
The EU and North Macedonia sign migration agreement



The European Union and North Macedonia have signed an settlement on border administration cooperation. The accord includes the EU’s frontier company, Frontex.

The President of the European Fee, Ursula von der Leyen, and the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Dimitar Kovačevski, witnessed the signing of the settlement in Skopje.

Von der Leyen is on a 4-day tour of the Balkans and hinted that North Macedonia’s efforts to maneuver nearer to the EU household are bearing fruit.

“The negotiation course of is gaining momentum and does superb work being achieved and at last certainly in your language. I promised to you that we’d get the frontex settlement signed and translate it into the Macedonian language, no footnotes, no asterisks on equal footing with all of the 24 languages of the European Union. And right this moment we delivered”.

On her tour, Ursula von der Leyen hopes to strengthen Frontext’s cooperation with the Western Balkans to enhance safety on the EU’s exterior borders.


Frontex already conducts joint operations with nations similar to Albania, Montenegro and Serbia. Nevertheless, it has been accused of permitting unlawful pushback of migrants, notably within the Aegean Sea between Greece and Turkey.

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