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With Tina Peters on the ballot, Colorado’s GOP Secretary of State primary paints stark differences over elections



With Tina Peters on the ballot, Colorado’s GOP Secretary of State primary paints stark differences over elections

The place they stand on all mail voting

Peters helps eliminating Colorado’s follow of sending mail ballots to each voter. As a substitute she thinks they need to solely be accessible on request for these residing with disabilities or who’re out of state throughout an election. 

“We’ve got to get again to what will be safer for the vote, as a result of if we’ve got insecurities in our election processes, it dilutes the vote of the eligible voter,” she stated. 

Anderson helps protecting the present election guidelines in place. 

“I imagine that we’ve got an ideal system right here in Colorado. As county clerk, I led reforms like ensuring that each voter has a voter-verified paper poll. After I speak about voting integrity, I imagine it is ensuring it is honest and correct and accessible.”


O’Donnell stated Colorado’s present system, which was created by a 2013 legislation, has been in place for too lengthy now to attempt to undo it. 

“Folks have gotten very used to that. It is potential the laws might do it, however it’s gonna be one thing that will be very unpopular,” he stated.

Each O’Donnell and Anderson are essential of the state’s transfer to an opt-out mannequin of automated voter registration, which they argue has resulted in inaccurate registrations cluttering the voter rolls. 

Hart Van Denburg/CPR Information
Election workers employee Evan Siebring lifts a stack of simply arrived-mail-in ballots to be weighed on the Arapahoe County Elections Facility and Warehouse on Federal Boulevard in Littleton, Thursday, June 9, 2022.

The place they stand on using digital voting machines 

Whereas all Colorado voters get paper ballots within the mail, machines are deeply concerned within the state’s elections.

Most counties depend on digital methods to scan and tally their returned ballots. Vote Facilities are additionally required to have machine voting accessible to make it potential for individuals with disabilities to fill out their ballots independently. 


Over the previous two years, lots of the conspiracies concerning the 2020 election have come to concentrate on election tools and debunked claims that it may very well be used to modify votes and rig outcomes.

O’Donnell opposes a brand new state legislation that requires nearly all counties to make use of machine tallies and never rely solely readily available counts. He stated counties ought to have extra leeway in figuring out which varieties of machines to make use of, however that the state’s expertise general is overdue for an improve.

“The machines we use in Colorado are compliant with 2005 federal requirements. They are not compliant with 2021 requirements. That issues me,” he stated. “Having machines that had been as safe as we probably might, can be necessary for the state shifting ahead.” 

Colorado final required clerks to purchase new voting tools in 2015.

Anderson stated she helps the present voting system and believes there are already satisfactory checks and balances — like required accuracy exams earlier than elections and sturdy audits afterward — in place. 


She stated she want to enhance and standardize coaching for election judges on issues like verifying the signatures on returned ballots. 

“We’ve got a signature verification information that the judges use. We’ve got some finest practices that we make the most of and share, however they’re optionally available on the county degree,” she stated. “By and huge, most of our state does make the most of them.”

Peters believes that any time a machine is concerned in an election it may be hacked. She needs to see Colorado cease utilizing machine tallies altogether and as a substitute require hand counts for all elections.

“We do not want machines,” she stated. “We will use machines to confirm the hand rely if you need, however I believe that is a waste of cash to the individuals of the counties.”


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Boebert wins GOP primary after switching Colorado districts



Boebert wins GOP primary after switching Colorado districts

LIVE RESULTS: 2024 Colorado Primary

DENVER (AP) — U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert won Tuesday’s Republican primary in a U.S. House race that she jumped into last year, surviving a scandal over a video of her at a Denver theater and accusations of carpetbagging after fleeing what could have been a tough reelection bid in her current district.

Boebert’s resounding win over four other candidates in the new district across the state from where she lived before showcased her political cachet among Republicans and positions her for a likely easy win in the November general election. It was also a victory for the far-right flank of the House GOP, a group that takes no prisoners, makes no concessions and stays on the attack.

Taking the stage at her election night victory party, Boebert wore a pair of reflective gold sneakers sold by former President Donald Trump and a white “Make America Great Again” hat with his signature across the bill.


“America will rise again, and I am so excited that you all are here to be a part of it with me,” Boebert said to applause.

Boebert responded to questions about her switch to the 4th District by saying, “While the crops may be slightly different here in CD4, the values are not.”

READ MORE: Boebert faces first election in new district after theater scandal

She promised to fight for policies including shutting down the southern border and also signaled that she intends to continue her combative style.

“A lot of folks criticize my approach on things,” Boebert said, “but I learned very early on in Washington, D.C., that nothing happens without force.”


In two other closely watched Republican contests, Attorney Jeff Hurd won the primary for the 3rd District seat currently held by Boebert, and political consultant and talk radio host Jeff Crank defeated Colorado GOP Chairman Dave Williams, who was endorsed by Trump, in the 5th District.

Boebert built national hard-line conservative stardom that likely made it easier for her to weather the scandals of the last year, which included the video of her vaping and causing a disturbance at a musical production of “Beetlejuice.”

While the theater incident and district jump rattled some Republicans, Gilbert Kendzior shrugged them off, saying, “Who’s perfect?”

Kendzior said he voted for Boebert because she shakes things up. “It’s gotten too staid. Same promises, nothing happens,” he said. “We need to get rid of the old farts.”

On Tuesday she beat a group of more traditional, homegrown primary candidates who had far less name recognition and generally less combative political styles: former state Sen. Jerry Sonnenberg; current state Reps. Mike Lynch and Richard Holtorf; and parental rights advocate Deborah Flora.


READ MORE: Boebert switches congressional districts to more conservative seat, avoiding tough rematch with Democrat

Sonnenberg congratulated Boebert and pledged to support her, saying, “I look forward to helping her win this seat in November and then being a resource to her on rural issues in this district.”

The 4th District, which sweeps across a wide expanse of ranches, ghost towns and conservative parts of the Denver metro area that make up much of the plains of eastern Colorado, overwhelmingly went for Trump in the 2020 election.

The seat opened up after former Republican Rep. Ken Buck resigned, citing the divisiveness of today’s politics and his party’s devotion to Trump. In a special election Tuesday to fill the remaining months of Buck’s term, Republican Greg Lopez, a former mayor of the city of Parker, beat a Democrat and third-party candidates.

In the 5th District, which is home to the city of Colorado Springs, Crank bested Williams after the latter faced condemnation from fellow Republicans over his leadership including the use of party resources to boost his own campaign.


Crank said Tuesday night that he looks forward to being his district’s conservative voice in Congress and urged Republicans to unite behind Trump, posting on the social platform X: “We have a country to save from Joe Biden’s Open Border Crisis and the failure of the Democrats’ economic policy.”

Williams, a former state representative, has tried to realign the state GOP with the far-right flank of the national party. In recent GOP communications, he called people celebrating Gay Pride Month “godless groomers” and urged people to burn pride flags.

Crank is a more traditional Republican, less inclined toward fiery invective and the party’s hard-right wing.

A complaint against Williams with the Federal Elections Commission alleges that he used the state party email list to announce his campaign for Congress and spent party money on mailers that included an attack on Crank.

The race is to fill the seat of Republican Rep. Doug Lamborn, who did not seek reelection. As in the 4th District, the winner of the Republican-friendly 5th District will be favored in the general election.


Another GOP House race watched at the national level was the 8th District, newly minted after redistricting in 2021 and hotly contested with voters roughly split between the two major parties.

Republican state Rep. Gabe Evans, a former police officer, defeated former state Rep. Janak Joshi, a retired physician, in the race to challenge Democratic incumbent Yadira Caraveo. Caraveo won the 8th District, which stretches north of Denver, by fewer than 2,000 votes in 2022.

Evans will likely benefit from a windfall of support from the National Republican Campaign Committee, which is intent on defending the party’s thin House majority.

And farther to the west, among the Rocky Mountains and high desert mesas, Hurd won the GOP primary for the 3rd District, home to Boebert’s current seat.

Hurd, a softer-spoken and less hard-line conservative, will face Democrat Adam Frisch, who lost to Boebert by only 546 votes in 2022. That narrow margin was largely attributed to Boebert’s divisiveness among voters, and Hurd is considered to have the advantage in the general election in the Republican-leaning district.


Still, Frisch’s near victory in 2022, which caught national attention and showed donors he had a path to flip the seat, has helped him raise over $13 million. It’s one of the biggest House campaign chests in the nation and far overshadows Hurd’s $1 million.

Despite that, Frisch labeled Hurd as a “corporate lawyer funded by corporate PAC money.”

“My presumptive opponent won’t have the backbone to stand up to Washington interests,” Frisch said in a statement.

Hurd thanked voters for their support.

“On to the general election in November, where a brighter future for Colorado families will be on the ballot,” he said on X.


In the primary, Hurd defeated former Republican state Rep. Ron Hanks; Stephen Varela, a former Democrat who switched parties; businessman Lew Webb; and financial adviser Russ Andrews.

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John Walsh wins race for Denver District Attorney



John Walsh wins race for Denver District Attorney

John Walsh, a career federal prosecutor and private practice attorney, will be Denver’s next district attorney after winning Tuesday’s election.

Walsh won about 58% of the vote, beating Leora Joseph by about 11,000 votes, according to the Denver Elections Division.

He’ll will still need to go through the November general election, but they’d be the presumptive winner and would take office in January.

Both candidates agreed on a number of issues but split on a few. Joseph, for example, said she was completely opposed to the idea of safe injection sites, while Walsh said he was at least open to a pilot program with a single site, subject to approval by City Council, to gather more research on how it’d work in Denver.


Walsh ran on a campaign of reforming sentencing guidelines. A career federal prosecutor, he served as assistant U.S. Attorney and was appointed U.S. Attorney for the District of Colorado by former President Barack Obama.

He worked on Obama’s clemency project and, at the time, reduced sentences for nonviolent drug offenders. In private practice, he’s worked on business litigation, securities and conducting internal investigations.

He’s also been involved in several high-profile cases, from leading a grand jury investigation into former Arizona Governor John Fife Symington to representing President Joe Biden’s administration in one of the 2020 election lawsuits in Michigan.

Walsh was endorsed by outgoing Denver District Attorney Beth McCann, former Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter and former District Attorney Mitch Morrissey.

Leora Joseph, who worked as a prosecutor in Massachusetts for 25 years, served as chief of staff for the Colorado Attorney General’s Office and led Colorado’s Behavioral Health Agency.


You can view all of Tuesday’s primary election results on CBS News Colorado.

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New program helps feed hungry children and families in Colorado



New program helps feed hungry children and families in Colorado

New program helps feed hungry children and families in Colorado – CBS Colorado

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Tasty Food gives out free meals through the Denver metro area to help families fill gaps this summer.


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