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Close shaves for two Iowa lawmakers; others coast in 2024 primaries



Close shaves for two Iowa lawmakers; others coast in 2024 primaries

All seven Iowa legislators who faced competition for their party’s nominations prevailed in the June 4 elections. The outcome was a reversion to normal following a tumultuous 2022 cycle, in which six Iowa House Republicans lost their primaries. Two years ago, Iowa’s new political map forced three pairs of House members to face off against each other, and Governor Kim Reynolds endorsed challengers against several more GOP lawmakers who had opposed her “school choice” plan.

Crucially, Reynolds did not endorse any 2024 candidates running against incumbents. On the contrary, she backed one of the incumbents in a tough primary.

In addition, property rights proved to be a less potent issue here than in South Dakota, where fourteen Republican lawmakers lost to primary challengers on June 4.

Although Iowa saw no upsets, several of this year’s legislative races revealed that Republicans could be vulnerable to candidates from the right. The two challengers who came closest to knocking off incumbents were both vocal opponents of using eminent domain to build CO2 pipelines.


This post covers the primaries from the narrowest winning margin for the incumbent to the most comfortable victory.


First-time candidate Wendy Larson came very close to beating State Representative Mike Sexton, who has served in the Iowa House since 2015 and previously served in the state Senate from 1999 to 2003.

Unofficial returns show Sexton winning by 1,372 votes to 1,317 (50.9 percent to 48.9 percent) in this district, which covers all of Sac, Calhoun, and Pocahontas counties, plus some rural areas in Webster County.

This is solid Republican territory. No Democratic or Libertarian candidate has filed nominating papers here. According to the map Josh Hughes created in Dave’s Redistricting App, precincts that are now part of House district 7 voted for Donald Trump over Joe Biden by 72.6 percent to 25.8 percent in 2020. The district has almost as many registered Republicans as Democrats and no-party voters combined.


Sexton was an early endorser of Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign and spoke at a rally the candidate held in Fort Dodge last November. He announced in a June 3 Facebook post that he was “grateful to be recognized as the American First Candidate” in House district 7.

As an incumbent, Sexton raised far more money for his campaign (largely from political action committees) than Larson. His largest donors this year were the REALTORS PAC, which gave $12,500, and the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation’s PAC (two contributions totaling $5,000).

Most of Sexton’s campaign spending went toward went toward newspaper advertising, direct mail, and printing. The 527 group Iowans for a Renewable Future (representing the ethanol industry) also spent thousands of dollars promoting Sexton with a radio ad that touted his work to cut taxes and restrict foreign ownership of farmland.

Larson was running on a platform of “pro-life and pro-family principles, advocating for less government and more personal freedom.” She promised to uphold the Second Amendment and spoke out against eminent domain for CO2 pipelines. (Sexton did vote for a House bill on eminent domain this year, but he was one of the last Republicans to vote, after the bill already had more than enough votes to pass.)

During a June 6 telephone interview, Larson told Bleeding Heartland that she knocked on about 3,000 doors during the campaign. Her main takeaway was that people in the district needed a voice because they “were not being represented.” By way of example, she said the incumbent doesn’t write bills, doesn’t return constituent phone calls, and doesn’t show up at many community events.


Ben Smith, the county attorney for Sac and Calhoun, endorsed Larson on Facebook June 1, saying he had “made NUMEROUS attempts” over the past two years to contact Sexton about “crucial legislation” to protect child sex abuse victims. The lawmaker “HAS NEVER ONCE RETURNED MY CALLS/EMAILS,” Smith wrote.

Others backing Larson’s campaign included Iowa Gun Owners, the anti-vaccine group Informed Choice Iowa, the Iowa Liberty Network (which gave two $1,000 contributions), and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee’s PAC (which gave $1,000).

Larson hasn’t decided yet whether she might run for office again, but told Bleeding Heartland that she was open to the idea, because the campaign turned out to be “more doable than I had expected,” and she “had a blast.”


Two-term State Senator Waylon Brown had a narrow escape in this red-leaning district, which covers a large area in northern Iowa. Unofficial returns show him beating Doug Campbell by 2,546 votes to 2,273 (52.8 percent to 47.1 percent). He lost by 11 points in the district’s most populous county (Cerro Gordo), but carried Mitchell and Worth counties by a roughly two-to-one margin.

As Bleeding Heartland discussed in more detail here, Campbell ran an active campaign centered on private property rights. In his role as Senate Commerce Committee chair, Brown has blocked all bills seeking to restrict the use of eminent domain for CO2 pipelines.


Brown outspent his opponent by a substantial margin, and as The Iowa Standard was first to report, Iowans for a Renewable Future paid for tv ads supporting him and State Representative Jane Bloomingdale. The renewable fuels group bought radio ads promoting Brown on some Mason City stations as well; you can listen to that 60-second spot here.

Brown will face Democrat Richard Lorence in the November election.


Bleeding Heartland covered this race in depth here. It looked like four-term State Representative Jane Bloomingdale could be in trouble in this district covering half of Senate district 30. Governor Reynolds endorsed her five days before the primary.

But the incumbent ended up winning comfortably by 1,729 votes to 1,112 (60.8 percent to 39.1 percent), according to unofficial results. Bloomingdale lost the Cerro Gordo area but ran up the score in the rest of the district.

Rosenfeld promised to stand up for property rights and staunchly oppose abortion. The social conservative group The FAMiLY Leader paid for direct mail and GOTV phone calls for Rosenfeld. (Bloomingdale angered social conservatives by voting against anti-abortion measures in 2018 and 2021 and against the governor’s school voucher plan in 2023.)


Iowans for a Renewable Future paid for television and radio spots promoting the incumbent.


First-term State Representative Joshua Meggers has kept a low profile, and many legislative watchers were surprised to see another Republican file against him. Unofficial returns show he defeated Jody Anderson by 1,218 votes to 377 (76.2 percent to 23.6 percent). He gained nearly 70 percent of the vote in Hardin County, where Anderson recently stepped down as the city manager for Iowa Falls, and won just under 80 percent of the vote in his home county of Grundy.

Anderson told the Iowa Falls Times Citizen in March that he opposed property tax changes Meggers voted for in 2023, as well as proposed changes to Area Education Agencies.

Meggers raised and spent far more than his challenger, and also benefited from independent expenditures by Convention of the States Action and the Koch-funded group Americans for Prosperity, which paid for direct mail and digital advertising.

No GOP or Libertarian candidate has filed for House district 54. In 2020, Trump received about 66 percent of the vote in the precincts that are now part of Meggers’ district. The Republican voter registration advantage is very large.



State Senator Claire Celsi was first elected in 2018 and re-elected in 2022 in the western suburbs of Des Moines. Senate district 16 was on the ballot for a two-year term in 2022, because Celsi was reaching the end of her four-year term. It’s on the ballot this year like all even-numbered Iowa Senate districts.

Unofficial returns show Celsi defeated Julie Lasche Brown by 2,466 votes to 595 (80.5 percent to 19.4 percent).

This part of the western suburbs of Des Moines metro was solid Republican territory for decades but leans Democratic now. Biden carried this district in the 2020 presidential election by 58.6 percent to 39.4 percent for Trump. Registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by a few thousand. Although Iowa Democrats generally did poorly in the 2022 elections, Celsi won her race with about 58 percent of the vote.

Many area Democrats were perplexed by Brown’s decision to run here. The challenger’s messaging didn’t highlight any specific legislative vote or issue where she disagreed with Celsi. Brown told Bleeding Heartland in March, “I am willing to rebuild bridges that have been burned, work for bipartisan solutions for the betterment of all Iowans, and connect with community members and businesses where they are.”

Both candidates knocked many doors and paid for mailings before the primary. The takeaway for me is that a successful campaign against a sitting legislator needs something concrete to gain traction. Barring some scandal, a challenger needs to show that the incumbent is out of step with their party’s dedicated supporters (at least one vote for a bad bill, refusing to introduce or vote for good bills).


No GOP or Libertarian candidate has filed for Senate district 16, though either party may nominate someone over the summer.


Chad Brewbaker has run for the legislature before as a Libertarian. This year he filed as a Republican against first-term State Representative David Young, a former member of Congress.

Turnout was lower here than in other districts where Republican lawmakers faced challengers. Unofficial results show Young won by 813 votes to 99 (88.6 percent to 10.8 percent).

House district 28 covers much of Dallas County, including West Des Moines precincts, Adel, and Van Meter (Young’s home base). It’s swingy, with a decent contingent of “never Trump” Republicans. According to the map Josh Hughes created in Dave’s Redistricting App, these precincts split almost evenly in the 2020 presidential race (49.0 percent for Biden, 48.8 percent for Trump). Senator Joni Ernst carried the same area by 50.9 percent to 46.5 percent.

Young’s latest campaign finance disclosure shows he had about $132,000 cash on hand in late May. He spent only $1,646.08 before the primary, on direct mail printing and postage. Brewbaker did not file a report with Iowa’s Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board, indicating that he raised and spent less than $1,000.


Young will face first-time Democratic candidate Laura Snider in November. Democrats have indicated that they plan to target this district.


If you can’t run unopposed, the next-best scenario for an incumbent is having a challenger who does nothing. That was the situation in House district 89, covering part of Iowa City. Aside from filing nominating papers with the Iowa Secretary of State’s office, Ty Bopp had no campaign presence whatsoever.

First-term incumbent Elinor Levin prevailed by 1,266 votes to 117 (91.0 percent to 8.4 percent).

There’s no Republican or Libertarian candidate on the ballot here, but even if there were, Levin would have a clear path to re-election in November. This is the bluest Iowa House district. Biden recieved 79.1 percent of the vote in 2020. (In neighboring House district 90, he received 78.9 percent.)


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New testing required for dairy cattle participating in Iowa fairs



New testing required for dairy cattle participating in Iowa fairs

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (KCRG) – On Tuesday, the Iowa Secretary of Agriculture announced new testing requirements for dairy cattle participating in Iowa fairs and exhibitions.

Secretary Mike Naig announced the new requirements as a way to minimize the potential spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). HPAI (also known as Bird Flu) has hit numerous dairy cattle in the state. The Secretary says the state should expect to see new positive cases announced as the increased testing takes place.

“The Department is issuing a statewide order effective July 1 that will require additional tests for HPAI prior to dairy cattle participating at our state’s many fairs and exhibitions,” said Secretary Naig. “We want to strike a balance between allowing our 4-H, FFA, and dairy exhibitors the opportunity to show their animals, while also requiring additional testing to protect our livestock and minimize the potential spread of the virus,” said Secretary Naig.

To date, the state has reported 11 positive cases of HPAI within dairy herds in Iowa. 9 of those cases have been detected in Sioux County. Iowa has had three poultry cases thus far in 2024, including one case in a commercial chicken layer in Sioux County and two cases in commercial turkey flocks.


“Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza isn’t just a poultry issue or a dairy issue, it’s an issue for all of agriculture. Our approach is reflective of our significant livestock industry, and I want to thank our farmers who have stepped up to help contribute to the broader understanding, visibility and knowledge of this virus,” said Secretary Naig. “We should expect additional challenges ahead and as the situation continues to evolve, we will also continue to evaluate our response. We continue to support our farmers through the joint state and federal response team who are navigating this evolving and unpredictable situation.”

Suspected signs of HPAI in poultry include:

  • Sudden increase in bird deaths without any clinical signs
  • Lethargy and/or lack of energy and appetite
  • Decrease in egg production
  • Soft, thin-shelled and/or misshapen eggs
  • Swelling of the head, eyelids, comb, wattles, and hocks
  • Purple/blue discoloration of the wattles, comb, and legs
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Coughing, sneezing, and/or nasal discharge (runny nose)
  • Stumbling and/or falling down
  • Diarrhea

Suspected signs of HPAI in dairy cows include:

  • Decrease in food consumption with a simultaneous decrease in rumination
  • Clear nasal discharge
  • Drop in milk production
  • Tacky or loose feces
  • Lethargy
  • Dehydration
  • Fever
  • Thicker, concentrated, colostrum-like milk

Officials say that it is safe to enjoy poultry products. Consumers should utilize the proper handling and cooking of eggs and poultry products, including cooking to an internal temperature of 165˚F.

There is no concern about the safety of pasteurized milk or dairy products. Pasteurization has continually proven to successfully inactivate bacteria and viruses, like influenza, in milk.

If dairy producers suspect cases of HPAI, they should contact their herd veterinarian immediately. Possible cases must also be reported to the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship at (515) 281-5305.


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2024 Eastern Iowa fireworks displays



2024 Eastern Iowa fireworks displays

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa – Cities across Iowa are preparing to host annual Independence Day fireworks displays!

Here is a list of displays you can see in eastern Iowa this year:


  • Parade at 10 a.m. on July 4 in downtown Bettendorf
  • 4th of July Festival from noon to 10 p.m. on Spruce Hills Drive in front of Cumberland Square
  • Fireworks at Middle Park at dusk
  • More info

Cedar Falls

  • Fireworks Over the Dome at 9:40 p.m. on June 27

Cedar Rapids

  • Ellis Fireworks on the River at 9 p.m. on July 3 – more info
  • Cedar Rapids Freedom Festival – Celebration of Freedom Fireworks
  • Fireworks start at dark on July 4 in downtown Cedar Rapids
  • More info

Charles City

  • Fourth of July Celebration from July 3-6
  • Fourth of July Parade begins at 11 a.m. on July 4, then fireworks by the Cedar River in the evening
  • Main Street Charles City’s Party in the Park on July 5
  • July 6 – magician show, cornhole tournament
  • More info


  • Coralville’s annual 4thFest parade at 10 a.m. on July 4, starting and ending at the corner of 9th Street and 22nd Avenue
  • Fireworks display in S.T. Morrison Park at dark, around 9:45 p.m.


  • Festivities from July 3-4, more info here
  • Parade at 10 a.m.
  • Fireworks display at dusk


  • Celebrate Indee July 3-4 at Riverwalk Parks
  • July 4 – festivities begin in Riverwalk Parks at 10:45 a.m.
  • Fireworks over the Wapsipinicon River at 10 p.m. on July 4
  • More info


  • Marion’s 5th annual Fireworks & Fireflies celebration on July 3 at Klopfenstein Amphitheater at Lowe Park, starting at 6 p.m.
  • More info


  • Fireworks at dusk on 125th Street at dusk
  • More info


  • Kids Parade (Pearl Plaza to Musser Public Library) at 9 a.m.
  • Community parade in downtown Muscatine at 4 p.m.
  • Almost Fireworks Fest on the Riverfront, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Muscatine Symphony Orchestra at 8:10 p.m.
  • Fireworks at dusk
  • More info

North Liberty

  • Fireworks display at 9:30 p.m. on July 3 in Penn Meadows Park
  • More info

Oxford Junction

  • 4th of July Parade starts at 4 p.m. at Midland Elementary School, ends at Wapsi Park
  • Fireworks display at dusk at Wapsi Park
  • More info


  • Annual fireworks display at dusk on July 4 at the Toledo Heights Park
  • More info


  • 4th of July Parade at 11 a.m.
  • Fireworks at dusk at the Cedar County Fairgrounds
  • More info


  • 4th of July fireworks display at 9:15 p.m. at the Washington County Fairgrounds
  • More info


  • Waterloo’s annual fireworks event from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. on July 6, along the Cedar River downtown.
  • Fireworks begin at 10 p.m. on July 6


  • North Park activities begin at 4 p.m. on July 4
  • Fireworks at dusk

Know of other communities holding fireworks displays? Send us the information at

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‘It’s so much more than embarrassment’: Eastern Iowa Tourette Syndrome activists call for education, kindness



‘It’s so much more than embarrassment’: Eastern Iowa Tourette Syndrome activists call for education, kindness

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (KCRG) – A semi-retired doctor and his wife are helping patients navigate Tourette Syndrome.

Tourette Syndrome is characterized by tics. These are compulsive movements or sounds people can’t control. Less than 1% of the population has the condition.

Dr. Scott Nau thought he knew about Tourette Syndrome from his medical training. However, he said his real “degree” in the field came from his marriage to Jackie, who has Tourette’s.

Jackie said having Tourette is “so much more than embarrassment and humiliation,” although she added those definitely “rank way up there”.


“I spent a year and half of my life grabbing my crotch, and there’s no way you can put a shine on that, especially for a woman,” she said. “That’s while I had a great career of cutting hair, and it makes you feel undignified no matter where I go.”

Obscene gestures and unusual sounds are embarrassing, but Jackie said what people don’t understand is that Tourette Syndrome is also anxiety and physical pain. After a lifetime of head and neck tics, Jackie had significant arthritis issues in her neck and got neck surgery a few months ago.

“I got a tiny scar there, and that was pretty brutal to go through that, and to know that it came from this disorder that I’d give anything not to have.”

Jackie said the pain and the embarrassment were made all the worse by the fact she didn’t know anyone else like her until her forties.

“When I mostly retired a couple of years ago, I realized that my patients who did have Tourette Syndrome really didn’t have the support that they need,” said Dr. Scott Nau, Jackie’s husband. “And so we decided to team up.”


With a parent’s permission, Jackie will sit in on meeting with doctor and patient. The couple goes out to lunch with patients, and they will even go to kids’ schools and explain Tourette Syndrome to their classmates and teachers.

“Oftentimes, peers become warriors for their friends if they know what’s going on,” said Scott.

Two patients the Naus have worked with are Rachel Peters from North Liberty and Torrie Davis from Cedar Rapids.

Davis was diagnosed in 2022, and Peters not until a couple of months ago.

“I will go to the bathroom and have to cry out of embarrassment because, you know, it’s very—it’s very hard,” said Peters.


Both girls said the help from the Naus has been literally life changing.

“Jackie is like a second mom,” said Davis. “She’s a role model.”

Jackie herself wishes for friendship like these girls have—someone else with Tourette Syndrome who can truly understand.

“I long for a female adult friend in my orbit,” she said.

Still, she’s determined to help younger generations avoid the isolation or the shame she has known.


“I know that I was born this way for a reason, and God has entrusted me to get the message out.”

Patients do not need a referral to see Dr. Nau about existing or suspected Tourette’s syndrome. Call Mercy Pediatric Clinic at (319) 861-7900 to make an appointment. He can usually see them within a few days.

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