In 2019, director Rian Johnson introduced the Knives Out franchise to the world. The razor-sharp whodunit starred Daniel Craig as Detective Benoit Blanc, followed by a...
When it comes to streaming, sports had to play catchup. In the mid-2010s, as the world grew comfortable with digital entertainment services, major leagues largely remained...
Thousands of college graduates are entering adulthood and may need to start thinking more about money management. Author, self-made millionaire, and host of the I Will...
2/5 stars Mere months after Hollywood’s actors and writers reached an agreement with studios to protect their likenesses and creative output, it appears Netflix is already...
Hit Man, 2024. Directed by Richard Linklater.Starring Glen Powell, Adria Arjona, Austin Amelio, Retta, Sanjay Rao, Molly Bernard, Evan Holtzman, Mike Markoff, Ritchie Montgomery, Kate Adair,...
Connecticut fans of Netflix’s “Bridgerton” have something special to look forward to starting today. Verizon has announced experimental, limited-time pop-ups themed after the hit Netflix show...
‘Heartbreak High’ Renewed for a Final Season 3 at Netflix ad
Every day, we’re inundated with movie choices on everything from Netflix to YouTube TV. But the New Jersey International Film Festival, which returns to Rutgers University...
One of the filming locations for Meghan Markle’s highly-anticipated cooking show is reportedly a cannabis farm marred by controversy. The Duchess of Sussex, 42, has been...
Tom Brady Roast Special Release Date on Netflix ad