the longer term, and several other Democrats have declared plans to run for lower-leadership positions akin to caucus chair and vice-caucus chair.

Write to Natalie Andrews at

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Georgia mayor fires police chief, suspends all the officers



Georgia mayor fires police chief, suspends all the officers

WARM SPRINGS, Ga. (Atlanta News First) – The mayor of a city in Georgia fired its police chief and suspended the entire police force following a lengthy investigation.

In a social media post, the city of Warm Springs announced that Mayor Robyn Pynenburg fired Police Chief Emilio Quintana and suspended the remaining 13 police officers.

“The decision to terminate Chief [Emilio] Quintana and suspend the police force was made after careful consideration of recent events and emerging concerns regarding the conduct and operations within the department,” city officials said in a social media post Wednesday.

The Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council confirmed it’s investigating the former police chief for “unauthorized use of city vehicles and representation as an officer in an unauthorized duty of office.”


In the meantime, the city with a population of roughly 500 people, appointed Aisha Al-Khalifa as interim chief.

As of now, Al-Khalifa is the only person active on the police force.

WANF reached out to Warm Springs Mayor Robyn Pynenburg on Thursday.

Destiny Danyell Magoon

Pynenburg declined to answer any questions and said in a text message that she was out of town.

“We’ve been without a police chief before, and we’ve been short-staffed before,” said Gerrie Thompson, an innkeeper in Warm Springs.

Thompson said she formerly served on city council and trusts the mayor had a legitimate reason to fire the police chief.


“It’s not something that’s just a spur-of-the-moment thing. I’m not potentially worried about anything. And I’m sure whatever is going on, they will have it taken care of,” Thompson said.

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EU eyes targeted sanctions, visa restrictions over Georgia's 'foreign agent' law



EU eyes targeted sanctions, visa restrictions over Georgia's 'foreign agent' law

The EU is considering a range of measures, including sanctions on top government officials, cutting financial assistance and restricting visa-free travel, in response to the Georgian government’s controversial ‘foreign agents’ law, according to an internal document seen by Euractiv.

EU foreign ministers on Monday (24 June) are expected to discuss the options paper, drawn up by the bloc’s diplomatic service (EEAS), in response to the passing of Georgia’s controversial ‘foreign agent’ law in May.

Brussels had called on Tbilisi to withdraw the law, which had sparked weeks of mass demonstrations, warning the passing of the bill would hamper its hopes of joining the bloc in the near future.

“There is a broad agreement that the EU has to react, now we just need to find the appropriate balance,” one EU diplomat said, but echoed others that cautioned it remains unclear whether steps will be taken.


Short-term measures

As part of immediate short-term measures, the document suggests suspending high-level bilateral visits, EU-Georgia Association Agreement meetings and events, and pausing discussions, negotiations, and signing of bilateral agreements “as an immediate reaction to the current situation.”

It also suggests to “pause programming and disbursement of funds directly benefiting Georgian authorities and halt discussions on any future assistance to the authorities” as well as a review of the EU financial assistance portfolio,” including to step up support to civil society and independent media”.

It continues that these measures could be lifted once the law is repealed and “provided that EU concerns on democratic backsliding are sufficiently addressed and should be accompanied by clear public messages.”

‘Further deterioration’

In case of “further deterioration of the situation,” such as “use of violence against protesters” or “intimidation or major irregularities in the electoral process,” the options paper proposes deeper-running measures.

According to the document, those would include initially reimposing visa rules on Georgian government officials and diplomats under “a (temporary) Schengen visa requirement for all holders of Georgian diplomatic/service passports”.


In that stage, measures could also consider sanctions under the Global Human Rights Regime “targeting individuals, entities and bodies responsible for, involved in or associated with serious human rights violations”.

‘Last resort’

“In case of significant deterioration of the situation, steps regarding visa liberalisation and enlargement process could be considered,” the paper states.

“But as their adverse impact would be mostly felt by the wider population, they should only be taken as last resort,” the EU option paper cautions.

It adds that this “would require careful and intensive messaging to the Georgian people, explaining that these measures are fully reversible, depending on the actions by the authorities.”

The EU has only suspended visa liberalisation once, in the case of the South Pacific island of Vanuatu.


So far, many EU diplomats have been cautious about restricting EU visa liberalisation, which would not require unanimity but would primarily hit the Georgian population rather than the authorities.

“When you take your measures, you don’t want to alienate the population,” a second EU diplomat said.

“It is a balancing act between the [Georgian] government getting the message and not harming our case with citizens,” they added.

Election impact

The internal document also suggests additional measures could also be considered “in case of election falsification and serious misconduct of the electoral process.”

This would come as Georgia is expected to hold parliamentary elections on 26 October, which the opposition fears could be impacted by the new law.


One of the fears is that election observers and non-governmental organisations involved in citizen participation and transparency could be branded ‘foreign agents’ and prevented from monitoring the polls, Georgian opposition politicians told Euractiv in Tbilisi last month.

Next to the proposed measures, the EU’s diplomatic service in the document also stresses the need for “intensified engagement” in a series of areas unrelated to government contacts.

Those would include strengthening support for civil society and independent investigative media outlets, supporting the electoral process and strategic communication, and countering disinformation.

[Edited by Alice Taylor]

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Former Georgia Southern Eagle wins third straight championship with the UFL’s Stallions



Former Georgia Southern Eagle wins third straight championship with the UFL’s Stallions

STATESBORO, Ga. (WTOC) – For teams in any sport, winning one title is a challenge, so winning three in a row? That seems nearly impossible.

That’s exactly what the UFL’s Birmingham Stallions recently accomplished, though. And one member of the team — who’s been around for all three championships — is a familiar face in the Savannah area.

Ryan Langan attended Georgia Southern, where he was a longsnapper on the football team from 2017 to 2021. In his final season, he collected several accolades, including All-Sun Belt First Team and All-America Third Team. After school, he was just one cut away from making it to the NFL with the Chargers, but that’s when the Stallions came calling, and now he has three rings to show for his time with the team.

“I just saw an Instagram post or little thing that said ‘The only people that have done it in all of men’s college basketball, women’s college basketball, football, all of the sports, is just UConn’s women’s basketball.’ So it’s definitely something for the history books, and I’m glad to be apart of it,” said Langan.


This was the first UFL Championship that Langan and the Stallions have won — the previous two being USFL titles before the merger with the XFL. But while winning is obviously the goal, the bigger picture these players have in mind is working hard enough and putting enough good film on tape in order to catch the eye of an NFL scout and get themselves back in the league.

“I’ve been fortunate enough to have a lot of older folks in my life and they always tell me, you know, ‘you have the rest of your life to work.’ Just kind of still have the hopes and dreams, and not giving up on it. I believe in myself like everybody in that league believes in themselves that they can make it to the next level.”

The hope for Langan is that he’ll get a call from an NFL team in the coming weeks and be able to join their training camp next month

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