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What a Trump Presidency Could Mean for the Cryptocurrency Industry



What a Trump Presidency Could Mean for the Cryptocurrency Industry

Hey there! My name is Logical Thesis and I’m a writer for WOLF Financial. If you are looking for more investing related content, I guarantee you’ll enjoy my content on 𝕏, @LogicalThesis. Thanks for reading!

In a notable shift from his previous criticism, former President Donald Trump has recently adopted a more favorable view of cryptocurrencies. This change could significantly impact the cryptocurrency industry if he were to return to office. Previously labeling digital currencies as a threat to the U.S. dollar and denouncing their volatility, Trump has now recognized their potential benefits. His new stance was highlighted in recent public speeches, where he discussed the innovation and opportunities digital currencies could bring to the financial system. This change of heart is significant as Trump spoke at the Bitcoin Conference last week in Nashville, TN.

Should Trump re-enter the White House, the cryptocurrency industry might enjoy a more supportive regulatory environment. This could include policies aimed at fostering innovation while implementing safeguards against fraud and misuse. Such a shift would likely encourage greater investment in blockchain technology and digital assets, potentially strengthening the United States’ position in the global cryptocurrency market. Many billionaires are donating to Trump’s campaign, to which Mark Cuban refers to as ‘the Bitcoin play.’

Trump’s embrace of cryptocurrency might also lead to the development of clearer regulatory frameworks that provide stability and predictability for businesses and investors. This could help legitimize cryptocurrencies further, integrating them more deeply into the mainstream financial system.

Additionally, Trump has acknowledged the sector’s potential for job creation and economic growth. His administration might pursue policies that promote the expansion of the crypto industry, including initiatives to attract crypto-related businesses and talent to the United States, thus enhancing the nation’s competitive edge in this rapidly evolving field.


Further bolstering this positive outlook is Trump’s newly selected vice president, JD Vance, who is known for his pro-Bitcoin and pro-cryptocurrency stance. Vance, a vocal proponent of Bitcoin and blockchain technology, has highlighted their potential to democratize finance and challenge traditional banking systems. His views align with the growing belief that cryptocurrencies can enhance financial inclusion and spur innovation. With Vance’s support, a Trump administration could deepen its commitment to creating a favorable environment for the growth and development of the cryptocurrency industry.

In summary, a Trump presidency with a more positive stance on cryptocurrencies, bolstered by JD Vance’s pro-crypto views, could herald a new era of growth and innovation for the industry. By fostering a balanced regulatory environment and supporting the integration of digital assets into the financial system, their administration could help solidify the United States as a global leader in the cryptocurrency space.

Disclaimer: This service is for general informational and educational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal, tax, accounting or investment advice. These are my opinions and observations only. I am not a financial advisor.



An Avalanche Reawakening – Learning – Insights Bitcoin News



An Avalanche Reawakening – Learning – Insights Bitcoin News
This piece is a guest post by Blocmates. Blocmates is an invaluable crypto news and educational resource that offers clarity in the often complicated and jargon-filled crypto space. In this article, writer Dexter of Blocmates explains Avalanche’s exciting forthcoming update, Avalanche Community Proposal 77. To do so, Dexter gives an overview of Avalanche’s unique architecture. […]
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Who is Mike Belshe, the cryptocurrency executive hosting JD Vance fundraiser in Palo Alto?



Who is Mike Belshe, the cryptocurrency executive hosting JD Vance fundraiser in Palo Alto?

Tech entrepreneur Mike Belshe was set to host vice presidential contender Ohio Sen. JD Vance for his second fundraising visit to the Bay Area on Monday in his Palo Alto home.

Belshe is one of several tech executives who have come out in support of the GOP ticket or have helped in their efforts to raise more cash.

Vance worked closely early on in his career in venture capital in San Francisco with venture capitalist and PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel and counts billionaire investor Marc Andreessen and Tesla and X CEO Elon Musk as among his tech industry connections.

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Bitcoin Jumps on Calls to Integrate Crypto Into US Asset Arsenal



Bitcoin Jumps on Calls to Integrate Crypto Into US Asset Arsenal

The price of bitcoin hit a six-week high Monday (July 29). The alleged reason? Separate comments made over the weekend by presidential candidates Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at Nashville’s Bitcoin Conference that observers believe could signal, if not herald, greater legitimization of the cryptocurrency sector.

Kennedy, an independent candidate, called for launching a multi-million-dollar U.S. strategic reserve of bitcoin that matched the government’s current stake in gold.

Republican candidate Trump refrained from calling for a full-on strategic reserve, pledging instead to maintain the U.S. government’s current stash of bitcoin rather than selling it off, calling it a national “stockpile” of cryptocurrency.

The U.S. government, through various agencies, has increasingly seized significant amounts of cryptocurrencies in the course of financial crime enforcement. These assets are typically auctioned off, with proceeds going to the Treasury Forfeiture Fund or other government accounts. The current approach treats these digital assets as financial gains rather than strategic reserves.

The notion of potentially integrating digital assets into the U.S. government’s strategic reserves presents a disruptive approach that recognizes the evolving financial landscape and sees a role in it for cryptocurrencies. That’s something that proponents of the sector have been working toward, but skeptics remain wary in the face of crypto scams and other illicit activity in the sector.


Read more: Crypto’s Three Priorities for 2024: Interoperability, Acceptance, Regulation

Crypto and Global Financial Crime

According to a report by Chainalysis, $24.2 billion of illicit cryptocurrency was transferred in 2023, with over 60% of illegal crypto activity being tied to sanctioned groups or terrorist organizations.

Financial crime remains a challenge for financial institutions (FIs) worldwide, evolving in complexity and scale with each passing day. The U.S. government, through agencies such as the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Treasury Department, has increasingly encountered cryptocurrencies in its enforcement actions against financial crimes. These assets are often seized during investigations related to money laundering, drug trafficking, and other illegal activities. Traditionally, seized cryptocurrencies are auctioned off, with proceeds directed to government funds.

But as digital assets become more integral to the global financial system, the question arises: Should the U.S. government consider stockpiling cryptocurrencies as part of its strategic reserves?

Holding cryptocurrencies could provide the U.S. government with a flexible financial tool. Unlike traditional reserves, which are often physical commodities, cryptocurrencies are highly liquid digital assets. They can be quickly converted into fiat currencies or used directly in transactions that accept digital payments. This flexibility could be invaluable during financial crises or emergencies, providing the government with a readily accessible source of funds.


Establishing a cryptocurrency reserve would signal the U.S. government’s recognition of the growing importance of digital assets. This could encourage further development of blockchain technology and related innovations within the U.S.

But there is considerable public skepticism about the government’s involvement in holding digital currencies, given their association with illicit activities — and the ongoing rise in frequency of those illicit activities, particularly in the financial sector.

Read more: Blockchain’s Benefits for Regulated Industries

Countries around the world, including the U.S., have expressed concern that privately operated, highly volatile digital currencies could undermine government control of the financial and monetary systems, increase systemic risk, promote financial crime and hurt investors.

After all, on Thursday (July 25) cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase was fined $4.5 million by a U.K. regulator for serving “high-risk” customers. And this past April, U.S. Treasury Deputy Secretary Wally Adeyemo testified that cryptocurrency is increasingly becoming a safe haven for “malign actors” such as terror groups.


As a result, FIs have needed to step up their financial crime defenses. Seven in 10 FIs are now using AI and machine learning (ML) to fend off fraudsters, according to the PYMNTS Intelligence and Hawk collaboration, “Financial Institutions Revamping Technologies to Fight Financial Crimes.”

In an interview with PYMNTS, Wolfgang Berner, co-founder and CPO of Hawk, discussed the opportunities that large transaction models (LTMs) — generative artificial intelligence (AI) models adapted to financial crime — represent in establishing more robust, accurate and comprehensive detection and prevention mechanisms.

“The core idea is we treat transactions as sentences, teaching the transformer model the language and grammar of transactions, similar to how large language models like GPT-4 are trained on the text of the web,” Berner said. “And by doing that, it develops a very good understanding of the transactions, how transactions relate to each other, and what is genuine or possibly suspicious with them.”

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