This story was originally published in December 2022. Jerry Galusha and his best friend, Doug Cooke, share a friendship that dates back to 1984, when they were...
‘It was getting darker and I had four bucks fighting in front of me. When he walked up he was on a march.’ Can you believe...
No fatal firearm hunting incident in 2023 or so far in 2024. As deer hunting has evolved over generations in Wisconsin, several trends have become clear....
Tips to Avoid Deer While Driving, and What to Do If You Hit One A brief explainer on best driving practices to avoid deer. And what...
State regulators are seeking to severely restrict the hunting of female deer in several southwest Iowa counties in an effort to increase the animal’s population in...
A large deer herd in most of the state will provide ample opportunities for hunters but a lack of snow could reduce the harvest, according to...
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KY3) – The Missouri Department of Conservation is adding two new hunting seasons for 2023, giving hunters an extra chance to hunt deer. Francis...
Hunters in Northwest Montana, while mainly satisfied with harvest opportunities for deer and elk, are concerned about game animal populations, according to a survey launched by...
MONTPELIER, Vt. (WCAX) – Vermont Fish and Wildlife is releasing knowledge on the ages of deer killed within the 2022 searching season. Hunters who offered the...
ST. PAUL — The 2023 Minnesota Legislature has been at it for a pair weeks now, churning out new payments like a sausage manufacturing unit within...