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What is SWIFT gpi and How Will it Impact Global Finance? – The Global Treasurer



What is SWIFT gpi and How Will it Impact Global Finance? – The Global Treasurer

The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) serves as a pivotal network for secure financial messaging across the globe.

SWIFT underpins international trade and commerce by facilitating reliable and swift cross-border payments.

For corporate treasurers, who grapple with the complexities of managing liquidity and risks across diverse markets, SWIFT’s robust infrastructure is indispensable. It ensures that transactions are not only executed with precision but also adhere to stringent compliance standards.


As businesses expand their global footprint, SWIFT’s role becomes increasingly critical, offering a unified channel to navigate the multifaceted world of international banking.

Trends in SWIFT: The Rise of gpi

The financial landscape is witnessing a transformation with the advent of SWIFT’s Global Payment Innovation (gpi).

This initiative is rapidly setting the new standard for cross-border payments, with over 150 banks worldwide embracing gpi, including major transaction banks.

The gpi framework is designed to address the perennial challenges of speed, transparency, and traceability in international payments.

It offers a real-time tracking feature, the gpi Tracker, which provides corporates with unprecedented visibility into payment statuses, including confirmations upon crediting of beneficiaries’ accounts.


The initiative’s success is evident in the daily exchange of payments worth billions, signifying a paradigm shift towards more efficient and customer-centric banking operations.

As SWIFT gpi moves towards universal adoption, it promises to redefine the treasury operations of businesses, ensuring that cross-border payments are not only faster but also more transparent and predictable.

Legislative Changes and SWIFT gpi Compliance

The regulatory environment surrounding international payments is evolving, with SWIFT gpi at the forefront of legislative changes.

In November 2018, SWIFT mandated that all banks must be capable of receiving gpi messages, including the Unique End-to-End Transaction Reference (UETR), and forward that UETR to the next bank.

This directive ensures that even banks not offering gpi services can participate in the tracking process, thereby maintaining the integrity of the payment chain.


The compliance with these standards is crucial for banks to avoid disruptions in international payments.

Additionally, the Stop and Recall Payment service (gSRP), a part of gpi’s second phase, addresses the need for market standards around the rapid recall of payments, further aligning with legislative requirements for consumer protection.

These compliance measures are not only enhancing the security and efficiency of cross-border payments but also reinforcing the trust that businesses and consumers place in the banking system.

Economic Implications of SWIFT Changes for Businesses

The evolution of SWIFT through its gpi initiative will have profound economic implications for businesses globally.

The enhanced speed and transparency of cross-border payments facilitate quicker settlement times, thereby improving cash flow and reducing the opportunity cost of capital tied up in transit.


This efficiency gain is a boon for businesses, particularly small and midsize enterprises (SMEs), for whom international transactions are critical.

Moreover, the ability to track payments in real-time and the assurance of fee transparency mitigate the risks associated with currency fluctuations and hidden charges, enabling more accurate financial forecasting and budgeting.

The gpi’s ability to carry richer remittance information improves reconciliation processes, reducing administrative overheads and potential errors.

Collectively, these improvements foster a more conducive environment for international trade, encouraging businesses to expand their operations across borders with greater confidence in the financial mechanisms that underpin global commerce.

Future Outlook: SWIFT gpi and Beyond

The gpi initiative is just the beginning of a series of innovations set to revolutionize the financial industry.


The upcoming phases of gpi, including the integration of distributed ledger technology (DLT) for reconciling banks’ nostro databases, signal a commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology for financial services.

The Stop and Recall Payment service and the gpi COVER service, slated for future release, will further enhance the control and transparency of cross-border payments. With the rapid adoption of gpi by a significant number of banks, the initiative is expected to encompass the majority of global payment traffic, solidifying its position as the new norm.

The focus on improving the quality of payment-related data and the potential for instant payment processing positions SWIFT gpi as a catalyst for a more interconnected and efficient global economy.

The trajectory of SWIFT gpi is bringing about a new era for global finance.

Businesses must embrace these innovations to stay competitive, leveraging the enhanced capabilities for growth and operational excellence.


The future of international payments is here, and it is swift, secure, and user-centric.

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Bengaluru Woman Turns Apartment Hunt Into Comic Gold Using 'Man In Finance' Trend



Bengaluru Woman Turns Apartment Hunt Into Comic Gold Using 'Man In Finance' Trend

The video has garnered over 140,000 views.

A Bengaluru resident named Neha has found a unique way to find a new apartment: by using a viral TikTok trend. Neha created a video using the music from the song “Man In Finance” by TikTok creator Megan Boni. Boni’s song lists qualities she wants in a partner, but Neha changed the lyrics to reflect what she wanted in an apartment, including features like being furnished, having two rooms, and having a balcony. 

The caption shared along with the video read, “Desperate times call for desperate measures. So here’s my take on the trend.”

Watch the viral video here:


Neha’s creative reinterpretation of the original song lyrics has generated significant buzz on social media. The video has amassed over 140,000 views and garnered a wide range of reactions in the comment section.

“This is tougher than finding “finance, trust fund, 6’5, blue eyes,” commented a user.

“I might as well buy one in Mysore. It’s almost the same time to commute if you have one in Electronic City,” wrote another user.

“Bengaluru is like a galaxy. You have to mention which part of the galaxy you are looking at; prices fluctuate accordingly,” commented a third user.

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Presidential elections influencing financial strategies, economic forecasts for US – Times of India



Presidential elections influencing financial strategies, economic forecasts for US – Times of India
NEW DELHI: The main focus of the US economy has shifted to the 2024 presidential election, as central banks are cutting rates and politicians are spending more, creating optimism for the election year.
According to a report by Saxo, an investment bank, on the Quarterly Outlook for Q2 2024 of the US economy, the economic data is strong in the first quarter but signs of weakness are emerging.
“US economic data has been strong in the first quarter, but signs of weakness are emerging, potentially marking a turning point for the US economy,” the report notes.
A recurring theme in the report is the significant impact of the 2024 US election on investor sentiment and market behaviour. The election is not only dominating headlines but also influencing financial strategies and economic forecasts.
The report points out that the US government’s substantial debt issuance since 2022, amounting to USD 3 trillion, has resulted in only USD 2.4 trillion in nominal GDP growth. While this strategy has prevented an official recession, it has not led to sustainable economic growth, raising concerns about the long-term health of the economy.
The report emphasizes the importance of developments in central bank policies, commodity markets, and currency dynamics, which are expected to impact investment strategies in the coming months. As central banks consider rate cuts and adjustments to their balance sheets, the report urges investors to navigate the evolving market conditions strategically.
“A slowdown in economic growth and a gradual decrease in inflation will give central banks the opportunity to dial back on their tight monetary policies and implement rate cuts as soon as in the second quarter of the year, building the case for a portfolio’s extension in duration,” the report states.
The report identifies opportunities in sectors like energy, healthcare, and financials but also warns of risks in the technology and real estate sectors.
According to the report, the convergence of generative AI and innovative obesity drugs has sparked significant interest, leading to speculative investments and driving companies like Nvidia and Novo Nordisk to new heights.
Despite this, the report advises investors to remain cautious as the inflated equity valuations could result in lower returns moving forward.
The election remains a crucial factor, with central banks ready to cut rates at any sign of weakness and politicians eager to spend, creating an environment ripe for “better-than-expected” economic data, which fuels election-year optimism.
Despite the government’s significant debt issuance, which has maintained a perception of positive economic data, the report states that the lack of long-term economic expansion is a concern.
The report also highlights the need for prudent decision-making to effectively navigate the complexities of the Q2 2024 market environment.

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Marshall Wace sells Rs 394-crore worth Shriram Finance shares



Marshall Wace sells Rs 394-crore worth Shriram Finance shares
MUMBAI: Marshall Wace Investment Strategies-Eureka Fund sold shares of Shriram Finance worth 394 crore in a bulk deal on NSE on Friday. The hedge fund sold 1.4 million shares at 2684.3 apiece. BNP Paribas Financial Markets was a buyer in the deal. Shares of Shriram Finance gained 1.75% to close at 2,731.3 on Friday and are up 17.8% in the last one month.

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