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A new bill would launch a large-scale test of digital dollars



2A US lawmaker has proposed a large-scale trial of government-backed digital money. The Digital Forex and Safe {Hardware} (ECASH) Act, launched by Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA), would direct the Secretary of the Treasury to publicly check an “digital model” of the US greenback. Whereas the invoice’s odds of passing probably stay low, it demonstrates governments’ growing curiosity in launching alternate options to cryptocurrency.

The ECASH Act would require the Secretary of the Treasury to ascertain a program known as the Digital Forex Innovation Program (ECIP). ECIP would oversee a collection of pilot applications for what the invoice dubs “e-cash”: Treasury Division-issued authorized tender that can be utilized with out personal intermediaries like banks or bank card firms. The Treasury would provoke the pilot inside 90 days of the invoice’s passage and deploy e-cash to the general public inside 4 years.

Whereas “digital {dollars}” are sometimes conflated with blockchain-based cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, the ECASH Act seems to discourage utilizing that know-how. E-cash is meant to have “minimal transactional data-generating properties” — a tall order for cryptocurrency methods that publicly log transactions — and it’s supposed to permit for peer-to-peer transfers that aren’t validated by way of a “frequent or distributed ledger.” Transfers additionally couldn’t require extra validation by a central authorities system or cost processing firm, though they would wish to work with present establishments like banks. The concept is to imitate money’s excessive degree of privateness, its ease of use, and its lack of charges or processing hurdles — however subtract the bodily payments.

Lynch’s invoice, which is co-sponsored by Jesús “Chuy” García (D-IL), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), and Alma Adams (D-NC), would require at the very least three early proof-of-concept checks that run inside 180 days of passage. They’d be probably carried out in partnership with universities or present monetary establishments, and so they’d be designed to experiment with totally different applied sciences. At the very least one check would wish to contain a bodily card that may retailer the money, whereas one other would wish to contain storing funds on a cellphone or SIM card. These early checks can be adopted by a restricted public trial and “basic deployment” inside 48 months.

Lynch’s invoice builds on widespread present curiosity in a US “digital greenback.” The Federal Reserve launched a preliminary report on digital forex earlier this 12 months, suggesting it may gain advantage Individuals who aren’t served by the present banking system. Extra just lately, the Biden administration included a central financial institution digital forex (CBDC) as an motion merchandise in its cryptocurrency government order. Many governments exterior the US have been already exploring digital currencies. Amongst different initiatives, the European Fee plans to suggest a “digital euro” in 2023, and China launched a “digital yuan” pilot program in January.


The invoice specifies that e-cash is distinct from CBDCs and wouldn’t supplant a possible Federal Reserve program. As CoinTelegraph lays out, there’s no central or distributed ledger that retains monitor of transactions. This preserves anonymity, however it additionally means customers’ digital money can be misplaced if the machine or card holding it goes lacking. It could construct on present Treasury money alternative methods like EagleCash, a digital cash storage card for members of the navy.

The aim is to “complement and advance” different Biden administration applications whereas getting a easy digital forex system in Individuals’ telephones and wallets. “Money stays our strongest device to advertise monetary inclusion whereas preserving privateness and safety,” mentioned Rep. García in an announcement. “New digital instruments ought to emulate it — not exchange it.”

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Perplexity AI: the answer engine with a lot of question marks



Perplexity AI: the answer engine with a lot of question marks

In the coming weeks, Reddit will start blocking most automated bots from accessing its public data. You’ll need to make a licensing deal, like Google and OpenAI have done, to use Reddit content for model training and other commercial purposes. 

While this has technically been Reddit’s policy already, the company is now enforcing it by updating its robots.txt file, a core part of the web that dictates how web crawlers are allowed to access a site. “It’s a signal to those who don’t have an agreement with us that they shouldn’t be accessing Reddit data,” the company’s chief legal officer, Ben Lee, tells me. “It’s also a signal to bad actors that the word ‘allow’ in robots.txt doesn’t mean, and has never meant, that they can use the data however they want.”

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Sunday Ticket jury orders NFL to pay fans $4.7 billion in damages



Sunday Ticket jury orders NFL to pay fans $4.7 billion in damages

The NFL has been hit with a $4.7 billion verdict in a class action antitrust lawsuit filed on behalf of residential and commercial customers who paid for its Sunday Ticket package on DirecTV from 2011 through 2022.

Originally filed in 2015 by the Mucky Duck sports bar, the lawsuit claimed that the league and its teams had conspired to give DirecTV an illegal monopoly on out-of-market games until YouTube took it over, starting with the 2023 season. The plaintiffs noted that other leagues distributed live, out-of-market games through multiple providers instead of just one exclusive partner like the NFL and argued during the case that the setup not only inflated the price of Sunday Ticket but also forced viewers to pay for games during weeks when their preferred team wasn’t playing.

Courthouse News reports that during the trial, evidence showed that the NFL turned down bids for the package that would’ve made the offer cheaper, more flexible, and available to millions of additional customers. Before YouTube snagged the exclusive package that it now sells for $349 per year, the report says that an email from the NFL’s chief media and business officer showed ESPN proposed offering Sunday Ticket for $70 per year and allowing fans to buy a package for just one team.

After a three-week trial, ESPN reports the jury deliberated for almost five hours before reaching the decision. They awarded $96 million in damages to the bars and restaurants and $4.7 billion to customers, according to USA Today, which, if it stands, could be tripled under federal law.

A statement from the NFL given to multiple media outlets said the league would appeal the decision. Front Office Sports reports that US District Court Judge Philip S. Gutierrez, who dismissed the case in 2019 but later ruled it could proceed as a class action, could still throw out the verdict, and post-trial motions are set for a hearing on July 31st.

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2 bulletproof steps to hack-proof your Mac



2 bulletproof steps to hack-proof your Mac

In today’s digital landscape, where cyberthreats lurk around every corner, safeguarding your personal data and maintaining privacy have become paramount. 

Your Mac houses a wealth of sensitive information, making it a prime target for malicious actors. 

Securing your device with a robust password and leveraging the convenience of biometric authentication like Touch ID is no longer an option but a necessity. Here are steps to fortify your Mac’s defenses, ensuring your computer remains impregnable against prying eyes and unauthorized access.


A woman typing on her Mac (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)


How to add a password to your Mac

  • In the top left corner of your Mac, click on the Apple logo
locking a mac 2

Steps to add a password to your Mac (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

  • Then, go to System Settings
locking a mac 3

Steps to add a password to your Mac (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

  • Click on Users & Groups in the sidebar


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Steps to add a password to your Mac (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

  • Then click the Info button next to your username on the right
  • Click Change
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Steps to add a password to your Mac (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

  • Next, enter your current password in the “Old Password” field
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Steps to add a password to your Mac (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

  • Enter your New Password in the “New Password” field
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Steps to add a password to your Mac (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

  • If you need help choosing a secure password, click the key button next to “New Password”
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Steps to add a password to your Mac (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

  • Enter a hint to help you remember it
locking a mac 9

Steps to add a password to your Mac (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

  • Enter the new password again in the “Verify” field
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Steps to add a password to your Mac (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

  • Then click Change Password
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Steps to add a password to your Mac (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)


How to set up your Touch ID (if available)

On some Macs, you can also use biometric data to unlock your device with Touch ID. Here’s how to set it up:

  • In the top left corner, click on the Apple logo
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Steps to set up your Touch ID (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

  • Then click System Settings
locking a mac 13

Steps to set up your Touch ID (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

  • Scroll down and click on Touch ID & Password from the sidebar
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Steps to set up your Touch ID (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

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Steps to set up your Touch ID (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

  • Then input your password when prompted
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Steps to set up your Touch ID (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

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Steps to set up your Touch ID (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

  • Follow the on-screen directions, repeatedly resting and lifting your finger on the Touch ID sensor. The location of the Touch ID sensor may vary depending on your Mac model; it’s typically found in the top right corner of the keyboard or near the keyboard on newer models.
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Steps to set up your Touch ID (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

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Steps to set up your Touch ID (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)


Use strong and unique passwords 

Create strong passwords for your accounts and devices, and avoid using the same password for multiple online accounts. Consider using a password manager to securely store and generate complex passwords. It will help you to create unique and difficult-to-crack passwords that a hacker could never guess.

Second, it also keeps track of all your passwords in one place and fills passwords in for you when you’re logging into an account so that you never have to remember them yourself. The fewer passwords you remember, the less likely you will be to reuse them for your accounts.


What qualities should I look for in a password manager?

When it comes to choosing the best password manager for you, here are some of my top tips.

  • Deploys secure
  • Works seamlessly across all of your devices
  • Creates unique complicated passwords that are different for every account
  • Automatically populates login and password fields for apps and sites you revisit
  • Has a browser extension for all browsers you use to automatically insert passwords for you
  • Allows a fail-safe in case the primary password is ever lost or forgotten
  • Checks that your existing passwords remain safe and alerts you if ever compromised
  • Uses two-factor authentication security

Get more details about my best expert-reviewed password managers of 2024 here.

Kurt’s key takeaways 

Keeping your operating system and software up to date is also crucial for protecting against the latest security threats. By implementing a strong password and enabling Touch ID (if available), you’ll significantly enhance the security of your Mac and safeguard your personal data from unauthorized access.


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