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Daily horoscope for June 15, 2024



Daily horoscope for June 15, 2024

Moon Alert: There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The Moon is in Libra.

Happy Birthday for Saturday, June 15, 2024:

You are charming and seductive; hence, you are popular with friends, co-workers and family. The truth is, you have a genuine interest in others, which flatters them. This is a slower paced year. Take time to rest and rejuvenate yourself. Concentrate on your needs and people who have your back.


(March 21-April 19)
Short trips and opportunities to communicate to others will please you. You want to see new places and meet new faces! Nevertheless, loved ones, partners and spouses will be important to you today. Be ready to compromise and listen. Tonight: Conversations.


(April 20-May 20)
This is a good day to deal with your possessions — caring for them or cleaning or repairing them. You also might have some excellent moneymaking ideas as well. (Someone might ask you to help them or perform a service for them.) Tonight: Healthy choices.



(May 21-June 20)
Four planets are in your sign now, giving you energy and power! This is an excellent day to shop for wardrobe items for yourself. It’s also a good day to schmooze. People will listen to you because they’re attracted to your confidence and optimism. Tonight: Play!


(June 21-July 22)
Very likely, you want to do things low-key today. You’ll welcome a chance for some privacy in pleasant surroundings. Relax with a cup of coffee. Put your feet up. Don’t try to do too much. Take time off to replenish yourself. Tonight: Cocoon.


(July 23-Aug. 22)
This is a popular time for you, which is why you’re enjoying the company of younger, creative people. Their influence might trigger ideas that make you change your future goals. This is why you need to talk to someone today. Seek ways to do this. Tonight: Discussions.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
People notice you now because four planets are at the top of your chart, which makes you look attractive, successful and affluent to others. Certainly, this is an advantage you can use. Now is the time to ask for approval or permission or to explore opportunities that interest you. (Timing is everything.) Tonight: Check your belongings.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
This is a wonderful day to travel or explore. Whatever you do can expand your horizons or your knowledge of the world in a delightful way. New love with someone “different” might begin. Accept every chance to learn or take courses. Things will go your way today! Tonight: Relax.



(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
This is a private day for you, which is why you’ll enjoy moments of solitude if you can swing this. (Not always easy to do.) You also might want to catch up on loose ends regarding red-tape issues with shared property, taxes, debt and inheritances. Tonight: Solitude.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Partnerships and close friendships are a strong focus for you now. In fact, with Jupiter opposite your sign, you will encounter people who want to help you in various ways. It’s also a good time to explore the help of experts and professionals A conversation with a friend, perhaps a female acquaintance, could be significant for you today. Tonight: Friendships.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
In a curious way, today you’re noticed more than usual. In fact, some people will know personal details about your private life. (Do be aware of this in case you have to do some damage control.) Meanwhile, this is a productive day for you, because you’re motivated and energetic to get things done. Tonight: Be mindful.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
This is the perfect day to schmooze and enjoy the company of others, especially younger people or children. Accept invitations to socialize with others. Enjoy sports events, the arts, movies, museums and sharing good times with friends. This is a great day to have fun as well as learn something new. Tonight: Explore!


(Feb. 19-March 20)
Give yourself permission to relax at home today. Admittedly, you might be involved with domestic matters that require attention, like home repairs or entertaining at home. Either way, your focus today will be on your personal life and family issues. Tonight: Check your finances.




Actor, rapper Ice Cube (1969), actress Courteney Cox (1964), actor Neil Patrick Harris (1973)

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Denver, CO

Armed man killed in Commerce City police shooting after standoff



Armed man killed in Commerce City police shooting after standoff

A 29-year-old armed man was shot and killed by officers after a nearly five-hour standoff Friday, according to Commerce City police .

Police officers and SWAT team members responded to a home in the 6700 block of East 72nd Avenue about 2 p.m. Friday for an “armed and barricaded suspect” who was wanted on suspicion of a domestic violence assault from earlier in the day.

The man briefly held a maintenance worker hostage inside the home before the worker escaped on his own, police said in a news release. The man refused to surrender and threatened to shoot police officers even after hours of conversation with negotiators, according to the department.

The man “was eventually shot by police” and died at the scene despite officers providing medical aid, the department  said Friday. His name will be released by the Adams County coroners office.


The 17th Judicial District is investigating the shooting.

This is a developing story and may be updated.

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Tubing ban rescinded for Boulder Creek



Tubing ban rescinded for Boulder Creek

Boulder County Sheriff Curtis Johnson will rescind the tubing ban for Boulder Creek, effective at 5 p.m. today.

According to a release, deputies will be removing the posted signage by the creek.

The initial restrictions took effect on June 12, due to high water flow from melted snow.

The closure encompassed Boulder Creek from below Boulder Falls at Boulder Canyon Drive to 55th Street, according to the release.


Although water levels have fallen, officers advised to be aware that the water conditions still may not be safe for your skill and comfort level.

Police also recommended to always use caution and wear personal safety equipment while recreating near bodies of water.

Examples of personal safety equipment include a personal flotation device or life jacket, a drysuit or wetsuit, and a helmet.

Those using water sport equipment like tubes or kayaks, are asked to place their name and contact information on the equipment in the event that they lose it in the water.

The tubing ban for the St. Vrain Creek was lifted on Thursday.


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Denver district attorney candidates make final pitches to voters



Denver district attorney candidates make final pitches to voters

DENVER (KDVR)- Candidates in primary races are entering into the home stretch with ballot boxes closing Tuesday.

There are some hotly contested races in Denver, including the race for the next district attorney. With no Republican running for the seat, the two Democratic candidates are going all in ahead of the primary election.

Two Democrats with significant legal careers are going head-to-head in hopes of becoming Denver’s next district attorney. They are each making their final pitches to a group of voters who are notorious for turning in their ballots just before they close.

John Walsh and Leora Joseph are battling to become Denver’s next district attorney.


Walsh served as U.S. Attorney during the Obama administration. Joseph is the director of the state’s Office of Behavioral Health. They both have some high-profile endorsements from influential figures across the state, but Walsh earned the endorsement of D.A. Beth McCann. Walsh wants voters to know he’s looking to reenergize the office while still holding people accountable.

“That depth of connection to the Denver metro community I think really matters. It’s that experience as a prosecutor but also a really, intimate understanding of this entire city that will make a difference,” Walsh said. “While I’m very proud to have Beth McCann’s endorsement, I’m not Beth McCann 2.0. In terms of what I would differently, I think we really have to focus on the problems we’ve got right in front of us. That includes a stubbornly high violent crime rate in Denver and an unfortunately increasing youth violence rate. That’s an area I would come at with vigor to make sure we are approaching it both to prosecute the small number of people both who are truly dangerous to the community but also that we work with the community to get young people opportunities to stay out of cultures that can lead to violence.”

Walsh also said he would focus on prosecuting drug dealers in an effort to curb the fentanyl epidemic and using the criminal justice system to get people treatment. He also said he wants to crack down on car theft.

Joseph wants voters to know she plans to prosecute crime but she also wants to use her background in behavioral health to bring a compassionate approach to what she says is a mental health crisis in the city.

“My central message: I’m running on change. If you think we need to change how public safety is being administered in this city, I’m your candidate,” Joseph said. “I think we need to handle public safety and the justice system differently. The biggest change that I am going to make is how the office is organized. Teams of prosecutors need to be in community and working hand-in-hand with police and community agencies, community organizations, the schools, nonprofits, mental health, we need to be a seat at the table and all of us need to be rowing in the same boat. I am committed to prosecuting crime, I am committed to not ignoring crime and I am committed to finding alternative solutions and pathways for people who are really struggling. When I talk about not ignoring crime, we’ve got to handle it. But what we’ve learned is that prison doesn’t work for everybody; prison isn’t the only option we need to do better. And the work I get to do now looks at models across the country. Where are local municipalities making change? That’s where I’ve been able to learn about how we use our court system and move people into treatment.”


Both candidates are touting their experience as reasons for voters to support them.

“I actually have the experience of running a large prosecution office successfully, not just internally but with respect to the community and to other government agencies and to the state,” Walsh said pointing to his experience as U.S. Attorney. “I was the top federal prosecutor for the state and was in that position for essentially [President Obama’s] entire administration. The reason I focus on that is because it’s a very specific job running a big prosecution office and to be successful at it, you have to be able to collaborate with a whole range of folks: people actually in the community, other government agencies, the state government, the federal government, those are things I’ve all done and done with success.”

“I understand he’s held a federal position and that isn’t this job. This job involves managing teams at a local level, involved in local government and that’s the work I’ve been doing: at the local level in Colorado. Managing teams and working in the District Attorney’s Office which is a unique set of laws and working at the state level- not in the D.C. federal system,” Joseph said.

Regardless of their differences in backgrounds and where they stand on policy, both candidates are encouraging voters to get those ballots in as soon as possible before polls close Tuesday night.


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