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Lueck named Montana Law Enforcement Officer of Year – Bitterroot Star



Lueck named Montana Law Enforcement Officer of Year – Bitterroot Star

Lowell Long, American Legion of Montana State Commander, left, presents the 2024 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award for the State of Montana to Officer Chris Lueck of the Hamilton Police Department at the American Legion of Montana District 5 Spring Conference hosted at Hellgate Post 27 in Missoula on April 21. Photo by Linsey Strickland.

American Legion Post 47 Commander Deb Strickland is proud to announce that Hamilton Police Officer Chris Lueck was selected as the American Legion Law Enforcement Officer of the Year for the State of Montana.  

Officer Lueck was nominated by his supervisor Lieutenant Don Niemeir and Police Chief Steve Snavely for the American Legion Ravalli Post 47 (Hamilton) 2024 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award. He was selected by the Post and advanced to the American Legion of Montana State level. 

Lueck has been with the Hamilton Police Department for four-and-a-half years and serves as the School Resource Officer (SRO) for four different schools in Ravalli County. Hamilton High School Principal Marlin Lewis recognizes “the importance of an SRO’s visibility on campus and during special events as it increases overall safety and awareness” and highly praised Officer Lueck for exceeding their expectations. Lueck works proactively in the schools every day assisting school administration and teachers as well as interacting with the students. He “observes their [safety] drills and provides thoughtful and detailed feedback” for improvement.

Hamilton Police Officer Chris Lueck with Deb Strickland, Commander of American Legion Ravalli Post 47.

Lueck is married to Kacey Lueck and is also an active member of the Montana Army National Guard, 1049th Fire Fighting Tactical Group at Fort Harrison in Helena where he serves with distinction as Fire Chief, with the rank of Sergeant First Class. According to Lieutenant Niemeir, Officer Lueck successfully balances his police profession, his duties as an SRO, military service, and family life in “exemplary fashion” due to his strong work ethic and high moral character. He bridges the gap between being approachable to the students while earning their respect, especially as he diligently conducts criminal activity investigations that are thorough, fair, impartial, and complete. In addition to his police duties, Lueck is also known for participating in everything from classroom instruction to reading books to children at a local daycare.

“Thank you, Officer Chris Lueck, for your caring and stellar service to our city and schools,” said Deb Strickland, Commander of Hamilton American Legion Post 47. “Congratulations on your well-deserved Officer of the Year Award.”


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State says refunds are coming for overtaxed Browning residents



State says refunds are coming for overtaxed Browning residents

State officials are working to get refunds to Browning residents who were overcharged on their property tax bills.

Lee Montana first reported homeowners in Browning received unusually high appraisal values and property tax bills last fall — some four times the amount they paid last year.

That led the state Department of Revenue to re-evaluate the homeowners’ properties. The agency says a computing error miscalculated the values of 385 properties in town. Now, state officials are working to get refunds to Browning residents who were overcharged on their property tax bills.

Bryce Kaatz with the department told lawmakers in late June that all affected residents should receive letters with their updated appraisals this week. He said the department is working with Glacier County to issue refunds to homeowners as quickly as possible.


Kaatz said the agency is looking at safeguards to prevent the error from happening again.

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Is Montana Road Trip Friendly? A Look at the Data



Is Montana Road Trip Friendly? A Look at the Data

Who doesn’t love a summer road trip? Cruising down the highway with the radio cranked up and your favorite snacks in hand. Stopping at all of the weird roadside attractions to grab a quick selfie, and then you’re back on the road heading to the next stop.

Some states are more popular than others when it comes to road trips, but what about Montana? Where do we rank on that list? We have Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks, Flathead Lake, and several other things to do and see. Surely Montana is near the top, right?

According to our friends at WalletHub, Montana’s ranking might surprise you.

WalletHub looked at all 50 states to determine their ranking. The criteria used were the following:

  • Costs Rank
  • Safety Rank
  • Activities Rank

Before we reveal Montana’s ranking, let’s look at some of the best road trips in the state.

5 Of Montana’s Best Road Trips

For those looking to hit the highway, Montana has over 70 thousand miles of open road and many of those roads lead to some of the most beautiful places in the world. If you love a good road trip and want to spend time with family or friends, here are 5 of the best Montana road trips.

Gallery Credit: Derek Wolf

So how did Montana stack up compared to the other 49 states?

According to the data, Montana is near the bottom when it comes to the best states for road trips. Out of the 50 states, Montana is ranked 47th. Why is that? Well, it has to do with the criteria mentioned above. Montana ranks 31st in Costs, 37th in Safety, and 34th in Activities.

If you were wondering which state came in 1st, that honor goes to our friends down in Texas followed by Minnesota and New York for 2nd and 3rd.

Which states are ranked lower than Montana?

You’ll have to head to the northeast to find states ranked lower than Montana. The states of Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Delaware rank 48th, 49th, and 50th. Yep, even Hawaii and Alaska beat out Montana.


Do you agree? Do you think Montana is near the bottom when it comes to the best states for road trips? Let us know by sending us a message on our station app.

The 10 Highest Rated ‘Hidden Gem’ Attractions In Montana

Here’s a list of the best hidden gem attractions in Montana!

Gallery Credit: jessejames

The Best “Old School” Diners In Montana

For those who love a walk down memory lane, Montana has more than a couple of “Old School” diners that have been serving locals and visitors across The Treasure State for decades. We take a look at the very best.

Gallery Credit: Derek Wolf


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Judge strikes down Montana law defining sex as only male or female for procedural reasons – Times of India



Judge strikes down Montana law defining sex as only male or female for procedural reasons – Times of India

MISSOULA: A judge on Tuesday struck down a Montana law that defined “sex” in state law as only male or female, finding that it was unconstitutional.
District court judge Shane Vannatta in Missoula ruled the law, passed last year, violated the state constitution because the description of the legislation did not clearly state its purpose.
Transgender, nonbinary, intersex and other plaintiffs challenged the law, similar to ones passed in Kansas and Tennessee, because they said it denies legal recognition and protections to people who are gender-nonconforming.
Vannatta did not address that argument, simply finding that the bill’s title did not explain whether the word “sex” referred to sexual intercourse or gender, and did not indicate that the words “female” and “male” would be defined in the body of the bill.
“The title does not give general notice of the character of the legislation in a way that guards against deceptive or misleading titles,” Vannatta wrote.
The bill was approved during a legislative session that also passed a ban on gender-affirming medical care for transgender minors and saw transgender lawmaker democratic rep Zooey Zephyr expelled from the house floor, following a protest against republican lawmakers who had silenced her.
The law that was struck down by Vannatta was sponsored by republican senator Carl Glimm, who said the legislation was necessary after a 2022 court ruling in which a state judge said transgender residents could change the gender markers on their birth certificates.
A spokesperson for republican governer Greg Gianforte, who signed the bill into law, did not immediately return an after-hours email seeking comment on the ruling.
The American civil liberties union of Montana praised it.
“Today’s ruling is an important vindication of the safeguards that the Montana constitution places on legislative enactments,” the group’s legal director, Alex Rate, said.

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