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Column: Trump’s trade deal with China turned out to be a huge, costly bust



The ultimate tally is in, and the numbers are grim: Donald Trump’s large commerce take care of China — the deal he trumpeted as a “transformative” victory for the U.S. — turned out to be a large bust.

The deal, it could be remembered, required China to make $200 billion in new purchases of agricultural and manufactured items, companies and crude oil and different vitality.

The concept floated by Trump was that the deal would finish the commerce conflict he had began with China, whereas producing a large infusion of latest earnings for American producers and growers.

At the moment the one undisputed ‘historic’ side of that settlement is its failure.

Chad P. Bown, Peterson Institute for Worldwide Economics


None of these outcomes occurred. Though the commerce conflict stopped escalating, a lot of the tariffs Trump had imposed on Chinese language items remained in place, as did retaliatory tariffs China imposed.

Extra to the purpose, “China purchased none of the extra $200 billion of exports Trump’s deal had promised.”

That’s the discovering of a research simply printed by Chad P. Bown of the Peterson Institute of Worldwide Economics, who has assiduously tracked China commerce for the reason that deal was reached.

Trump referred to as the deal a “historic” settlement — and even bragged that China would purchase not $200 billion in new items and companies however $300 billion. As Bown writes, nevertheless: “At the moment the one undisputed ‘historic’ side of that settlement is its failure.”

Ultimately, Bown calculates, China purchased solely 57% of all of the exported items and companies it had dedicated to buy below the deal, “not even sufficient to achieve its import ranges from earlier than the commerce conflict.”

When you’re in search of extra proof that Trump’s vaunted negotiating abilities had been a sham from the beginning, there you’ve got it.

It’s correct to look again on the commerce ambiance that prevailed when the deal was introduced, and the skepticism that met the deal from the beginning.


Trump launched his commerce conflict below the affect of Peter Navarro, an intensely anti-Chinese language economist on the White Home workers. He constantly proclaimed that the tariffs would price China billions, however that notion was ridiculed by commerce consultants, who had been nearly unanimous in concluding that they’ve been paid totally by People.

A paper issued in 2019 by commerce economists from the Federal Reserve and Columbia and Princeton universities reported that the commerce conflict was costing the U.S. economic system $1.4 billion a month by the top of 2018.

That was the consequence of upper costs for U.S. customers, decrease manufacturing development and the cratering of agricultural exports, all pushed by Trump insurance policies.

American exports to China fell due to retaliatory tariffs imposed by Beijing on greater than $110 billion in items, akin to metal, aluminum and agricultural merchandise.

The farm economic system was profoundly harmed; for instance, purchases of soybeans by China, previously the main export associate of U.S. soybean farmers, fell to zero in November 2018. The Trump administration introduced roughly $28 billion in emergency support to farmers affected by the commerce conflict — one other invoice falling on U.S. taxpayers.


The tariffs lined Chinese language-made elements wanted by U.S. auto producers, which elevated the worth of the automobiles exported to China. To avoid the prices, producers together with Tesla and BMW moved manufacturing out of the U.S. and into China.

Even after the settlement, the common U.S. tariff on China imports remained at about 19.3%, greater than six occasions its stage of three% earlier than Trump launched the tariff conflict.

There have been all the time doubts that China might take up imports on the dimensions that the deal referred to as for. The association required China to import $52 billion in oil over two years. However the nation was then importing about $8 billion a yr in crude oil, liquefied pure fuel and different vitality merchandise from the U.S. Consultants had been doubtful that Chinese language vitality imports might greater than triple, contemplating that the nation has different import sources and was making an attempt to develop home exploration. In any occasion, quickly after the deal’s announcement, oil business leaders instructed Trump’s aides they couldn’t present merchandise on the stage the deal required.

An unanticipated issue contributed to the deal’s failure, Bown writes: the pandemic, which struck each international locations in regards to the time it was introduced, shutting down each economies and cross-border commerce. The pandemic shuttered the vacationer commerce, a significant part of China’s pledge to step up service purchases. Enterprise journey fell by 90%.

“The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic undermined any probability of success,” Bown acknowledges.


It was not the one issue. Others included the relocation of U.S. auto manufacturing to China and elsewhere to keep away from the tariffs. The collapse of U.S. plane gross sales within the wake of the 2018 and 2019 crashes of Boeing’s 737 Max airliner additionally contributed.

However China was by no means on observe to fulfill its dedication — a indisputable fact that each international locations most likely knew on the time of the deal.

Ultimately, nevertheless, it turned out worse than even a few of its doubters anticipated. Trump’s commerce conflict was disastrous for the U.S. virtually any method one calculates.

Bown reckons that the commerce conflict brought on export losses of $119 billion from 2018 by way of 2021. That’s not counting the upper costs American customers needed to pay for imported items, elements and uncooked supplies, together with the farm subsidies.

Within the remaining evaluation, Bown writes, Trump did achieve setting the U.S.-China commerce relationship “on a brand new path.” However not the best path. “Almost 4 years later,” he concludes, “totally different phrases for the commerce relationship are nonetheless wanted.”


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Column: Anthony Fauci's memoir strikes a crucial blow against the disinformation agents who imperil our health



Column: Anthony Fauci's memoir strikes a crucial blow against the disinformation agents who imperil our health

Just after Thanksgiving 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci visited a high school in the Anacostia neighborhood of Washington, D.C. His goal was to promote the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in a primarily Black community, where vaccine rates were lower than in the rest of the capital.

Fauci was joined by Barack Obama — the fifth of the seven presidents he would serve during his more than half-century career as a public health official. Together they made the rounds of vaccination booths in the school gym, posing for photos. As they were getting into their cars after the visit, Obama turned to him with a word of encouragement.

Fauci had been accused by congressional crackpots such as Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) of having helped to create the COVID virus, unleashing the pandemic, and by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) of having masterminded nationwide pandemic shutdowns. Credible death threats against him had prompted the government to provide him with 24-hour security protection.

AIDS had made me a target, but that was largely before social media…. Now my family and I were barraged by emails, texts, and phone calls … with foul language and sexually explicit messages and threatened with violence and even death.

— Anthony S. Fauci


Obama’s advice carried so much weight that Fauci, 83, has used it, in its original Latin, as the title of a chapter of his newly published memoir, “On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service.” That chapter, concerning the maelstrom of abuse he sustained as a right-wing whipping boy during the pandemic, is called “Illegitimi Non Carborundum.”

Published in mid-June, “On Call” is an indispensable addition to the growing shelf of books by medical and scientific professionals fighting back against the tide of disinformation undermining public health in the U.S.

Over the last few months I’ve reported on others, including “The Deadly Rise of Anti-Science” by pediatrician and immunologist Peter Hotez and “We Want Them Infected” by neurologist Jonathan Howard, which demolishes the claims of anti-vaccine ideologues such as Stanford’s Jay Bhattacharya.

This year has brought us not only Fauci’s book but “Tell Me When It’s Over” by vaccine expert Paul Offit, which takes aim at the “COVID myths,” which anti-vaxxers have wholesaled to encourage vaccination resistance in the general public.


Fauci’s book stands out because its author has chosen to place the abusive, ignorant treatment he received from disinformation grifters in and outside of government beginning with the Trump years in the context of his long career as a public servant.

His work started with his joining the National Institutes of Health as a fellow in 1968, at the age of 27. He stayed there, as a staff member and ultimately as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, until his retirement in 2022.

Over that time, Fauci became the nation’s most respected and influential immunologist. His public role first emerged with the appearance of AIDS in 1981. Within a few months, he decided to leave the routine research he had been doing on human immune response and focus instead on “this mysterious new disease seemingly restricted at this point to gay men.”

It was a soul-crushing experience. The cause of AIDS was not understood until 1983, when the human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, was identified as the culprit. There were no effective treatments, much less a cure. Fauci describes himself watching powerlessly as NIAID wards filled with patients facing a death sentence.

“None of my training or temperament,” he writes, “provided a bulwark against that horrible, inevitable outcome…. All of us who worked on the ward with those patients had to stuff away our feelings of loss, day after day, just to be able to carry on.”


A youthful Anthony Fauci opens an AIDS conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 2004.


Fauci also became a target of AIDS activists, who blamed him for failing to persuade his bureaucratic superiors to pull out all the stops on AIDS research — among them the playwright Larry Kramer, who in 1988 wrote an op-ed in the San Francisco Examiner headlined “I Call You Murderers, an Open Letter to an Incompetent Idiot, Dr. Anthony Fauci.”

Yet Fauci’s efforts to bring Kramer and other activists into the official meetings, and his championing of a full-scale government program to battle the disease, ultimately brought them together by the time Kramer succumbed to AIDS in 2020. “A complex relationship, indeed,” Fauci writes.


But the experience with AIDS didn’t prepare Fauci for the abuse he received as “the de facto public face of the country’s battle” with COVID. “AIDS had made me a target, but that was largely before social media,” he writes. “Now my family and I were barraged by emails, texts, and phone calls… with foul language and sexually explicit messages and threatened with violence and even death.” Right-wingers and GOP politicians even called for Fauci’s prosecution.

The problem began with Trump, who was courteous with Fauci in private and even seemed to accept his truth-telling about the seriousness of the developing crisis — but at public rallies dismissed COVID as a Democratic “hoax.”

Fauci is judicious about many of the administration officials he worked with as a member of Trump’s COVID task force, including Vice President Mike Pence, who Fauci says seemed sincerely to face up to the crisis but was hamstrung by his sedulous fealty to Trump. But he’s contemptuous about those who exploited the public’s unfamiliarity with the scientific method to cast doubt on necessary pandemic countermeasures and hype useless nostrums.

“People associate science with absolutes,” he writes. But science is a process in which new information is absorbed and evaluated, leading to new conclusions.

That was the case with the government’s advice against masking, issued when the pandemic was new, its means of transmission unknown, and hospitals were suffering a severe shortage of surgical masks and other protective equipment.


When the shortages eased and it became clear that masks would help stem the spread of COVID, the advice changed — but was portrayed on the right as an example of deliberate deceit by government experts.

Those who earned Fauci’s contempt include Peter Navarro, a Trump economic advisor who marched into a White House meeting after Fauci had dismissed hydroxychloroquine, an antimalarial drug Trump was touting as a COVID treatment, dumped a pile of papers on the table and barked at Fauci: “I have all the evidence in the world that hydroxychloroquine works. And by preventing people from getting it, you have blood on your hands!”

Navarro is currently serving a prison sentence for ignoring a subpoena from a House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection.

Fauci’s inclination to be candid about the perils of COVID and the value of social counter-methods eventually led to his being muzzled by the White House, barred from appearing on cable news shows even as the COVID toll increased inexorably. Nearly 1.2 million Americans have succumbed to the disease, the U.S. toll from which is by far the worst in the developed world.

“Attacks on me came daily,” Fauci relates. Right-wing organizations and Republicans in Congress kept “digging for something that would discredit me. When nothing was found, they just made up stories with no evidence whatsoever to back them up.”


Paul advanced the baseless charge that Fauci’s institute, via a grant to the research organization EcoHealth Alliance, had caused the pandemic, even though the research EcoHealth had funded at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology could not conceivably have produced the SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID.

In his book, Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and a member of the Food and Drug Administration panel that rules on the safety and efficacy of vaccines, traces his own experience with the anti-vaccine movement.

Offit ably traces the origin of the modern anti-vaccine movement to a fact-free campaign in 1982 blaming the whooping cough vaccine for childhood injuries, which was taken up by the mass media but had no basis in fact. It was augmented by a fraudulent 1998 paper tying the MMR (measles/mumps/rubella) vaccine to autism.

The paper was eventually retracted by its publisher, the British journal the Lancet, and its main author, Andrew Wakefield, was stripped of his British medical license. But the paper’s infliuence is still shown by resistance to the MMR vaccine in Britain and pockets in the U.S., where Wakefield is lauded by anti-vaccine agitators as a hero.

Offit shows how the messaging of anti-vaxxers has evolved from claims about the purported health hazard of vaccines into a movement for “medical freedom” — the right of individuals to decide for themselves “what we can or can’t put into our bodies or the bodies of our children.”


That turns the very concept of public health on its head. “Public health had morphed into private decisions, the public be damned,” Offit writes.

He ties the anti-vaccine movement to other health-related conspiracy-mongering, such as the notion that COVID originated in that Chinese lab, despite overwhelming scientific evidence that it reached humans the way other viruses have throughout history — as a spillover from wildlife in contacts with humans.

Even before that, the drumbeat of campaigns against vaccines resulted in a dangerous skepticism about science just when sober scientific judgments were most needed.

“The outside impact of these conspiracy theories on the American public meant that the war against Covid would soon become a war against ourselves,” Offit writes. “Much of the suffering and deaths from Covid could have been prevented had people chosen to be vaccinated. But they believed the myths. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people died needlessly.”

Doctors and scientists have been pondering with ever-increasing urgency how to combat the tide of science denialism that infects public health policymaking and public discourse. They’re facing a tough enemy, because the underlying driver of conspiracy movements is grift — the purveying of disinformation for profit and fame — witness the rise of anti-vaxxer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to political prominence.


Fauci, Offit, Hotez, Howard and other responsible scientists are placing their livelihoods, reputations and even their safety on the line to bring the facts to the American public. They’re heroes, and we must heed their efforts to protect science from charlatans and frauds, for our own good.

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Saks owner said to be nearing deal to buy Neiman Marcus for $2.65 billion



Saks owner said to be nearing deal to buy Neiman Marcus for $2.65 billion

Two of the biggest luxury department store chains in the country are joining forces, with a boost from Amazon.

The owner of Saks Fifth Avenue has agreed to buy rival Neiman Marcus Group for $2.65 billion, according to a Wall Street Journal report, which cited people familiar with the matter. Inc. and Salesforce Inc. will help facilitate the deal by Saks owner Hudson’s Bay Co. The tech firms will take minority stakes in a new company, called Saks Global, according to the people. Hudson’s Bay will also finance the deal with $2 billion raised from investors, the people said.

The deal, which comes after years of talks between the two privately held chains, will unite the high-end retailers amid a recent slowdown in luxury sales.

The goal is to cut costs and boost profitability by giving the combined company bargaining power with vendors and reducing supply chain costs and other costs that can be shared.


Neiman’s bankruptcy in 2020 allowed the Dallas-based department store company to shed billions of dollars in debt, making it a more attractive target.

Saks, Neiman Marcus and Amazon didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.

The new company will bring together 39 Saks Fifth Avenue stores and 36 Neiman Marcus stores as well as two Bergdorf Goodman stores in Manhattan. Both chains also have outlets.

In Southern California, Saks and Neiman Marcus each operate four department stores, including Beverly Hills locations down the street from each other on Wilshire Boulevard.

The deal comes during a tough period for the department store industry. In February, Macy’s announced plans to close about 150 stores over the next three years, including its iconic Union Square store in San Francisco, after posting a fourth-quarter loss of $71 million.


Although department stores catering to middle-class shoppers have struggled the most, retailers specializing in luxury brands have also been squeezed by inflation and other factors that have weakened demand for expensive discretionary purchases. Lord & Taylor, previously owned by HBC, shut its retail locations in 2021.

Bloomberg was used in compiling this report.

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Sierra Club strike averted after deal with union to reinstate some laid-off workers



Sierra Club strike averted after deal with union to reinstate some laid-off workers

A strike by workers of the Sierra Club, the prominent environmental organization founded in California, was narrowly averted Tuesday after an overnight 18-hour-long marathon bargaining session.

As part of a deal reached between the Sierra Club and the Progressive Workers Union, which represents workers employed by the organization’s national chapter, 12 workers, including several union leaders, will be reinstated — out of some 70 workers who were recently laid off.

In exchange, the union agreed to forgo a 7% raise for workers the organization had previously agreed to in negotiations. It also agreed to withdraw several unfair labor practice charges it had filed with the National Labor Relations Board alleging the organization had deliberately delayed bargaining and retaliated against union leaders.

The deal was struck mere hours before picket lines were scheduled to be held at 8 a.m. Tuesday at the organization’s offices in Los Angeles, Oakland and Washington, D.C. The deal appears to have, at least for the moment, put to rest internal turmoil at the environmental group over allegations of retaliatory layoffs and financial mismanagement.


Walter Keady, newly elected president of the Progressive Workers Union, said in a statement that the vote to strike “showed that Sierra Club’s unions are committed to protecting one another in the face of financial trouble at the organization.”

“No deal is perfect, but we are excited that this agreement meets our strike platform and avoids unnecessary harm to the Sierra Club community that could have occurred during a strike,” Keady said.

The Sierra Club agreed that if fundraising stays on track, it will not carry out additional layoffs for at least the next 10 months. Those who will not get their jobs back will receive additional severance and layoff benefits under the agreement.

The deal also settles issues raised in contract talks that have dragged on for the last several months. It covers issues related to overtime hours, pay raises for added job responsibilities, and use of generative AI, among others.

Final negotiations are scheduled over the next week, and a contract agreement is expected to be ratified by the end of the month.


Sierra Club Executive Director Ben Jealous announced the deal in an email to Sierra Club staff midday on Tuesday.

In the email, he thanked the union’s leadership “for their commitment and willingness to work together to reach an agreement” and he emphasized the organization’s “mission critical work” to protect clean air and water.

“We all share a deep love and commitment to the Sierra Club and the dedicated staff and volunteers who are the lifeblood of our organization,” Jealous wrote.

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