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'God Bless Bitcoin' doc makes moral case for cryptocurrency as alternative to 'corrupt' financial system



'God Bless Bitcoin' doc makes moral case for cryptocurrency as alternative to 'corrupt' financial system
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Screengrab/God Bless Bitcoin

The intersection of faith and bitcoin — and the government’s misuse of money — is at the center of “God Bless Bitcoin,” a documentary by Christian couple Brian and Kelly Estes hoping viewers will rethink their relationship with money and enable them to become better stewards of their God-given resources. 

The documentary, releasing July 25, seeks to answer the question, “How do we fix our broken money?” by examining the moral and ethical dimensions of current financial systems and the broader implications of Bitcoin’s rise.

Narrated by Natalie Brunell, the project highlights voices from both the financial and religious spheres, including Bitcoin experts like Anthony Pompliano, Cathie D. Wood and Michael Saylor, as well as religious leaders such as Dr. Darrell Bock of Dallas Theological Seminary and Fr. Robert Sirico. 

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“For 3,500 years, humans used gold and silver as money. In 1971, we shifted to fiat, and it’s clear that this system doesn’t work for everyone,” Brian Estes, CEO & CIO of Off the Chain Capital and longtime Bitcoin enthusiast, told The Christian Post. “It steals from the poor and the middle class, and it gives it to the rich. It’s an unjust system, but we could opt out of that system.”

For the Esteses, parents of two who both co-wrote and co-directed the film, the journey to creating the documentary began with a pressing concern about the state of the monetary system and a belief in the potential of Bitcoin to serve as a more ethical alternative.


“Over the past decade, we’ve watched our money lose its value, making it increasingly difficult for people to keep up with the rising cost of living,” Kelly Estes told CP.

Having worked closely with individuals in generational poverty, she witnessed firsthand the detrimental effects of the current fiat-based system.

“We knew something had to change,” she said.

“We wanted to explore the ethical and moral reasons behind adopting Bitcoin, highlighting how it can offer a more stable and just financial system,” her husband added.

Technology as a means to serve God better

The documentary delves into how Bitcoin aligns with the ethical teachings of various faiths, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam.


“Bitcoin is just another step in the technological development of how we can serve God better,” declares one participant in the film. 

According to filmmakers, financial literacy and money are huge topics in the Bible, yet they believe they are woefully under-addressed in churches and schools. 

“Bitcoin as a technology preserves our time and our energy in a way that nobody can take from us,” Kelly Estes said. “It gives us self-sovereignty over our money so that we can use it to have big families, to procreate, to fill the earth with God’s servants, which is what I believe we’re meant to do.”

“It also allows us to take care of the poor,” she added. “When we have enough to take care of ourselves, then we’re able to also help others. It allows us to have that servant heart that we’re called to have because it provides the means to do so.”

Bitcoin, she said, is also “borderless” and can offer security and autonomy in uncertain times. It’s a theme “God Bless Bitcoin” highlights by demonstrating the transformative potential of Bitcoin for the unbanked and those living under oppressive regimes. 


“Bitcoin provides financial inclusion for billions who don’t have access to traditional banking. It enables them to participate in the global economy, preserving their wealth and providing opportunities for a better life,” she emphasized.

Challenging the status quo

The husband-and-wife duo are aware of the resistance to Bitcoin, particularly from established financial institutions and governmental bodies. The technology that underpins Bitcoin, which promises to make money transfers faster, cheaper and more accessible, is also threatening to upend the traditional banking system, Brian Estes believes.

“The biggest opposition comes from banks, as Bitcoin threatens their traditional revenue streams,” he said.

He drew parallels to the disruption caused by Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) technology, which rendered long-distance phone charges obsolete.

“Similarly, Bitcoin allows us to move money almost for free, challenging the $2 trillion industry that banks currently dominate,” he said. 


The opposition to Bitcoin is not confined to the banking sector alone. Political figures and lawmakers who receive significant contributions from financial institutions also play a crucial role in slowing down Bitcoin’s adoption, Brian Estes asserts. 

“Elizabeth Warren and other politicians receive contributions from banks like JP Morgan and Bank of America,” he said, adding: “These financial institutions use their influence to sway legislative opinions and slow down the progress of technologies that threaten their profits. It’s not just about policy; it’s about protecting financial interests.”

Critics of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies point out that they don’t come without their own risks.

Over the years, Bitcoin’s price, like other investments, has experienced high volatility. While Bitcoin’s price is currently listed at around $57,694 as of Friday morning, the price fell from as high as $64,000 in November 2021 to around $16,500 in December 2022. Bitcoin’s price took over a year to return to the November 2021 value. In recent months, the Bitcoin price has fallen from around $69,000 in early June to its current value of over $57,000.

There are other risks associated with Bitcoin. As The New York Times reported in 2021, some users have been unable to access their Bitcoin fortunes because of lost or forgotten keys. The newspaper cited the cryptocurrency data firm Chainalysis to state that around 20% of Bitcoin in 2021 appeared to be lost or stranded.


Additionally, cryptocurrency payments do not come with legal protections. Storing cryptocurrency online doesn’t come with the same protections as online banking because they aren’t government-insured like bank deposits, according to Connecticut’s Department of Banking. The agency notes that cryptocurrencies are not to be considered foolproof investments.

A global perspective

“God Bless Bitcoin” also contends that the current financial system is “intimately connected to the military-industrial complex and the propagation of war.” Brian Estes cited Ezekial 45:9, which reads, in part: “Give up your violence and oppression and do what is just and right. Stop dispossessing my people, declares the Sovereign Lord.”

“What God’s saying is, ‘Stop stealing your people’s money to go conduct unjust wars.’ And that’s what we’re doing today through inflation, through printing money. We’re stealing money out of your bank account, and you don’t know it, and then we’re having these wars that kill people all over the world,” he said. “If we’re on a Bitcoin standard, and you can’t print the money, because you can’t print Bitcoin, then all of a sudden you can’t pay for the war, and then there’s no more war.”

Filmmakers hope that their film will inspire viewers to question the status quo and consider Bitcoin as a viable alternative. They want to, they said, empower individuals with the knowledge and tools to take control of their financial futures.

“We want people to open their minds … to see that there is another system,” Kelly Estes said. “We’re not suggesting that everyone go all in on Bitcoin, but rather that they consider diversifying their savings. Even putting a small amount into Bitcoin can offer hope for a more stable financial future.”


“We hope viewers will see that they have a choice. They can opt out of an unjust system that perpetuates inequality and embrace a more just and equitable alternative,” Brian added.

“God Bless Bitcoin” will be released free globally on July 25. Executive producers include Perianne Boring and John Salley. Michael Siewierski, Ruben Figureres, and Miguel Silvera are also attached as producers to the project.

Leah M. Klett is a reporter for The Christian Post. She can be reached at:

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Donald Trump’s Cryptocurrency Critique is Shaping the Future of Trade



Donald Trump’s Cryptocurrency Critique is Shaping the Future of Trade

Cryptocurrency has become a pivotal topic in global financial discourse, with diverse opinions shaping its development and adoption. Among these influential voices is Donald Trump, the former President of the United States. Trump’s perspective on cryptocurrency, characterized by skepticism and caution, continues to shape policies and market sentiment in the US and globally. This article delves into how Trump’s views influence the future of cryptocurrency.

Donald Trump’s Stance on Cryptocurrency

Donald Trump’s stance on cryptocurrency is unequivocally critical. He has consistently expressed concerns about the stability, security, and legitimacy of digital currencies. His famous 2019 tweet stated, “I am not a fan of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies, which are not money, and whose value is highly volatile and based on thin air.” Trump’s skepticism extends to broader issues of financial security and the potential for misuse in illegal activities.

Regulatory Landscape Under Trump’s Administration

Stricter Oversight

During Trump’s presidency, regulatory bodies such as the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) intensified their oversight of cryptocurrency activities. The administration’s focus was on preventing fraudulent activities, money laundering, and protecting investors from high-risk investments.

Impact on Innovation

While increased regulation aimed to safeguard the financial system, it also posed challenges for innovation within the cryptocurrency space. The regulatory environment under Trump’s administration led to significant compliance costs and operational hurdles for crypto businesses. This cautious approach slowed down the pace of innovation and made the US a less attractive destination for crypto startups.


Global Ripple Effects

Influence on International Policies

Trump’s critical stance on cryptocurrency influenced global regulatory approaches. Countries aligned with the US in financial policies, such as Canada and parts of Europe, adopted a more cautious regulatory stance. This created a global atmosphere of skepticism and wariness towards digital currencies, impacting their adoption and integration into mainstream financial systems.

Market Reactions

Trump’s comments and policies often led to volatility in the global cryptocurrency market. Statements from influential figures like Trump can trigger significant market movements, reflecting investor sentiment and confidence. Trump’s critical views contributed to periods of heightened volatility, affecting prices and market stability.

Post-Presidency Influence

Continued Criticism

Even after leaving office, Trump continues to voice his skepticism about cryptocurrencies. His ongoing criticism reinforces a narrative of caution and doubt within conservative and traditional financial circles. This persistent viewpoint maintains a level of apprehension about digital currencies, influencing both public opinion and policy discussions.

Political and Financial Impact

Trump’s influence extends to political and financial sectors where his opinions shape discussions on regulatory frameworks. His views contribute to the broader debate on how to balance innovation with security in the cryptocurrency domain. Policymakers and regulators consider such perspectives when designing regulations that aim to protect the financial system without stifling technological advancements.

The Future of Cryptocurrency Regulation

Potential for Balanced Regulations

While Trump’s critical stance highlights the need for stringent oversight, it also underscores the importance of balanced regulations. Future regulatory frameworks may seek to address the concerns raised by Trump, such as security and stability, while also fostering innovation and growth in the cryptocurrency industry.


Adoption of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

Trump’s skepticism towards decentralized cryptocurrencies may accelerate the adoption of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Governments worldwide are exploring CBDCs as a way to leverage blockchain technology within a regulated and controlled framework. The development of CBDCs could provide a middle ground, addressing concerns about stability and misuse while promoting digital currency adoption.


Donald Trump’s perspective on cryptocurrency continues to wield significant influence over the future of digital currencies in the US and globally. His critical stance has shaped regulatory approaches, market sentiment, and policy discussions. As the cryptocurrency landscape evolves, the balance between regulation and innovation will be crucial in determining its trajectory. Understanding Trump’s influence helps in navigating the complex interplay between skepticism and adoption in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency.


Note: By examining Donald Trump’s cryptocurrency perspective, this article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of its impact on the future of digital currencies. It offers insights for investors, policymakers, and enthusiasts, highlighting the critical issues shaping the global cryptocurrency landscape. However, this is the author’s personal observation and can be disagreed or challenged by anyone.

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Greece Grapples With Cryptocurrency Tax Gap As Adoption Rises



Greece Grapples With Cryptocurrency Tax Gap As Adoption Rises
Greece is experiencing a surge in cryptocurrency adoption, particularly among young adults. However, the lack of a clear regulatory and tax framework for digital assets is causing headaches for both investors and tax authorities. A dedicated committee is finalizing its recommendations for the Ministry of National Economy and Finance, outlining solutions for defining, recording, taxing, and monitoring cryptocurrencies.
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Venezuela's Transition to Cryptocurrency Usage Amid Economic Recovery and Hyperinflation Aftermath



Venezuela's Transition to Cryptocurrency Usage Amid Economic Recovery and Hyperinflation Aftermath
  • Over half of Venezuela’s population still uses the bolívar for daily transactions despite significant dollarization since 2017.
  • Foreign currencies dominate transactions in regions like San Cristóbal; U.S. dollar, Colombian peso, and euro are widely used.

In Venezuela, the journey through severe hyperinflation has led to a multifaceted financial environment where cryptocurrencies play a nuanced role. According to a recent report by Ecoanalítica, slightly more than half of the Venezuelan population continues to use the local currency, the bolívar, for daily transactions despite the predominant dollarization due to the hyperinflation that peaked in 2017. This shift has seen the bolívar deeply sidelined in several regions, with foreign currencies gaining prominence.

The analysis revealed that in San Cristóbal, a notable 79.8% of transactions are conducted in foreign currency, influenced heavily by the Colombian peso. Across Venezuela, the U.S. dollar accounts for 32.7% of transactions, the Colombian peso for 5.7%, the euro for 5.5%, and cryptocurrencies and other forms combined for only 1.2%, as per the data up to February 2024.

The findings, derived from the book “After Hyperinflation: Studies on Money in Venezuela” and discussed at a forum hosted by the Institute of Higher Administration Studies (IESA), highlight the cautious penetration of cryptocurrencies in the nation. Cryptocurrencies are predominantly used not for transactional purposes but as a savings reserve, according to economist Aarón Olmos.

Moreover, the introduction of the new Ecodesign legislation set for 2027 is pushing companies towards modernizing client interactions and embracing the circular economy, potentially increasing the role of digital assets in commercial activities. 

Depending on the region, residents might transact in Colombian pesos, Brazilian reals, or more frequently in U.S. dollars and euros, adapting to the most stable and available options.

“The relationship they have with remittances with their families, currently, is mainly about 60 and 70% crypto digital platforms, and the most used crypto is USDT,” explained Aaron Olmos, during his presentation at the second forum.

Just as we have been talking in Crypto News Flash, remittances play a significant role in the cryptocurrency economy in Venezuela. In 2023 alone, almost $500 million in virtual assets were transferred as remittances, predominantly on crypto platforms, with Tether (USDT) being the most utilized cryptocurrency.



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