San Francisco, CA

Why San Francisco 49ers Assistant Head Coach Anthony Lynn Loves Ty Davis-Price



SANTA CLARA — Anthony Lynn spoke to Bay Space reporters this week for the primary time since he turned the 49ers assistant head coach. This is what he stated about rookie operating again Ty-Davis Value.

ME: When did Ty Davis-Value land in your radar and what excites you about him?

LYNN: “We studied him within the draft and we preferred his skillset. We preferred his dimension. We preferred his velocity. We simply thought he may carry a component to the sport that possibly we do not have proper now, the physicality half. However he additionally has breakaway (velocity).”


Q: Did you see the breakaway velocity on tape?

LYNN: “You’ll be able to have a look at his play velocity. I used to be shocked when he ran a 4.46. I used to be. However you may see his play velocity on recreation day, it’s good. His power, it’s good. His physicality, it simply appeared like he was the juice of their offense. When he performed nicely, LSU performed nicely. So I do know he had some nicks and issues right here and there, however we’re not asking him to hold the load. We’re asking him to return in and share the backfield.”

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Q: Was he higher on the finish of video games or did he present up extra within the second halves of video games? Is that essential to you?

LYNN: “I assumed he was a robust finisher. I feel his dimension wears on you after some time. You see him being clever operating the soccer, how he would assault safeties early within the recreation, however make them miss late within the recreation.”


Q: Setting them up?

LYNN: “Completely.”

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