The musical, written by Scott Brown and Anthony King, began its life in the comedy world, at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater, where King was the...
In one robbery, the perpetrators smeared white powder laced with fentanyl under the victim’s nose. In another, they offered someone marijuana laced with the drug and...
A Manhattan judge on Thursday imposed a $5,000 fine on two lawyers who prepared a legal brief full of made-up cases and citations, all generated by...
Before the restoration, the Lefferts house catered mostly to families; children could plant potatoes, harvest flax, play with reproduced artifacts and see how linen was woven....
At several points in “The Stroll,” Kristen Lovell and Zackary Drucker’s loving portrait of New York City’s transgender sex workers, moments of striking candor break through...
“Leopoldstadt” and “Kimberly Akimbo,” the two shows that took home top Tony Awards last week, saw big bumps at the box office in the days following...
Of the many questions that surround Representative George Santos, one has recently taken center stage: Who guaranteed the $500,000 bond that allowed him to be released from...
Good morning. It’s Thursday. We’ll look at why New York City has emerged as a modest pioneer in A.I. regulation. We’ll also find out about a...
In just 15 days, Kenwood Allen killed four people, prosecutors with the Manhattan district attorney’s office said on Wednesday. Mr. Allen, 33, was already charged late...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, on a three-day visit to the United States, kicked off a group yoga session for international diplomats on the lawn...