
Low tide season is back: When are big minus tides coming to the Oregon coast this summer?



Strap on your boots, grab your camera and get ready to explore the fascinating intertidal ecosystems of the Oregon coast.

Tides are once again nearing their lowest marks of 2023, expected to dip below two feet starting in June, according to predictions by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Forecasts show low tides dipping below two feet on three occasions this year: June 4 to 7, July 3 to 6, and July 31 to Aug. 3. Tides vary from place to place, so be sure to check your local tide tables for more accurate information. You can find tide predictions online at tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov.

While tides fluctuate throughout the year, driven by the phases and distance of the moon, low tides are typically best in the summer, when there are typically calmer seas. However, coastal explorers should remember that the lowest tides are accompanied by the highest tides, meaning you should time any adventures accordingly.


Intertidal areas that become exposed during super low tides can reveal hidden treasures, unseen worlds or offer temporary access to normally inaccessible places. They can also be treacherous to navigate, with many slippery spots, sharp rocks and pools of standing water.

Those treading into intertidal areas also need to take great care not to injure or destroy the plants and animals that live there. Only step on rocks and don’t disturb any creatures.

You’ll also want to make sure to give yourself plenty of time if you go exploring at low tide. Start as the tide is receding, and head back as it starts to rise. It can be dangerously easy to get trapped in intertidal areas, an experience that can turn deadly once the tide is back in.

Read more:


How to read a tide table for low tide adventures on the Oregon coast

10 low tide treasures on the Oregon coast

Ghost forest emerges from the sand on the Oregon coast

Shipwrecked boiler is a low tide hidden treasure

— Jamie Hale


503-294-4077; jhale@oregonian.com; @HaleJamesB

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