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Where Are Trump and Harris Campaigning?



Where Are Trump and Harris Campaigning?

Events for the week ending in Oct. 15

With just weeks left until Election Day on Nov. 5, the final stage of the 2024 presidential race has seen a blizzard of campaigning. Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald J. Trump, along with their running mates, are mobilizing supporters, appealing to donors and fighting for every last undecided voter in the seven critical battleground states.














A map showing the 38 events since Sept. 1 that
Kamala Harris took place in around the country.



















A map showing the 56 events since Sept. 1 that
Donald Trump took place in around the country.

The pace has been frenzied because of the unusually compressed timeline, with the current race only taking shape after President Biden dropped out in July and Ms. Harris officially became her party’s nominee in August. Joined by their running mates, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota and Senator JD Vance of Ohio, Ms. Harris and Mr. Trump are crisscrossing the country as the polls show an increasingly tight race in the swing states.

















A map showing the 58 events since Sept. 1 that
Tim Walz took place in around the country.
















A map showing the 50 events since Sept. 1 that
JD Vance took place in around the country.

The New York Times is cataloging the candidates’ public events, speeches, fund-raisers and interviews to shed light on each campaign’s on-the-ground strategy and operation.

Number of events attended by the candidates

Interviews 23 5 46 15
Campaign events 8 16 11 11
Public appearances 10 12 10 11
Remarks 8 5 15 12
Rallies 8 10 15 7
Fund-raisers 4 15 5 9
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Accused Afghan terrorist radicalized 2 years after entering US, officials say



Accused Afghan terrorist radicalized 2 years after entering US, officials say

U.S. officials believe the Afghan national accused of plotting an Election Day terror attack was radicalized two years after coming to the U.S. on humanitarian parole as part of Operation Allies Welcome.

Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi initiated an extension of his lawful parole status in August 2023, Fox News has learned, and cleared another round of screening and vetting at that time, adjudicated through U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). 


He was previously vetted in September 2021 when he was paroled into the U.S. by the Department of Homeland Security as part of Operation Allies Welcome.  

At both junctures, officials say no derogatory information was missed – they believe none existed at that time. 


It wasn’t until August 2024 that derogatory information on Tawhedi was identified simultaneously by federal law enforcement partners and DHS’ external recurrent vetting systems. When Tawhedi popped up on the federal law enforcement radar, the recurrent vetting systems had also flagged him, and DHS was already communicating with the FBI at the local level. 

U.S. authorities acted quickly on this derogatory information, and also tipped off French authorities to a relative of Tawhedi – who they say was engaged in discussion about a similar planned attack in France. 


This past weekend, French authorities arrested a 22-year-old Afghan national, a relative of Tawhedi, on suspicion of planning an ISIS-inspired attack in France. 

The U.S. evacuated thousands of people from Afghanistan in August 2021 during the Biden administration’s disastrous withdrawal. (Senior Airman Brennen Lege/U.S. Air Force via AP)


The FBI shared this statement with Fox News’ David Spunt, regarding the French arrest: “The recent arrests in France and by the FBI’s Oklahoma City field office demonstrate the importance of partnerships to detect and disrupt potential terrorist attacks. The coordination between the United States and French law enforcement contributed to these outcomes. The FBI’s top priority is preventing acts of terrorism, and we are committed to working with our partners both overseas and in the United States to uncover any plots and protect our communities from violence.”

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Liberal San Francisco asks conservative Supreme Court for relief from EPA rules



Liberal San Francisco asks conservative Supreme Court for relief from EPA rules

The Supreme Court justices sounded closely split Wednesday on San Francisco’s dispute with the Environmental Protection Agency over how to stop polluted water from flowing into the Pacific Ocean during heavy storms.

At issue was a technical dispute over the language used in permits issued by EPA.

The case poses the question: Can regulators punish a city if it broadly “contributes” to water pollution or instead must they focus narrowly on the city’s actual discharges of pollutants?

A ruling on the issue could sharply limit the EPA’s power to enforce clean-water standards.


Lawyers for San Francisco told the court it was “unfair and unworkable” to hold the city potentially liable for huge fines because of polluted water along Pacific beaches near the city.

This pollution may have originated other sources around the bay, they said.

“San Francisco can control its own discharges, not the water quality conditions,” said Tara Sweeney, a deputy city attorney. “We want to understand our limitations. This permit doesn’t tell us what we need to do.”

She said Los Angeles has had the same problem in Southern California. She said a major city can be held liable for polluted ocean water even though the pollutants may have come from dozens of other municipalities.

The court’s liberals were quick to disagree.


The law “says you have to meet water quality standards. What could be clearer than that?” asked Justice Elena Kagan.

“You are being asked to be responsible,” said Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

But Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh said the EPA should tell cities more specifically what they must do to comply with the law.

“You are on the hook for tens of millions of dollars, and you don’t know your obligations,” Kavanaugh said, looking at the issue from the city’s perspective.

A Justice Department attorney representing the EPA sharply disagreed.


“San Francisco knows what it needs to do. Its old sewer system is failing,” said Frederick Liu, an assistant to the solicitor general.

During heavy rains, the city’s Oceanside plant cannot handle storm runoff, and sewage and polluted water are discharged into the Pacific.

He agreed the city could face fines of tens of millions dollars for discharging pollutants in violation of its permit.

The city’s attorneys said the actual number could be billions of dollars.

The city and county of San Francisco had challenged the EPA’s permit as going beyond federal law, but lost in the 9th Circuit in a 2-1 decision.


The Supreme Court will likely hand down a decision early next year.

Environmentalists sharply criticized the San Francisco city attorneys for bringing the appeal.

“The Clean Water Act does not contain the limitation that San Francisco is asking the court to insert — one that would prevent EPA from ensuring that polluters do not threaten public health and safety,” said Sanjay Narayan, counsel for the Sierra Club.

“That is a profoundly irresponsible decision, and a disservice to San Francisco residents and the country at large.”

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Trump Draws, and Repels, Nevada Latinos With His Anti-Immigrant Message



Trump Draws, and Repels, Nevada Latinos With His Anti-Immigrant Message

Two months ago, Javier Barajas hosted former President Donald J. Trump at Il Toro E La Capra, one of five restaurants he owns in Las Vegas.

Mr. Barajas, 65, had eagerly backed Hillary Clinton when she ran for president in 2008; he previously welcomed President Biden to one of his other restaurants. But he has thrown his support to Mr. Trump this year for one major reason: skyrocketing prices on everything from the ingredients in his entrees to the gas for his catering truck.

His nephew, Justin Favela, was crafting a piece of traditional Mexican folk art from tissue paper when he began receiving angry and confused texts from friends and family who had seen the news of Mr. Trump’s visit on social media and the nightly news.

Mr. Favela, a 38-year-old artist, has economic concerns that resemble his uncle’s. Higher rents, increased costs for the supplies to create his art and student loans leave him stressed about his future.

But he will cast a reluctant vote for Vice President Kamala Harris, spurred primarily by Mr. Trump’s increasingly dark and racist portrayals of immigrants like those in his own family.


“I work 12 hours a day just to be alive — just to be able to pay rent. I can’t even afford a house. The Democrats have been weak,” Mr. Favela said, describing how the cost of a gallon of glue, which is essential for his work, has doubled in the last three years.

“But gun to my head I would not vote for Trump,” he added. “To still vote for somebody that called everybody from Mexico rapists and has these terrible violent border policies shows that you’re not interested in supporting humanity and helping people, you’re interested in the bottom dollar.”

The former president has braided his economic pitch that Americans would be better off under a second Trump administration to increasingly vitriolic and openly nativist attacks on undocumented immigrants. Appealing to voters of color, he has frequently claimed migrants are taking jobs and housing that might otherwise go to Black and Latino Americans, accusations that are not supported by available data. In rally after rally, he has cast migrants as a violent invading force responsible for degraded life in America’s towns and cities, and promised “the largest mass deportation operation in history.”

The message is registering among Nevada’s Latino voters in the closing weeks of the campaign. Interviews with nearly two dozen such voters, of various ideological stripes, reveal similar rifts between friends and family over whom to support. For some, despite the financial concerns that might otherwise sway them toward Mr. Trump, his incessant attacks on immigrants are too much. Still, many appear prepared to look past his escalations and back a candidate they believe will help their livelihoods.

Mr. Barajas’s frustrations capture the potency of the Republicans’ economic argument. Nevada’s service-heavy economy was crushed by the pandemic, and while the recovery has been strong, the state still has the highest unemployment rate nationally and some of the highest prices for gas and groceries.


“I used to pay three years ago, $32 for a case of eggs. Now it’s about $100” for the same crate of about 200 eggs, said Mr. Barajas, who arrived in the United States from Mexico in 1978 illegally and became a citizen in the early 1990s.

He added: “I don’t trust Trump 100 percent, but much better than Kamala. I know he is going to make mistakes. I know he is not going to do everything he says, but I know he is going to do much better for this country.”

Latino voters have been a key part of the coalition that has propelled Democrats to success in Nevada for the last 20 years. Ms. Harris’s campaign has promoted economic proposals that they believe would bring down the cost of staples, as well as housing. Nationally, the campaign has run millions in Spanish language television advertising and said it would spend close to $3 million in October on Spanish-language radio advertising. They didn’t offer numbers specific to Nevada.

Emilia Pablo, a spokeswoman for the campaign, said in a statement that Democrats were working to “drive home the stark choice they face at the ballot box this election.” She pointed to Mr. Trump repeatedly pushing for mass deportations, separating migrant children from their families and calling for the end to birthright citizenship.

Added Matt A. Barreto, a campaign pollster for the Harris campaign, “While some people may like Trump on the economy, they are not willing to give up their morals and give up American democracy and the Harris campaign is making a heavy play for those voters because of Trump’s extremism.”


He added, “Trump is not winning Latinos on the economy, but yes there are Latino Republicans who vote Republican.”

Still, Mr. Trump surprised in 2020 when he picked up 36 percent support from Latino voters nationally, up from 28 percent in 2016, according to the Pew Research Center. A recent national New York Times/Siena College poll found that 56 percent of Latinos support Vice President Kamala Harris, while 37 percent back Mr. Trump.

The poll showed that Latino women back Ms. Harris in much higher numbers than Mr. Trump; it also indicated that Mr. Trump’s escalating attacks on immigrants had not driven Latino voters to Ms. Harris. Two-thirds of those surveyed said they believed Mr. Trump was not referring to people like them when he spoke about immigrants. (Half of foreign-born Hispanic voters said the same.)

The survey also indicated a receptiveness to Mr. Trump’s policy stances like building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and deporting immigrants.

Jesus Marquez, a local political consultant and Trump surrogate, said Democrats thought Mr. Trump’s views on the border would hurt him.


“It’s actually resonating with Latinos,” Mr. Marquez said. “Legal Latinos, who are voting and paying taxes, it’s becoming a burden to them. They don’t like the open border situation.”

Latinos make up about 20 percent of the electorate in Nevada and are thus a key swing vote in a swing state. Former President George W. Bush was the last Republican presidential nominee to win Nevada, in his 2004 re-election bid

Support for Mr. Trump’s border stances were evident even among Latino voters who said his anti-immigrant escalations would keep them from voting for him in November.

Tony Muñoz, a former police officer who runs a catering business in Las Vegas, recently visited family in Juarez, Mexico, and said he was shocked by what he saw as a humanitarian disaster at the border, and faulted Democrats and Republicans for failing to manage it.

He has voted for Republicans in the past and would again — just not Mr. Trump.


“The rhetoric that Trump spilled on migrants, I’m not for it,” he said.

“Calling us murderers, rapists and drug dealers. It just hurts me as a Latino. It hurts me as just a person.”

However, Mr. Barajas, who after arriving in the United States fell in love with President Ronald Reagan’s strength and speaking style, separates his own experience as an undocumented immigrant from those that Mr. Trump demonizes.

“I came to work. I used to work two jobs. I didn’t ask the government for any money. I don’t mind people coming to work. They now come to” commit crimes, he said, using the Spanish word. (While Mr. Trump routinely claims falsely that undocumented immigrants are fueling a “migrant crime” wave, national crime statistics do not support that assertion.)

As the clock ticks down to Election Day, both candidates are working hard to win Latino support.


Ms. Harris’s campaign, conscious that the border and the economy are issues that tend to favor Mr. Trump, has focused on conveying to voters that she would be a better, more stable bet on both. Her campaign released an ad in August promising she would hire thousands of more Border Patrol officials and ending with: “Fixing the border is tough. So is Kamala Harris.”

During a Univision town hall of undecided Latino voters in Las Vegas last week, Ms. Harris was pressed repeatedly on the cost of living and talked up her proposals to tackle price gouging and make housing more affordable.

“The economy is top of mind, like that doesn’t change whether you were born here or you weren’t born here,” said Melissa Morales, the president of Somos Votantes, whose group has about 250 paid canvassers going door-to-door to lift Latino turnout for Ms. Harris and other Democrats in the state.

Last week, Antonio Montes, 22, stood at his front door chatting with a Somos Votantes canvasser in a working-class section of Las Vegas. Mr. Montes, who installs solar panels and doesn’t pay much attention to the election, voted for Mr. Biden in 2020 and is leaning toward Ms. Harris.

“I know a lot of people say that, ‘Oh, Donald Trump brought the economy up,’” said Mr. Montes, whose chief issue is the economy as he struggles to keep up on rent. “But in reality, I don’t feel like he really did. I feel like it was the president before him. The policies of the presidency take a while to kick in. So in reality the problems in the economy here could be Donald Trump’s fault.”

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