Big ideas for Boston shouldn’t rely on fleeting events like the Olympics. Fellow experts in the events industry were excited and skeptical about hosting the Olympics in Boston. The skepticism comes from our city’s lack of accommodation, size of facilities, and additional stressors on our transportation and security infrastructures.
As Boston prepares for its and our country’s 250th anniversaries and the future of the Hynes Convention Center, we have an opportunity to advance a bold vision for the city and build the infrastructure needed to protect and bolster Boston’s position as a world-class destination and city.
Linda Robson
The writer is a professor in the school of business at Endicott College.
Return to Olympic traditions
No matter what city hosts the Olympics, it always seems to create a huge budget overage and then leave a plethora of infrastructure that generally becomes useless and rots away. This is extremely wasteful both in an economic sense and due to the use of resources. As the Games began in ancient times in Greece, how about we see if that country would agree to having the Games moved there permanently. Permanent, quality infrastructure could be built that could last for generations. The boost to its economy could be great if handled correctly.
Of course some events would have to happen elsewhere, as they do already. But by not constantly moving the Games around the world, much would be saved in time, resources, and economic chaos. The Olympics are of Greek origin. Let’s return them to their rightful owner.
Rick Cutler
West Barnstable