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The Value of Low-Impact Exercise



The Value of Low-Impact Exercise

Villanova has five on-campus fitness facilities.

I hate exercise. I mean, I love getting out and getting active, but I dread getting out and going to the gym. Staring at a wall while lifting weights is just not something that appeals to me. My goal with working out has always been to maintain a healthy lifestyle, while staying in shape so that I can maintain a certain physical appearance. I am going to be honest: those have always been my goals. While other people may enjoy going to the gym for hours on end and bulking, I simply want to go and get the results I want that lead me to live a healthy and longer life. 

I have tried to adapt to the “gym girly” lifestyle, but over multiple years of trial and error, I have realized that walking is so much better than high-impact exercise. I get so bored sitting inside of a dark gym with music blaring and people sweating on top of one another. I prefer to go outside, get some sun and enjoy nature. I believe it is important for one’s mental health to get out of the spaces one is constantly in and to be with the elements. As cringey and walnut-mom as it sounds, going outside has truly helped me. Especially in adjusting to the college lifestyle, I am not used to this level of constant high-pressure work, so I often find myself just wanting to walk in circles outside to let loose and clear my head. 


Waking up sore and having to trek over to West Campus for my 8:30 a.m. class is not a feeling I ever desire having in college, and I feel that walking gives me way more room for improvement on my health. I also feel like the hours are way more flexible. Most high-impact exercise requires gym equipment, so it has been hard fitting my schedule around the gym hours. Walking has no schedule, and you can decide to take a walk whenever you feel that you need it. I feel that walking is a better fit for the stressed college student that is looking for a way to release some energy during the day but also to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

According to a study conducted at Harvard University, walking “helps to boost energy levels by releasing certain hormones like endorphins and delivering oxygen throughout the body.” Thus, walking leads to a happier lifestyle because it allows us to release the endorphins we need while also bettering our bodies. Our bodies need to be outside in order to function, fresh air and oxygen are what we thrive on. As students at Villanova, we spend a lot of time in the Reading Room and the Connelly Center, but when we are walking just for fun with no purpose, we are spending well-needed time outside. 

Additionally, as someone with chronic back and joint pain due to plantar fasciitis, it is hard to find high-impact exercises that aren’t painful after a few reps. Walking, with the correct sneakers, allows for me to get in exercise without it feeling painful. I think this is why I have always hated high impact exercise, because for my body, the pain outweighs the reward. I do not see the purpose in torturing myself when there is a better alternative that helps me to get to the goals I have set for myself. 

“I prefer weightlifting because I enjoy building my physical strength and improving my lifts,” senior and Girl Gains Club member Kena Ruggia said. “I still walk, but I feel I wouldn’t personally be as satisfied walking for an hour as I feel when I lift for an hour.”  

Some students on campus, including Ruggia, prefer the high-impact workouts because for them they feel as if they are getting more out of their workout and are gaining energy from the exercise. I see where these ideas come from because growing up playing sports that involved this kind of exercise, I understand the energy boost that can come from performing at this physical level. However, I still believe that walking around the campus is more enjoyable than sitting in the Davis Center or the Stanford Gym for an hour working out. I get way more out of walking miles than performing exercises that I dread and leave me not wanting to get up in the morning. So, I will continue to put on my walking shoes and leave my gym sneakers in the corner.

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What actually is fitness? Everything you need to know explained



What actually is fitness? Everything you need to know explained
For many, fitness is a way of life, a pursuit of physical and mental well-being – and there are an incredible number of different types of fitness. For example, fitness can be intense and sweaty, like for football star Endrick or white-water kayaking legend Nouria Newman, but fitness training can also be relaxing, like a yoga session. So, what type of fitness suits you? Read on to find out more about fitness and its many disciplines…

Find out more about the world’s fastest growing competition, HYROX, in the video below:

25 min

HYROX World Championships highlights – Nice


Discover what makes HYROX – the indoor fitness competition – a test of strength, endurance and determination.

Fitness is a way of life, a philosophy to improve yourself. The term fitness encompasses not only strength exercises and sports, but an entire ecosystem designed to make you feel better. This includes nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, as well as training. But before we jump into our new trainers and slip on our neon-coloured leggings, it’s time to take a closer look at the term fitness.

What exactly is fitness? Basically, it’s a variety of fitness activities consisting of strength training, stretching and cardio. But fitness also encompasses many more practices and habits. Let’s take a look at them together.

You don’t need a big gym or expensive kit for your fitness journey


© Harrison Barden/Red Bull Content Pool


Fitness explained: key terms and concepts

To avoid getting completely lost in the fitness world, a little glossary can be quite helpful. Here are some frequently used fitness terms you’ll here regularly:

  • Reps (repetitions): This refers to the repetition of an exercise in a set. So, 10 reps of squats is simply 10 squats.

  • Sets: These are a series of reps performed without rest. Two sets of 10 squats can therefore also be described 10 squats performed two times.

  • Squat: The art of sitting on an invisible chair. Your thighs burn, your glutes turn to steel and you wonder why you didn’t stay on the sofa. But at least your legs and bum will thank you.

  • Plank: Place your elbows and toes on the mat with your back parallel to the floor. Stiffen up like the proverbial plank of wood. This exercise trains the abdominal muscles in particular.

  • Burpee: Push-ups, jumps and sit-ups at the same time? It has a name: burpees. This exercise contains all the movements you can’t stand – real torture!

  • Cardio: These are training sessions that increase your heart rate. This type of exercise is very healthy, prevents cardiovascular disease and keeps you in shape.

Participants kick off at Hyrox Singapore in Expo Hall 5, Singapore Expo on August 31, 2024.

HYROX combines 1km runs…


© Jon Ho/Red Bull Content Pool

Participants doing Wall Ball station at Hyrox Singapore at National Stadium, Singapore Expo on 28 June, 2024.

…with 8 different exercise stations like Wall Balls

© Jon Ho/Red Bull Content Pool


The different types of fitness

  • HYROX: The hottest new fitness discipline combines eight 1km runs interspersed with eight different exercise stations that test strength and cardio in equal measure. The beauty of HYROX is that none of the exercises are technically complex and you compete against the clock, meaning it’s very beginner friendly and becoming massively popular around the world. Find an event near you right here.
  • CrossFit: This is a discipline that combines strength training, cardio, gymnastics and weightlifting. It’s intense and can be painful, but is also extremely addictive.

  • Yoga: Of course, yoga is also part of fitness. The postures and breathing exercises in yoga improve flexibility, build strength and relax the body.

  • Pilates: Pilates is also about physical well-being. It focuses on strengthening the deep muscles, body alignment and breathing.

  • Bodypump: This is a group course in which strength exercises are performed to the rhythm of music. It’s a fun, inclusive way to keep fit.

  • Bodycombat: Bodycombat is inspired by martial arts. You punch, kick and throw hooks – without opponents, of course. An ideal discipline for letting off steam without running the risk of injuring anyone.

  • Aquagym and aquabike: Water sports are suitable for anyone who wants to build muscle without breaking a sweat. But beware: it may not look like it, but these exercises are very intense. You’ll definitely feel your legs.


What are the health benefits of fitness?

Let’s take a look at what fitness can do for your health, because apart from the six-pack, fitness also has many health benefits:

Basically, fitness offers the same benefits as sport in general. Exercise is healthy, prevents chronic diseases and helps treat many long-term conditions such as diabetes and obesity. In short: exercise is good for you.

Mental benefits and well-being


Fitness isn’t only good for your muscles, but also has a significant positive impact on your mental health. It helps with stress reduction, better moods and more self-confidence. In short, fitness and sport in general make you feel mentally stronger.

Laura Horvath trains during her visit to the Athlete Performance Center APC in Salzburg, Austria on June 12, 2024.

Fitness has a multitude of physical and mental benefits for everyone

© Leo Rosas/Red Bull Content Pool



What do you need to get started with fitness?

When you feel ready to get started with fitness training, you’ll need to familiarise yourself with the equipment:

The stars of all gyms! Treadmills, cross trainers, rowing machines and exercise bikes are perfect for building endurance and burning calories. Cardio training is a vitally important part of fitness, which is why cardio machines are so popular.

Strength training equipment

Strength training equipment helps to target specific muscle groups. Think weights and those resistance machines that can look a bit off putting to gym newbies. They’re suitable for both beginners and advanced users, and great for targetting specific areas you want to work on.

Laura Horvath seen during training in Budapest, Hungary on April 10, 2024.

Strength training is a popular aspect of the fitness spectrum


© Balazs Palfi/Red Bull Content Pool

First Fit for Wiiings event in Miami, FL on August 17th, 2024.

Group classes are a great option if training alone isn’t your thing

© Daniel Zuliani/Red Bull Content Pool


Accessories such as dumbbells, kettle bells and exercise balls can be used to add some variety to your workout. These are tools that add variety to your training and isolate different muscle groups. Rubber resistance bands are also used very frequently. They’re very versatile, can be used almost anywhere and can help to train different parts of the body.


Different types of fitness

Whether in the gym, outdoors or at home, fitness can be done anywhere. All it takes is a little motivation. A well-equipped gym naturally offers everything you need to train your whole body and you can always ask professionals for help, but if you’re more of a fan of fresh air and open spaces, there’s nothing stopping you from training outside. Maybe you like running, or there’s the option of taking part in a boot camp or a HIIT session in the park. What about staying at home? No problem at all. With a bit of equipment and a training app, you can easily perfoom great workouts from home. Any excuse? None whatsoever – there are so many different ways to do cardio and get fit, you’re guaranteed to find something for you.

Terry Adams works out at his home gym in Hammond, LA, USA on March 5, 2024.

Working out at home is a great option for those with limited time


© Robert Snow/Red Bull Content Pool


Why should you integrate fitness into your everyday life?

Fitness isn’t just a trend. It’s a philosophy of life that anyone can use to do something good for their body. It’s a long-term investment in body and mind. Whether the focus is on performance, well-being or simply having fun, there’s guaranteed to be a type of fitness that suits you perfectly – and a guaranteed pay-off.

Watch as Japanese mountain runner Ruy Ueda embarks on a challenge to run himself into the record books by setting the new fastest-known time for running all of Mount Fuji’s main trails in one stroke.


23 min

Mount Fuji in One Stroke

Ruy Ueda aims to set the new fastest-known time for running all of Mount Fuji’s main trails in one stroke.


Part of this story

Mount Fuji in One Stroke

Ruy Ueda aims to set the new fastest-known time for running all of Mount Fuji’s main trails in one stroke.

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How a restless night or a good workout can affect your brain — even days later



How a restless night or a good workout can affect your brain — even days later

Got a lot on your mind to work out? Maybe last week’s workout is to blame.

A new study reports that our brains do not respond to daily life in immediate, isolated bursts — instead, the effects of sleep, exercise, heart rate and mood can linger on our minds for over two weeks.

Researchers from Aalto University and the University of Oulu in Finland tracked a neuroscientist’s brain and behavioral activity for five months, finding that a workout or restless night can influence attention, cognition and memory for several days afterward.

Triana’s study found that brains do not respond to daily life in immediate, isolated bursts — instead, the effects of sleep, exercise, heart rate and mood can linger on our minds for over two weeks. Matti Ahlgren / Aalto University

“Our behavior and mental states are constantly shaped by our environment and experiences. Yet, we know little about the response of brain functional connectivity to environmental, physiological and behavioral changes on different timescales, from days to months,” said lead study author Ana Triana, who underwent twice-weekly brain scans, took mood surveys and wore technology that tracked her movements as she went about her daily routine.

From Triana’s data, the team identified two distinct brain response patterns: a short-term wave lasting under seven days and a long-term wave of up to 15 days.

Exercise was found to positively affect brain region interaction, potentially influencing memory and cognitive flexibility. NDABCREATIVITY –

The short wave reflects rapid adaptations, like how poor sleep briefly affects our focus. The long wave suggests more gradual, lasting effects, especially in areas tied to attention and memory. 

Physical activity was also found to positively affect brain region interaction, potentially influencing memory and cognitive flexibility.

Even slight shifts in mood and heart rate left lasting impressions for up to 15 days, the researchers found.

The study revealed a strong tie between heart rate variability — an indication of how well the heart can adapt to changing situations — and brain connectivity, especially during rest.

The team proposes that stress management techniques can shape our brain’s wiring even when we are not actively concentrating on a task.


The findings were published Tuesday in PLOS Biology.

“The use of wearable technology was crucial,” Triana said. “Brain scans are useful tools, but a snapshot of someone lying still for half an hour can only show so much. Our brains do not work in isolation.”

Restless sleep correlates with lower connectivity between default mode network nodes, a group of brain regions that are active when we are at rest, not focusing on any specific task.

She and her colleagues hope their method of tracking brain changes in real time leads to personalized health care, perhaps helping with the early detection of mental health conditions where subtle signs might be missed.

“We must bring data from daily life into the lab to see the full picture of how our habits shape the brain, but surveys can be tiring and inaccurate,” said study co-author and neuroscientist Dr. Nick Hayward. “Combining concurrent physiology with repeated brain scans in one person is crucial. Our approach gives context to neuroscience and delivers very fine detail to our understanding of the brain.”

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Kareena Kapoor’s nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar says how much fat you will lose through exercise depends on these 3 factors



Kareena Kapoor’s nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar says how much fat you will lose through exercise depends on these 3 factors

Squats are one of the most effective exercises you can do to strengthen your body and burn calories. In a new video she posted on Instagram, actor Kareena Kapoor’s dietician Rujuta Diwekar highlighted that just because squats look simple doesn’t mean they’re easy to perfect – in fact, there are tons of ways to do them wrong. Also read: Kareena Kapoor’s dietician Rujuta Diwekar says sleep is the most important thing for weight loss

Trying to lose weight with exercise? Don’t miss nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar’s tips. (Representative picture: Pexels)

According to her, ‘how many calories you burn, and how much fat you will lose,’ depends on whether or not you are exercising correctly. She said it is very important to learn how to do squats, or any other exercise, with proper form to prevent injury and maximise your fitness routine’s effectiveness. Improper form can lead to unnecessary stress on your joints and muscles and an increased risk of strains and sprains.

The right way to do squats

Rujuta said in Hindi, “Exercise is extremely important for our body’s strength, fat loss, muscles, thinness, calorie burning. But it is more important to exercise correctly if you want to enjoy its benefits, and avoid injuries and other health issues.” She then went on to discuss the three ‘Rs’ to keep in mind as she discussed her squat workout in one of her recent gym videos, and even shared some of the most common squatting mistakes.

Rujuta said, “To ensure that you get the maximum benefit of exercising, keep in mind the three — range, reps, and rest. First, you have to complete the range of motion. Move the joint through its full range of motion. Your hip should go below your knees while squatting. Your knees should go up, while moving in the direction of your toes and hips should come down. When we exercise with the right technique and with a full range of motion, even one rep (repetition) is more effective than 100 reps done wrongly.”


How lean you will look depends on these factors

Rujuta also wrote in her caption, “How many calories you burn, how much fat you will lose, how lean you will look depends on these 3 Rs. Range – are you moving the joint through its full range of motion (ROM). Reps – 5-10 reps per set are optimum for muscle fibre recruitment. Rest – is there a break? Not just between sets but also between 2 exercise sessions? Because only then can the body burn fat.”

Still not sure if you’re squatting properly? To cut through the noise and ensure proper form, here’s what you need to know: In 2022, fitness trainer Namrata Purohit, who is known for training several Bollywood celebrities such as Sara Ali Khan, Janhvi Kapoor, and Khushi Kapoor, among others, shared a short video of herself demonstrating the do’s and don’ts of squats. Check it out right now.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions about a medical condition.

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