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Milwaukee, WI

Trump Reveals What He Really(Maybe) Said About Milwaukee



Trump Reveals What He Really(Maybe) Said About Milwaukee

Donald Trump appeared on Fox News Thursday in an attempt to clarify comments he reportedly made about Milwaukee in a closed-door meeting with Republican members of Congress on Capitol Hill earlier that day.

During the controversial appearance—Trump’s first since his supporters took over the Capitol complex on Jan. 6, 2021—the former president is said to have called Milwaukee, who will host this summer’s Republican National Convention, a “horrible city.” The comments were first reported by Punchbowl News’ Jake Sherman.

The subsequent fallout saw Wisconsin Republican members of Congress offer differing versions of events, including Rep. Bryan Steil (R-WI), who initially claimed Trump didn’t make the comment at all, but then fell in line with Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI) and Rep. Scott Fitzgerald (R-WI), who clarified to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that Trump was discussing the crime rate and election integrity in Milwaukee.

The Wisconsin GOP eventually echoed Trump spokesperson and former Trump administration official Steven Cheung, who described the report as “total bullshit” in an X post. “He never said it like how it’s been falsely characterized as. He was talking about how terrible crime and voter fraud are,” he said.


However, “Trump absolutely said it—undoubtedly,” Sherman posted in response. “People hear what they want. This is familiar to all who have covered Trump or Trump-adjacent stories for the last 10 or so years.”

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) later told Sean Hannity on Fox News that he “didn’t hear it and I was sitting right next to him.”

Then, appearing on Fox News himself, Trump spoke with reporter Aishah Hasnie, who asked the former president to “nip this in the bud and clarify what you meant.”

Trump retorted that, “It was very clear what I meant. I said, ‘We’re very concerned with crime,’” adding that while he loves Milwaukee and has great friends in the city, “it’s as you know, the crime numbers are terrible. We have to be very careful.”

Trump added he was “referring to also the election, the the ballots, the, the way it went down, it was very bad in Milwaukee. Very, very bad. And the people understand that and they agree with me. Everybody agrees.”


Trump beat Hillary Clinton, taking the state in 2016 by approximately 22,000 votes. It was downhill from there, with Democrats winning the Wisconsin governorship in 2018, and Biden’s 2020 victory which saw the president 21,000 votes ahead.

Fox News Senior Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergram posted Trump’s entire remarks to Hasnie on X.

Trump continued, labelling Thursday’s story as “a fake story that came out” and began targeting “Democrat-run cities”–just like Milwaukee.

“Milwaukee has a problem with crime, as do most Democrat run cities. Most Democrat-run cities, almost all of them have problems. But they also have a problem with votes. And election integrity. And that’s what we want to make sure we get straight.”

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Milwaukee, WI

Biden campaign: Milwaukee Democratic leaders slam Trump for trashing Wisconsin’s most diverse city



Biden campaign: Milwaukee Democratic leaders slam Trump for trashing Wisconsin’s most diverse city

Today, State Representative Kalan Haywood and Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley held a press conference slamming Donald Trump for insulting Milwaukee and highlighting the RNC’s abandoned outreach to minority communities. The press conference was held at a local brewery that is now selling their “(not so) Horrible City” IPA after Trump disparaged Milwaukee.

The press conference follows reports that Donald Trump called Milwaukee “horrible” in a closed-door meeting last week and then planned to avoid spending time in Wisconsin’s most diverse city by staying at Trump Tower in Chicago during the Republican National Convention.

Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley speaking at the press conference

State Representative Kalan Haywood speaking at the press conference

“Here’s the truth: Donald Trump looks down on Milwaukee, on Wisconsin, on anyone who isn’t one of his billionaire donors. If he bothered to come to Milwaukee and actually listen to or respect voters here, he’d learn that we are fed up with his efforts to strip away reproductive rights from women, to raise health care costs for working families, to cut the Social Security and Medicare our moms and dads rely on,” said Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley. “President Biden would never disparage this city. He loves us, he respects us, and more than that, he’s a decent man. A person of character, who wants to be a president for all Americans – including Wisconsinites. So, to Trump, I say, ‘You think our city is so horrible? This November, we’re going to send you packing – just like we did in 2020.’”


“Our Black and Latino communities are what make us strong – and this November, it will be us who decide the presidential election here in Wisconsin, and likely in the country as a whole. So, when Trump called our city ‘horrible’ in a closed-door meeting with MAGA Republicans last week, we knew what that was. Yet another racist dog whistle,” said State Representative Kalan Haywood. “Trump ignoring our communities was already insulting – and then he went and actually insulted our city. I’ll be voting for President Biden, and I know I’m not the only one who’s fed up with Trump’s racist attacks.”

“When I heard about Donald Trump calling my city ‘horrible’ last week, I was not just surprised, but truly shocked and angered by this. It’s enough that he is so terrible on all the issues that matter to me – protecting Social Security and Medicare, creating good jobs and strengthening the economy, safeguarding our democracy. But to also disrespect us? It’s just adding insult to injury,” said Sabrina Jordan, Biden-Harris 2024 volunteer. “I think he fears the coalition we formed in 2020 – the one that roundly rejected him and is the reason he lost that year. He recognizes the strength of the city he dismisses as ‘horrible,’ and is deeply afraid of it.”

While Trump tries to get away with spending as little time as possible in Wisconsin, the Biden-Harris campaign, Democrats, and the DNC are building the infrastructure to win with over 100 staff on the ground and 47 coordinated campaign offices across the state. Unlike Trump, Team Biden-Harris loves Milwaukee – for the first time in 20 years, the Democratic Coordinated HQ is based in Milwaukee, underscoring the importance of key constituencies in the city, including minority voters.

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Milwaukee, WI

Brook Lopez’s Future With Milwaukee “Up In The Air” As Team Looks At New Defensive Scheme



Brook Lopez’s Future With Milwaukee “Up In The Air” As Team Looks At New Defensive Scheme

Bucks Stars’ Jrue Holiday & Brook Lopez high-five during game against Cleveland – Photo by Behind The Buck Pass

MILWAUKEE, WI (WSAU) – The Milwaukee Bucks may look different in the 2024–25 season as one of their key players may be moved this offseason.

According to Kevin O’Connor of The Ringer, there are “rumblings that the Bucks would like to play a more versatile style of defense next season, which raises the question of whether Brook Lopez has a future there.”


O’Connor further noted that the Bucks could trade Lopez to a team like Toronto for forward Bruce Brown since they’d have a “perfect match of salaries, and then the Raptors could flip Lopez elsewhere.” Brown, who averaged 10.8 points per game and 4.2 rebounds in 2023, is seen as an ideal fit for Milwaukee due to “the amount of screening and cutting Brown could do in support of Giannis Antetokounmpo and Damian Lillard, which would be glorious to watch.”

The 2024 NBA draft is only a week away, and it’s believed Milwaukee could deal Lopez to move up into the top 15 to draft his replacement, which could include former Baylor center Yves Messi or former Colorado froward Tristian Da Silva due to their abilities to play the more spread out and athletic versions of defense now seen across the league. The Bucks have also been linked to French forward Pacome Dadiet and former G-League star forward Tyler Smith, who both worked out for Milwaukee earlier this month, but other targets for the Bucks, if they move up, may also include former Purdue center Zach Edey or Providence guard Devin Carter, who could replace Patrick Beverley if he signs elsewhere in free agency.

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Milwaukee, WI

Motorcyclist dies in high-speed crash in Milwaukee, police say



Motorcyclist dies in high-speed crash in Milwaukee, police say

A 27-year-old motorcycle driver is dead after crashing into a moving car at a high rate of speed, according to Milwaukee police.

Police said the crash happened Wednesday around 9 p.m. in the 3200 block of South Chase Avenue. The motorcycle was traveling north when it collided with the car.

The driver of the car, 20, remained on scene, police said, adding the investigation is ongoing.

Anyone with any information can contact police at 414-935-7360, or to remain anonymous, contact Crime Stoppers at 414-224-Tips or by using the P3 Tips app.


As of Monday, 31 people have died in crashes this year in Milwaukee, according to police. Last year, 75 people died in crashes.

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