Wes Anderson gets back to the heart of things in “Asteroid City,” a film about grief, performance, storytelling, the cosmos and, well, everything. Or, as one...
“It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature,” went a famous ’70s commercial catchphrase. But we learn in “The Flash” — the much awaited, long gestated new...
A high school gym teacher grappling with her sexual identity is challenged on both a micro and macro level in 1988 England in “ Blue Jean,”...
Flamin’ Hot Cheetos get an origin story worthy of any Marvel superhero with Hulu’s totally engrossing “Flamin’ Hot.” It’s the tale of how a struggling Mexican...
If you were to resurrect the tired storyline of a young couple having to meet their partners’ parents and were looking around for someone to play...
The king of rock ‘n’ roll didn’t die at Graceland in 1977. He died simply three years in the past in Tullahoma, Tennessee, and he by...
A visit to Paris needs to be on everybody’s bucket record, even John Wick. The Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre — what higher...
Getting locked inside a luxurious penthouse would possibly sound interesting at first however Inside proves it is something however. This psychological thriller is equally fascinating and...
The on-screen pairing of Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin shouldn’t be precisely a novelty in the meanwhile. Seven seasons of “Grace and Frankie” and the film...
They typically say that reality could be stranger than fiction, and within the case of Cocaine Bear, the reality is wild, excessive, very bloody, darkly humorous,...