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God’s Doctors



God’s Doctors

Nearly 20 million people gained health-insurance coverage between 2010 and 2016 under the Affordable Care Act. But about half of insured adults worry about affording their monthly premiums, while roughly the same number worry about affording their deductibles. At least six states don’t include dental coverage in Medicaid, and 10 still refuse to expand Medicaid to low-income adults under the ACA. Many people with addiction never get treatment.

Religious groups have stepped in to offer help—food, community support, medical and dental care—to the desperate.

Over nine months last year, the photographer Matt Eich documented the efforts of five such organizations in his home state of Virginia. These groups operate out of trailers and formerly abandoned buildings; they are led by pastors, nuns, reverends and imams. In many cases, they are the most trusted members of their communities, and they fill care gaps others can’t or won’t. —Bryce Covert

The Health Wagon
Wise, Virginia
A doctor visits with a patient at the Health Wagon in Wise, Virginia. March 14, 2023.

The Health Wagon is the oldest mobile free clinic in the country. It was founded in 1980 by Sister Bernie Kenny, a Catholic nun and nurse practitioner, who first offered care out of a Volkswagen Beetle. Today it has four mobile units that operate out of RVs, plus two buildings that offer medical and dental care. It plans to soon open the first nonprofit pharmacy in the region.


This is Appalachia—the western tip of the state, near the Kentucky border. The place has been hit hard by the opioid crisis, and residents suffer from high rates of cardiovascular disease, mental-health problems, diabetes, asthma, and cancer. “We’re the Lung Belt, we’re the Heart Belt, we’re the Kidney-Stone Belt,” Teresa Owens Tyson, who has been with the clinic since its early days and is now its CEO, told me. Most of the people the Health Wagon serves either don’t have insurance or have such high copays and deductibles that they can’t afford to use their policies. Tyson said she’s seen lines of people 1,600 deep waiting at the clinic at 6 a.m. Dental services are in particularly high demand: A 12-year-old recently came in whose teeth were so decayed, the child already needed dentures.

Left: March 14, 2023 - Wise, Virginia. Dr. Robert Kilgore takes a dental impression for dentures at The Health Wagon Office in Wise, Virginia on Tuesday, March 14, 2023. Right: March 14, 2023 - Wise, Virginia. Dental impression for dentures at The Health Wagon Office in Wise, Virginia on Tuesday, March 14, 2023.
Dr. Robert Kilgore takes a dental impression for dentures. March 14, 2023.
Picture of a conference room at The Health Wagon in Wise, Virginia on Tuesday, March 14, 2023.
A conference room at the Health Wagon. March 14, 2023.

The Rec
Luray, Virginia
Picture of Audre King, Director of The REC (the former Andrew Jackson School) in Luray, Virginia on Friday, June 16, 2023.
Audre King, Director of The REC in Luray, Virginia on Friday, June 16, 2023.

Reverend Audre King grew up in Luray. He went away to college, got married, and was living hours away in Northern Virginia when he says God told him in a dream to go back home and begin a ministry there.

He tried to buy a long-abandoned building on his childhood block, but no bank would give him a loan. Finally, the owner agreed to sell it to him for cheap if he used it to serve the community. Digging out all of the dirt and dead animals and hooking the place up to electricity and water took months, but in 2017, the Rec was up and running.

It now serves hundreds of hot meals in area where many people live in motels without kitchens. It also provides mental-health programming, kids’ activities, a computer lab, and fitness classes. “Our goal is that anything, for whatever reason, the town or county can’t or won’t be able to fund—a resource they won’t provide—we want to be that help,” King told me.

All of its services are provided almost entirely by volunteers; the only person who gets paid is a bus driver who transports kids from their schools and homes to the Rec and back. King doesn’t take a salary for either the Rec or at the Eternal Restoration Church of God in Christ, where he serves as minister; he works for a gas company.

When he preaches at the church, he’s teaching the Gospel, he told me; but at the Rec, he’s “living the Gospel.” He pointed to Matthew 25:35–40: “For I was hungry and you gave me food … I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me.”

Picture of Audre King guiding kids across Main Street in front of The REC (the former Andrew Jackson School) in Luray, Virginia before a group outing to a playground on Friday, June 16, 2023.
Audre King guides kids across Main Street before a group outing to a playground on Friday, June 16, 2023.
Picture of Audre King and Damon Mendez playing basketball with participants from The REC in Luray, Virginia on Friday, June 16, 2023.
Audre King and Damon Mendez play basketball with participants from the REC. June 16, 2023
Diptych showing lunch time at The REC and the REC building
Left: Lunch time at the REC. Right: Damon Mendez carries a speaker into the REC. June 16, 2023

CrossOver Healthcare Ministry
Richmond, Virginia
Picture of Marilyn Metzler, RN interacting with Father Markorieos Ava Mina at CrossOver Healthcare Ministry in Richmond, Virginia.
Marilyn Metzler, a registered nurse who has volunteered for 27 years, speaks with Father Markorieos Ava Mina at CrossOver Healthcare Ministry in Richmond, Virginia. June 1, 2023.

Last fiscal year, CrossOver treated more than 6,700 patients, over half of whom came from other countries as immigrants and refugees. Most undocumented immigrants can’t access Medicaid; those who can may still struggle to navigate the complex health-care system, especially if English isn’t their first language. The interdenominational group runs two free clinics offering primary care as well as cardiology and pulmonology, OB-GYN care, dental and vision care, behavioral-health services, pediatric care for children over 3, and a low-cost pharmacy. CrossOver relies on more than 400 volunteers to see patients, and still can’t open up enough appointments for everyone who comes seeking care: “We turn away about 30 to 35 people a week,” Julie Bilodeau, the group’s CEO, told me.

Diptych showing CrossOver Healthcare Ministry in Richmond, Virginia
Scenes from CrossOver Healthcare Ministry. June 1, 2023.
Picture of Maria Santiago Morente receiving an ultrasound from Laurel Wallace, D.O., a volunteer at CrossOver Healthcare Ministry in Richmond, Virginia on Thursday, June 1, 2023.
Maria Santiago Morente receives an ultrasound from Laurel Wallace, D.O., a volunteer at CrossOver Healthcare Ministry on Thursday, June 1, 2023.

Adams Compassionate Healthcare Network

Chantilly, Virginia

About 10 years ago, Yahya Alvi applied for a job at the Adams Compassionate Healthcare Network, half an hour from Washington, D.C. The organization’s president told him that his dream was to open a free clinic. “That is my passion,” Alvi responded. He started by securing empty space at a nearby mosque and taking free equipment from a clinic that was giving it away. At the beginning, he employed only one doctor and himself, and the clinic was open just one day a week.

Today, it operates six days a week and has two paid nurse practitioners in addition to the two doctors. The clinic was founded by Muslims, but it accepts anyone without insurance or the money to pay for medical care, from anywhere in the country and practicing any religion. “Our religion says that all human beings are created by God almighty,” Alvi told me. “And all deserve equal treatment.”

Picture of ADAMS Compassionate Healthcare Network in Chantilly, Virginia
ADAMS Compassionate Healthcare Network in Chantilly, Virginia. November 13, 2023.
Picture of a patient receiving an eye examination from a volunteer doctor at ADAMS Compassionate Healthcare Network in Chantilly, Virginia.
A patient receives an eye examination from a volunteer doctor at Adams. August 12, 2023.
Left photograph showing Tori Finney, a volunteer, measuring a patient at ADAMS.  Right photograph showing Dr. Fathiya Warsame helping a patient at ADAMS
Left: Tori Finney, a volunteer, measures a patient at Adams. August 12, 2023. Right: Dr. Fathiya Warsame helps a patient at Adams. November 13, 2023.
Picture of Dr. Sadia Ali Aden, MD, Executive Director at ADAMS Compassionate Healthcare Network in Chantilly, Virginia
Dr. Sadia Ali Aden, the executive director of Adams Compassionate Healthcare Network. November 13, 2023.
Picture of ADAMS Compassionate Healthcare Network in Chantilly, Virginia
Adams Compassionate Healthcare Network. November 13, 2023.

Madam Russell United Methodist

Saltville, Virginia

Picture of Pastor Lisa Bryant at Madam Russell Memorial United Methodist Church in Saltville, Virginia
Pastor Lisa Bryant at Madam Russell Memorial United Methodist Church in Saltville, Virginia. March 13, 2023.

One day in 2021, Steve Hunt was on the side of the road, trying to hitchhike to a grocery store about seven miles from his home in Saltville, Virginia. Hunt had lost his sight a few years earlier, after an infection in his leg went septic and he fell and knocked his retinas loose. Lisa Bryant saw him when she pulled up at a stop sign. She’s a pastor, and she had just finished a service at one church and had to be at another in an hour. She was in a hurry. But just the week before, she had preached about Jesus calling his followers to bring the blind and suffering to him. She gave Hunt a ride.

The interaction came at a crucial time for Hunt. “I was at bottom at that point,” he told me. His house was strewn with glass shards because he kept breaking things. He was struggling with addiction. “Everything was falling down around me, mentally and emotionally,” he said. “I was asking God to kill me that day she picked me up.”

Instead, Hunt started going to the new 12-step program Bryant had started at her main church, Madam Russell United Methodist. “They just kind of pulled around me, supported me,” he said of the congregation. He’s helped Bryant expand that program, the only one in a town where opioid use is rife but all the addiction-recovery programs are oversubscribed. Bryant has also set up community-service opportunities at her church for people convicted of drug offenses, and is working to secure transitional housing for people dealing with addiction.

Bryant doesn’t think the point of being a Christian is just to get to heaven after death, but to see the kingdom of heaven on Earth, too. She’s realized that “giving these people a new community, a healthy community, is one of the best things we can do for them,” she said. “We all need each other. That’s just how we’re created.”

Picture of people gathering before a meeting of the Saltville 12 Step Recovery Group in the basement of Madam Russell Memorial United Methodist Church in Saltville, Virginia
People gather before a meeting of the Saltville 12 Step Recovery Group in the basement of Madam Russell Memorial United Methodist Church. March 13, 2023.
Picture of Saltville, Virginia.
Saltville, Virginia. March 13, 2023.

Support for this story was provided by the Magnum Foundation, in partnership with the Commonwealth Fund.

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Maryland denounces Virginia decision on winter crab fishery: ‘A bad day if you care about blue crabs’



Maryland denounces Virginia decision on winter crab fishery: ‘A bad day if you care about blue crabs’

Credit: CC0 Public Domain

Maryland officials and environmentalists are railing against a Virginia decision that could reopen a long-closed segment of that state’s blue crab fishery.

The Virginia Marine Resources Commission voted 5-4 to repeal a prohibition on a winter dredge fishery for blue crabs, a ban that’s been in place for about 15 years. As a result, staff members at the commission will explore reestablishing a winter fishery for the species.


Historically, the winter season allowed watermen at the mouth of the Chesapeake to dredge the bay bottom, scooping up semi-dormant crabs buried beneath the mud for warmth during the coldest months of the year. The practice was halted in the 2000s as the crab population faltered.

In a statement, Maryland Department of Natural Resources Secretary Josh Kurtz said Virginia’s decision was ill-advised and poorly timed.

“A decision of this magnitude should have only been made with the support of scientists, in close consultation with Maryland officials, and in response to a significant increase in the blue crab population,” Kurtz wrote.

“It’s a bad day if you care about blue crabs.”

The latest blue crab survey from this winter found blue crab abundance held fairly steady in the Chesapeake Bay relative to 2023, but the number was still below average. Continued low numbers of juvenile crabs have prompted concern, and the number of female crabs in the bay this winter (estimated at 133 million) was below a target of 196 million crabs.


Staff members of the Virginia commission recommended against reopening the winter season. In a presentation, they highlighted that during the 1998–1999 winter dredge harvest in Virginia, harvesters removed about 32% of the total female crabs estimated to be in the Bay when the season began. About 96% of the crabs caught during that winter season were female.

Maintaining the stock of female crabs is considered critical to the species’ longevity, and much of the fishing regulations focus on protecting them. The first-ever bushel limits for male crabs came in 2022, after worrisome survey results for the species. The 2022 survey estimated the lowest number of blue crabs in the Chesapeake in any one year since the effort began in 1990.

Environmental groups opposed to the winter season, including the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, argue that although the crab numbers have rebounded since then, the population remains too shaky to give more leeway to harvesters.

Zach Widgeon, a spokesman for the commission, called its decision “very preliminary,” since it does not actually establish the winter fishery, adding that it isn’t time to sound any alarms.

The vote allows commission staff to explore the viability of a winter fishery that could begin as soon as this winter, if approved. At the commission’s next meeting in September, the staff members will present their findings, Widgeon said.


It’s very likely that, if a winter fishery is reestablished, it will differ from the winter seasons 15 years ago, Widgeon said. Historically, the dredge season ran from Dec. 1 to March 31, but it could be shorter this time around. Some stakeholders have suggested a January-February season, Widgeon said, to help sustain crab-picking houses during the winter.

“This is not the winter dredge that it was in 2008,” Widgeon said.

It’s also likely that a dredge season will include fewer participants, meaning it would not remove as many crabs as the 1998 season, Widgeon said.

“While this historical data is useful in evaluating the full scale of effort during the historical winter dredge fishery, current viability will be determined using current data and harvest targets in line with bay-wide management goals,” Widgeon wrote in an email.

Even so, the prospect of reopening the winter dredge harvest for blue crabs has attracted concern. Of the 186 individuals and groups that shared comments with the commission about the idea, all 186 were against it.


In 2008, when the Chesapeake Bay blue crab came under a federal fishery disaster declaration due to dire population numbers, Virginia’s winter dredge fishery was seen as “one of the biggest culprits” to remove to help the species recover, said Allison Colden, Maryland executive director of the bay foundation, which also released a statement condemning Virginia’s decision.

Reinstating the season now, with the blue crab stock unsteady again, seems like a poor decision, Colden said.

“Based on all the information we had going into today’s meeting, it was entirely expected and logical that this would not move forward, considering all of the recommendations and sentiments against it,” Colden said.

The decision is also poorly timed, argued Kurtz in his statement, because officials are beginning a comprehensive stock assessment for the blue crab. It will explore the reasons for lower-than-hoped juvenile and female numbers, and evaluate new environmental stressors such as warming waters and ravenous invasive blue catfish.

“The success of the species’ recovery after a steep decline in the 2000s can be directly traced to Maryland and Virginia cooperatively managing blue crabs, especially females, based on science,” Kurtz wrote.


2024 Baltimore Sun. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Maryland denounces Virginia decision on winter crab fishery: ‘A bad day if you care about blue crabs’ (2024, June 26)
retrieved 26 June 2024

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Roanoke native Jen Hoover back in the ACC with Virginia Tech



Roanoke native Jen Hoover back in the ACC with Virginia Tech

SALEM, Va. (WFXR) — It is a happy homecoming for Roanoke native and current assistant Virginia Tech women’s basketball coach Jen Hoover.

Hoover, a William Byrd grad and Wake Forest head coach, has made her way back to the area and to the ACC. She is now working alongside new head coach Megan Duffy. This opportunity Hoover says is one that’s an incredible honor and couldn’t be more happy to be home.

“A chance to come back to home, but to come back to the ACC and come back to a program such a rich and tradition and with a fan base that is just so excited about women’s basketball. Our players, we’ve been out with our players a couple of times in the last month and every time we go somewhere people are taking pictures or asking for an autograph, mostly pictures. And you know, they talk whether it’s students or whether it’s older people in the community, younger people in the community. And you just don’t have that a lot of places. I’ve been a lot of really amazing places and programs, and this is by far the first time I’ve experienced that and that special. And so we’re excited to kind of build something and get everyone on board and just make it, you know, take it to another level,” said Hoover.

Both Hoover and Duffy bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the Virginia Tech women’s basketball program.


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Heat wave causing drought for Virginia Beach farmers



Heat wave causing drought for Virginia Beach farmers

HAMPTON ROADS, Va. (WAVY) — While Hampton Roads got some much-needed rain Monday, it hasn’t been enough for farmers, including one who says it has been adversely affecting his crops.

Vaughn Farms Produce has been in business in the Pungo community of Virginia Beach since the 1800s, and current owner Robert Vaughn said the drought has been affecting his crops for months.

“We might have had two-tenths of an inch of rain,” Vaughn said. “If you accumulate that on top of the heat, then you’ve got serious problems.”

Running 300 acres of farmland has been an uphill battle for Vaughn and his wife, as their most popular produce — strawberries and soybeans — have been impacted. But he said growing corn and pumpkins has been the greatest challenge.


“It’s no more than four or five feet tall that … tassel, and that’s when it needs the majority of the water and it’s not getting it,” Vaughn said. “There are going to be crop failures down here this year and [it’s] something we haven’t seen in eight or 10 years. It’s been a dust bowl. I don’t dare plant the seed because it’s not going to come up.”

He said the best solution is using irrigations systems, “but against the heat, it’s still not enough hydration for the crops,” he said. “Farming is kind of a gamble. We always laughed at farmers who say it would be less painful just to go to Las Vegas and roll it on on dice or so. But here we go, months and months trying to figure out what Mother Nature is going to give us.”

Despite the heat wearing and tearing on the crops, Vaughn Produce Farms will remain open until late August and then reopen in September for pumpkin season.

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