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For The Next Thirty Days, Kanye West Intends To Abstain From All Things Sexy, Sexual, And Verbal



For The Next Thirty Days, Kanye West Intends To Abstain From All Things Sexy, Sexual, And Verbal

Kanye West asserts that he’ll deprive himself of many pleasures for a month, together with intercourse, dialog, and pornography. I’ve determined to cleanse my physique for a month—a verbal quick. No consuming. There shall be no films for adults. The disgraced rapper, who’s 45 years outdated, wrote on Twitter on Thursday that there could be no intercourse.

All glory to God. Amen, he remarked. Nonetheless, my Twitter remains to be lively. Nonetheless, a couple of minutes later, he despatched a collection of tweets through which he referred to as out private coach Harley Pasternak all through a textual content dialog between them.

The designer of Ye then continued by stating that one can’t be anti-Semitic if they’re conscious that one is of the Semitic race. On account of Elon Musk’s buy of the social media firm for $44 billion, West was launched from Twitter jail. Nonetheless, due to the present string of anti-Semitic feedback, the hip-hop star has been banned from utilizing Twitter.

After NBC dropped a bombshell report alleging that West had used anti-Semitic rhetoric within the office for years and had bribed an worker to maintain quiet about it, West made a swift announcement the subsequent day.

West is claimed to have reached a settlement settlement with a former worker who witnessed many instances when the Yeezy CEO lauded Adolf Hitler or Nazis throughout enterprise conferences. In line with the person’s allegations, West engaged within the association. In line with the information web site, West has refuted the costs said within the settlement.


Regardless of this, NBC Information has additionally performed interviews with six different people, all of whom spoke on the situation of anonymity, and so they all declare to have overheard West, in the middle of his skilled life inside the final 5 years, both point out conspiracy theories regarding Jewish individuals or reward Hitler.

As well as, a rumor printed by CNN every week in the past indicated that West initially supposed to title his album 2018 Hitler, however he finally determined in opposition to it for no matter motive.


Is it time to re-name “summer?” Plus, prom fashion is all grown up : It's Been a Minute



Is it time to re-name “summer?” Plus, prom fashion is all grown up : It's Been a Minute

Two students dancing at prom. Sinking sun during the 2022 California wildfires.

David McNew/AFP; Mario Tama/Getty Images

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David McNew/AFP; Mario Tama/Getty Images

Two students dancing at prom. Sinking sun during the 2022 California wildfires.

David McNew/AFP; Mario Tama/Getty Images

Summer is supposed to be for vacation and more relaxation, right? Well, for climate watchers, this season goes by a more sinister name. Brittany and NPR climate correspondents Lauren Sommer and Nate Rott get into what changes in summer weather mean for how and where we live.

Then, it’s prom season and high schoolers are showing out! But styles have changed since the days of poofy dresses and bedazzled purses: prom fashion has reportedly become more adult. For many young people, prom reflects their ideas of glamour, so does this shift say something new about the fantasies of girlhood? Brittany sits down with writer Hilary George-Parkin who wrote about the blurring of age in fashion.


This episode was produced by Barton Girdwood and Liam McBain with additional support from Alexis Williams. It was edited by Jessica Placzek and Sara Sarasohn. Engineering support came from Kewsi Lee. We had fact-checking support from Zazil Davis Vazquez. Our executive producer is Veralyn Williams. Our VP of programming is Yolanda Sangweni.

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Staten Island firefighter runs into burning building without gear, rescues 4 dogs



Jun. 1—A Staten Island firefighter is being lauded for his heroic actions after he rushed into a blaze while off-duty and rescued a resident and four French bulldogs. It was approximately 7:30 a.m. Friday when Staten Islander Joe Pendergast, 33, was making his way to work at Ladder 113 in Brooklyn when he first spotted billowing smoke coming out of an apartment building, according to the New …

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Should you be friends with your ex? 3 questions to ask yourself



Should you be friends with your ex? 3 questions to ask yourself

If you want to keep in touch with an ex, figuring out a post-breakup dynamic takes introspection and communication.

Denis Novikov/Getty Images/iStockphoto

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Denis Novikov/Getty Images/iStockphoto

When a romantic relationship ends, it can feel like a total loss. How do you go from being an important person in someone’s life to a complete stranger?

Experts say it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. If your relationship was healthy and ended on good terms, it’s possible to stay friends, acquaintances or somewhere in between. (However, if you were abused or felt unsafe in your relationship, keep your distance.)


“There may be reasons to be friendly, even if emotionally you’re not in a place where you can authentically dive head-first into a full-blown friendship,” says psychologist Marisa Franco, author of Platonic: How The Science of Attachment Can Help You Make — and Keep — Friends.

To figure out your post-breakup dynamic, “really check in with yourself” about what you want the next phase of your relationship to look like, says therapist Xavier Patschke, a psychotherapist with the Gender and Sexuality Therapy Center in New York.

Patschke and Franco share three questions to ask yourself before building a platonic connection with a former romantic partner.

Question 1: Why do I want to stay in touch with my ex?

There are many practical reasons why former partners choose to stay in each other’s lives, say Franco and Patschke. Perhaps you share kids or pets together and need to maintain a civil relationship. Maybe you’re part of the same friend group or small community and know you’ll run into each other. Or maybe you were friends before you started dating and want to continue that friendship.

Whatever the reason, be honest about your intentions. “You might realize you don’t actually want to be friends with them because they don’t look like the people you tend to want in your life platonically,” says Franco.


Question 2: Am I in a healthy place to stay in touch with my ex?

If you’re reaching out to your ex because you still desire them and are hoping to get back together, “wait until those feelings subside,” says Franco.

Same goes for if you’re struggling to accept the breakup and feel desperate to keep your former partner in your life, she says. You don’t want to treat friendship as a consolation prize.

Franco knows that’s easier said than done. “It can feel like such a loss [for a partner] to go from one of the closest people in your world to not talking to them at all.”

But keep in mind: it can be harder to get over your ex if you remain friends, according to a study on post-breakup friendships. “You’re more likely to desire your ex romantically, and they’re more likely to desire you,” says Franco.

So make sure you’re both ready for that next step. You’ll know you’ve reached an appropriate level of emotional distance when you want your ex to be happy regardless of whether or not their life includes you, says Franco.


Question 3: What do I want a platonic relationship with my ex to look like?

There’s a range of possibilities, says Franco. Do you want a close friendship that involves asking each other for dating advice? Does an occasional check-in feel more appropriate? Or would you settle on just being polite when you run into each other unexpectedly?

If there’s a mismatch between what you both want, respect the boundaries of the person who wants less intimacy. Just like a romantic relationship, you can’t force a connection.

And if you’re not sure what’s appropriate, you can test out different levels of friendship. “It’s OK for the boundary to start at, ‘I don’t know if I want to hear about your future dates,’ “ says Patschke. “ ‘But we’ll try it and we’ll check in again.’ “

“The nice thing about being friends with anyone, including your ex, is that you can decide how close you want the friendship to be,” says Franco. “It’s not like romantic relationships where it’s very all or none.”


We want to hear from you: Are you still friends with your ex?

How did you and your ex handle your relationship post-breakup? Tell us about how you made your decision and describe your relationship now. Send an email to with your first and last name and we may feature your response in a story on

This story was edited by Malaka Gharib. The visual editor is Beck Harlan. We’d love to hear from you. Leave us a voicemail at 202-216-9823, or email us at

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