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Five states that could take Iowa’s spot on the early primary calendar



Five states that could take Iowa’s spot on the early primary calendar

The future of the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses was tossed right into inquiry in 2020 when a very public modern technology failing on the Autonomous side triggered complication, mistrust as well as temper amongst citizens as well as event authorities. 

That tipping factor followed years of concerns regarding the knowledge of having a greatly white, primarily country state with a quixotic procedure lead the nominating schedule. 

Quick ahead 2 years, as well as Autonomous National Board participants claim Iowa Democrats might not be permitted to go initially in 2024 as well as might not also be consisted of in the listing of very early competitions. That’s motivating jockeying to name a few states for the opportunity to be consisted of in the first schedule, which Democrats are thinking about broadening to 5. 

“The 2024 governmental cycle is not regarding reduction, yet enhancement which will certainly produce its very own energy,” Donna Brazile, a participant of the DNC’s Policies as well as Bylaws Board that formerly chaired the nationwide event, informed Capital. “By including an added state, we would certainly make certain that the prospects will certainly remain in a placement to talk with even more citizens, not much less.”  


Under any kind of circumstance, the various other 3 very early ballot states — New Hampshire, Nevada, as well as South Carolina — would certainly more than likely be secure someplace on the very early lineup.

Right here are 5 others that might take Iowa’s location amongst the states that elect prior to Super Tuesday, as well as possibly contend for the desired first-in-the-nation port. 


Michigan’s standing as a leading basic political election battlefield might function to its benefit, some Democrats claim. 

It would certainly likewise please the choice amongst some in the event for a midwestern substitute to Iowa, while including racial, geographical as well as socioeconomic variety. 


“If we dispose someone, we need to make certain that area is stood for,” stated one Democrat aware of the DNC’s very early state procedure, talking on the problem of privacy to openly talk about recurring talks.  

“If Iowa is the just one actually being intimidated, then that suggests our emphasis needs to get on the Midwest.” 

Michigan’s swingy nature has actually maintained political election spectators interested over the last few years. They saw Head of state Biden turn it back to blue after previous Head of state Trump directly beat previous Assistant of State Hillary Clinton, whose loss there aided hand the White Home to Republicans. 

The Autonomous primaries are perhaps equally as uncertain. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I.Vt.) gained Clinton in 2016, yet 4 years later on Biden recorded the state’s key by a large margin over the Vermont independent. 

For all the buzz, nonetheless, Democrats are currently advising regarding a possible misstep: it’s an open inquiry whether the state legislature will certainly permit a modification from its initial day in mid-March to previously while doing so.  



Minnesota is likewise believed to desire an earlier place, with its populist as well as independent touches making it an additional vital midwestern competition worth enjoying. 

In 2020, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) presented that she might interest individuals in larger cities like Minneapolis, while likewise getting hold of enact the Double Cities residential areas as well as backwoods. She suggested that the event required to do every one of that to increase its gains in future political elections.  

Klobuchar, a close Biden ally as well as a fellow modest, was thought about as a possible vice governmental candidate for several of those factors. The legislator took place to put an unanticipated 3rd in the New Hampshire key, an indicator that her message reverberated in a few other pockets of the nation with comparable location. 

The promotion Minnesota got around criminal justice reform, a significant event top priority, after Attorney General Of The United States Keith Ellison (D) safeguarded the sentence of previous Minneapolis law enforcement officer Derek Chauvin in George Floyd’s murder, might additionally boost its instance. 



Democrats in New Jacket likewise intend to be included in the very early routine, indicating the huge selection of individuals that call the Yard State residence.  

They think its reasonably tiny physical dimension will certainly assist protect the retail national politics element that’s spiritual throughout the key procedure, while opening a northeastern state for factor to consider that looks various from New Hampshire. 

“New Jacket is genuinely a microcosm of the country,” stated Leroy Jones, the state event chairman, calling it a “excellent selection.” 

In making his ultimate instance to the guidelines board, Jones stated strategies to stress the state’s “racial, financial as well as geographical variety, its small dimension that minimizes traveling time as well as expenditures, its high degrees of union subscription as well as its shown dedication to opening freedom as well as aiding even more individuals join our political elections.”  


Some leading participants of Congress likewise sustain relocate up the schedule. 

“With all that Jacket needs to use, it would certainly be fantastic to relocate the Yard State up as a very early governmental key state,” Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.), a famous modest that has actually climbed in account throughout the Biden management, stated in a tweet late last month.  


Biden’s unanticipated governmental win in Arizona has actually placed the state on the radar in a manner Democrats didn’t anticipate.  

For months, the Biden project functioned to transform the purple state blue to assist him knock senseless Trump, putting substantial sources as well as workforce to attain that objective. 


When it functioned, some in the event asked yourself if it might play a bigger function in future nominating competitions. 

Arizona has a significant populace of Latino citizens, that Democrats view as an important as well as varied bloc that might end up versus a GOP candidate, consisting of Trump if he chooses to run once more in 2024.  

If Biden – or any kind of Democrat looking for the election – invests enough time marketing there throughout the key, the reasoning goes, the more probable they are to have a solid opportunity to defeat a Republican competitor in the loss.  


State Democratic Event Chair Tina Podlodowski is honestly campaigning to relocate the state up, promoting its “wide variety” in commonly underrepresented areas like Oriental American as well as Pacific Islanders as well as Latino locals as well as participants of over 2 loads aboriginal people.  


“There’s a factor every significant governmental prospect hung around in Washington in 2020 after we relocated our key from Might to March,” Podlodowski stated. “Our state mirrors the Democratic Event.” 

Washington Democrats have actually continually focused on environment modification to motivate nationwide Democrats to do the same. In the following governmental cycle, the concern might motivate key citizens as well as protestors that have actually gotten in touch with the Biden management to do even more to attend to ecological oppressions. 

Some Democrats on the ground likewise see an opening for a wider freedom concern to take the limelight versus the GOP: the state’s commonly made use of vote-by-mail technique.

“Our all-mail ballot system likewise has a background of high turnover as well as well-run political elections, which will certainly offer to advise the country what Democrats are proficient at: ballot,” Podlodowski stated. 



Experts think the continuing to be triad of very early states is most likely to be maintained undamaged, which any one of the 3 might relocate also additionally up the schedule.  

New Hampshire is believed to remain in opinion for that. It’s a main rather than a caucus, it’s tiny as well as very easy to canvas, as well as it’s a swing state with vital Us senate ramifications in 2022.  

In the 2024 basic political election, if Biden is the Autonomous candidate, he would in theory gain from having actually taken a trip there throughout his initial term. The head of state has actually currently made journeys to the state, consisting of a quit today to Portsmouth where he consulted with Democrats as well as GOP Gov. Chris Sununu (R).

 If Biden chooses not to run — a situation the White Home has actually provided no sign will certainly occur — or is tested from the left, points obtain even more intriguing. New Hampshire citizens are understood for choosing wildcards. In 2016 as well as 2020, the Granite State selected Sanders over his even more modest rivals, leaving space for a possible dynamic prospect to slip by a win following time. 

Various other Democrats see Nevada, which like Arizona flaunts a large Latino populace, as the all-natural follower to take Iowa’s location as initial. 


“I believe it would certainly not just be a solid relocation, yet a wise relocation,” stated Chuck Rocha, a leading Autonomous operative as well as previous elderly consultant on Sanders’ 2020 project. He stated Nevada would certainly “much better show our event than Iowa.” 

“With Latino citizens coming to be one of the most desired persuasion body politic, it’s an additional solid instance,” he included.  

Yet current surveys recommend a grab for the incumbent head of state: Biden’s authorization score with Latino citizens is delaying. A brand-new study taken by Quinnipiac College reveals simply 26 percent assistance his activities as head of state, a location Democrats commonly think he requires to enhance in advance of the following 2 political elections. 

There’s likewise a relocate to bump South Carolina to initial location, particularly after Black citizens, assisted by Bulk Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.), boosted the then-struggling Biden to come to be the event’s candidate after a bad coating in the earlier competitions.


One well-placed operative in the Palmetto State stated it was “tough to claim” if Democrats there would certainly angle for the initial port, if in all. In the meantime, lots of enjoy to be thought about secure from the slicing block. “Initially in the South without a doubt,” the source stated. 

Yet asked just how major Democrats have to do with changing Iowa with someplace even more racially varied, the solution ended up being a lot more conclusive: “Actually major I believe.” 

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Putting EATS Act in farm bill would be a gift for corporate agriculture



Putting EATS Act in farm bill would be a gift for corporate agriculture

EATS serves the interests of industrial livestock operations. As local people push back against corporate ag, we need more control over what happens in our communities, not less.

When the House Agriculture Committee marked up its draft farm bill in late May, representatives included a provision that’s a big gift for the corporate livestock industry. Dubbed the EATS Act (Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression), the measure would strip state and local governments of their ability to enact policies that protect our air, land and water from problems caused by factory farms.

Most of the attention, including a recent guest column in the Register by former Iowa Pork Producers Association President Trish Cook, has focused on how EATS would challenge California’s Proposition 12.  Using corporate ag talking points, Cook and others are trying to portray factory farms as the victim. That’s just not true.


The reality is that Prop 12 was passed in 2018 by a huge majority of voters (63% to 37%). It requires hog factories in California to allow more space and freedom of movement for confined animals (sows, in particular). It also says California retailers can’t sell meat in their state if it doesn’t comply with this standard.

Prop 12 incensed the industrial livestock lobby, particularly in Iowa. All of Iowa’s U.S. senators and representatives have joined the EATS bandwagon. Sens. Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst, and Reps. Ashley Hinson, Randy Feenstra, Zach Nunn, and Mariannette Miller-Meeks are all co-sponsors of the EATS Act. Gov. Kim Reynolds also supports EATS. Our delegation wants to shield the factory farm industry from local control and other state and local measures that protect people and our environment.

More: Farm bill must expand American food security and the farm safety net

Thousands of everyday Iowans have worked for years to strengthen environmental standards, assure local government authority to restrict factory farms, and mandate serious fines and penalties for polluters. We want our state and county governments to do more to protect our water, air and land from factory farm pollution. Industrial livestock operations should be regulated like any other industry that produces high levels of pollution and public health risks.

Factory farm rules, as minimal as they are in Iowa these days, are deeply personal to me. Back in 2002, a developer from 60 miles away wanted to build a 7,000-head sow confinement just 1,975-feet from our house in rural Adair County. Every year, 10 million gallons of liquid manure would be hauled up and down the gravel roads in our community and applied on various fields. Our neighbors joined with us and Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement (Iowa CCI) to fight back against this invasion. We worked with our local Board of Supervisors to voice our concerns. And because of our state laws (and grassroots organizing), we were able to stop that factory farm from being built.


Those of us challenging factory farms are not taking this corporate power grab lightly. Over 120 grassroots organizations across the U.S., including Iowa CCI, will keep organizing and talking with our neighbors throughout the farm bill debate to make sure EATS is removed from the final legislative package. The Senate draft is coming soon, and it doesn’t include EATS. Thirty senators and 172 representatives have signed letters opposing EATS in the farm bill. Those numbers are far more than the handful of co-sponsors captured by the factory farm lobby.

Let’s be clear: EATS serves the interests of industrial livestock operations. As local people push back against corporate ag, we need more control over what happens in our communities, not less. And we don’t need our elected officials working against us.

Barb Kalbach is a fourth-generation family farmer in Adair County and board president of Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement. Contact:

More: Farm bill needs to be radical, demand more from farmers on conservation


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Iowa restaurant wanted to help teens. Now it could close



Iowa restaurant wanted to help teens. Now it could close

Chad Simmons prepares for the dinner rush Thursday at his restaurant, Sugapeach Chicken & Fish Fry in North Liberty. The restaurant is facing roughly $65,000 in fines for violating federal child labor protections by allowing 14- and 15-year-olds to work longer hours than permitted. Simmons said he was only trying to help his community by supporting young teens, many of whom came from single-parent households. (Nick Rohlman/The Gazette)

Amari Thigpen was 14 when he received his first job serving food, busing tables, greeting customers, mopping floors and cleaning bathrooms at Sugapeach Chicken & Fish Fry in North Liberty.

It was willing to work around his schedule as a student-athlete. After school, he would practice with the football team until about 6 p.m. Then he would head to the fast-casual southern cuisine restaurant, where he’d work for an hour or more, sometimes past 7 p.m.

“It was just to make a little extra money after practice,” Amari, now 19 and a student at Western Illinois University, told The Gazette. “But it also made me accountable and responsible, and taught me teamwork (as well as) how to manage my time and the importance of having a strong work ethic.”


He would bring his homework to the restaurant, where owners Carol Cater-Simmons and Chad Simmons would help tutor when needed.

The restaurant felt like a second home. He worked alongside some of his teammates, and was treated like family.

“It also made me grow, having a connection with Mr. Chad and Mrs. Carol and helping me with school or a problem I had,” Amari said. “They were right there to support me. … They always showed positivity and love to us.”

The restaurant’s owners, however, now face roughly $65,000 in fines for letting teens like Amari work longer hours than permitted under federal law. It’s an amount they say will put them out of business.


“It felt like we were being hit by a truck,” owner Chad Simmons said.

Carol Cater-Simmons prepares an order Thursday at the restaurant she and her husband own, Sugapeach Chicken & Fish Fry in North Liberty. The restaurant hopes to negotiate down a roughly $65,000 fine from the U.S. Department of Labor. (Nick Rohlman/The Gazette)

Carol Cater-Simmons prepares an order Thursday at the restaurant she and her husband own, Sugapeach Chicken & Fish Fry in North Liberty. The restaurant hopes to negotiate down a roughly $65,000 fine from the U.S. Department of Labor. (Nick Rohlman/The Gazette)

Restaurants hit with fines of up to $180,000

Iowa Restaurant Association President and Chief Executive Officer Jessica Dunker said several Iowa restaurant owners are facing steep fines ranging from $50,000 to $180,000 for following a new state law loosening work requirements for teens that conflicts with federal child labor regulations.

State lawmakers last year passed a law allowing teens to work longer hours and at more jobs, including those formerly off-limits as being hazardous. The state law includes a provision allowing 14- and 15-year-olds to work as late as 9 p.m. on school nights and as late as 11 p.m. during the summer.

Federal law specifies younger teens can work only until 7 p.m. during the school year and until 9 p.m. during the summer.

Supporters have said the state law provides more opportunities for young Iowans who want to work, and could help address the state’s shortage of workers.

Democrats, labor unions and others criticized the bill for conflicting with federal law, putting young Iowans at risk in dangerous jobs and creating contradictory rules for Iowa businesses to follow.


Governor decries ‘excessive fines’

Gov. Kim Reynolds and Dunker have decried the federal fines as “excessive.”

Jessica Dunker, president and chief executive officer of the Iowa Restaurant Association (Courtesy of Iowa Restaurant Association)J

Jessica Dunker, president and chief executive officer of the Iowa Restaurant Association (Courtesy of Iowa Restaurant Association)

Dunker asserts the U.S. Department of Labor is being heavy handed and singling out Iowa, noting it is one of 21 states with employment laws related to minors that don’t comply with federal law.

The Labor Department denies singling out Iowa, and says it is dealing with violations nationwide. So far this year, the department says it has found child labor violations in 16 states, with ongoing investigations in several others.

Last fiscal year, the department concluded 955 investigations, identifying child labor violations affecting nearly 5,800 children across the country. Penalties assessed exceeded $8 million.

Federal labor officials had warned lawmakers and the governor that employers covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act who follow the less-restrictive Iowa law would be subject to penalties.

Iowa child labor violations
Fiscal year State Child labor violation cases Cases with penalties Civil money penalties
2019 Iowa 19 16 $75,189
2020 Iowa 9 6 $22,062
2021 Iowa 19 18 $106,415
2022 Iowa 9 9 $157,802
2023 Iowa 8 7 $74,529
Grand total Iowa 64 56 $435,997
Source: U.S. Dept. of Labor

‘I knew I was in a safe environment’

A Labor Department spokesperson declined to comment on the fines against Sugapeach, stating the case still is considered open.

Simmons said the restaurant has appealed and are negotiating to have the fines reduced.

In a statement provided to The Gazette, the Department of Labor said no child should be working long hours, doing dangerous work or be employed in unsafe conditions.

“It’s dangerous and irresponsible that amidst a rise in child labor exploitation in this country, Iowa’s governor and state legislature have chosen to repeatedly undermine federal child labor protections despite the Labor Department’s clear guidance,” the statement said.

Since 2019, federal investigators have found an 88 percent increase in children being employed in violation of federal labor provisions.


Labor officials note the restaurant industry has a high rate of violations and often employs vulnerable workers who may not be aware of their rights or employment rules.

“The U.S. Department of Labor is working every day to ensure that children seeking their first work experiences are doing so in a safe and responsible way,” a spokesperson said. “But under our watch, that will not include allowing children to be exploited.”

Amari, the former Sugapeach employee, said he never felt unsafe or exploited working at the restaurant. “I knew I was in a safe environment. It was a positive environment,” he said.

He said he was never forced by the business to work past 7 p.m. on a school night. In instances when he did, “that was on me, because he had started or was in the middle of a task he wanted to finish.

Enhanced penalties

Last year, the Department of Labor announced it was launching a national initiative to uncover child labor violations, which included changing the way it fines employers for violations.


Previously, employers were fined on a per-child basis based on the size of the business and gravity of the violation. Now, employers are fined per violation. For instance, if there are three separate violations related to a child’s employment, the employer is fined for three separate penalties, each of which can reach the statutory maximum.

Federal law allows for a fine of up to $15,138 for child labor violations and up $68,801 for violations that cause death or serious injury of an employee under the age of 18. Fines can be increased or decreased based on the nature of the violations, the age of the child, the size of the business, whether the violation was willful or repeated, the length of illegal employment and hours worked.

The Department of Labor said it is committed to using all its enforcement tools, including assessing monetary penalties, to ensure that when children work, the work does not jeopardize their health, well-being or education.

‘Innocent bystanders in a fight some else created’

Chad Simmons said he was trying to help his community by supporting young teens, many of whom came from single-parent households.

Chad Simmons stands for a portrait Thursday at his restaurant,  Sugapeach Chicken & Fish Fry in North Liberty. (Nick Rohlman/The Gazette)

Chad Simmons stands for a portrait Thursday at his restaurant, Sugapeach Chicken & Fish Fry in North Liberty. (Nick Rohlman/The Gazette)

The restaurant owner hired 14- and 15-year-olds as part of a program called “Scholars Making Dollars,” which works with the Alpha Phi Alpha chapter in Iowa City. Under the program, the high school students receive mentorship provided by the chapter and part-time work experience through the restaurant.

Simmons said the aim was to provide a safe after-school environment where the teens could learn valuable job skills, while putting a little money in their pocket.


Students worked one day during the week and one day on the weekend from about 4:30 to 8:30 p.m., with a 30-minute dinner break and free meal provided by the restaurant. He said they were paid $8 an hour, a guaranteed tip of $3 and additional incentives that could bump their total pay to $13 an hour for busing tables, greeting customers, serving food, mopping floors and cleaning bathrooms.

“My wife and I were there with them and working beside them. They were never doing anything unsafe,” Simmons said.

Most of the six to seven teens employed by the restaurant were student athletes looking for a job with flexible scheduling, he said. At the same time, the program helped the restaurant fill positions during the pandemic at a time when many workers were leaving the industry, finding jobs with higher pay or weren’t looking for work because of unemployment benefits.

Simmons said he was contacted by the Department of Labor in early August 2023 requesting payroll records and employee timesheets for the last two years. Investigators also interviewed employees under the age of 16.

He said he does not know why his business was selected, but speculates it may have arisen as a result of national news coverage of the restaurant’s use of high schoolers to fill a worker shortage during the pandemic.


And while the violations predate the 2023 change to state law (Simmons said the business was simply unaware of the limits for 14- and 15-year-olds), Simmons faults lawmakers and the Iowa Restaurant Association for advocating a policy to purposely antagonize the federal government and the Department of Labor.”

He said his interactions with the Department of Labor throughout the process have been positive, calling them “great civil servants.”

“This is not a train wreck that we started,” Simmons said. “We are innocent bystanders in a fight someone else created” between the state and federal government.

But it’s a fight Simmons said could result in a killing blow for his restaurant “for trying to do the right thing.” As a result of the fines, he said the restaurant no longer employs workers under the age of 16.

“As a Black-owned business trying to be supportive of the community, it breaks my heart that the only way for us to survive is to not employee 14- and 15-year-olds and not to provide support to our youth,” Simmons said.


Parent: Feds should loosen work rules for teens

As the old saying goes, raising a child takes a village, said Eric Thigpen, Amari’s father.

As a divorced father who grew up in a single-parent household, Thigpen said he understands how difficult it can be for working parents to raise a child — to have the time and resources to make sure they’re surrounded by positive role models, engaged in constructive activities and taking advantage of opportunities to grow and learn.

“For me, as a parent, I didn’t have any issue with it,” said Thigpen, a former Hawkeye football player and member of the local Alpha Phi Alpha chapter involved in the “Scholars Making Dollars” program.

“The life lessons we instill in these kids will catapult them monumentally in the future,” Thigpen said.

A March 2023 Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll showed that a majority of Iowa parents with children under 18 ― 57 percent ― supported relaxing child labor laws, with 32 percent opposed and 11 percent unsure.


“Being a student-athlete and working around his schedule, it was great for him,” Thigpen said. “It didn’t affect my child’s academics or extracurricular activities. It was a bonus. … It was a win-win for myself and my son.

“You have these kids out here that are eager to learn and do good things. … They want to do their school work and be good students, but they also want to work and put a little change in their pocket.”

He and his son said federal officials should loosen regulations on the hours young people can work.

“I think it’s ridiculous,” Thigpen said of the $65,000 fine against Sugapeach. “You have a business owner and restaurant trying to do positive things for the community.”

Amari agreed.


“They were giving us work opportunities and to make money and pushing us to go to college,” he said. “ … I feel if teenagers want to put in the work and work those hours, they should be able to.”

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Rescued cats from Iowa find temporary refuge with PAWS Chicago



Rescued cats from Iowa find temporary refuge with PAWS Chicago

Anxious and hungry, they arrived one by one at their new temporary home in Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood.


Eighteen cats, each with unique stories, coats and energy, have joined the PAWS Chicago family. Among them are Leo, Daffy, Hayden, Harris and Fava.

The group consists of nine male and nine female cats, ranging from 13 months to 7-and-a-half years old. 

Many are strays; six were surrendered by owners. They came from a humane society in Iowa.


President Biden declared a disaster for several Iowa counties earlier this week after devastating floods ravaged homes. 

Authorities said the entire country is experiencing a pet overpopulation problem.


The cats will undergo medical evaluation and should be ready for adoption next week.

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