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Video: Trump and Harris Clash in a Fiery Presidential Debate



Video: Trump and Harris Clash in a Fiery Presidential Debate

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Trump and Harris Clash in a Fiery Presidential Debate

In their first face-to-face meeting, Kamala Harris put Donald Trump on the defensive as the former president tried to tie her to unpopular Biden administration policies.

“Kamala Harris. Let’s have a good debate.” “Nice to see you, have fun.” “Thank you.” “You will see during the course of his rallies, he talks about fictional characters like Hannibal Lecter. He will talk about windmills cause cancer. And what you will also notice is that people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom.” “Your running mate, JD Vance, has said that you would veto if it did come to your desk.” “Well, I didn’t discuss it with JD, in all fairness.” “She copied Biden’s plan. And it’s like four sentences — like, ‘Run, Spot, Run’ — four sentences that are just, ‘Oh, we’ll try and lower taxes.’ She doesn’t have a plan.” “We’re not going back. It’s time to turn the page. Let’s turn the page. Turn the page.”


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UniCredit buys 9% stake in Commerzbank



UniCredit buys 9% stake in Commerzbank

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Italian lender UniCredit has bought a 9 per cent stake in its German rival Commerzbank and is taking regulatory steps to increase its stake further, in a move that may open the door to long-awaited banking consolidation in Europe’s largest economy.

UniCredit acquired half of the stake from the German government and bought another 4.5 per cent on the open market.

UniCredit already owns Munich-based lender HypoVereinsbank and has long been considered as a prime candidate for an acquisition of Commerzbank, as a combination of both operations has the potential to generate a German finance powerhouse.


UniCredit said on Wednesday morning that it would “engage with Commerzbank AG to explore value-creating opportunities for all stakeholders in both banks”.

It added that it was supporting the Frankfurt bank’s management and supervisory boards and acknowledged “the progress that they have made in improving the bank’s performance”.

UniCredit said it would submit regulatory filings for authorisation to potentially increase its stake in Commerzbank to more than 9.9 per cent “if and when necessary” but added that future decisions would “depend on the investment meeting UniCredit’s strict financial parameters which have been clearly and consistently communicated to the market”.

Commerzbank declined to comment.

Germany’s Finance Agency, which is in charge of the government’s debt management, borrowing and cash management, said on Wednesday morning that UniCredit would pay €700mn for the 53mn shares that the German government put on the block on Tuesday. It said that UniCredit “significantly” outbid all other bidders. 


Berlin last week announced it was planning to sell down its 16.5 per cent stake in Commerzbank, which it has been holding since rescuing the lender during the financial crisis in 2009. The government, whose stake has now fallen to 12 per cent, has committed to a lock-up period of 90 days before selling any more Commerzbank shares. 

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Nuxurka dooddii dhex martay Kamala Harris iyo Donald Trump, maxayse ka dhaheen arrimaha socdaalka iyo dagaalka Qasa – BBC News Somali



Nuxurka dooddii dhex martay Kamala Harris iyo Donald Trump, maxayse ka dhaheen arrimaha socdaalka iyo dagaalka Qasa – BBC News Somali

Xigashada Sawirka, AP

Madaxweyne xigeenka Maraykanka Kamala Harris ahna Murashax xisbiga Dimuqraadiga, iyo Murashaxa xisbiga Jamhuuriga Donald Trump ayaa isku helay doodoodii ugu horreysay ee ay si fool ka fool ah isaga hor yimaadaan taas oo ka dhacday Philadelphia tan iyo markii uu tartanka ka haray Joe Biden.

Doodda oo lahayd habraacyo lagu xakamaynayey ayaa labada murasharax waxay si weyn doodooda ugu hadleen qodobo ay doonayeen inay ka iibiyaan cod bixiyaasha Maraykanka doorashada bisha Nofember ee sanadkan ka dhacaysa dalkaasi.

Dulucda doodooda oo ku dul-meeraysay qodobbo kala ahaa Socdaalka, ilmo iska soo ridka,dhaqaalaha, xakamaynta xaduudaha, dagaallada ka socda Ukraine iyo Qasa ayaa inta badan waxay labadooduba ku kala aragti duwanaayeen hababka ay u wajahayan haddii ay helaan doonistooda aqalka Cad.


Doodda ayaa u ahayd teedii kowaad Kamala Harris, balse Trump ayaa doodda noocaan oo kale ah ay u ahayd markiisii toddobaad tan iyo markii ugu horreysay ee uu u tartamay madaxweyne 2016-kii.

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Tracking Attacks in the First Harris-Trump Debate



Tracking Attacks in the First Harris-Trump Debate

The New York Times will be tracking speaking time during the only scheduled debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald J. Trump. We will break it down by topic and measure how much time the candidates spend attacking each other. The debate will begin at 9 p.m. Eastern time.

Minutes of speaking time and length of attacks

The debate is scheduled to last 90 minutes.

This is the first head-to-head confrontation between Ms. Harris and Mr. Trump. It is also the first debate since President Biden exited the race after his disastrous showing with Mr. Trump in June.

Total speaking and attack time from the June presidential debate



Time attacking opponent

Total time



With only 56 days remaining until Election Day, the debate stage provides Ms. Harris with an important opportunity for voters to get to know her. In the latest New York Times/Siena College national poll, 28 percent of likely voters said they needed to learn more about Ms. Harris; only 9 percent said the same about Mr. Trump.


What are the top issues?

A measurement of how much time the candidates speak on key issues and how much time they spend attacking their rival on that topic.

How will Harris’s performance differ from Biden’s?

Percentage of time Ms. Harris spent on key issues, compared with Mr. Biden from the presidential debate in June.

How tonight’s attacks compare with previous debates

Percentage of time the candidates spend attacking each other’s policies and character.

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