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Vermont town Pomfret CLOSES road in bid to stop influx of annoying influencers taking selfies with fall foliage after they flew drones, blocked roads and set up CHANGING ROOMS



Vermont town Pomfret CLOSES road in bid to stop influx of annoying influencers taking selfies with fall foliage after they flew drones, blocked roads and set up CHANGING ROOMS

Fed-up residents of a gorgeous Vermont town have closed a road to visitors for fall to try and curb an influx of annoying influencers who’ve caused havoc. 

Pomfret has long been a popular destination for autumn foliage fans – but irritated locals say influencers who’ve arrived to get perfect autumn images for social media are an altogether different breed of tourist.

Those Instagrammers and TikTokers have been accused of flying drones, blocking roads and emergency vehicles from getting through, while often getting their cars stuck on uneven ground. 

They’ve also been seen setting up portable changing rooms, to make it look as if they’ve made multiple visits to the spot and drag out the fall-related content on their social media feeds. 


An influencer visiting Pomfret in Vermont shows off a picturesque fall view during a walk along a sleepy lane…

...But the view from behind the lens is quite different - with hordes of other content creators showing up to get their own perfect shot. Pomfret has closed a road to visitors for the duration of fall, with the owners of the private property most often used for shots also erecting a gate

…But the view from behind the lens is quite different – with hordes of other content creators showing up to get their own perfect shot. Pomfret has closed a road to visitors for the duration of fall, with the owners of the private property most often used for shots also erecting a gate  


Do you agree with the ban?

  • Yes – influencers are annoying! 2198 votes
  • No – they’re doing no harm 97 votes


The slew of irritating incidents has prompted residents close Cloudland Road  between September 23 to October 15, when autumn colors begin to emerge.

Also closed-off is Sleepy Hollow Farm, whose sweeping vista is one of the most popular beauty shots for influencers.  

It presents a gentle hill showing classic New England buildings and a riot of fall colors.

‘It was too much. Something had to be done,’ said Mike Doten, whose family has lived in the area and owned the farm since the late 1700s, according to the Boston Globe. 

Travel blogger @shewandersabroad posted her photos at the road in October 2021

'This place has been on my bucket list for a while,' @wanderlust_dani3 wrote

Vermont residents voted to close Cloudland Road in Pomfret (pictured) after annoying influencers flocked in to take selfies with fall foliage

Travel and lifestyle influencer @journeywithlina posted photos of her at the farm in October 2021

Instagram influencer @helloomelissa recommended the spot in November 2021

The road (pictured) will be closed between September 23 to October 15, when autumn shades begin to take shape

Locals Mike Doten and Amy Robb live in Sleepy Hollow Farm, whose picturesque view has drawn huge crowds of tourists. The road has now been closed to try and deal with the deluge of annoying influencers

Locals Mike Doten and Amy Robb live in Sleepy Hollow Farm, whose picturesque view has drawn huge crowds of tourists. The road has now been closed to try and deal with the deluge of annoying influencers 

A new sign has been erected on a gate to Sleepy Hollow Farm warning people to keep out. The town has also voted to close a road for the entire fall season in a bid to tackle nuisance influencers

A new sign has been erected on a gate to Sleepy Hollow Farm warning people to keep out. The town has also voted to close a road for the entire fall season in a bid to tackle nuisance influencers

Cloudland Road and Doten’s farm had long been a favorite among those looking to quietly take in the changing season colors and view the rolling hills until the social media sensation took hold over the past five years.

Influencers parked haphazardly on the narrow, unpaved road and walked brazenly onto private properties appearing to ignore no trespassing signs conspicuously placed to ward off nuisance posers.

Residents of Vermont have been used to an influx of tourists, especially photographers, who are known to be ‘quiet’ and ‘not bother anyone,’ Doten said. 

The inn-stayers are also bearable Doten’s wife Amy Robb said. ‘Both from a numbers perspective, and how they behave.’

‘The TikTokers started flocking here and they kept growing, year after year,’ Doten added to the outlet.


Those drawn by social media visited the area under the impression that it’s a public park, residents said. 

Cloudland Road and Doten's farm (pictured) had long been the favorite spot for leaf peepers

Cloudland Road and Doten’s farm (pictured) had long been the favorite spot for leaf peepers

Problems started when the spot became a social media sensation and attracted hundreds of cars blocking the road

Problems started when the spot became a social media sensation and attracted hundreds of cars blocking the road

A few years ago, Doten and his wife were astonished when they watched a woman set up a portable changing booth and frequently emerge in an assortment of outfits to take selfies.

But the drama didn’t stop there with residents revealing that pesky tourists have now been flying drones a few feet over a resident’s head, stealing tomatoes from vines, and using a private garden house as a toilet.

‘There is no way a fire truck or an ambulance can get up this road in the middle of foliage season,’ Doten said. ‘It’s just too crowded.’ 

Pomfret residents successfully convinced the town to close Cloudland Road for three weeks.


They’ve also reached out to social media influencers and local inns to stop them promoting the area and directing tourists to other spots in Vermont instead. 

Kiel James Patrick, a clothing designer with 132,000 Instagram followers, is one of those influencers contacted.

‘Upon being informed of the situation by the residents of Pomfret, I recognized the importance of respecting the wishes of the local community,’ he said. 

‘In response, I’ve removed posts featuring Sleepy Hollow Farm from my platforms and communicated with friends and fellow influencers about the farm’s private nature and the need for privacy and respect,’ he added. 

During the three week road closure, Windsor County Deputy Sheriffs will staff checkpoints at the bottom and top of Cloudland Road. 


Residents said they don’t think the road closure will hurt the state’s tourism industry.

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Climate Matters: Big victories for greener energy in Vermont – Addison Independent



Climate Matters: Big victories for greener energy in Vermont – Addison Independent


The Legislature last week achieved several milestones on the way to reducing climate pollution — even in the face of Gov. Phil Scott’s best efforts to keep Vermont stuck in the age of fossil fuels.

A greener Renewable Energy Standard — long a goal of 350Vermont and others — passed despite Gov. Scott’s veto. So did a set of improvements to Act 250 that will open some towns and cities to much needed residential development while better protecting the biodiversity of sensitive areas.

In the process, Scott’s anti-environmental vetoes have placed him even to the right of some of his natural allies. More on that below. First, a little background.


It used to be that veto overrides were as rare in Vermont as snowstorms in July. But in Montpelier these past two years, it’s been snowing all summer. Gov. Scott has been lobbing veto snowballs at the General Assembly, and legislators have responded with an avalanche of overrides.

Scott, a Republican in an overwhelmingly Democratic state, has had six vetoes overridden during each of the past two legislative sessions.

This year, the governor even went after the birds and the bees. He vetoed (and was overridden on) a bill banning neonicotinoid pesticides that contribute to the decline of vital pollinators. He declined to sign two bills that became law: VPIRG’s “make big oil pay” bill, and a bill to protect wetlands and floodplains from the more extreme weather of our deteriorating climate.

Now back to Scott’s rightward shift as the climate crisis worsens. 

His vetoes of Act 250 changes and the Renewable Energy Standard (RES) came even though traditionally conservative power blocs supported the bills.


The RES, for example, was endorsed by virtually all the state’s utilities, which are normally political allies of the Republican governor. Much of the hard work to improve the RES was accomplished in a working group that included the utilities and was headed by Rep. Amy Sheldon, D-Middlebury, and Addison County Sen. Chris Bray.

Under the new RES, Vermont is committed to achieving nearly 100% renewable electrical energy by 2030. The law also aims to double the amount of clean energy (mostly solar and wind) produced in the state and regionally. It will mean more green jobs and less burning of dirty oil and gas.

On revisions to Act 250, Scott also found himself to the right of political allies. The bill he vetoed drew support not just from environmental groups but also from the development industry and the Vermont Chamber of Commerce. In a statement supporting its passage, the chamber said a portion of the bill was “a top priority for the Vermont business community.”

Perhaps overlooked in all this were two other achievements pushed by 350Vermont and others.

The grassroots group recognized the potential of thermal energy networks to generate cleaner community energy and use it more efficiently. That approach, which avoids the need for burdensome bureaucracy, gained approval this session. So, too, did a study committee to suggest ways to protect lower-income Vermonters from electricity rate hikes.


Vermonters have a lot to celebrate at the end of this biennium. Working as a tighter coalition, advocates pushed the General Assembly to approve substantial climate legislation — and to make those approvals stick during the difficult task of overriding multiple vetoes.

Joan Baez used to sing of “little victories and big defeats.” Too often that’s been the experience for the climate movement even here in the Green Mountain State. This year, though, Vermonters can sing a song of big victories.

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Girls on the Run Vermont celebrates 25th anniversary – The Charlotte News



Girls on the Run Vermont celebrates 25th anniversary – The Charlotte News

Girls on the Run Vermont, a statewide nonprofit organization for girls in third-eighth grade, wrapped up its 25th anniversary season that served 1,683 girls across the state.

Twenty-five years ago, 15 girls at Vernon Elementary School enrolled in the Girls on the Run program. Since then, the program has served 39,000 girls and is thriving.

Photo by Lee Krohn.
Girls warm up in their pink attire for a 5K run in Essex in early June.
Photo by Lee Krohn.
Girls warm up in their pink attire for a 5K run in Essex in early June.

Program participants, alumnae, coaches, parents, board members and supporters attended two statewide 5K events in June to enjoy the non-competitive, community-based events on June 1 at the Champlain Valley Exposition in Essex Junction, and on June 7 in Manchester.

Proceeds from the 5K events benefit Girls on the Run Vermont’s Every Girl Fund. This fund helps to ensure that every girl in Vermont can participate. This year’s 5K events brought together a combined 4,000 attendees, including program participants, family, friends and community members.


One participant at each 5K event was honored and presented with the Girls on the Run Vermont Rick Hashagen Alumni Scholarship Award in the amount of $2,500. Cordelia King from Fairfax was recognized in Essex and Alexandra Gregory of Dummerston was recognized in Manchester. These scholarships are renewable for up to three more years and offer up to $10,000 in total to support their education post high school.

Find out more about Girls on the Run Vermont.

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He flipped off a trooper and got charged. Now Vermont is on the hook for $175K



He flipped off a trooper and got charged. Now Vermont is on the hook for $175K

ST. ALBANS, Vt. (AP) — Vermont has agreed to pay $175,000 to settle a lawsuit on behalf of a man who was charged with a crime for giving a state trooper the middle finger in 2018, the state chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union said Wednesday.

The lawsuit was filed in 2021 by the ACLU of Vermont on behalf of Gregory Bombard, of St. Albans. It says Bombard’s First Amendment rights were violated after an unnecessary traffic stop and retaliatory arrest in 2018.

Trooper Jay Riggen stopped Bombard’s vehicle in St. Albans on Feb. 9, 2018, because he believed Bombard had shown him the middle finger, according to the lawsuit. Bombard denied that but says he did curse and display the middle finger once the initial stop was concluded.

Bombard was stopped again and arrested on a charge of disorderly conduct, and his car was towed. He was jailed for over an hour and cited to criminal court, according to the ACLU. The charge was eventually dismissed.


Under the settlement signed by the parties this month, the state has agreed to pay Bombard $100,000 and $75,000 to the ACLU of Vermont and the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression for legal fees.

“While our client is pleased with this outcome, this incident should never have happened in the first place,” said Hillary Rich, staff attorney for the ACLU of Vermont, in a statement. “Police need to respect everyone’s First Amendment rights — even for things they consider offensive or insulting.”

The Vermont State Police did not have a comment on the settlement. Vermont did not admit any wrongdoing as part of the deal.

Bombard said in a statement provided by the ACLU that he hopes the Vermont State Police will train its troopers “to avoid silencing criticism or making baseless car stops.”

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