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The Eternal Search for the ‘Nemesis Bird’



The Eternal Search for the ‘Nemesis Bird’

In the world of birding, Peter Kaestner stands alone. No one has seen and identified more birds than Mr. Kaestner, a retired U.S. diplomat who aspires to become the first birder to spot 10,000 of the planet’s roughly 11,000 avian species. With 9,697 on his eBird list so far, he is getting close.

Yet for all the birds he has looked for and found, there remain a few that he has looked for and not found. He doesn’t forget them.

There was the Congo peacock — a rare multicolored pheasant of the Central African rainforest — that he missed in 1978, when his traveling party was stymied by a crash on the remote airstrip that they planned to search. There was a black-browed albatross he pursued off the German coast in 2015, some 300 miles and a four-hour ferry ride from Mr. Kaestner’s home in Frankfurt at the time.

“I made four 10-hour trips to twitch it, to no avail,” Mr. Kaester wrote in an email. “Once, I missed it by 20 minutes!”

Through such trials birders develop what they call “nemesis birds,” birderspeak for the species that bedevil them again and again, despite their best efforts. As birding surges in popularity, the hobby’s unique parlance requires explanation. To “twitch” is to drop everything to chase a rare bird found outside its proper range. A “spark bird” is what birders call the bird that piques someone’s interest in birding. A “nemesis bird” keeps you going back and remains tantalizingly out-of-reach.


“It’s a species that eludes you after multiple attempts, especially if the bird was or should have been there,” Mr. Kaestner said. “There is a connotation that something supernatural is getting between you and seeing the bird.”

Peter Kaestner, with a southern yellow-billed hornbill in Namibia.Credit…Peter Kaestner

An article in Audubon in 2017 by Dan Koeppel defined a nemesis bird as “one common enough that a dedicated birder should have spotted it, but that nevertheless remains unseen.” Mr. Koeppel, an author and science writer, has since broadened the definition slightly, noting it can mean different things to birders of different skill and interest levels.

“If it’s a bird that drives you crazy, you can call it a nemesis bird,” Mr. Koeppel said. “It could be a bird your mom has seen, but you haven’t.”

What causes a person to be driven crazy by birds? By now, the positive health benefits of birding are well-documented, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that about 45 million Americans identify as birders. But what causes a person to obsess over one particular bird? That is something altogether specific and personal.

“The concept of nemesis birds is one of the things my nonbirder friends are most confused, then amused, by,” Danielle Khalife, a public health researcher from Brooklyn, said. “Somebody asked if it was birds that you hate. Not exactly.”


Sometimes a bird’s novelty makes it a nemesis. Since getting into birding during the pandemic, Ms. Khalife has yet to spot a yellow-breasted chat, despite several reported sightings in nearby Prospect Park. Chats are large secretive warblers uncommon north of Delaware and, as their name suggests, more often heard than seen.

“They’re an elusive bird, so that makes me feel a little bit better,” Ms. Khalife said.

Sometimes it’s simply desire. Howard Fischer, 72, a retired educator on Staten Island, has seen more than 3,000 species in 57 years of birding. But it took nearly five decades to lay eyes on a varied thrush, a bedazzling orange-and-black relative of the robin that is common in the Northwest.

Mr. Fischer traveled to the thrush’s normal range, coming up empty in Washington, Montana and British Columbia. He also chased reports of rare sightings that were more local: one in New Hampshire, one in New Jersey, another in Central Park.

“And I’m not a twitcher,” Mr. Fischer said. “I waited years and years and years to see that bird.”


Finally, in his 47th year of birding, Fischer saw his first varied thrush, a vagrant that spent five days in December 2013 at Stuyvesant Town in Manhattan.

“Of all places,” Mr. Fischer said.

Sometime, it’s grief. Koeppel’s father, Richard, was among the most accomplished birders of the 20th century, tallying 7,000-plus species worldwide before his death in 2012. But one always eluded him: the mountain quail, a rotund game bird of the Pacific Slope mountains.

“Think about the word ‘quail’ — it means to flinch away, to hide,” Mr. Koeppel said. “The very name of the bird is telling you it doesn’t want to be around you.”

After his father made it his dying wish to see one, Mr. Koeppel spent almost five years searching for a mountain quail. He couldn’t disperse his father’s ashes until he succeeded.


“It became this kind of quest,” Mr. Koeppel said. “It became my nemesis, for real. Even though I’m not much of a birder, I was obsessed with it. It had to do with grief and the fact my father’s ashes were in the back seat of my car forever.”

When Mr. Koeppel finally stumbled upon a pair of mountain quail in a Southern California state park, he could hardly believe it. He dashed back to his car to retrieve the urn, and together he and his young son threw their patriarch’s ashes toward the birds.

“It was a total ‘Big Lebowski’ kind of thing, where we both got covered in this white powder,” Mr. Koeppel said. “It was kind of amazing. It became a very emotional moment.”

Sometimes it’s something else about nemesis birds — how they can, with persistence, be overcome. Mr. Kaestner spent time this summer on the Indonesian island of Sumatra searching for several of its endemic species. One of his targets, the rare and reclusive Schneider’s pitta, eluded him on a previous attempt in 1993. This time, the search required a long hike up Mt. Kerinci, the country’s largest volcano, and a nine-hour stakeout before the bird finally appeared.

“Got the pitta today,” Mr. Kaestner reported from the field via text. “Maybe I’ll have a new nemesis tomorrow!”

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LAX passenger arrested after running onto tarmac, police say



LAX passenger arrested after running onto tarmac, police say

A Los Angeles International Airport passenger was arrested early Saturday morning after he became irate and ran out of Terminal 4 onto the tarmac, according to airport police.

The passenger appeared to be experiencing a mental health crisis, said Capt. Karla Rodriguez. “Police responded and during their attempt in taking the suspect into custody, a use of force occurred,” she said.

The man, who was not identified, was arrested on suspicion of battery against a police officer and trespassing on airport property, she said. He was taken to a nearby hospital for a mental health evaluation.

A video obtained by CBS shows a shirtless man in black shorts running on the tarmac past an American Airlines jetliner with a police officer in pursuit. The officer soon tackles the man and pushes him down on the pavement.

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Video: How SpaceX Is Harming Delicate Ecosystems



Video: How SpaceX Is Harming Delicate Ecosystems

On at least 19 occasions since 2019, SpaceX’s operations have caused fires, leaks and explosions near its launch site in Boca Chica, Texas. These incidents reflect a broader debate over how to balance technological and economic progress against protections of delicate ecosystems and local communities. The New York Times investigative reporter Eric Lipton explains.

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Live poultry markets may be source of bird flu virus in San Francisco wastewater



Live poultry markets may be source of bird flu virus in San Francisco wastewater

Federal officials suspect that live bird markets in San Francisco may be the source of bird flu virus in area wastewater samples.

Days after health monitors reported the discovery of suspected avian flu viral particles in wastewater treatment plants, federal officials announced that they were looking at poultry markets near the treatment facilities.

Last month, San Francisco Public Health Department officials reported that state investigators had detected H5N1 — the avian flu subtype making its way through U.S. cattle, domestic poultry and wild birds — in two chickens at a live market in May. They also noted they had discovered the virus in city wastewater samples collected during that period.

Two new “hits” of the virus were recorded from wastewater samples collected June 18 and June 26 by WastewaterSCAN, an infectious-disease monitoring network run by researchers at Stanford, Emory University and Verily, Alphabet Inc.’s life sciences organization.

Nirav Shah, principal deputy director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said that although the source of the virus in those samples has not been determined, live poultry markets were a potential culprit.


Hits of the virus were also discovered in wastewater samples from the Bay Area cities of Palo Alto and Richmond. It is unclear if those cities host live bird markets, stores where customers can take a live bird home or have it processed on-site for food.

Steve Lyle, a spokesman for the state’s Department of Food and Agriculture, said live bird markets undergo regular testing for avian influenza.

He said that aside from the May 9 detection in San Francisco, there have been no “other positives in Live Bird Markets throughout the state during this present outbreak of highly-pathogenic avian flu.”

San Francisco’s health department referred all questions to the state.

Even if the state or city had missed a few infected birds, John Korslund, a retired U.S. Department of Agriculture veterinarian epidemiologist, seemed incredulous that a few birds could cause a positive hit in the city’s wastewater.


“Unless you’ve got huge amounts of infected birds — in which case you ought to have some dead birds, too — it’d take a lot of bird poop” to become detectable in a city’s wastewater system, he said.

“But the question still remains: Has anyone done sequencing?” he said. “It makes me want to tear my hair out.”

He said genetic sequencing would help health officials determine the origin of viral particles — whether they came from dairy milk, or from wild birds. Some epidemiologists have voiced concerns about the spread of H5N1 among dairy cows, because the animals could act as a vessel in which bird and human viruses could interact.

However, Alexandria Boehm, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Stanford University and principal investigator and program director for WastewaterSCAN, said her organization is not yet “able to reliably sequence H5 influenza in wastewater. We are working on it, but the methods are not good enough for prime time yet.”

A review of businesses around San Francisco’s southeast wastewater treatment facility indicates a dairy processing plant as well as a warehouse store for a “member-supported community of people that feed raw or cooked fresh food diets to their pets.”

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