Are we alone? Is life around us a cosmic accident that only happened once on this lonely planet, making human beings the only technological civilization anywhere?...
It looks like cosmic Silly String or celestial spaghetti. What you’re really seeing is a confused space telescope. Europe’s Euclid spacecraft, which launched in July to...
With Halloween just days away, and the wider autumn and winter holiday season fast approaching, now is the time for most everyone to get their updated...
Over the weekend, as I pondered a volume of forgotten lore — it was Emily Wilson’s gripping translation of Homer’s “Odyssey,” actually — my email inbox...
One of California’s riskiest volcanoes has for decades been undergoing geological changes and seismic activity, which are sometimes a precursor to an eruption, but — thankfully...
A new book by a Stanford neurobiologist offers a jarring proposition: that humans do not have free will and thus cannot be considered morally responsible for...
In the preface of the new book by vaccine expert and pro-science crusader Peter Hotez, there are several acknowledgments of a kind that may never have...
BLUFF, Utah — When Mayor Ann Leppanen learned that the moon would cross in front of the sun above her home on Saturday, she foresaw calamity:...
If life exists elsewhere in the solar system, it may well reside in the ocean of Jupiter’s icy moon Europa. The mysterious world appears to have...
Before epilepsy was understood to be a neurological condition, people believed it was caused by the moon, or by phlegm in the brain. They condemned seizures...