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'Interview With the Vampire': Rolin Jones on Season 2's finale; what's next for Louis and Lestat



'Interview With the Vampire': Rolin Jones on Season 2's finale; what's next for Louis and Lestat

This article contains spoilers for Season 2 finale of “Interview With the Vampire.”

Though he’s now the showrunner for AMC’s “Interview With the Vampire,” Rolin Jones was initially unfamiliar with the Anne Rice novels that the TV series pulls from.

He first met with AMC executives in 2020 to discuss shows he’d potentially develop as series for the network, and just as he was preparing to leave, one executive casually mentioned that the company had recently acquired the rights to Rice’s books — might he be interested?

“The truth is I was really interested in making a love story and doing something grand and big,” Jones said in a Zoom interview earlier this month. “I wanted to see if they let me make a David Lean kind of thing.”

Jones, whose television career includes credits on critically acclaimed shows like “Friday Night Lights,” “Boardwalk Empire” and the revamped “Perry Mason,” read Rice’s “Interview With the Vampire” — her debut novel — and watched the 1994 movie adaptation that starred Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt. He quickly realized he would approach the series much differently from the film. He said AMC executives put him through a rigorous evaluation process to determine what the show could look like.


“They didn’t want just the pilot and they didn’t just want Season 1,” Jones said. “They really wanted to know what the hell is this thing and how long can we put it on the air for.”

Fans now have two critically acclaimed seasons of the gothic horror story that stars Jacob Anderson and Sam Reid as vampires Louis de Pointe du Lac and Lestat de Lioncourt, respectively. Season 2’s finale aired Sunday, ending Louis’ journey of recounting his human and vampire life to reporter Daniel Molloy, played by Eric Bogosian.

The story picks up with Louis and child vampire Claudia, played by Delainey Hayles this season, grappling with the consequences of their failed murder attempt on Lestat and the moral implications of their vampiric existence. They travel through Europe and eventually end up in Paris where they meet a coven, founded by Lestat, of theater-performing vampires. Louis finds a new love in the coven’s 500-year-old leader Armand, played by Assad Zaman.

After concealing their ties to Lestat, Louis and Claudia are eventually discovered and put on trial for breaking multiple “great laws,” the rules all vampires must abide by, and are punished. Sunday’s finale titled “And That’s the End of It. There’s Nothing Else,” follows the aftermath of Claudia’s death. Louis burns down the theater, killing most of the coven’s members, and learns that it was Lestat who saved him during the trial, leading him to reconnect with his toxic former lover.

Sam Reid as Lestat De Lioncourt in Season 2 of AMC’s “Interview With the Vampire.”


(Larry Horricks / AMC)

The series was renewed for a third season Wednesday, and it will primarily focus on the events in Rice’s “The Vampire Lestat,” which finds Lestat reclaiming his narrative as a rock star (During the interview, Jones proudly showed off his notes in the margins of his copy of the book.) The renewal comes after Jones signed a new multiyear overall deal with AMC Studios.

Jones spoke to The Times about Delainey Hayles, who replaced Bailey Bass as Claudia for Season 2; the complex bond between Louie, Armand and Lestat; and the stories the show will explore in Season 3 and beyond. These are edited excerpts from the conversation.

How are you feeling after wrapping up Season 2?


Go look at the first shot of Jacob Anderson in Season 1 and the last shot of Season 2 and look at the difference between those faces. You’ll see how much work has been put into the 3 1/2 years. It was an exhaustive but satisfying ending to it all. And it was rigged not to work. We had a lot of obstacles. It wasn’t just the [writers’ and actors’] strikes. There were a lot of snake-bitten things that happened along the way and you’re not sure if it’s going to hold together.

You reshot some scenes for Season 2 because the whole point is that Louis is battling his memory. Whose version of events should we believe?

He basically tells Molloy, “I think you should listen to Lestat’s version.” [Louis] is just coming up to it and going, “Maybe I was still telling you this thing where I was still trying to preserve either the hero, or me, or some stuff had broken down.”

I would listen to Louie. The show is about Louie coming to terms with all those things. He had a tortured way to get there. But by the end, he’s the one who gets on a plane, heads back to New Orleans, and seeks Lestat out. There isn’t any confusion there. There’s just a little ramp for a little bit of contrition, some forgiveness, and the beginnings of rebuilding it all. That’s what’s cool about the show — that murkiness can be there.

How did you know Delainey Hayles was right for Claudia? [Hayles replaced Bass, who left the series last year after “unforeseen circumstances.”]


We have this incredible casting director and she brought in four actors, and they were all terrific. The idea was let’s see all these four actors. Then, we’re gonna go to this restaurant and we would sit down and discuss all the actors that we saw. We get there and we look at each other, and we all go “Delainey” immediately, and there wasn’t much discussion. None of the other actors were giving bad performances, there was just some sort of magic you just felt. This is an actor you’re gonna see for the next four years; we got the first crack at her.

A man in a suit sits next to a girl with a pink hair scarf.

Jacob Anderson as Louis De Point Du Lac and Delainey Hayles as Claudia, who joined the series for Season 2.

(Larry Horricks / AMC)

We all know Claudia is dead now. Was there ever a version where she lived?

No. Anne wrote that book out of the mourning of losing a child. The changes that we made for the plot were really thought out and battled out, and then aggressively pursued once we did it. We’re always trying to first and foremost, honor the spirit of what was going on in the novel. So, no, Claudia was never gonna live. It was mostly a battle about how to most beautifully, or most hauntingly, or most painfully — however you want to say — give a death worthy of the character. Claudia will probably be haunting the show for a little bit.


Would you agree that she was defiant in her last moments?

Defiant is right. She is arguably the most aggressive, the most vampiric out of all the vampires that we’ve shown so far. I think she is a real predator and a real tough, fierce individual.

There was also a big love triangle this season between the vampires. How do you feel about people’s reactions to the throuple-esque energy?

I think the strange, wonderful thing about the show’s reception is that it seems to be equally thrilling and maddening for everyone. Everyone gets to ride on the shoulders of the vampire they most identify with and get angry with the ones they don’t. We weren’t a judgmental writers room. We just tasked ourselves with manifesting Anne’s truly messed up characters and making them messy.

It’s been hard for people to reconcile with the fact that Louis forgave Armand after he betrayed him in these last episodes. Can you break that down?


In the writers room, when we started Season 2, we read Part 2 and Part 3 out loud as writers. One of the things that we were moved by was this embankment speech that Armand makes to Louis just talking about how much he has thrown at Louis over these years and given to him and Louis has just been cold. The task was to make him not a cartoon villain, but make him as empathetic as possible.

We’ve landed on the idea that Armand has two real moments of weakness. At the end of Episode 6, he could have arguably said, “Hey, me and you let’s get out of here. Let’s run away and be together.” And he says it in Episode 8. He’s like, “The choice was my coven who had been with me for 200 years or you.” If you go back and look at the kiss they had in the scene and Louie just walks away. Armand’s like, “This guy can live without me. What am I doing?” This idea that we all want to judge everybody is not how our writers room works. We’re trying to create very complex, super-flawed people.

A man standing with his arms crossed in front of him.

Rolin Jones on Armand’s (Assad Zaman) feelings toward Louie: “This guy can live without me. What am I doing?”

(Larry Horricks / AMC)

Are you happy with Lestat’s journey this season? We last see him being a recluse in New Orleans all these years after saving Louis.


I think what this season does is set the desire for the audience to hear Lestat’s version of things. When you look back on this season, Louis is slowly remembering there’s another side of Lestat he hasn’t been selling the audience aggressively on. I’m satisfied with where we placed them. There’s a lot of work to do. They’re not together at the end and there’s a place to go dramatically. They want 10 seasons of this show. They’re not slamming together at the end. That isn’t happening.

Does Louis find peace at the end?

For Jacob Anderson, there’s a very innocuous little line that was most important to him that he balanced this whole season on. It was a moment when he’s having that telepathic conversation with Molloy at the end, and he’s like, “I’m worried about you, Louis.” Jacob looks right past the cameras and says, “I’m fine.” For Jacob, it was the first time that he portrayed that character where he felt like the thing that he was saying was the way he felt.

[At the end of Episode 8] the camera goes straight to his face before he says, “I own the night,” and that’s the idea that there’s a whole new set of stories to write about that character now. There’s a swagger and a strength there. Most of his baggage has been shipped. Louis is not leaving this show, that’s all I’m saying!

What will Season 3 look like?


Lestat becomes a rock star. Let’s start there. We’re going to do a lot with that and are excited about potentially working with Daniel Hart who’s done the music for the first two seasons. We’re going to try to beat “Hedwig and the Angry Inch” and “Rocky Horror.” We’re about to try to make a little pop masterpiece.

Anything else you would like to mention?

The deeper I get into [Anne Rice’s] books, I’m slowly catching up to the love that the people who really love the show have for these books and clutch them to their hearts. So many of the artists who worked on our show talked about how the tone of the book allowed them to think about coming out. These books are important to people. I feel very privileged and very lucky to be this person who’s shepherding that to a new generation at this point.

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Movie Reviews

‘Tiny Lights’ Review: Empathetic Czech Drama Sees the World Through a Child’s Eyes



‘Tiny Lights’ Review: Empathetic Czech Drama Sees the World Through a Child’s Eyes

If you’re lucky enough to remember memories from your early childhood, you’ll know they tend to be fragmentary, skewed from an outlook incapable of fully grasping the adult world. Czech filmmaker Beata Parkanova captures that feeling beautifully in her film receiving its world premiere at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. Related entirely through the viewpoint of a six-year-old girl, Tiny Lights emerges as a small gem.

It helps that the little girl, Amalka, is played by adorable child actress Mia Banko, possessing wide, saucer eyes that are endlessly expressive and long red hair of which Heidi would be jealous. In the opening scene, Amalka hears voices emanating from a closed-door room and, naturally curious, attempts to listen. She hears her grandmother angrily say to her mother, “Happiness? Save it for the fairy tales,” but she has no idea of what it means.

Tiny Lights

The Bottom Line

Skillfully observed.


Venue: Karlovy Vary International Film Festival
Cast: Mia Banko, Elizaveta Maximova, Marek Geisberg, Veronika Zilkova, Martin Finger
Director-screenwriter: Beata Barkanova

1 hour 16 minutes

So she goes to play with her very submissive cat, apparently named Mr. Cat. But she tests Mr. Cat’s patience by putting him inside a wooden chest, from which her grandfather (Martin Finger) soon rescues him. She returns to the room, and when she opens the door, the adults grow silent. “I’m bored,” Amalka says petulantly, and her grandmother (Veronika Zilkova) tries to assuage her by promising that she’ll take her to the lake that afternoon.

After naughtily picking flowers that we later learn came from a neighbor’s garden, Amalka has soup for lunch, unaware of the tensions surrounding her. Her grandparents live up to their promise by taking her to the lake, where her grandfather teaches her how to dive. They hike in the woods and pick blueberries, but Amalka throws a tantrum when told they have to leave.


And so the film goes, with Amalka trying to amuse herself as the adults seem to be engaged in tense confrontations, especially when her mother (Elizaveta Maximova) shows up with a strange French man and announces that she’s going with him to Prague. Amalka, of course, doesn’t comprehend what’s happening except when it relates to her, as when her father (Marek Geisberg) gently upbraids her for picking the flowers and tells her that she’ll have to apologize to the neighbor. As the day ends, she goes to bed, unaware of the fissure in her parents’ relationship, and her father wearily reads her a bedtime story that she’s heard a thousand times before but clearly still finds fascinating.

Even with its brief running time, Tiny Lights demands a certain degree of patience with its intense focus on banal childhood preoccupations. The filmmaker also indulges in stylistic flourishes — principally quick inserted shots that look like they were captured on 8mm and feature a series of close-up views of objects and facial features ­— that are more distracting than illuminating. The strained attempts at artiness just feel self-conscious.

But for most of the film’s running time, Parkanova maintains tight control over her material, making us fully identify with little Amalka and her preoccupations. The film presents things from her viewpoint, even physically; DP Tomas Juricek often places the camera low down, aligning with her diminutive size. The story takes place over the course of a single day, and its poignancy derives from the fact that we, if not Amalka, are fully aware that her life is going to change, possibly forever.

Or maybe she does realize it, as evidenced by the haunting, lingering final shot, in which we see the silhouette of her body as she peers through the large windows of her bedroom, as if trying to see the world beyond her limited perspective.

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Review: 'Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F': The heat is gone, replaced by warm nostalgia



Review: 'Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F': The heat is gone, replaced by warm nostalgia

How to make a new “Beverly Hills Cop” movie? It’s a question that has long vexed Hollywood. Brett Ratner tried for years to crack the case, though, judging from a 2010 Empire magazine interview, it’s fair to wonder how much progress he ever made. “Like, where do we start?” he wondered.

Like, where, indeed? Among the obstacles puzzling those who attempted to revive the franchise: Is Axel retired? Is he in Beverly Hills? Is he on vacation? Does Judge Reinhold reprise his role as Billy Rosewood?

In hindsight, this all seems unnecessarily complicated. From the moment the Don Simpson/Jerry Bruckheimer Films lightning bolt logo comes on the screen in Netflix’s “Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F” (streaming July 3), followed by the wailing sax riff of “The Heat Is On,” you realize that everyone involved understood the assignment. The solution to creating a new “Beverly Hills Cop” movie was to simply make the first one all over again.

“Beverly Hills Cop” came out 40 years ago, an anniversary that will alarm the segment of moviegoers who remember seeing it in theaters, and perhaps astound some just now realizing that Murphy was only 23 when he made it. The movie topped the box office 13 weeks running, selling 67 million tickets and, adjusted for inflation, still stands as the highest-grossing R-rated film of all-time. Coming on the heels of his work on “Saturday Night Live,” “48 Hrs.” and “Trading Places,” it certified Murphy as a movie star.

Eddie Murphy and Taylour Paige in the movie “Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F.”


(Melinda Sue Gordon / Netflix)

You had to be there. And if you weren’t (but especially if you were), “Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F” has been designed to function as a carefully calibrated time machine to take you back to the days when synth pop ruled the airwaves, you could disable a car by putting a banana in its tailpipe and a suite at a swanky Beverly Hills hotel went for $235 a night. (The price, we learn in “Axel F,” has gone up considerably.)

The formula for making a “Beverly Hills Cop” movie goes like this: You start in Detroit, Axel’s hometown, and spend a good chunk of time and money on a chase involving cars and trucks and, in the case of “Axel F,” a snow plow. Axel is operating outside the police rule book, and when this opening scene is over, after a great deal of mayhem and destruction, his shouting boss lets him know that this time, he has really gone too far. And he’d better not do anything like that ever again! (This time it’s Paul Reiser reading him the riot act.)

But the reprimand doesn’t really register because Axel was right. He’s always right. In fact, he’s never more right than when everyone tells him he’s wrong. That’s part of the character’s appeal.


Then something happens that necessitates a trip to L.A., specifically the 90210. In “Axel F,” it’s a call from Billy Rosewood (Judge Reinhold), still lovable and now in danger because he’s close to learning the truth about a police cover-up. And Billy’s not the only one in peril. Axel’s estranged daughter, Jane (Taylour Paige), is entangled in this mess too, thanks to her job as a criminal defense attorney.

Stakes established, Axel heads to Beverly Hills, where he shrewdly talks his way out of trouble, shares a scene with Bronson Pinchot’s excessively accented Serge, teaches the local authorities a thing or two about police work and, on occasion, demonstrates a sly understanding of racial relations in America. (Told not to reach for his ID by a police officer in “Axel F,” Axel replies, “I’ve been a cop for 30 years. I’ve been Black a whole lot longer. Trust me. I know better.”)

Then there’s a final showdown, showcasing the need to remove your sunglasses while operating a submachine gun, a little more bopping around to Harold Faltermeyer’s synth-pop ditty “Axel F,” the equivalent of a group hug between Murphy, Reinhold and John Ashton (returning as Det. Taggart, Billy’s partner and cranky BFF) and roll credits.

You might not remember this, but the first “Beverly Hills Cop” movie earned an Oscar nomination for original screenplay. Were voters aware that Murphy improvised most of his dialogue to the point that his co-stars could not keep from breaking? Maybe this was a hat tip. Murphy was that good.

You also might not know that there was a third “Beverly Hills Cop” movie, the 1994 entry Murphy has called “garbage.” One of the best lines in “Axel F” comes when Joseph Gordon-Levitt, a newcomer to the franchise playing a Beverly Hills police detective, leafs through Axel’s file and says, “And then, ’94. Not your finest hour.” The first two movies, along with “Axel F,” are streaming on Netflix. The third is not.


Promoting “Axel F,” director Mark Molloy is advertising the fact that he gave Murphy free rein to improvise. (Three writers — Will Beall, Tom Gormican and Kevin Etten — share screenplay credit. Props to whoever came up with the “not your finest hour” line.) Murphy is effective, even if the tone has shifted from a brash swagger to nostalgic cheer. The heat is gone.

But you knew that. Murphy is content to act his age, and the movie spends some time focusing on Axel’s attempts to reconnect with his daughter, a woman as headstrong as her father. And it’s hard to validate feelings when they’re drowned out by machine gun fire.

While it’s easy to view “Axel F” as a calculated cash grab, it’s clear that Murphy possesses an affection for the title character. From the get-go, Murphy’s portrayal hinged on Axel’s ability to warmly connect with everyone he meets. Even the villains like him. As Axel drives his blue Chevy Nova through the streets of Detroit during the new film’s opening credits, the city’s residents smile and wave (and sometimes flip him off) when he cruises by. They’re happy to see him. And so are we.

‘Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F’

Rating: R, for language throughout, violence and brief drug use


Running time: 1 hour, 55 minutes

Playing: Streaming on Netflix July 3

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Movie Reviews

Movie review: 'Despicable Me 4' is exactly what you'd expect



Movie review: 'Despicable Me 4' is exactly what you'd expect

Charm sets the film apart

“Despicable Me 4” isn’t amazing by any means and probably won’t be in conversation for Best Animated Film at the Oscars, but, like “Rise of Gru,” what sets it apart from any other run-of-the-mill animated film is the charm of the franchise. The reason people continue to rush to the theaters to see these films is their consistency. No matter if it’s a spinoff or a direct sequel, you know walking into a “Despicable Me” film what you’re going to get, and that’s perfectly fine because you’ll still have a good time.

The new additions of Maxime Le Mal (Will Ferrell) and Poppie (Joey King) are fine. They don’t get much setup and are just thrown at you as new characters, which is fine but very forgettable. The standouts, of course, are the Minions, as well as the addition of Gru Jr. The combination of the two was probably the best part of the whole film. I could’ve watched a 90-minute film of just that.

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