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North Dakota

Send-off ceremony held for 817th Engineer Co. in Jamestown



Send-off ceremony held for 817th Engineer Co. in Jamestown

JAMESTOWN, N.D. – Members of the 817th Engineer Co. (Sapper) of the North Dakota Army National Guard were honored by state officials during a send-off ceremony on Sunday, Oct. 15, at the Jamestown Civic Center.

About 125 members of the company headquartered in Jamestown will mobilize to the U.S. southern border for a year-long mission to support U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s border security operations.

North Dakota Lt. Gov. Tammy Miller, Sens. John Hoeven and Kevin Cramer and senior Guard officials were among those speaking at the event, praising the 817th Engineer Co. and the families, friends and employers who support the members’ efforts. The 188th Army Band of the North Dakota National Guard performed, prayers were said, and the U.S. and North Dakota flags were presented to the 817th to take with them.

“On behalf of Gov. (Doug) Burgum, your commander-in-chief, and myself, we are so grateful for your service,” Miller told the 817th members.

North Dakota Lt. Gov. Tammy Miller addresses the audience during a send-off ceremony for the 817th Engineer Co. (Sapper) of the North Dakota Army National Guard on Sunday, Oct. 15, at the Jamestown Civic Center. Seated, from left: U.S. Sens. John Hoven and Kevin Cramer and North Dakota National Guard officials Maj. Gen. Alan Dohrmann, adjutant general; Command Sgt. Maj. Jason Magnuson, senior enlisted leader, and Col. David Johnson, North Dakota State Guard chaplain.

John M. Steiner / The Jamestown Sun

She said every great organization has great leaders, singling out the North Dakota National Guard leaders in attendance and the state’s congressional delegation.

“We know strong leadership and a strong military is important,” she said. “It’s especially important right now. We have one of our closest allies fighting back against terrorists and you know we stand in full support of our ally Israel. At the same time, Putin continues his misguided war in Ukraine and China grows even bolder in its posture toward Taiwan and the rest of the world. Here on home soil, we have waves of illegal immigrants coming across the southern border, and we know the 817th is going to fulfill your mission on the border with great success.


She noted that as the soldiers prepare to deploy, their families also serve.

“Your duties on the southern border means you’re going to miss birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and other important family events, and your families are going to have to take on a lot of those duties themselves,” Miller said. “The sacrifice of a soldier is a sacrifice shared by the entire family, and that support is so essential so our guardsmen and women can serve at the highest level.”

According to the North Dakota National Guard, the 817th Engineer Co. was formerly Company B, 141st Engineer Combat Battalion. Among its missions, it deployed to Iraq in 2004-2005 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, and two soldiers were killed in action. The unit was reorganized in 2006, redesignated the 817th Engineer Co. (Sapper) and deployed again to Iraq from 2007-2008. The unit has supported multiple state active duty missions including flood duties in 2009 and 2011 and duties related to the coronavirus pandemic in 2021.

Hoeven recalled the 817th’s deployments as the 141st and as the 817th and when explosives were used to break up an ice jam on the Missouri River at Bismarck.

“The National Guard represents the finest men and women in our country. The work they do each day to protect our nation, both at home and abroad, does not go unnoticed,” he said in a news release issued later. “I’ve seen firsthand the work of our Guard at the southern border and they have provided invaluable service during this immigration crisis. I know the 817th Engineer Company will continue this good work. We need to secure the border, because border security is national security. Not only that but their work to assist CBP will help better address the humanitarian crisis at our southern border, including by helping to fight back against human and drug trafficking.”


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Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D., speaks to members of the 817th Engineer Co. (Sapper) and their families during a send-off ceremony on Sunday, Oct. 15, at the Jamestown Civic Center.

John M. Steiner / The Jamestown Sun

Cramer said he appreciated Hoeven’s reference to the policy that made the 817th’s deployment necessary.

“There are a lot of wars and we as a nation sometimes, well, we’ve always taken a leadership role … preserving freedom around the globe because of the blessings we enjoy at home,” he said. “As the most blessed nation in the world, we feel a global responsibility. And our guard has always stepped up to that when it’s called.”


Cramer said one of the things that strikes him the most about the border challenges is that most of the people coming across illegally are doing so for their families and it’s hard not to be focused on the children. He said Guard and Customs and Border Patrol personnel have compassion in their work, which also sends a message.

“And I for one, am so glad that the North Dakotans that are at the border protecting Americans, are also protecting children who aren’t Americans,” he said. “At least yet. Because I think that projects strength as much as our military might. And that the love of freedom as Abraham Lincoln said, the love of freedom is what keeps us free as much as our military might.”

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A U.S. flag that flew over the U.S. Capitol is presented to the 817th Engineer Co. (Sapper) of the North Dakota Army National Guard on Sunday, Oct. 15, at the Jamestown Civic Center. The unit also was also presented with a North Dakota flag. From left: Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D.; North Dakota Lt. Gov. Tammy Miller; Capt. Justin Johnson (emcee of the event); Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D.; 1st Sgt. David Rohrich of the 817th; Capt. Ricky Kuhn, 817th company commander; Maj. Gen. Alan Dohrmann, adjutant general of the North Dakota National Guard; and Command Sgt. Maj. Jason Magnuson, senior enlisted leader, North Dakota National Guard.

John M. Steiner / The Jamestown Sun


A representative for Rep. Kelly Armstrong, who was unable to attend, read his prepared remarks. Armstrong expressed gratitude for the 817th’s service, adding “The reputation and expertise of this company is well known as you’ve been called on numerous times domestically and abroad. The strength of the North Dakota National Guard lies with our dedicated service members who defend our communities, our state and our country. The strength also lies with the family members, the community and our employers.”

Maj. Gen. Alan Dohrmann, adjutant general of the North Dakota National Guard, said the 817th has always performed at a high level and expected it to take the mission to “the next level,” as did other units supporting border efforts, the 957th Engineer Co.’s Multi-Role Bridge Co. and currently the 1st Battalion, 112th Aviation Regiment.

He encouraged families to ask for help if they need it during the deployment and Command Sgt. Maj. Jason Magnuson, senior enlisted leader for the Guard, said it’s important to have a support plan of people to rely on.

“I cannot thank the friends and families enough that have come here to support the soldiers of the 817th Engineer Company,” said Capt. Ricky Kuhn, company commander.


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A North Dakota flag is presented to the 817th Engineer Co. (Sapper) of the North Dakota Army National Guard on Sunday, Oct. 15, at the Jamestown Civic Center. The unit was also presented with a U.S. flag. From left: 1st Sgt. David Rohrich of the 817th; Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D.; Capt. Ricky Kuhn, 817th company commander; Command Sgt. Maj. Jason Magnuson, senior enlisted leader, North Dakota National Guard; Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D., and Maj. Gen. Alan Dohrmann, adjutant general of the North Dakota National Guard.

John M. Steiner / The Jamestown Sun

Kathy Steiner

Kathy Steiner has been the editor of The Jamestown Sun since 1995. She graduated from Valley City State College with a bachelor’s degree in English and studied mass communications at North Dakota State University, Fargo. She reports on business, government and community topics in the Jamestown area. Reach her at 701-952-8449 or


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North Dakota

Pressures could lead to more closures at ND nursing homes



Pressures could lead to more closures at ND nursing homes

BISMARCK — Federal requirements for nursing homes to have a registered nurse on duty 24 hours each day are expected to add pressure to an already challenging workforce situation for the 75 rural and urban facilities across the state.

A majority will have a hard time meeting the 24/7 requirement for RNs, according to the North Dakota Long Term Care Association.

Nikki Wegner, director of the NDLTCA, said most facilities across the state are currently well-staffed except for that RN requirement.

Cost pressures have already led to six facilities closing in the past 35 months, she said.


“We’ve never had that before in our history, and the majority of them were because of staffing issues,” Wegner said.

Urban facilities have until May 2026 to comply with the federal requirements, while those in rural areas have until May 2027.

Rules have also changed, with areas like Dickinson, Devils Lake, Jamestown, Valley City and Williston no longer considered rural, meaning they’ll need to meet requirements sooner.

“I worry about how many facilities might have to close because they can’t meet the standards,” said Reier Thompson, president and CEO of Missouri Slope in Bismarck, which has long-term care for over 250 residents.

“What’s that going to do to access to care, especially in the more rural area, where people are traveling 100 miles from their hometown to a nursing facility, and maybe a spouse is commuting that a couple times a week?” he said. “It’s going to be hard, especially in winter.”


Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, staffing full-time nurses and nursing assistants at long-term care facilities became a huge challenge. Many turned to short-term contract nurses, and costs soared.

The situation has begun to turn around for Jill Foertsch, administrator at St. Gerard’s Community of Care in Hankinson. St. Gerard’s has added new certified nursing assistants while reducing the use of contract nurses from eight just a short time ago to two.

“We have improved significantly,” Foertsch said.

That being said, finding enough RNs to meet the new requirement is going to be tough.

“We are not able to meet the 24/7 staffing mandate,” she said.


The situation may mirror what happened during the pandemic, but contract RNs are in short supply and high priced, she said.

The one caveat is this time there’s no funding on the horizon.

“We will not be getting any help from the government like we did during COVID, and that’ll be what would most likely help us to shut down, because it’s just not sustainable that way,” Foertsch said.

The NDLTCA estimates contract nurses accounted for around $73 million of statewide nursing costs in 2023, up from around $24 million in 2020.

Staffing at nursing homes in the state is also now around 1,200 workers below what it was in early 2020 numbers, according to the NDLTCA.


The NDLTCA estimated that only 35% of urban facilities and only 14% of rural facilities would currently meet the future 24/7 RN staffing requirement.

Right now, most facilities rely on a mix of RNs, physician’s assistants, nurse practitioners or physicians through phone or telehealth if an RN isn’t on duty beyond the normal daytime shift. Finding RNs to fill overnight and other shifts is going to be difficult.

No funding is earmarked for those shortfalls, the numbers of RNs are just not available, and no pipeline is in the works to increase the availability of RNs.

“We’re still in a workforce crisis, we still rely on a lot of contract nurses, and it’s expensive, and then you add the mandate on there to increase even more,” Wegner said, adding that the state needs at least 80 if not more RNs to fulfill the mandates.

Several states have already met stringent requirements for waivers from the rule, but Wegner isn’t hopeful North Dakota will qualify.


Blake Kragnes, administrator at the 85-bed Knife River Care Center in Beulah, said his nursing home has been able to keep staffing at a good level, but the mandate of the 24/7 requirement for RNs is going to be tough to meet.

“When you look at the number of college grads graduating with a nursing and RN degree, it’s down, and that makes it complicated to meet a mandate that comes with no funding,” he said.

Kragnes is looking at how to increase recruitment and retention by connecting with area high schools to start people in a health care career that may lead them to full-time registered nursing status.

Foreign nurse visa freeze

One avenue most facilities are trying to use is immigration, but the U.S. State Department recently froze EB-3 visas used by foreign nurses for the rest of the fiscal year, leaving around 10,000 foreign nurses in limbo until resolved.


A cap of 40,000 visas for foreign nurses has been in place since 1990, and legislation to increase the cap stalled in the U.S. Congress after its introduction in November 2023.

According to the Migration Policy Institute, international nurses account for around 16% of the nursing workforce in the country.

National health care nonprofit KFF, formerly known as The Kaiser Family Foundation, estimates that 1 in 6 of the 3.2 million RNs in the U.S. is an immigrant nurse.

Amy Kreidt, administrator of St. Luke’s Home in Dickinson, which operates an 88-bed long-term care facility, echoed Foertch’s comments by saying the mandate coupled with the high cost of contract nursing could put more rural nursing homes out of business.

“Right now we’re not (in danger of closing), but if we can’t start getting nurses here, we have to keep that as an option and review,” she said.


St. Luke’s has had success with its foreign nurses, but the visa freezes and annual caps, along with the complicated immigration process, have led to it taking up to four years to get foreign nurses, Kreidt said.

“And that’s if it goes through relatively quickly, and it seems to always have taken that long, but now, with additional delays, it will continue to take that long and longer,” she said. “The contact is only three years long and it takes over four years to get them, so the numbers don’t add up.”

LeAnn Hokanson, vice president of resident services at Missouri Slope, said besides funding to cover nursing costs, there is a major need for both immigration and on expanding nursing programs.

“The (foreign nurses) that we’ve been interviewing most recently, they’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting,” she said. “Some of them wait for 10 years to get their call to have a facility interview them. It’s all stuck in that visa process.”

A sky view of Missouri Slope in Bismarck, the largest nursing home in the state, serving around 250 residents.

Contributed / Missouri Slope

Kreidt has previously tapped into the nursing program at Dickinson State University, but with its entire full-time nursing faculty resigning on July 10, the future of that program is uncertain.

The situation also adds further uncertainty regarding the nursing pipeline for health care facilities across the state and region.

North Dakota’s new Office of Legal Immigration is looking to pilot a cap-exempt H-1B visa program in the next several months specifically for foreign nurses, according to a study it released in late May.


This could help increase the numbers of RNs and nurse practitioners, though hurdles exist since the H-1B immigration process is more costly and facilities need to meet eligibility requirements.

This story was originally published on


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North Dakota

South Dakota Democratic delegates unanimously endorse Harris as presidential pick • South Dakota Searchlight



South Dakota Democratic delegates unanimously endorse Harris as presidential pick • South Dakota Searchlight

The South Dakota delegates to the Democratic National Convention met virtually Monday night and voted unanimously to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris as their nominee in the 2024 presidential race.

South Dakota Democrats hopeful, not yet ready to endorse Harris as presidential nominee

In voting to endorse Harris, South Dakota Democrats fell in line with other state and national Democratic leaders who quickly followed the lead from President Joe Biden, who dropped out of the 2024 race via social media Sunday afternoon and endorsed Harris as his successor shortly thereafter.

Democrats in Nebraska, Maryland, Florida, New Hampshire, Alabama, North Carolina and Virginia were among the states where Democrats backed Harris as of Monday evening. 


Harris has also picked up endorsements from key leaders at the national level. California Gov. Gavin Newsom, mentioned as a possible Democratic contender himself, endorsed Harris quickly on Sunday. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi endorsed Harris Monday. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries had not endorsed Harris as of Monday evening, but Jeffries said earlier in the day that Harris had “excited the House Democratic Caucus and she’s exciting the country.”

Late Monday evening, the New York Times, CNN and other national media organizations reported that Harris had secured the backing of more than the 1,976 delegates needed to win the nomination in the first round of voting at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next month. The news came by way of a poll from The Associated Press, which broke the story.

The poll listed 2,668 delegates pledged to Harris and 54 undecided as of 10 p.m. CST Monday.

The Democratic National Committee will move forward with the process to formally nominate a presidential candidate Wednesday when its Rules Committee meets in a public virtual session amid ongoing efforts to set up a virtual roll call vote ahead of the convention next month in Chicago, according to reporting from States Newsroom.

South Dakota Democrats backed Biden with around 75% of the vote in the state’s June 4 primary. In a news release, the South Dakota Democratic Party announced that its 20 voting delegates to the August convention had voted unanimously to back Harris.


“We thank President Biden for his leadership throughout his career and for choosing Kamala Harris four years ago to be his Vice President,” said Delegate Chair Jessica Meyers. “Harris has proven that she is more than equipped to take on the Presidency and we as a delegation are looking forward to casting the official vote for her.”



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North Dakota

Tuesday is Military Appreciation Day at the ND State Fair



Tuesday is Military Appreciation Day at the ND State Fair

MINOT, N.D. (KMOT) – This is a reminder for servicemembers and their families that the North Dakota State Fair is continuing its long-standing tradition of honoring those who serve with a special Military Appreciation Day on Tuesday.

Military members and their families can enjoy lunch from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the north festival tent.

The event is sponsored by the N.D. Beef Commission, N.D. Stockmen’s Association, and N.D. CattleWomen.

They can also enjoy free carnival rides from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., half-off unlimited ride wristbands, and $2 off go-cart rides.


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