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The tangled web of corporations behind the New Hampshire AI robocall 



The tangled web of corporations behind the New Hampshire AI robocall 

The individual allegedly responsible for targeting New Hampshire voters with an AI-generated robocall impersonating President Joe Biden controls a web of companies that provide political marketing, advertising and fundraising services, according to a review of court documents, federal campaign finance filings and tax records.

Authorities in New Hampshire have identified Walter Monk and a Texas company, Life Corporation, as the source of the calls, in which a synthetic version of Biden’s voice urged New Hampshire voters to stay away from the polls in last month’s primary.

The rapid proliferation of AI technologies has election officials on edge that the technology could be used to create a deluge of disinformation going into 2024, and investigators are racing to figure out just who was behind the operation in New Hampshire — which in the eyes of many experts has confirmed their fears about how AI might be used to maliciously influence voters. 

Doing so will require unraveling a dense corporate structure. Monk and Life Corporation are obscure players within the world of political marketing, but a review by CyberScoop found that both the company and Monk are linked to at least 11 different corporate entities, all of which provide robocalling, political advertising, polling, fundraising and text messaging services.


Monk, who is listed by the Better Business Bureau as the principal point of contact for Life Corporation, is also listed as the founder of another company, Voice Broadcasting Corporation, on its website. Voice Broadcasting advertises the sale of a database containing “hundreds of millions” of phone records for sales lead generation.

Court documents from a 2021 civil lawsuit filed in Texas against Life Corporation and Voice Broadcasting Inc. for sending unsolicited political fundraising texts identify both businesses as being located at identical addresses in Arlington, Texas.

That lawsuit, which was eventually dismissed, includes a document submitted by Life Corporation lawyers that detail dozens of political fundraising text messages the company sent to the plaintiff, seeking donations on behalf of Republican political candidates, including former President Donald Trump, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. and other candidates in the lead-up to the 2020 U.S. elections.

The exact relationship between these political campaigns and Life Corporation remains unclear. In several of the text messages sent by Life, the messages addressed voters as if they were sent directly from political candidates. These text messages did not attempt to manipulate voters and did not feature any use of AI.  

Typically, a vendor would need the express permission of a candidate to send text messages and fundraise on their behalf, according to Saurav Ghosh, an attorney who spent nearly seven years advising on enforcement matters at the Federal Election Commission’s Office of Legal Counsel.


“Taking on the voice of a candidate, pretending to be them, that requires the candidate’s authorization,” Ghosh, now director of federal campaign finance reform for the nonprofit Campaign Legal Center, told CyberScoop.

Representatives of the Trump campaign and the offices of Graham and Jordan did not respond to questions about their relationship with Monk and the Life Corporation. 

Life Corporation is but one part of a constellation of political marketing firms owned or controlled by Monk. 

According to Texas tax records, Life Corporation is a fully owned subsidiary of Voice Ventures, which functions as a holding company of sorts for Monk’s other marketing firms. 

Tax records for Voice Ventures reveal that it is the complete or partial owner of multiple other businesses. Voice Ventures is the sole owner of Contract Genie, Life Corporation, Voice Broadcasting and Web Welcomer, and owns a third of the firms Access Media Group, Access Advertising LLC, Right Way Media and Boltwell LLC. 


Contract Genie’s website bills itself as an automated recording playback system to deal with disgruntled customers. Web Welcomer describes itself as a sales-lead generating chat platform for websites to engage with customers. A website owned by Access Advertising LLC, TheJobsDriver, offers its clients job recruitment tools and “a wide range of productive media sources for recruitment, including social media, search engines, digital billboards, news feeds, even programmatic audio.” 

The parent company, Voice Ventures, lists an Arlington, Texas address as its principal office. When reporters from CNN visited the location, they discovered a run-of-the-mill strip mall. A number of other companies share this address, including Text to Survey, whose website describes the company as a peer-to-peer text messaging service.

The 2021 civil suit in Texas identifies Amber Valdez as the CEO of Life Corporation, and her LinkedIn profile also describes her as the CEO of Voice Broadcasting, PollMakers and Text To Survey — which were all listed on a wall of the Arlington office photographed by the visiting CNN reporters. PollMakers’ website describes itself as an automated polling technology company capable of broadcasting 3,000 calls per minute for 2-7 cents per call.

CyberScoop has not been able to confirm whether all these businesses actually operate out of their listed Arlington, Texas business address. Legal experts told CyberScoop that Texas corporate disclosures laws are notoriously opaque and that it would be trivial to set up and maintain LLCs at a placeholder address. 

This web of corporations has carved out a small niche catering toward political marketing. A CyberScoop review of FEC records indicate that companies linked to Monk received at least $180,000 in payments in robocalls, advertising and other services — the vast majority of which were in support of Republican candidates. The total may in fact be higher, with a CNN review of FEC filings finding approximately $770,000 in payments, including from Democratic groups, to firms linked to Monk. 


Ghosh, the former FEC lawyer, said the kind of independent expenditures detailed in the FEC filings involve the non-coordinated disbursement of funds spent by super PACs to influence an election and for messages that come with “expressed advocacy” and unequivocally urge the listener to support or defeat a clearly identified candidate.

“A typical independent expenditure with this kind of message would be where they talk about the candidate and say, ‘on Nov. 8, vote for [Candidate X]’ or give a slew of reasons for why they’re a terrible person and say ‘on November 8, vote against [Candidate X],’” Ghosh said.

Neither Monk nor Life Corporation — the firm singled out by New Hampshire authorities — have been formally charged with a crime. New Hampshire authorities indicated the incident is being investigated as a potential violation of state laws against bribery, intimidation or suppression of election procedures. State and federal authorities have issued cease-and-desist letters as well as document preservation notices and subpoenas to Life Corporation. 

Neither Monk nor Valdez have extensive histories of personal political donations. FEC records indicate that a Walter Monk from Texas, who lists Voice Ventures Inc. as his employer, donated $5,000 in 2008 to a conservative political PAC based in Edwardsville, Kan. Another donation from Amber Valdez, who listed her employment as CEO of Life Corporation, sent $2,234 to Arizona Republican House candidate Paul Babeu in 2015.

Efforts to reach Monk, Valdez and the web of corporations to which they are linked were unsuccessful. 


Written by Derek B. Johnson

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Democrats reel from ‘terrible’ Biden debate performance as he defends candidacy • New Hampshire Bulletin



Democrats reel from ‘terrible’ Biden debate performance as he defends candidacy • New Hampshire Bulletin

WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden touched on a flood of criticism of his debate performance during a rally on Friday, while Democrats interviewed on Capitol Hill said the party must figure out a way to reassure voters after what they described as a “terrible” showing and a “bad night.”

Biden, speaking from Raleigh, North Carolina, acknowledged some of the blunders that plagued him during the Thursday night debate on CNN, which included a raspy, low voice and answers that often began one way before veering into a completely separate topic.

“I know I’m not a young man, let’s state the obvious,” Biden said. “I don’t walk as easy as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to, but … I know how to tell the truth.”

Biden, 81, told the crowd that despite the mishaps, he’s still up for four more years on the job and said that his rival, the 78-year-old presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump, is a “genuine threat to this nation.”


“When you get knocked down, you get back up,” Biden said. “I would not be running again if I didn’t believe with all my heart and soul I can do this job because, quite frankly, the stakes are too high.”

Outside the Beltway, Democrats continued to try to absorb what they saw on Thursday night. In Colorado, Democratic Gov. Jared Polis would not answer directly when asked about calls from some Democrats for Biden to step aside. In the swing state of Pennsylvania, Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro as well as other Democrats came to Biden’s defense on social media and on the airwaves.

Hoyer rejects idea of Biden quitting

Back in Washington, D.C., lawmakers had mixed reviews for how Biden performed during the debate, with some saying one bad night shouldn’t lead the party to change its nominee in the weeks ahead, while others said Biden should reassess his decision to run for reelection.

Maryland Democratic Rep. Steny Hoyer said Biden “had a bad night,” but said the president still showed respect for “people, the truth and the Constitution.”

“The other candidate, who respects none of those, showed that last night,” he said of Trump.


Hoyer rejected a question about whether Democrats need a new presidential candidate, saying they already had one and it “is Joe Biden.”

“He’s got an extraordinary record of accomplishments,” Hoyer said.

Minnesota Democratic Rep. Angie Craig said it was a “terrible debate.”

“We all have to acknowledge that and Donald Trump lied every time he opened his mouth,” Craig said, adding that she wasn’t worried about November, but focused on flooding in her home state.

Mood on House floor

New York Democratic Rep. Gregory Meeks said he didn’t expect that all of a sudden members of the party would “jump ship” from the Biden-Harris ticket, but said Biden has a lot of work to do before Election Day.


“I know Joe Biden. I’ve sat across the room from Joe Biden in some very important meetings,” Meeks said. “And I know that he’s all there and he has the ability to do that. He did not do that last night. But I do know that he has that ability.”

The mood on the House floor Friday morning, however, was less than ideal, he said.

“You can’t hide that, people are not pleased. Nobody’s in there jumping for joy, saying that, you know, ‘That was a great night last night,’” Meeks said. “Is there concern? Yeah, because we know how important it is to make sure that we win this election.”

Meeks declined to speculate about whether Biden will back out of the second debate in September, but said “it might be difficult, maybe, to get out of it.”

Biden, he said, needs to get in front of voters much more before the election through town halls and interviews to provide reassurance.


Meeks also sought to draw a difference between Biden and Trump, saying that the lies Trump told during the debate signal he hasn’t evolved.

“Nothing has changed with reference to Trump. He is still that pathological liar that Lindsey Graham called him. He’s still the con man that Marco Rubio called him,” Meeks said, referring to Republican senators from South Carolina and Florida. “And I definitely don’t want a pathological liar and a con man to be president of the United States of America. It would be bad for us and will be bad for our allies.”

House speaker sees ‘serious problem’

House Speaker Mike Johnson said that Cabinet members should “search their hearts” on what represented the best path forward for the country, about “this alarming situation.”

“I think they know they have a serious problem – but it’s not just political, it’s not just the Democratic Party, it’s the entire country,” Johnson said. “We have a serious problem here because we have a president, who, by all appearances, is not up to the task.”

“This is a very serious moment in American history and it needs to be regarded and handled as such,” Johnson added.


The Louisiana Republican didn’t rule out that the 25th Amendment, which deals with presidential disability and succession, might be appropriate. But he noted that’s up to the Cabinet, not the House.

Trump, during the debate, “showed the temperament, the stamina, and the mental acuity that is necessary to do this really important job at this really important time,” Johnson said.

Biden, on the other hand, “showed last night that he was weak, sadly, that he is feeble,” Johnson added.

Democrats are moving forward with plans to nominate Biden as their official presidential candidate before the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in late August.

The all-virtual roll call vote is supposed to take place before Aug. 7, the final date for candidates to get on Ohio’s ballot. The state requires candidates to be officially nominated at least 90 days before the November election.


That means any final decisions about Biden’s candidacy likely need to take place during the month of July.

No need to replace Biden

Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Richard Neal said he was taking the “long view” of the campaign and didn’t believe Democrats needed to replace Biden at the top of the ticket.

“I think that we are kind of caught up in a moment where personalities are a big deal in politics,” Neal said. “At the same time, I think that Joe Biden’s got a really good track record to run on … And I think we want to make sure that people see it in the fullness of his presidency.”

Neal said that Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president in 2016, won her first debate against Trump, even though Trump went on to win the election.

He also noted that Walter Mondale, the Democratic presidential nominee in 1984, was widely considered to have won his first debate against Republican Ronald Reagan, though Reagan went on to sweep him during the election.


Florida Democratic Rep. Lois Frankel said that “there was only one decent, honest man who reflected my values, and that was Joe Biden.”

Frankel said she wasn’t too concerned about calls for Biden to step down from the top of the ticket, though she said she hasn’t been involved in those talks.

Pennsylvania Democratic Rep. Matt Cartwright said Biden’s performance reminded him of a 2022 debate he had where his own performance was “lousy,”

“He had a tough night,” Cartwright said, adding that he believes Democrats shouldn’t “overreact.”

Cartwright said he didn’t believe Biden’s debate performance would affect how voters in his district, which covers sections of northeastern Pennsylvania, including Scranton, will vote for down-ballot races later this year.


“People split their tickets where I live,” Cartwright said. “They know who I am and they know I’m not the same guy as whoever’s in the White House.”

Republicans react

Arkansas Republican Rep. Steve Womack said Biden’s performance “validated” a lot of the concerns that lawmakers and others had about his “cognitive abilities” heading into the debate.

“But at the end of the day, you have to assume that they’re both still going to be head-to-head in November,” Womack said.

Republicans, he said, need to move “full steam ahead” to hold the House, flip the Senate, and win back the White House in November, but that’s only the beginning of the hard work.

“If that happens, we’ve got a couple of years and we need to be able to demonstrate that we’re serious about leading America,” Womack said.


Iowa Republican Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks said it’s up to “Democrats to determine whether or not they feel that their candidate is up to the task of running the country for the next four years.”

“From my perspective, what I saw last night emphasizes to me that he’s not and that I will be voting for President Trump,” Miller-Meeks said. “I thought President Trump’s answers and policies were well reasoned, show that he was very sharp, very in tune, and very well-informed.”

Miller-Meeks said it will be challenging for the Biden campaign and Democrats to brush aside concerns about Biden’s mental functioning following the debate.

“I think what has been appearing to a lot of people is now very apparent and difficult to hide, given the performance that everyone saw last night,” Miller-Meeks said.

Florida Republican Rep. Byron Donalds, one of the lawmakers on Trump’s short list for vice president, said that Trump “did what he was supposed to do – demonstrated leadership, demonstrated command talking about the issues that are plaguing this country.”


“As far as I’m concerned, whether it’s Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or anybody else, the Democrat agenda has been a failure. Period.”

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Dave Portnoy Swung by Derry, NH, Pizzeria – How Was his one Bite?



Dave Portnoy Swung by Derry, NH, Pizzeria – How Was his one Bite?

Mickey’s N.Y Pizza in Derry keeps coming up on my radar which makes me feel like I really need to try this place.

We were just talking about Mickey’s a few months back when they added the viral chopped Italian Sub to their menu, a bold but noble move that has been very well received by the sub eating community.

With all the hype around this fresh, made from scratch pizzeria located in Derry, New Hampshire, it’s no shock that Dave Portnoy aka El Presidente would want to try this place for himself.

Dave Portnoy Pizza Reviews

if you didn’t know, the president of Barstool sports and former Swampscott, Massachusetts resident turns to his Barstool audience from across the country for recommendations on pizza joints he needs to visit to rate.


His Youtube video series is called One Bite Pizza Reviews and “One bite, everyone knows the rules.” is a phrase we all know and love and is uttered by millennials, Gen Z’ers, and zillennials alike thanks to Barstool Sports.

What I love about the series is he always picks local mom and pop shops and many times his platform gives them a well deserved bump in business!

A little birdie must have told him about Mickey’s in Derry and he needed to see what all the fuss was about.

We are on the edge of our seat waiting to hear what score the pizza loving king gave Mickey’s N.Y Pizza but at the time of publishing this article that information has not been released yet.

Follow Mickey’s on Facebook and subscribe to One Bite Pizza Reviews Youtube channel so you can see the review right when it drops!


What other Granite State pizzerias should Dave Portnoy try?

10 Hilarious Ways Outsiders Can Tell You Grew Up in New Hampshire

Gallery Credit: Megan

12 New Hampshire Fun Facts to Test Your Knowledge

Gallery Credit: Megan

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New Hampshire man drowns in Bar Harbor



New Hampshire man drowns in Bar Harbor

BAR HARBOR, Maine (WABI) -A New Hampshire Man drowned in Bar Harbor Thursday.

Maine Marine Patrol says the body of 20-year-old Gregory Taylor was found around six this evening in Clark Cove.

They say the State Police Underwater Recovery team helped them recover his body after a witness reported him in distress while swimming in the cove.

They say his body was taken to a local funeral home.


Multiple agencies were involved in the rescue efforts.

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