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CatsIllustrated – VIDEO: Kentucky HC John Calipari – New Mexico State Postgame



CatsIllustrated  –  VIDEO: Kentucky HC John Calipari – New Mexico State Postgame

Kentucky head coach John Calipari addressed the media after the Wildcats’ 86-46 win over New Mexico State on Monday night in the season opener at Rupp Arena.



November 6, 2023 Lexington, Kentucky, USA Coach John Calipari Press Conference


Kentucky 86, New Mexico State 46

Q Define random basketball…

JOHN CALIPARI: You have got to have five. It is kind of like you have five 3 point shooters. Do you know what you would do? Shoot a lots of 3’s. And, so, I even said it after the game, you know, we played random the whole second half, ran two or three things, everything else was random. And random is we are spacing the court and we are playing off of one another. That’s random basketball. So spacing, wide, there’s actions that will happen, three guys together, two guys together. So…

Q Defensive effort tonight seemed really solid. Obviously Reed played really well as well.

JOHN CALIPARI: He and Rob. I mean D.J. played good defense, too. He just wasn’t as disruptive. Reed and Robert both, you have two guards, you have three that can guard the ball, that’s a really good sign. Because if you can’t guard the ball, you can’t play. You can’t — your defense is done before you start. We guarded the ball pretty good. But those two are really disruptive.


Reed played great, did great stuff. Robert played, Robert has two or three, like, what in the world, but as long as it is not five or six. If it’s five or six I’m going to have to take him out. I told him, I’m fine with one or two, because he can’t help himself.

But I will tell you that he creates space for himself and his teammates as good as anybody I’ve coached.

Q All three of those guys, especially Reed and Rob it seemed like, really pressured the ball on the ball, reaching in a lot. What gives you the confidence to let them do that?

JOHN CALIPARI: Who will be in the lane and if you try to beat us in the dribble we will have a big guy in there.

Q John, congratulations on adding another victory to Kentucky’s all-time win total. I think you still lead Kansas by seven games. How important is it to the program to stay in that position?


JOHN CALIPARI: You know, we are — I’m trying to get these kids to take all that kind of stuff off their plate and just learn to play. Here’s my new, that I’ve been riding real hard because of all of these young kids, we’re trying to help them develop habits. And not break old habits. Those aren’t — they are there. We are just trying to make these new habits be more dominant than those old habits.

That’s Justin spinning. Like spinning. You can’t spin like that. You have got to stay facing. And if you can’t, then back out. But you cannot spin. He had three turnovers today spinning. But that happens in these games. And the more that you put on their plate, the less they can, one, play random. Because random means you have got to be really unselfish. You can’t have one guy try to dribble it 12 times. Yeah, we want to do that. We want our fans to take pride in what we have been able to do. The other side, I don’t want them to have to compete with a five year period that was like maybe never done before and then try to compete against that. Or compete against something else. Let’s just compete against ourselves and let’s see how good we can be.

Now, I come back to, we rebounded today because the guards rebounded. Robert got five. Reed had five. Antonio stuck his nose in there a few times. And it’s going to be who we are going to have to be. Last year we had one of the best rebounders in a generation. Like we may never see that in our lifetime again, what we saw for the two years that Oscar was here. Now we have got to do it a little different. One, we have got to block out. And that means everybody. And that means we have got to gain rebounds, stuff like that.

So I kind of walked around your question. But, yeah, we want to do that for the fans, but I’m trying to get us to think about us playing against ourselves, how good can we be, how do we get these other habits to be the dominant habits that we’re trying to play with.

Q Cal, Coach Hooten said you guys were pretty amazing in transitione and one of the reasons he thought you were so dangerous was that most of the time you plan on one or two guys who can bring the ball up, but you guys have so many different options to push it.


JOHN CALIPARI: Yeah. The way we practice, the people that have watched us, it’s — you’re getting in shape by how we’re playing. And a lot of our drills are you have got to sprint. You are not running. Robert took off one time and went down the right side and we threw it to him and shot a lay-up. You think about it, ‘boom boom’ up lay-up. And, so, we can play that way but you have got to really run and, are you ready, you have got to throw it to them when

they run. If you don’t throw it to them, they won’t run. They will stop running. So every team we play, like even this team came in and New Mexico State in the first half kept themselves hanging around.

It’s everybody we play. We make shots, they do things, they come in excited. We just have to keep the pressure on and then create a gap at some point, and I thought we did that. But I thought we did it with the guard disrupting their offense. The guards, Reed, Robert, even D.J. D.J. did a good job in the pick and roll defense. But Rob was kind of blowing things up, do you know what I am saying, jumping high side. And then Reed was just — Reed may have the best hands of be anybody I’ve coached. I mean, his feel to get — blocking balls. And he was really good today. Really good.

Q John, speaking of those seven footers coming, any updates on those guys?

JOHN CALIPARI: I don’t have anything. Adou has — he had a headache, so it will be a day to day thing with him. And now, you know, going through the process with Z, but he was sick four


days. This kid lost ten pounds. Are you kidding me? I mean, I’m saying, you have got buzzard luck, kid. I mean, now, so, whether he would be eligible or not, I don’t know if he could play Friday. He hasn’t practiced for five, six days. I think Aaron is ahead of Ugonna by two weeks. Now, what does that mean? I don’t know. But he is ahead of him. He is jumping and doing stuff. He’s probably still probably a week, two weeks away from trying to, you know, practice and be with us.

Q With all of the new guys you have, was there a point earlier in the year where you said we will be a random team next year and you went out and recruited to that?

JOHN CALIPARI: No. I recruit the best players we can get and then we figure out how we are going to play. And this is a crazy one.

There’s not one way to do this, you have got to do it this way. There’s not one way. You look at your team and you say what’s the best way for them to play. And normally, you know, it takes me time. We had Toronto, so I had a head start. I had a little look at this and how we are trying to do this.

I like five out. Why didn’t you do it last year? What would that have meant? Say it. Oscar’s out there. Now, you know who led us in assists? Were you watching the game? Tre did. Oscar wasn’t that guy. Oscar, historical rebounding we will never see again. Now we’re different. So we will play different. How about that?


I mean, it’s just what we do every year. We have a new team and we try to figure it out as we go.

What I like is these guys are trying and will listen and will be

— and we’ll coach. And then I told the staff, they are going to do

whatever we tell them. It’s unbelievable. So let’s make sure we are telling them the right thing, because they are doing what we’re saying. And they are trying. And we have got some dogs.

I said at the beginning of the game, you just can’t do this.


Antonio didn’t get any looks for six minutes, 5 minutes. He can’t. He is too good a shooter. That means, someone drive down and find him. We don’t have to runs plays. He’ll move to get free, but you have got to keep an eye on him. So…

But, again, we only had six turnovers, guys. And we’re playing fast. And three were by one guy. Think of that. Why? All these guys can dribble, pass, and shoot. You are not going to have a whole lot of turnovers if you have two that every — the ball squirts out. We don’t have that. And that’s why we are doing it. And that’s a team. And I know coach is just getting started with them, but that is a team that is disruptive. They try to deny different wings.

They try to do different things to be disruptive. That’s his history. Last year his team was in the top three percent defensively, like holding people to ridiculous numbers. So he is going to do that where he is now, it is just going to take him time.

Q Cal you touched a little bit on the last answer, having so many guys that can dribble, pass, and shoot and how you need to heat up offensively. Do you think this team will be the best offensive team you have had here?

JOHN CALIPARI: The 2012 team was.


Q I didn’t say the best. I said one of the best.

JOHN CALIPARI: Yeah, I would say they are one of the best.

Q With Reed being a legacy player —

JOHN CALIPARI: Say it again.

Q With Reed being the legacy player he is, it seems like every time he touches the ball the crowd kind of buzzes. Can you tell us about the impact this has on this building.


Were you watching the game? Did you know what adjustment I made at half time? I love this because you guys have no idea, yet you will tell me how to coach and what I should be doing and all of that stuff. So what adjustment did I make in the second half? I love this. I am not going to tell you. It was a tweak.

Q A November tweak (Laughter).

JOHN CALIPARI: I am not going to tell you. That’s too bad. Look at the tape. You will figure it out.

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New Mexico

Early voting kicks off in Indiana, New Mexico, Ohio, Wyoming



Early voting kicks off in Indiana, New Mexico, Ohio, Wyoming

Four more states began their early voting processes on Tuesday: Indiana, New Mexico, Wyoming and the major swing state of Ohio.

Here is everything you need to know about casting a ballot in each of the states.

All eyes on the Senate race in Ohio

Ohio is home to one of the most competitive Senate races on the map.

Democrat Sen. Sherrod Brown has won the Midwestern state three times, but with Trump pushing White working-class voters toward the GOP and record spending from both parties, this is set to be a tight race. Brown faces Republican businessman Bernie Moreno.


Republicans have made inroads in the northeastern and heavily industrial areas bordering Pennsylvania. Trumbull County flipped to the GOP in 2016, and Trump increased his margin to 10 points in 2020; Mahoning County flipped in 2020 by almost two points. These counties played a key role in Trump’s statewide wins.

Democrats are performing better than ever in the “three C’s”: Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati. These areas have the highest percentages of college-educated voters. President Biden won the counties home to these cities by double-digit margins in 2020, with roughly 30-point wins in Franklin (Columbus) and Cuyahoga (Cleveland).

Unlike in other competitive states, Republicans still hold up in Ohio’s suburban and exurban areas, particularly those surrounding Cincinnati.

Ohio’s Senate race is a toss-up and the presidential race is ranked Likely R on the Fox News Power Rankings.

Vice President Harris and former President Trump are neck and neck in the polls. (Getty Images)


Meanwhile, New Mexico is also in the “likely” column, both at the presidential and senate level. The state delivered Biden an 11-point win in 2020, but Latino or Hispanic voters made up 35% of the state’s electorate in the 2020 election, and those voters’ support for the Democrat ticket has wavered in recent polls.

Republicans would need to run up their margins with these voters all across the state and keep Harris at bay in places like Doña Ana County, home to Albuquerque and which last voted for Biden by 18 points, to pull off a victory.

Key downballot races in today’s early voting states

Voting also begins today in four House districts ranked Lean or Toss Up on the Fox News Power Rankings. For a full list of competitive races, see the latest Senate and House rankings.

  • Indiana’s 1st District: Democrat Rep. Frank Mrvan has held this northwest Indiana district since the last presidential election; he won it by 5.6 points in the midterms. This year, he faces Republican Lake County Councilman Randy Niemeyer. It’s Lean D in the Power Rankings.
  • New Mexico’s 2nd District: New Mexico’s 2nd District occupies most of the southwest land area of the state. It includes Las Cruces and parts of Albuquerque, but it also has a chunk of the rural vote. Democrat Rep. Gabe Vasquez won the district by just 1,350 votes in the midterms; this year, he faces the seat’s former Republican occupant, Yvette Herrell. This is a Power Rankings Toss Up.
  • Ohio’s 9th District: This northwestern Ohio seat has been held by populist Democrat Rep. Marcy Kaptur since 1983, but her margins have shrunk as Ohio has drifted right. She faces conservative Republican state Rep. Derek Merrin on the ballot this year; it’s another Power Rankings Toss Up.
  • Ohio’s 13th District: Finally, the northeastern 13th District includes Youngstown and parts of Akron; it has been represented by Democrat Rep. Emilia Sykes since 2023. Sykes faces Republican former state Sen. Kevin Coughlin this year. It’s also a Toss Up.

How to vote in Indiana

This is a guide to registration and early voting. For comprehensive and up-to-date information on voter eligibility, processes and deadlines, please go to and the election website for Indiana.

Voting by mail

Indiana began absentee voting on Tuesday. Residents do not need to provide an excuse in order to receive a ballot. State officials must receive a ballot request by Oct. 24, and that ballot must be delivered to state officials by Nov. 5.



Early in-person voting

Indiana offers early in-person voting beginning Oct. 8 and running through Nov. 4.

Voter registration

Indiana residents must have registered to vote by Oct. 7.

Polling place in 2009

A voter arrives at a polling location. Indiana began absentee voting on Tuesday.  (REUTERS/Joel Page)

How to vote in New Mexico

This is a guide to registration and early voting. For comprehensive and up-to-date information on voter eligibility, processes and deadlines, please go to and the election website for New Mexico.

Voting by mail

New Mexico began absentee voting on Tuesday. Residents do not need to provide an excuse in order to receive a ballot. State officials must receive a ballot request by Oct. 22, and that ballot must be delivered to state officials by Nov. 5.



Early in-person voting

New Mexico offers early in-person voting beginning Oct. 8 and running through Nov. 2.

Voter registration

New Mexico residents must register to vote by the end of Tuesday.

How to vote in Ohio

This is a guide to registration and early voting. For comprehensive and up-to-date information on voter eligibility, processes and deadlines, please go to and the election website for Ohio.

Voting by mail

Ohio began absentee voting on Tuesday. Residents do not need to provide an excuse in order to receive a ballot. State officials must receive a ballot request by Oct. 29, and that ballot must be delivered to state officials by Nov. 5.

Early in-person voting

Ohio offers early in-person voting beginning Oct. 8 and running through Nov. 3.


Voter registration

Ohio residents must have registered to vote by Oct. 7.

Election 2024 Trump

Republican presidential nominee former President Trump returns to speak at a campaign rally at the site of his July 21 attempted assassination in Butler, Pa. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

How to vote in Wyoming

This is a guide to registration and early voting. For comprehensive and up-to-date information on voter eligibility, processes and deadlines, please go to and the election website for Wyoming.

Voting by mail

Wyoming began absentee voting on Tuesday. Residents do not need to provide an excuse in order to receive a ballot. State officials must receive a ballot request by Nov. 4, and that ballot must be delivered to state officials by Nov. 5.


Early in-person voting

Wyoming offers early in-person voting beginning Oct. 8 and running through Nov. 4.


Voter registration

Wyoming residents must register to vote by mail by Oct. 21. They can register to vote in person at any time during early voting or on election day.

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New Mexico

New Mexico man who shot Native American protesting statue takes plea deal



New Mexico man who shot Native American protesting statue takes plea deal

A New Mexico man has accepted a plea deal in the 2023 shooting of a Native American activist protesting a conquistador statue, lawyers said on Monday, in a case that highlighted rising political violence in the United States.

Ryan Martinez pleaded no contest to aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and aggravated assault for shooting activist Jacob Johns and pointing his handgun at Malaya Peixinho, another demonstrator, according to his lawyer Nicole Moss. He will serve four years in state prison.

“He is still maintaining that he acted in self-defense,” Moss said, adding that Martinez would likely serve under three years in prison by accruing good time, followed by five years probation.

Mariel Nanasi, a lawyer representing Johns and Peixinho, called the shooting “a racially motivated hate crime by a MAGA-proud gun-toting crazed man who came to a peaceful prayer ceremony with a fully loaded live gun.”


Martinez was at the protest wearing a red cap with the Donald Trump slogan “Make America Great Again.” He was originally charged with attempted murder, which carries up to 15 years in prison.

“This is a continuation of colonial violence. Unfortunately, this criminal process is reflective of the systemic white supremacy that indigenous people face,” Johns said in a statement, adding that as a Native American he would have been sentenced to life imprisonment for shooting someone at a MAGA rally or a Christian prayer service.

New Mexico First Judicial District Attorney Mary Carmack Altwies offered the plea deal to Martinez.

“The resolution is in the best interests of justice and the community,” she said in a statement.

Johns, a global climate activist and artist, was shot as he tried to prevent Martinez from pushing his way into the vigil in Espanola, New Mexico, opposing reinstallation of the statue of a 16th century Spanish colonial ruler.


The Juan de Onate bronze was removed in 2020 from a site just north of Espanola during nationwide anti-racism protests and was to be reinstated at a county complex in the town.

Peixinho called the plea deal inappropriately light.

“However it shows our desire for conflict resolution,” Peixinho said in a statement.

The shooting marked the latest violence around Onate statues put up in the 1990s to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the arrival of Spaniards to New Mexico.

The monuments have long outraged Native Americans and others who decry his brutal 1598 colonization. Onate is known for the 1599 massacre of a Pueblo tribe, leading a group of Spanish settlers into what is now New Mexico.


Some descendants of Spanish colonial settlers, known as Hispanos, say Onate should be celebrated as part of New Mexico’s Hispanic heritage.

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New Mexico

Poll: Vasquez leads Herrell in New Mexico's 2nd Congressional District race



Poll: Vasquez leads Herrell in New Mexico's 2nd Congressional District race

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A new KOB 4/SurveyUSA poll shows that incumbent Democratic U.S. Rep. Gabe Vasquez has a solid lead over Republican challenger Yvette Herrell.

We asked voters in New Mexico’s Second Congressional District, “If the election was held today, who would you vote for?” Here were the results:

  • Gabe Vasquez: 51%
  • Yvette Herrell: 42%
  • Undecided: 8%

582 likely voters surveyed. Credibility interval of +/- 4.5 percentage points

This race is a rematch of two years ago when Vasquez beat Herrell when she was the incumbent. Vasquez has served CD-2 since winning in 2022, representing much of southern New Mexico, including communities like Alamogordo, Carlsbad, Silver City and Las Cruces, and parts of the Albuquerque metro like the West Side and the South Valley.

We asked voters, “What is your opinion on Gabe Vasquez?”

  • 45% have a favorable opinion of him
  • 31% have an unfavorable opinion
  • 18% are neutral
  • 5% have no opinion

582 likely voters surveyed. Credibility interval of +/- 4.5 percentage points

We also asked voters about their opinion on Yvette Herrell:

  • 34% have a favorable opinion
  • 41% have an unfavorable opinion
  • 20% are neutral
  • 6% have no opinion

582 likely voters surveyed. Credibility interval of +/- 4.5 percentage points

There are many issues that are playing into elections across the board so we asked CD-2 voters, “Which of these issues will have the most influence on your vote for the U.S. House of Representatives?”

  • Immigration and border: 28%
  • Abortion: 17%
  • Inflation: 16%
  • Crime: 12%

582 likely voters surveyed. Credibility interval of +/- 4.5 percentage points

Jumping off of that question, we also asked about how much of a deciding issue immigration and the border is:

  • Conservatives: 48%
  • Moderates: 22%
  • Liberals: 5%

And about how much of a deciding issue abortion is:

  • Conservatives: 5%
  • Moderates: 15%
  • Liberals: 42%

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