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Dem lawmakers push bill to restore funding to UN agency with alleged ties to Hamas: 'So necessary'



Dem lawmakers push bill to restore funding to UN agency with alleged ties to Hamas: 'So necessary'

A group of Democratic lawmakers is calling for the U.S. to restore funding to a controversial United Nations agency that supports much-needed humanitarian aid to Palestinian refugees but faced accusations that some of its employees participated in the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel.

Speaking at a press conference outside the U.S. Capitol on Thursday afternoon, Democratic Reps. André Carson of Indiana, Pramila Jayapal of Washington and Jan Schakowsky of Illinois, among others, said passing H.R. 9649, or the UNRWA Funding Emergency Restoration Act, was crucial for helping Gazans.

Carson, who sponsored the bill, portrayed a dire situation in Gaza, calling current conditions “absolutely deplorable” and “inhumane.” 

“One million. That’s the number of estimated Gazans who will not have enough food this month. 700,000. That’s the number of women and girls in Gaza who do not have access to menstrual products or even running water and toilet paper. 100,000. That is the number of Palestinians who have been seriously injured without access to functioning hospitals. 41,000. That’s the number of Palestinians killed by Israel since Oct. 7th,” Carson said. 



Rep. André Carson, D-Ind., speaks at a press conference on Feb. 29. (Celal Gunes/Anadolu via Getty Images)

Jayapal said the UNRWA has, for decades, “played an integral role in supporting the welfare of Palestinian refugees to ensure that they can live with dignity.” 

“Unfortunately, UNWRA has been under constant attack by those who want to put a stop to this lifesaving work. The stoppage of funding was an unnecessary and dangerous interruption to continue to provide the humanitarian assistant that is so necessary,” she said. 

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, or UNRWA, has been one of the central agencies distributing aid to Palestinians in Gaza over the course of Israel’s ongoing war with Hamas. It has around 30,000 employees. 

In January, U.N. Secretary General António Guterres tasked the U.N.’s investigative arm, the Office of Internal Oversight Services, to investigate allegations by Israel that UNRWA staff took part in the Oct. 7 massacre.

Split images of UNRWA headquarters

The Israeli government recently provided the UNRWA with names of employees working as terrorists within the organization. (Getty Images)

Nearly 20 UNRWA staff members were investigated, but the U.N. only found enough evidence to dismiss nine people.  

Still, Israel’s allegations initially led top donor countries — most notably, the U.S. — to suspend funding for UNRWA, causing a cash crunch of $450 million. Since then, all donor countries — except for the U.S. — have resumed funding. 


Schakowsky said it was “shameful” that the U.S. decided to cut funding to UNRWA because only a “tiny number” of the agency’s roughly 30,000 employees were alleged to have been involved in terrorist activities. 

“Every other country, among those of our allies that had decided to stop funding UNRWA, have changed their mind. So now it is the United States alone,” Schakowsky said. “And the fact that the United States has decided that it’s not going to be there means a danger to the people who are dying, in danger of dying every single day, including children and women and families and everyone for basic needs that they have. And that is shameful. We cannot allow that.


H.R. 9649 has 65 co-sponsors and support from more than 100 human rights organizations. But not everyone is supportive of restoring funding. 

Anne Bayefsky, Director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust and President of Human Rights Voices, said lawmakers’ support of H.R. 9649 whitewashes the UNRWA’s alleged “connections to terrorism” and sends “the wrong message to Israel and America’s enemies at the wrong time.” 

“Let’s get the facts straight: UNRWA employees directly participated in October 7 atrocities; 10% of UNRWA employees are reported to have ties to multiple Palestinian terror organizations; a significant percentage of UNRWA’s senior education leadership are members of Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad,” Bayefsky said in a statement to Fox News Digital. 

Bayefsky also noted that “UNRWA facilities — including schools — have been used as Hamas command and control centers and weapons depots [and] UNRWA’s Gaza headquarters powered a Hamas data center directly beneath it.” 

Bayefsky slammed the UNRWA for not having taken, in her view, “serious steps towards accountability or prevention… while at the same time demanding more funding.” 


“This is not a small drop in a fictional ocean of humanitarianism,” Bayefsky said. “UNRWA’s ties to Palestinian terrorism emanate from raising a generation of Palestinian Arabs on the hatred of Jews in its schools, upending the meaning of a ‘refugee’ to serve as a vehicle to eviscerate the Jewish state. And spreading slanderous lies guaranteed to undermine peaceful coexistence between Palestinians and Israelis to the detriment of all.”

Fox News Digital has reached out to the UNRWA for comment on H.R. 9649. The U.N., meanwhile, told Fox News Digital it does “not comment on legislations in countries. But we’ve been clear that UNRWA is the backbone of humanitarian support for Palestinian people and should be supported.” 

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Maryland Senate race: Democrat Alsobrooks leads Republican Hogan in closely watched contest



Maryland Senate race: Democrat Alsobrooks leads Republican Hogan in closely watched contest

The Democratic candidate for senate in Maryland has pulled significantly ahead of her Republican rival, according to a recent poll. 

The Washington Post-University of Maryland poll released Thursday shows Democrat Angela Alsobrooks holding an 11% lead over her rival, Republican Larry Hogan.

Alsobrooks is leading Hogan 51% to 40%, according to the Washington Post-University of Maryland poll. 


Maryland Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate and Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks speaks at a campaign event on Gun Violence Awareness Day at Kentland Community Center in Landover, Maryland. (Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)


The gap between them among likely voters is surprising, given that both candidates enjoy a similar level of popularity with respondents.  

Approximately 53% of respondents expressed favorable impressions of Hogan, compared to 27% who reported an unfavorable impression. Respondents gave Alsobrooks a 50% favorability rating, compared to 22% unfavorability.

Registered voters in the poll ranked the economy as the most important issue of the November elections, followed by immigration and then abortion.


The Washington Post-University of Maryland poll was conducted between Sept. 19 and Sept. 23 with a sample size of 1,012 registered voters. 


It has a reported margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

With Democrats outnumbering Republicans by a roughly two-to-one margin in the state, Hogan will need a good chunk of cross-over voters to have a chance and has been highlighting his opposition to Trump and his independence from his party as he runs for the Senate.


Former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan

Former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan speaking at an annual meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition. (AP Photo/John Locher)

Hogan, who flirted with a 2024 White House run before deciding against it, stood out from most other Republicans this spring for publicly calling for the guilty verdicts in Trump’s criminal trial to be respected.

Hogan skipped July’s Republican National Convention, where Trump was formally nominated, and has said he would not be voting for the former president. Hogan’s campaign, after the former president’s comments, spotlighted in a statement that “Governor Hogan has been clear he is not supporting President Trump just as he didn’t in 2016 and 2020.” 


Republicans are also aiming to flip seats in Ohio and Montana, two states Trump comfortably carried four years ago. And five more Democratic-held seats up for grabs this year are in crucial presidential-election battleground states.

Fox News Digital’s Paul Steinhauser and Julia Johnson contributed to this report.

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Opinion: Trump voters who disdain him say they liked his policies. What in the world are they talking about?



Opinion: Trump voters who disdain him say they liked his policies. What in the world are they talking about?

You’ve heard it many times: A voter says they don’t like Donald Trump; they cite his nasty personality, divisiveness or penchant for saying stupid stuff. But then they say they’ll vote for him anyway: “Because I liked his policies.”

What policies? The voters rarely say, nor do reporters follow up. Curious minds, not least mine, want to know: What are they talking about?

Trump was by far the most ignorant on policy of seven presidents I’ve covered, and four years in office didn’t educate him: As former advisors attest, he refused to do homework, trusting to his instincts. Trump had positions on many issues, often ill-informed and wrong-headed. As president he executed policies, of course, though the best known — cutting taxes, for example, and seating right-wing federal judges — were largely the work of Republicans in Congress.

Opinion Columnist

Jackie Calmes


Jackie Calmes brings a critical eye to the national political scene. She has decades of experience covering the White House and Congress.

Filling in Trump’s policy vacuum was the impetus behind MAGA Republicans’ massive — and massively unpopular — Project 2025 blueprint for a second Trump term. But forget prospective policies. Does it really make sense to remember the Trump 1.0 initiatives fondly?

Are policies on the economy and immigration what these voters have in mind? Polls consistently show more voters prefer Trump over Kamala Harris in these areas.


First the economy: Trump inherited a growing one from the Obama administration, and left a pandemic-ravaged economy to Biden and Harris. His big edge in voters’ perceptions about economic matters reflects in large part their dismay over the rise in inflation on Biden’s watch, and the higher interest rates set by the Federal Reserve to tame it. But inflation has been a global problem, mostly a consequence of the spurt in post-pandemic demand for goods. Had Trump been reelected in 2020, he would surely have faced rising prices as well.

With prices still elevated, voters haven’t yet felt how much inflation has abated, faster here than in other nations, and just last week the Fed finally cut interest rates, and signaled more cuts ahead. Meanwhile, growth in the economy’s output and employment has been greater under Biden-Harris than under Trump, despite Trump’s lies and voters’ vibes to the contrary.

Trump had two main economic policies, and he’s now promising more of the same: tariffs, which raised prices on many goods Americans buy and cost jobs in import-reliant industries (Biden kept most of the tariffs in place, alas), and deep tax cuts that favored the rich and piled up debt. The $8.5 trillion in new debt that Trump ran up was twice as much as under Biden, and he did far less than Biden has done to trim annual deficits.

As for immigration: Yes, the influx of unauthorized migrants was lower under Trump and it spiked under Biden. But new restrictions have since reduced illegal border crossings to levels last seen late in the Trump administration. In any case, for all Trump’s false talk now about his wall and migrant crime, he in no way closed the border.

Those voters who have immigration in mind when they endorse Trump’s past policies should remember the forced separation of children from their families, without a plan to reunite them. Years later hundreds remain essentially orphaned, yet Trump last year celebrated his cruel achievement: “It stopped people from coming by the hundreds of thousands, because when they hear ‘family separation,’ they say, ‘Well, we better not go.’ ”


Perhaps Trump’s three Supreme Court picks and their votes to override Roe amount to a winner for a few voters, but most Americans oppose the 2022 ruling. At a rally on Monday in Pennsylvania, Trump crowed about Roe’s reversal. Despite mounting horror stories of women who’ve suffered or even died under new state bans, he said we ladies will “no longer be thinking about abortion” — “I will be your protector.”

On foreign policy, Trump was guided by his admiration for autocrats, especially Russia’s murderous Vladimir Putin. He rejected the U.S. intelligence community’s findings of Russian interference in the 2016 election, weakened NATO and other U.S. alliances and withheld military aid provided by law for Ukraine as Russia threatened to invade. Could those be the policies some voters have in mind? Let’s hope not.

We know they can’t be thinking of Trump’s major infrastructure initiative or his better, less costly alternative to the Affordable Care Act because, despite repeated promises, he never came up with even “concepts of a plan” for either. “Two weeks,” he’d say, and all would be revealed. We’re still waiting. Meanwhile Biden enacted an infrastructure program and expanded Obamacare.

Speaking of inaction, for four years Trump did nothing to acknowledge let alone mitigate climate change, even as its effects were increasingly evident in eroded coastlines, droughts, wildfires and extreme weather patterns. If a do-nothing policy is what some voters liked, they’ll certainly get more of that should Trump get elected: He’s vowed to dismantle Biden’s landmark climate law, with its clean energy projects, and “drill, baby, drill.”

Amid the biggest crisis of his term, Trump’s policy to deal with COVID-19 was ultimately malpractice: Delays and misfires have been deemed responsible for tens of thousands of preventable deaths. Trump spurred on the historic development of a vaccine against the disease, only to surrender to anti-vax sentiment. It was left to Biden to get shots in Americans’ arms.


Then there was Trump’s final policy as president: undermining faith in our elections and rejecting the peaceful transfer of power. Do the “I liked his policies” voters really want to see more of that, as they anticipate casting their ballots this fall?

The policy record is bad enough, but even a creditable Trump initiative shouldn’t offset voters’ concerns about his manifest character flaws. Those flaws by themselves merit a vote against the man. People thinking of going with Trump “anyway” should check their gauzy memories. And beware of Trump 2.0.


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Secret Service agent accused of sexually assaulting Harris campaign staffer: report



Secret Service agent accused of sexually assaulting Harris campaign staffer: report

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The U.S. Secret Service (USSS) is investigating an agent accused of sexually assaulting a staffer working on Vice President Harris’ presidential campaign.

Real Clear Politics first reported the allegations Wednesday. According to four USSS sources, the incident took place last week in Wisconsin.


According to the report, several USSS agents and Harris campaign staffers were in Green Bay to work on security measures for an upcoming rally. The campaign event in Green Bay ended up not taking place, and the campaign switched the rally location to Atlanta, Georgia, after holding a rally in Madison, Wisconsin, on Friday.

The staffers and agents later drank at a local restaurant after finishing up their work for the day. They eventually moved over to the victim’s hotel room – where the alleged assault took place.


A Harris campaign staffer accused a Secret Service agent of sexual assault last week, reports say. (Getty Images / iStock)

The suspect, who was intoxicated at the time, had forced himself on the victim and began groping her, the report claims. The incident was witnessed by other people.


The suspect was reportedly so drunk that his coworkers kicked him out of their hotel room, and he fell asleep in the hallway.

A Secret Service spokesperson confirmed an investigation to Fox News Digital, but did not disclose if it involved a Harris staffer.


Harris campaigning in Wisconsin

Vice President Harris speaks during a campaign event in Madison, Wis., on Friday. (Alex Wroblewski/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

“The U.S. Secret Service Office of Professional Responsibility is investigating a misconduct allegation involving an employee,” the spokesperson said. “The Secret Service holds its personnel to the highest standards.”

“The employee has been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation.”

Harris waving hand

Vice President Harris waves during a campaign event in Madison, Wis., on Friday.  (Alex Wroblewski/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Harris’ office said in a statement that “we have zero tolerance for sexual misconduct,” and that the office takes “safety of staff seriously,” according to the Associated Press.

Fox News Digital reached out to the Harris campaign for comment.

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