Stutsman County officials faced an unusual challenge with some young vagrants wandering the area in 1923. The problem started on a Sunday when residents of the...
Jamestown Reservoir is known as the top crappie fishery in North Dakota. In this week’s segment of “North Dakota Outdoors,” host Mike Anderson takes us there...
LISBON, N.D. (KFGO) – The Highway Patrol has released the names of two of three people killed in a head-on crash near Lisbon in southeast North...
Seemingly unrelated news items collided midweek to suggest a possible solution for a vexing problem: President Biden’s age. I’ve touched on this topic in recent weeks,...
Submitted Photo Chronic wasting disease is a fatal disease of deer, moose and elk that can cause long-term population declines if left unchecked. Photo from NDGF....
BISMARCK, N.D. (KFYR) – With high school and college graduation in the rearview mirror for the classes of 2024, it’s time to get ready for college...
Readers Digest, you know the little magazine that used to be found in nearly every dentist’s or doctor’s waiting rooms, just came out with “The Coolest...
FARGO, N.D. (Valley News Live) – Sophia Richards won Miss North Dakota over the weekend and has already had several public speaking stops since earning the...
Tuesday’s GOP primary in North Dakota is now over, and the victors are celebrating. Nestled in with those announcements is one regarding a “high-profile initiative” that...
North Dakota voters approved a ballot initiative during their primary election on Tuesday that would place an age limit on candidates in the state running for...