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Trials & Tribulations: A Week Inside Vermont's Busiest Courthouse Reveals a Judicial System Plagued by Delays



Trials & Tribulations: A Week Inside Vermont's Busiest Courthouse Reveals a Judicial System Plagued by Delays

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  • James Buck
  • Judge Edward J. Costello Courthouse

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It had taken 569 days, but Ashley Richards’ trial was finally set to begin. A dozen jurors waited to take their seats in Courtroom 3A at the Judge Edward J. Costello Courthouse. The court officer and judge’s assistant were in their places. So were attorneys for the prosecution and defense, the witnesses, and the victim.

Black-robed Superior Court Judge Kevin Griffin, a pale, soft-spoken man, looked out from the bench toward the attorneys. His eyes were trained on an empty chair at the defense table.

Where was the defendant?


Griffin asked Harley Brown, Richards’ court-appointed attorney, if he had any way to call his client. He did not.

“Do we even know where she’s living?” Griffin asked.

“We do not,” Brown said.

Reporting this story

More than four years after the COVID-19 pandemic began, the state judiciary is still struggling with an enormous backlog of criminal cases and competing public pressures around how justice should be pursued.

To better understand how the system is working, Seven Days and Vermont Public embedded two reporters at the Burlington criminal courthouse for one week.


Yet again, justice was on the verge of delay. No one in the courtroom appeared particularly surprised. Delays have become a dismayingly common occurrence in Vermont’s court system — a system that is expected to resolve criminal allegations swiftly. The state’s judiciary remains mired in a pandemic-era backlog that has seen the number of unresolved criminal cases swell to 15,000, double the pre-pandemic norm. More cases have languished, leaving the accused in limbo while frustrating victims who must wait months — or years — for their shot at justice.

The trend threatens to undermine public trust in the justice system and the rule of law. At the same time, judges and prosecutors face conflicting public demands to lock up repeat offenders while also finding alternatives to incarceration and addressing the underlying causes of criminal behavior.

That balancing act, a topic of fierce political debate, is largely unfolding outside the public eye, across thousands of cases that are heard in open courtrooms but don’t draw media attention. To see firsthand the barriers to timely justice, Seven Days and Vermont Public spent five days, May 6 through 10, inside the downtown Burlington courthouse, attending hearings and interviewing participants.

click to enlarge Judge Edward J. Costello Courthouse - JAMES BUCK
  • James Buck
  • Judge Edward J. Costello Courthouse

Time and again, across the dozens of cases heard in three courtrooms, judges and attorneys struggled to carry out even basic judicial functions through a crush of obstacles.

Hearings were marred by technical difficulties and derailed by scheduling pileups. One arraignment was scuttled when the translator, who joined by phone, couldn’t hear anyone in the courtroom, prompting the judge to complain, “This is the best we got?” Court officials scrambled to accommodate defendants who missed their court dates or arrived late. Defendants who were high on drugs or in the midst of a mental health crisis made even low-level cases difficult or impossible to resolve on schedule.

The court process appeared by turns futile, exhausting and farcical. The intense workload prompted one defense attorney, Jason Sawyer, to announce to a judge that he was canceling his state contract to represent indigent defendants because otherwise he would “end up becoming one of my clients.”


The trial of Ashley Richards would scrutinize the actions of a homeless woman whose life had spiraled, but the case against her was also a case study of a confounded court system. Richards, 40, was accused of assaulting and robbing an elderly man at an ATM in Burlington in September 2022. The seemingly straightforward case proceeded only haltingly in the 19 months that followed. Richards missed court dates and accrued more than a dozen other low-level charges, including retail theft and trespassing in City Hall Park. Twice she was held in prison, and both times, others bailed her out.

Now, everyone hoped, a two-day trial would bring the case to a resolution, one way or another. But the court could not stage a trial if the accused was not present.

The prosecutor, Chief Deputy State’s Attorney Sally Adams, had an idea. A Burlington Police Department detective, she explained, thought officers might know where Richards was camping in the city.

“I’m trying to see if maybe somebody can find her,” Adams said.

If the cops could get Richards to the courthouse, the trial might still be able to proceed.


“I’ll retire to chambers,” Judge Griffin said, “and begin praying that Ms. Richards shows up.”


Jury draw
click to enlarge Defense attorney Harley Brown and Chief Deputy State's Attorney Sally Adams - DARIA BISHOP
  • Daria Bishop
  • Defense attorney Harley Brown and Chief Deputy State’s Attorney Sally Adams

Two days earlier, on Monday, the week began with 60 Chittenden County residents seated on wooden benches inside Courtroom 3A.

The potential jurors were restless, having set aside their day to fulfill their civic duty. Some glanced out the windows at the construction cranes across the street. One older man sat quietly reading in the back. Another person dozed off.

Court officials were more excited. They were preparing to pick four juries, including the one that would decide the Richards case. This would mark the largest number of juries selected in a single month in Chittenden County since the pandemic began in March 2020 — and more than were seated in all of 2023.

Most cases never go to trial, but scheduling one provides a deadline that propels cases to settle by plea bargain. The pandemic halted trials for more than a year, causing cases to pile up. A dozen of the Vermont court system’s 37 judges have retired since then, creating vacancies that further slowed things down.


The judiciary has managed to reduce its enormous caseload by 17 percent since January 2022, and funding for three more judges is on the way. But more than a third of cases are still lingering longer than they should, according to the judiciary’s own guidelines. The most complex felonies, such as murder and aggravated assault, should take fewer than 455 days to resolve. Richards’ assault-and-robbery case was already more than 100 days beyond that.

Chittenden County, with the state’s busiest criminal docket, has scarcely put a dent in its inflated caseload of about 3,000, which is constantly being replenished by an uptick in new filings for lower-level crimes.

Each of those cases plays out on the upper floors of the four-story courthouse on Cherry Street, whose brick façade seems to disguise it as an office building. Three judges, who rotate to different counties each year, hold hearings in three criminal courtrooms. One is drab and windowless. Courtroom 3A, where jury draws were being held, offers a full wall of sunlight and views of the former department store turned city high school across the street. The office of Chittenden County State’s Attorney Sarah George, a reform-minded progressive, is down the hall, where visitors are greeted by a Martin Luther King Jr. quote that proclaims, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

click to enlarge Superior Court Judge Kevin Griffin - DARIA BISHOP
  • Daria Bishop
  • Superior Court Judge Kevin Griffin

The three courtrooms are outfitted with large monitors that allow attorneys, defendants and observers to appear remotely — a pandemic innovation — though most participants are now expected to appear in person for criminal hearings. Still, reduced foot traffic has shuttered the Courthouse Café on the ground floor. The judiciary struggles with high staff turnover, which slows hearings as new assistants are trained on the clunky case management software, Odyssey, that has become a source of frustration and the butt of courthouse jokes.

The high volume of cases puts a strain not just on the court staff but also on prosecutors and public defenders. That means the local public defender’s office must rely more on contract attorneys such as Brown to handle overflow and take over cases when the office has a conflict of interest.

With a white goatee and his glasses often perched above his brow, Brown is a familiar presence in the courthouse. He’s been an attorney locally for more than three decades. Between hearings, the longtime wrestling coach for Mount Mansfield Union High School likes to sit by the front-door security checkpoint and joke with the officers. As he waited for the judge to draw jurors for Richards’ trial, Brown bent the ear of a prosecutor about the new fish-finder he’d ordered for his lake camp.


His client, Richards, had made it to court that Monday and watched as Brown helped select a jury of her peers. She sat quietly, dressed in a plaid shirt and tan pants. She had eyes set deep in her face and a thin, birdlike nose.

Richards was still homeless, as she was at the time of her alleged crime. She had been sleeping in the ATM vestibule on St. Paul Street when a 69-year-old man in a motorized wheelchair came through the doors. Richards, prosecutors alleged, waited for the man to withdraw $100, then punched him, grabbed the cash and ran. The incident made the nightly news at the time, only to be supplanted by the next headline about surging disorder downtown. By the time her May 6 jury draw arrived, local television crews had long since moved on.

Judge Griffin called Richards’ case first. Brown and Adams, the prosecutor, took turns probing potential jurors for biases.

Adams spent about 15 minutes asking basic questions, such as whether any jurors recognized Richards or the victim. She also asked jurors whether they could be impartial in a case involving an older victim with a physical impairment.

Brown’s questions took less than five minutes.


“You understand that my client’s obligation was just to show up here today and show up for this trial?” he asked. Then he cracked one of his jokes: “And she showed up this morning with a slightly aging, overweight wrestling coach. Does anybody on this panel hold that against my client?”

Judge Griffin and the attorneys soon agreed on 12 jurors and two alternates who would hear Richards’ case two days later. The court broke for lunch, then picked three more juries, a tedious process that kept everyone at the courthouse half an hour past its sacrosanct closing time of 4:30 p.m.

While the day had been long, Griffin said from the bench, the successful selection of four separate juries was “awesome.”

Later Monday

Miller’s plea
click to enlarge Alexander Miller - JAMES BUCK
  • James Buck
  • Alexander Miller

As Richards waited for her jury to be drawn, the man seated next to her in the courtroom gallery was hunched over, plucking fuzz off the Velcro of his backpack.

Alexander Miller, 39, had chosen a different route than Richards’ to resolve his case: He was here to take a plea deal on 16 charges that he’d been accumulating for more than two years.


These deals are designed to be good for everyone. They resolve cases more efficiently and with less risk than a trial. Defendants can trade the uncertainty of the pending charges for rules that discourage them from breaking the law and, in theory, help them get their lives on track.

Miller had had little luck on that front. His lawbreaking had been entwined with a drug addiction that began when he was a teenager. The lifelong Colchester resident had been in and out of the justice system ever since.

The path to resolve Miller’s latest charges, including driving without a license and fleeing police officers, had been circuitous. The first case was filed in December 2021, after which he missed a series of court dates. Later, an episode of apparent drug-induced paranoia resulted in a trespassing charge. That prompted Miller’s attorney, Brown, to ask the court whether his client was competent to stand trial. That issue took more than a year to sort out, in part because Miller showed up “impaired” to his first psychiatric evaluation.

Now, in exchange for pleading guilty to five charges, Miller could have 11 other charges dropped, including the one for trespass. He would serve up to three years on probation but could go to prison if he violated the terms of his suspended sentence.

click to enlarge Alexander Miller - JAMES BUCK
  • James Buck
  • Alexander Miller

Miller had come to court wearing a T-shirt and bedazzled cross necklace. There were bags under his eyes, and his feet were swollen and bandaged from festering wounds caused by xylazine, an animal tranquilizer now found in opioids. He’d begun his morning with an 8 a.m. trip to the opioid-treatment clinic in South Burlington, where he took his daily dose of methadone before the hearing in Judge Griffin’s courtroom.

“Mr. Miller, is this your understanding of the agreement?” Griffin asked.


“Yes, your honor.”

“And is this what you wish to do to resolve your cases?”

“Yes, your honor.”

Miller shook his attorney’s hand, gathered his backpack and took the elevator down to the clerks’ counter to sign paperwork. Next, he hobbled outside and up Cherry Street to the state probation office.

He paused outside to smoke a Newport cigarette. Miller said he was happy to avoid prison, but he worried about slipping up.


“It looks like a great deal,” he said, “but, I mean, it doesn’t take much” to have a suspended sentence revoked. “You piss dirty, you pick up one charge for anything…”

He had spent years inside Vermont prisons, where nearly 60 percent of inmates today receive medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction. But returning to life outside isn’t easy. When Miller finished his longest stint, 27 months, his mom took him to the University Mall in South Burlington so he could buy earrings. The wide, busy corridors overwhelmed him. His heart started racing. He said he “ran out of the mall, like a bitch.”

Addiction treatment, Miller said, would help stop his lawbreaking behavior, though he acknowledged that previous stints in rehab hadn’t led to long-term sobriety. The court process offered motivation and accountability, Miller said — yet he also felt ensnared in a system that was largely indifferent to his well-being. “Quite honestly, this is a business,” he said. And in business, cash is king: “The person who has the money is going to get less of a sentence.”

Miller stepped up to a window at the probation office that was flanked by overdose-reversal kits and a vase filled with condoms. A clerk handed him a thick packet of forms to fill out.

Nearly 45 minutes later, a woman ushered Miller through a metal detector, snapped two mug shot-style photos and led him into a dim conference room.


The woman, an intake officer, went through the lengthy list of rules that would govern Miller’s life until May 7, 2027: Stay in treatment and counseling; meet regularly with his probation officer; notify the state of any changes of address or employment. He would be charged a $15-per-month supervision fee, she explained, which would likely be deducted from Miller’s state tax refund, since he does not currently have any income. The intake officer gave Miller his next appointment date and sent him on his way.

Miller ordered an Uber back to his parents’ home in Colchester. The ride cost $15.


To hold or not to hold
click to enlarge Superior Court Judge Navah Spero - JAMES BUCK
  • James Buck
  • Superior Court Judge Navah Spero

Long before they’re settled, most criminal cases in Chittenden County begin in a hallway on the courthouse’s second floor. Here, people charged with crimes sit on benches until a public defender calls their name.

On Tuesday morning, that task fell to attorney Sarah Varty. A few defendants were already waiting when she arrived before 8:30 a.m.

“Come on in!” she told a young man who was charged with unlawful mischief. “I’m Sarah.”


Despite Varty’s good cheer, coming to court can be “terrifying,” as one woman in court that week described it. She’d been accused of driving with a suspended license. Prosecutors had agreed to divert her case to an alternative justice program, which would keep her criminal record clean. Still, she’d convinced herself that the judge would have her hauled to prison “in handcuffs.”

That does happen, but in Vermont, it’s rare. State law limits when defendants can be detained. Judges can issue cash bail to ensure someone doesn’t flee prosecution, but George, the state’s attorney, does not ask judges to do so, on the rationale that bail tends to punish people for being poor.

The vast majority of those held in prison until trial are accused of especially violent crimes, such as aggravated assault or attempted murder, according to Department of Corrections data. Of the 1,400 or so people who are locked up, more than 400 are awaiting trial.

click to enlarge Chittenden County State's Attorney Sarah George - JAMES BUCK
  • James Buck
  • Chittenden County State’s Attorney Sarah George

The question of how to restrict a defendant’s rights is a tricky, politically fraught dilemma with risks all around. Defendants either sit for weeks or months in prison, crowding the correctional system, or walk free until trial, during which time they could accrue more charges or miss hearings, further bogging down the court system. Usually, a judge’s solution is to set conditions that govern the accused’s movement or behavior, relying on the threat of new charges or imprisonment to keep them in line.

That responsibility fell on this Tuesday morning to Navah Spero, a judge appointed to the bench last fall. After a roughly monthlong orientation, she was assigned to the state’s busiest criminal court for her initial, yearlong post.

Her Tuesday docket included some retail thefts, DUIs and charges of driving with suspended licenses — nothing that would typically warrant pretrial detention. She’d face a tougher call on Friday, when she had to decide whether to continue detaining a man who was charged with domestic assault and unlawful restraint of a woman with whom he was living in Shelburne. Steven Van Zandt appeared by video from prison. He hung his head as Spero announced that he would remain incarcerated until another hearing could be scheduled.


“I’m a disabled vet,” Van Zandt pleaded with her. “I’d just like to go home and take care of my dog.”

For other defendants, the stakes were much lower. Chealsi Blouin, a 28-year-old woman, was in court by video to answer a charge of harassing and making threats against a caseworker at the Department for Children and Families. Blouin’s cases had been winding through the system for months already. During an April hearing, when Blouin was arraigned on a separate charge for allegedly assaulting a DCF security guard, Judge Spero had ordered her to stay away from the office complex where the state employees worked.

Then Blouin’s partner, a man who goes by Four Twenty Jake, spoke up. Blouin, he explained, loved the banana bread sold at Simply Divine Café, a coffee shop located in the same Williston office complex. He asked that Blouin be allowed to visit the café to purchase baked goods.

Spero granted the request. Deputy State’s Attorney Adams soon filed an “emergency” petition to reverse the decision. State workers ate lunch at the café every day, Adams argued, which could put them in danger if Blouin were there.

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Spero held a hearing on the matter in mid-April, taking sworn testimony about the ways in and out of the café and the frequency with which caseworkers patronized the place. The hearing spilled into a second day.


At the end, Spero reversed her earlier decision, but not before arguing with Adams over who was responsible for the unusual expenditure of court time. As Adams walked out of the hearing, she remarked that she’d never experienced anything quite like it over the course of her 15-year legal career.

Banana bread didn’t come up during Blouin’s May 9 arraignment, when she was again released on conditions. The baked goods matter had been settled, apparently, once and for all.

Wednesday morning

Trial day
click to enlarge Ashley Richards' tent on Maple Street in Burlington - SASHA GOLDSTEIN
  • Sasha Goldstein
  • Ashley Richards’ tent on Maple Street in Burlington

Two Burlington police detectives approached a small blue tent on Wednesday morning and called out Richards’ name. The tent was pitched on a narrow swath of grass between the sidewalk and Maple Street in a residential area near downtown. An umbrella poked through a hole in the tent.

Richards was huddled inside, cold and wet, alongside a woman with whom she shared the shelter. She’d overslept, she told police. She got dressed and rode with detectives to the courthouse, where she was now 30 minutes late for her felony trial. The cops gave her a package of Nutter Butter cookies during the ride.

The prosecutor, Adams, and Richards’ court-appointed attorney, Brown, were milling about the hallway when word came that Richards had arrived. A few minutes later, she turned the corner, her hair in a messy bun, wearing loose beige pants, flip-flops and a reddish-brown plaid shirt.


She waited in the hall while the attorneys went into the courtroom to speak with Judge Griffin.

Though Richards had been hauled into court, Brown told the judge, she wasn’t in any condition to stand trial. She hadn’t had any “medications” that morning, and Brown was concerned that his client would go through withdrawal, which could prejudice a jury and serve as grounds for a mistrial.

Instead, Brown said, he and Adams had just hashed out a plea deal that could avoid a trial — if he could convince Richards to accept it.

Griffin warned Brown that he would be “extremely reluctant” to consider any deal that didn’t include prison time, given Richards’ “challenges following court orders.” Even if she did choose to move forward with the two-day trial, Griffin said, he planned to keep her locked up to ensure she appeared.

  • Courtesy Of Burlington Police Department
  • Ashley Richards

Brown left the courtroom to talk it over with his client.

He returned a few minutes later, sans Richards. She was outside, pacing the hallway.


“You don’t need to follow me,” she told court security.

“Fuck!” she yelled.

“She obviously does not want to go to jail today,” Brown told the judge. “She’s gonna be sick.”

“The thing is, Harley,” Adams said quietly to Brown, leaning between tables, “if she goes to jail, they’re gonna put her on medically assisted treatment.”

Just then, Richards came into the courtroom and took her seat next to Brown. She was willing to take the deal. She would plead guilty to larceny from a person, a lesser felony. At sentencing, the state would seek six months to five years in prison.


“I’m sorry for being late this morning,” Richards told the judge. “I live in a tent. I don’t have electricity. It’s not the easiest.

“It’s not that I don’t want to be here,” she continued. “I mean, this is my freedom. This is my life. I take this very serious.”

Griffin said he would take her guilty plea now and schedule the sentencing hearing for Friday, two days later. In the meantime, Richards would be imprisoned at Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility.

“I didn’t prepare for this — this is not, I mean, this is my life,” Richards said, growing distraught.

Richards wanted more time to think. Through her attorney, she asked Griffin for permission to leave the courthouse to smoke a cigarette. Griffin agreed, but only if Richards was shackled and escorted by a sheriff’s deputy. He was still worried she might flee.


After her smoke, Richards returned. She pleaded guilty, then was taken directly to prison. The extra time before sentencing would give Adams and Brown a chance to resolve the 17 cases Richards had accumulated while her ATM robbery case was pending.

Out in the hallway, the victim, in a motorized wheelchair, had been waiting all morning to testify. Adams walked out and told the man that Richards had instead pleaded guilty. He could come back on Friday for Richards’ sentencing.

Brown went downstairs to chat with the court security officers in the lobby. He felt a little queasy about how Richards’ case had just played out. Brown wondered if he and the judicial system had done her any favors by allowing her to spiral for so long on the street.

“I don’t know what the answers are,” Brown said.


Wednesday afternoon

Failing to appear
click to enlarge A man at the court clerk's counter after he was released from prison - JAMES BUCK
  • James Buck
  • A man at the court clerk’s counter after he was released from prison

Michael Dougherty was one of 18 people due to appear before Judge Michael Harris on Wednesday afternoon.

Whether Dougherty, 30, would show up was anyone’s guess. He’d missed six hearings since being charged in May 2023 with failing to update his address on the state sex offender registry. In the meantime, Dougherty had been accused of punching an emergency department nurse while seeking treatment for suicidal thoughts. He also faced two counts of trespassing in City Hall Park, where he’d been banned after overdosing in a bathroom there twice in the same week.

To compel Dougherty to come to court, judges had used all of their tools, ranging from a mailed summons to a full-blown arrest warrant with cash bail.

When defendants miss their court dates, their cases can’t get resolved. Spiking rates of homelessness and instability caused by drugs or mental illness have exacerbated the problem.

Judges across the state are issuing more arrest warrants — nearly 1,600 in Chittenden County over the past 12 months, a 36 percent spike. Some defense attorneys speculate that judiciary leaders, under pressure to reduce the case backlog and crack down on repeat offenders, have directed judges to be less patient with people who miss court. Chief Superior Judge Thomas Zonay insists that’s not true.

click to enlarge JAMES BUCK

In the months before her trial, Ashley Richards had been jailed twice for missing court hearings. Both times, she’d been bailed out — once by her sister and, more recently, by the Vermont Freedom Fund. The donation-based activist group posted Richards’ $500 bail in February.

The Freedom Fund currently posts bail exclusively for women, according to Lisa Barrett, a member of the group’s steering committee. The fund tries to stay in touch with the women it helps, but Barrett said it had lost contact with Richards. On the Friday when Richards was scheduled to be sentenced, Barrett was also in the courthouse, posting bail for another woman as part of a drive in anticipation of Mother’s Day.


The people whom the Freedom Fund bails out don’t skip court hearings to flee prosecution, Barrett said. They miss court because their lives are in chaos or the judiciary doesn’t do enough to ensure they receive notice — and they are punished with imprisonment as a result.

On Wednesday afternoon, a woman wearing an unbuttoned denim jacket that exposed her breasts sat quietly waiting for her 1:30 p.m. arraignment. But her hearing, public defender Sandra Lee discovered, had been postponed because her assigned lawyer was out of the office. No one had been able to tell the defendant, Jessica Huschke, who had no fixed address and no phone.

The previous afternoon, Kimberly Concannon-Bennett had stumbled through the front doors an hour after her hearing was scheduled to begin. She fidgeted and swayed. Courthouse security officers followed her, worrying aloud that she might overdose inside the building.

“I just wanted to come in so I didn’t get arrested,” Concannon-Bennett explained to a court clerk.

Judge Spero had already issued a $1,000 warrant for Concannon-Bennett’s arrest, but upon her arrival, the judge, the state’s attorney’s office and the public defenders scrambled to hear her case. During the hearing, Concannon-Bennett rocked back and forth and spun in her chair. She said she had a headache. She began to cry.


“She’s clearly not in any position to go forward,” Spero said, before reluctantly accepting a not-guilty plea to a cocaine possession charge. The judge postponed a more complex matter in Concannon-Bennett’s docket for a date in June.

“You need to come on time,” Spero admonished. “You need to be in a better condition.”

Meanwhile, Dougherty managed to appear for his Wednesday afternoon hearing, but his cases remained on hold. He had been waiting nearly six months to meet with a psychiatrist who could evaluate whether he is competent to stand trial. Last year the state Department of Mental Health contracted with an outside agency to conduct the evaluations by video, at a cost of more than $3,000 each.

The switch has largely quashed wait times that were averaging a year or more. But the department only schedules an appointment if a defense attorney can quickly confirm a client’s availability at a proposed time.

That approach doesn’t account for someone like Dougherty, who has no phone or address and experiences memory problems.


“It’s hard for me to get to actual appointments,” Dougherty said as he left the courthouse and walked to the Church Street Marketplace. “It sucks, it really does.”


click to enlarge A shackled defendant in court - JAMES BUCK
  • James Buck
  • A shackled defendant in court

When Friday morning came around, Judge Griffin had no reason to wonder whether Richards would show up to receive her sentence. He’d put her in prison to avoid the fiasco of her trial two days earlier.

He was wrong.

Brown delivered the bad news: Richards was likely “detoxing pretty severely,” so the sheriff’s office could not transport her to court.

Griffin, once again without a defendant, had no choice but to reschedule the hearing for the following week.


Richards would make it to that one, at which she would settle all of her pending cases in exchange for a sentence of six months to five years in prison.

Richards had previously served two years, from 2008 to 2010, for selling drugs. But, Griffin observed at sentencing, her record had been clean until 2022. She had only dealt drugs back then, she told Griffin. In the past few years, she started using them.

“My life’s been shit ever since,” Richards told the judge.

She asked Griffin if he’d ever spent time in prison himself.

“It’s some serious PTSD,” Richards told him. “Maybe you should look at us a little more humanely and not as just criminals.”


“All I can say is this is about as humane a sentence as I can imagine,” Griffin replied.

Despite the chaos of Richards’ case, the week of May 6 had managed to be a productive one at the Judge Edward J. Costello Courthouse. The court had disposed of 140 cases, twice as many as were filed. But court staff, attorneys and judges were tired. They hoped Friday afternoon wouldn’t bring any more surprises.

“It makes me nervous that it’s been so quiet this morning,” Judge Spero said from the bench shortly before lunch.

Sure enough, that afternoon, Essex police arrested a man named Daniel Dennis on an outstanding warrant and delivered him to court. But Dennis, who was accused of punching an emergency department nurse, insisted his name was not Daniel Dennis.

Officers and the public defender, Lee, suspected that Dennis was mentally ill. The court called in a Howard Center clinician to screen him to figure out whether he needed to go to a hospital.


Two hours later, Dennis appeared in court handcuffed and shackled, wearing shorts and a hoodie. The clinician concluded that Dennis needed a full psychiatric evaluation. Judge Harris postponed the arraignment and ordered Dennis to be transferred to the Vermont Psychiatric Care Hospital.

The unexpected hearing left little time for the one remaining case on Harris’ docket.

A man named Neeraj Bharati arrived at the courtroom from prison, hopeful that he would not return. The night before, his attorney, John St. Francis, had reached a plea deal with the state to resolve drug and burglary charges, as well as an allegation that he’d violated an abuse-prevention order. Once a judge accepted the deal, Bharati could be released from prison, having received credit for 89 days already served.

Bharati’s family sat in the courtroom that afternoon, waiting to take him home.

But the prosecutor, Kelton Olney, didn’t want to move forward. His office hadn’t yet told the victim about the deal. The case wasn’t Olney’s — he was covering for a colleague who was out of the office. The case was unfamiliar to Harris, too. Bharati required a translator, which slowed the hearing. The end of the day was drawing near.


Harris decided to reschedule the hearing for the end of the month, the earliest date available. He apologized to Bharati for the delay.

“It’s an unfortunate situation, given the volume of our docket,” Harris said.

Bharati stood up and shuffled out with the deputies who’d brought him in. They took him back to prison. He’d have to wait for another day in court.

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‘Goldilocks’ trees face climate change threats; community conservation work key to protecting Vermont maple industry



‘Goldilocks’ trees face climate change threats; community conservation work key to protecting Vermont maple industry

FRANKLIN COUNTY– As winters warm, Vermont’s maple trees are under threat from a revolving door of future concerns and dangerous invasive species. 

“If you’re in the business of having a forest, it’s tough,” said Jason Gagne, a Highgate sugarmaker and vice president of the Franklin County Sugarmakers’ Association. 

According to the Vermont Department of Health, the state has seen an increase in temperature of four degrees in the winter and two degrees in the summer since the 1960s. As the climate shifts, spring is beginning two weeks earlier while winter is starting one week later than it was previously. 


As the climate changes, species which prefer warmer areas may be drawn up into more northern, historically cooler areas as they expand their territory. Non-native species which prefer these warmer climates can move into an area, like Vermont, which does not have natural protection against these non-native species, and decimate the ecosystem. 

Invasive species can be brought by humans intentionally or unintentionally, or can be spread through migration during changing climate patterns. 

There are people monitoring the situation, however, powering through to help strengthen Vermont’s forest health. From state-level experts and specialists to conservation groups at a regional level and conservation commissions at the local level, people are working together to protect the forests.

Warming weather and maple 

Vermont has led the U.S. in maple syrup production since 1916 with only two years having been out-produced by other states. Maple production is huge economically for the state, but also culturally, as sugarmaking is often a family tradition, passed down generation to generation.  

Since the 1990s, maple syrup production has continually increased, while at the same time Vermont has become one of the fastest warming states in the U.S.


Warmer temperatures mean maple trees are beginning to have a shorter window to tap into. From 1965-2015, Vermont lost about 3.3 days of the sugar production season. This variability in winter climates and shorter sugaring seasons can cause periods of insufficient maple production and threats from invasive species. 

Mark Isselhardt, maple specialist for the University of Vermont Maple Extension, said the threats to the maple industry are multi-faceted. 

“Those conditions that encourage or discourage a good run of sap are not evenly distributed across the season,” he said. “It’s pretty random but can have a huge impact on the total yield. It can be the difference of a couple degrees that can make a big difference whether or not sap runs.”

Isselhardt said as the temperatures have warmed, he’s seen sugarmakers begin tapping trees in December and January – a month or two before the traditional sugaring season begins. 

Over the past few years, Vermont maple farmers have seen the difference between too warm a season and too cold a season. 2022, for example, was widely viewed as a strong production year, as temperatures were ideal, Isselhardt said. But in 2023, temperatures warmed up and were followed by a prolonged cold snap, which hurt the overall yield. 


Gagne and many other Franklin County sugarmakers have experienced first-hand warmer temperatures impacting local maple syrup production. 

“April can be very warm and it can produce a lot of syrup or zero,” Gagne said. “This year, we made very little syrup in April. It was just too warm in March and the trees kind of shut down for us.” 

Sugarmakers have to be prepared for a random change in temperature, or a  “mother nature curveball,” he added.

Warming during the sugaring season can cause a blockage tapping the trees. The taps inside the trees create a perfect mix for a microbial environment, Isselhardt said. This activity can create a blockage which cuts off the tap and completely stops production from the tap. 

Looking into the future, Isselhardt said the growth of new maple trees could be harmed by warming temperatures. 


“A sustained warmth period that promotes an early exit from dormancy and then late frosts can cause damage to young trees,” he said. “A late frost isn’t going to kill, but it will delay trees’ ability to photosynthesis and rebuild stores of energy.”

Longer-term threats are slower to play out. Vermont may have a good amount of trees that will not disappear right now, but Isselhardt said the concern is a generational shift down the line. 


Damage to an old sugar maple that had already developed some decay around a weak branch junction.

“Sugar maple tends to be categorized as a ‘Goldilocks’ tree,” he said. “It thrives in a specific type of soil. Some places where sugar maples are growing are not on the most ideal site, so if you combine that with some other threats you might see, over time, sugar maple struggling to thrive through individual tree growth or requirements for next-gen tree growth.”


Maple trees rely heavily on cold winters to have a competitive advantage over other species. Isselhardt said warmer temperatures could invite species both known and unknown to take advantage of the maple seeds waiting to start growing. 

Josh Halman, forest health program manager for the State of Vermont, said the warming temperatures can create a way for invasives to latch on to sugar maple trees. 

“There is a lengthening of the growing season we’ve seen in sugar maple,” he said. “Those conditions can increase success for those invasive species and further their presence in the state.”

The impact of invasive species 

Invasive species that directly attack maple trees and those which harm the forest around them are monitored closely by the UVM Maple Extension program. 

Jumping Worms, for example, while not a direct attack to maple trees, harm the ideal soil conditions the trees need to thrive and grow in. The worms, which have been seen in 12 of Vermont’s 14 counties – including Franklin County – consume organic material, like decaying leaves and twigs, making it difficult for maple seedlings to get established.”


“They change the environment in the soil to the point where sugar maple struggles to regenerate,” Isselhardt said. 

There are very few pesticide applications available for maple trees. When new invasive species show up, maple producers are going to have a difficult time controlling the fight. 

Gagne said he’s always worried about the next invasive. The elm tree has almost completely been wiped out, ash trees are falling, and Gagne said he’s worried maple is next on that list. 

“I’m very worried maple could be the next one,” he said. “There’s nothing on the radar right now, but that doesn’t mean in five years from now they couldn’t attack maple.” 

From an individual sugarmaker’s perspective, Gagne said warming temperatures and invasive species can compound stressors the trees already feel. 


“Not all will survive because they are so stressed out,” he said. “If it was a dryer year and you tap it, that’s another stress, if there’s more, then the tree won’t make it.”

Maple farmers are also keeping an eye out for two other invasives: the Spotted Lanternfly and the Asian Longhorned Beetle. Both insects are attracted to sweeter saps and warmer conditions, putting maple trees as a prime point of interest. 

The Spotted Lanternfly has made it as far north as Maine, with three making it to Vermont in 2021 before being killed and yet to return. ALB is currently in quarantine in central Massachusetts where it continues to be an invasive species to the area and is under constant watch by the USDA and Vermont officials.

This past January, maple producers were told to check their trees in case of ALB infestation, but no beetles were found in the state. 

Community efforts underway

While the future may look alarming, there are ways Vermonters and maple producers can work together to help safeguard the state’s forests. 


For maple producers, Isselhardt said the diversity of a forest could be important in defending sugarbushes from some impacts. 

“We know in general a more diverse forest can mitigate stressors and sugar producers can retain another 25% of non-sugar maple, which appears to be important in lessening the impacts,” Isselhardt said. “It’s not just species diversity, but also encouraging multi-age forests. Not all the same aged trees but actually encouraging complexity and so there’s a range of ages.”

A range of young, medium and old maple trees is protection in case of a disturbance. If a tree falls down or is removed for example, nothing else will be able to take advantage of an opening in the canopy if a different aged maple tree can take its place.  

With new technologies, Isselhardt said it’s important to look at the traditional sap collection methods and update them for the future. 

“That ideal sugarbush image in the past used to be really big, widely spaced trees with really nothing else around,” he said. “That made a lot of sense when you had buckets as your only means of collecting sap, but with tubing it really changes it and now you can focus more on having a more robust, resilient forest.” 


Understanding where the maple industry is heading remains hard work with complex systems and modelings. Doing good work now to promote forest health for the future is important and gives the trees the best position for resisting future damage.

The Franklin County Sugar Makers Association is always watching for threats, Gagne said. Members look after each other’s backs and monitor threats. He said they are happy to continue seeing Vermont’s success at the top of the maple-producing states. 

“We’re always very active at the association level getting ahead of everything, but overall, maple is very strong in Vermont right now,” he said. 

Community efforts also play an important role in keeping Vermont’s landscape as healthy as possible. 

In Franklin County, conservation commissions in Georgia and Richford as well as other towns make efforts to remove invasive species in their respective areas, though it can be challenging to do so. 


“It’s very easy to spot invasive plants once you know what they look like. In fact, once you learn about them you will see them everywhere,” Alysia Catalfamo, chair of the Georgia Conservation Commission, said. “Removing them is much harder.”

Catalfamo said the combination of physical labor and insecticide makes the removal a long process, and it makes it even harder to remove the species around town.

As a warming climate impacts Vermont, she said the foothold of invasive species in the lower parts of the state have begun moving up toward Georgia. Although they can find some nests or seed producing trees and get rid of them, the impact is already around. 

But individuals can make a difference by being vigilant and checking their properties for invasives and quickly removing them. 

The conservation commission also holds events to raise awareness and remove the invasives. As they battle an invasive plant, Buckthorn, the commission will have a Buckthorn “party” event in the fall where Catalfamo said the community is welcome to come and help pull out the plant. 


Richford Conservation Commission Chair Annette Goyne agrees. She said with support from the community and town, the fight against invasives can move quicker.   

Goyne said they have seen evidence of the Emerald Ash Borer spreading around Vermont and decided early on to make an action plan. She said meeting with the Town Road Crew and selectboard, the commission was able to make swift decisions in hopes of protecting their ecosystem. 


A map of the counties in Vermont affected by Emerald Ash Borer infestations.


Goyne said over the winter, the road crew took down some of the trees vulnerable to the Emerald Ash Borer, mostly in South Richford, but left some remaining. 

“There are still many private landowners with healthy ash trees and younger trees, and the hope is that some will out last this invasive species and replenish our ecosystem eventually, but in most of the country, this beetle has really wiped out the ash trees, so time will tell,” she said. 

Other efforts come from conservation groups like the Missisquoi River Basin Association, which works tirelessly in their efforts across the river to keep the landscape healthy. 


MRBA field coordinator Sarah Lunn said their project to fight invasive Japanese Knotweed began in 2020 and has continued since. The plant spreads so easily it is often easily seen across Route 7 in Franklin County. 

The most effective part of the removal project has been community outreach. Lunn said she works with landowners around the Missisquoi River who email her and help them learn removal and prevention methods.

“I think the number one thing about invasive work is making sure people are informed about it,” she said. “A lot of invasive work doesn’t get lots of funding for conservation so a lot of this work takes lots of volunteer work.”

Halman doubled down on that message and said one of the most important parts to creating a healthy forest is having an informed public. 

“The number one thing is education and making the public aware of the species that are out there, prevent the introduction and what to do if they find it,” he said. “It’s just as important to provide info on how to manage them when they do show up.”


Volunteer efforts do not just come from local towns and villages but also through a more statewide approach. The Forest Pest First Detectors program consists of community members around Vermont who are the first people to notice invasives and report them. 

Vermont relies on testing from inside and outside the state, while also looking towards Vermonters to help report and identify invasive species. 

The LIEP Invasive Species Program helps Vermonters locate, identify and prevent future invasive species and the public is encouraged to report an invasive species finding and location using the VT invasives reporting tool.

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Vermont State Parks celebrate 100 years



Vermont State Parks celebrate 100 years

Elmore, VT – This summer marks the centennial anniversary of Vermont State Parks, and Governor Phil Scott took some time Thursday to recognize the milestone. 

Since Mount Philo State Park in Charlotte — Vermont’s first — was established in 1924, the number of parks has grown to 55 across the state. The Governor said Vermont’s parks are integral to the state’s identity and the lifestyle of its residents. 

“We can all agree our natural resources, incredible mountains, our trails, our lakes and rivers, and the lifestyle that comes with it are some of our greatest selling points,” said Scott. “Our state Parks are a great way for Vermonters and visitors to take advantage of all our state has to offer.”

Scott chose to address the centennial milestone and importance of Vermont State Parks at Elmore State Park. He said the park played an important role in his life and shared some memories of the park. It’s the place where his parents met and where he spent many childhood summers enjoying the outdoors. 


“I grew up in this area, I spent all my summers here,” Scott continued. “Elmore is pretty special to me… I’ve been up that mountain hundreds of times.”

Scott was joined by Heather Pelham, Vermont’s Tourism and Marketing Commissioner, who noted the vital role State Parks play in the state’s economy and job market. She explained that Vermont ranks second only to Hawaii for the percentage of state GDP generated by outdoor recreation. The outdoor recreation sector also employs more than 15,000 Vermonters. 

“Tourism is a vital part of our economy and State Parks are an integral part of what we have to offer for our guests,” Pelham explained. “According to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, in 2023 outdoor recreation in Vermont contributed almost $2 billion to our economy, which is 4.5 percent of Vermont’s GDP.”

Nate McKeen, Director of Vermont State Parks noted the physical and mental health benefits from outdoor recreation, and the essential role State Parks play for Vermonters and visitors alike who come to enjoy the state’s natural beauty. 

“When outside in the park we tend to be more civil and helpful to one another and also kinder to ourselves,” noted McKeen. “Think how we tend to react when we’re behind the wheel or the screen to each other versus when you’re on a hike or walking or engaging with the campsite next to yours.”


McKeen highlighted some activities for State Park visitors during the centennial summer. Visitors can participate in the new “Parks Passport Program” by picking up a Vermont parks passport and bringing it to every park they visit. Each park will have its own unique passport stamp for visitors. 

McKeen also encouraged park visitors to share their favorite photos, videos, poems, stories and other memories of Vermont State Parks to help commemorate a century of outdoor adventure in the Green Mountain State. 

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Police investigating death of teen after incident at Vt. high school



Police investigating death of teen after incident at Vt. high school

JERICHO, Vt. (WCAX) – Police are investigating the death of a teen following an incident at a Vermont high school.

Vermont State Police say they were called to Mount Mansfield Union High School in Jericho at about 4 p.m. on Thursday for a report of a person who appeared to be stuck underneath a vehicle in the parking lot.

Troopers immediately began to render aid to the 18-year-old man. He was rushed to the hospital in Burlington, where police say he later died.

Police have not yet released the teen’s name so his family can be notified.


Investigators say the incident does not appear suspicious.

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